• Title/Summary/Keyword: Design Template

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A Study on Analysis of the Template Component for the Development of BIM Template (BIM 템플릿 개발을 위한 템플릿 구성요소 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang Heon;Kim, Mi Kyoung;Choi, Hyun Ah;Jun, Han Jong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2011
  • BIM based design methodology requires more information than traditional design methodology in order to insure efficiency throughout the project. BIM based design not only requires all building data in the form of 3D shapes, but also all other relevant data regarding building components. Information is typically grouped in a standard classification system such as by standardized material names. The development of a domestic BIM based standard classification system is yet to be created and deployed in the industry. Each designer is specifying their own building information classification systems which is causing inconsistency in the industry. Therefore BIM based designs, are causing confusion in the industry as each designer follow no guidelines for material standardization classification. The lack of information regarding this in the BIM template will continue to cause confusion about a projects building information data consistently. This study is that of preliminary research to develop a BIM template. First, overseas BIM templates were analyzed regarding BIM standards and documentation. Examination then followed regarding the element and characteristics needed for the development of a BIM template, a suggested hierarchy of elements required for a BIM template were then made. The result of this research is that it will be used to develop a "BIM template prototype", to support the generation of building information data regarding neighborhood facilities.

Development of GSCAD Template Rule for Hull Plate Forming (GSCAD를 이용한 Template 기능 개발 및 적용)

  • Yoon, Jong-Sung;Park, Ji-Hyun;Myoung, Hee-Keon;SaKong, Gae-Wan
    • Special Issue of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • 2011.09a
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    • pp.32-35
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    • 2011
  • Template has been widely used for hull forming process in most of shipyards. It is used to estimate the curvature of deformed shape in comparison with design shape. SHI (Samsung Heavy Industry) had used AutoKon system for ship manufacturing design in the past. The AutoKon used the global coordinate system of ship (frame, water line and so on) to create template data. It brought the mismatched angles between templates and a curved shell plate. The mismatched angle is measured by forming worker to place template on shell forming stage. However, the mismatched angle is difficult to place template with exactly required angle because the shell plates have various curvature and size. It causes incorrect shape of formed shell plates. The attached angle of template should be 90 degree to place template easily on forming shell plates. Currently, SHI has been applied GSCAD for ship manufacturing design process which is 3D solid modeling system. The GSCAD is the rule-based system which can automate 3D modeling and control the manufacturing data by rule. The rule can easily provide methods to create and automate template object with regular attached angle in comparison with AutoKon system. Therefore, SHI developed new template rule which it can automatically create template object with regular attached angle in GSCAD.

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Template-based Automatic 3D Model Generation from Automotive Freehand Sketch (템플릿을 이용한 자동차 프리핸드 스케치의 3D 모델로 자동변환)

  • Cheon, S.U.;Han, S.H.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.283-297
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    • 2007
  • Seamless data integration in the CAx chain of the CAD/CAPP/CAM/CNC has been achieved to a high degree, but research concerning the transfer of data from conceptual sketches to a CAD system should be carried out further. This paper presents a method for reconstructing a 3D model from a freehand sketch. Sketch-based modeling research can be classified into gestural modeling methods and reconstructional modeling methods. This research involves the reconstructional modeling method. Here, Mitani's seminal work, designed for box-shaped 3D model using a predefined template, is improved by leveraging a relational template and specialized for automotive design. Matching between edge graphs of the relational template and the sketch is formulated and solved as the assignment problem using the feature vectors of the edges. Including the stroke preprocessing method required to generate an edge graph from a sketch, necessary procedures and relevant techniques for implementing the template-based modeling method are described. Examples from a working implementation are given.

Template Restructuring of Backward design for Home Economics Instruction (가정교과 수업 적용을 위한 백워드 디자인의 템플릿 재구조화)

  • Wang, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.117-136
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is restructuring the template to apply the 'Backward design' for Home Economics Instruction. This study reviewed the theory of Wiggins and McTighe, the advocates of backward design, and examined the template for version 2.0 of Wiggins and McTighe (2011). In addition, This study analyzed various previous researches using backward design, and drew implications for template restructuring for applying backward design on Home Economics Instruction. In addition, the validity of the template was verified through facial validity through the expert council. Through this process, the final 5 stages (1. Curriculum Analysis → 2. Instructional Design (Learning Experience Design ↔ Evaluation Design (Performance Task Planning) → 3. Instruction Flow → 4. Class guide for each class → 5. Evaluation record, and feedback)suggested templates for applying backward design. Future research will use the restructured assumptions and templates to develop teaching materials in the Home Economics areas of the 2015 revised curriculum. In future research, field research should be carried out on how the Home Economics instruction with backward design affects learners.

A Design and Implementation of XML Document Generator based on Template (탬플릿 기반 XML 문서 생성기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yeom, Sae Hun;Bang, Hye Ja
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2012
  • Web development and Internet technology development bring many kinds of works to web. This is the main reason why XML, document standard is popular. XML in web can be used to express document template or standard. XML with java can be more powerful and general. For example, XML can be used to transmit data and to print data into the screen using Ajax in JSP(Java Server Page) and to make interfaces in android, which is useful to reduce development cycle. However, XML is not easy to learn for the novice. In this paper, we propose the easy and effective way to reduce the learning curve of XML and to make and use XML documents. For the purpose, we suggest template base XML document generation and we design and implement XML document generator based on Template. XML document generator of template-based provides user interface and layout of XML document. So, users can generate XML document easily and effectively.

Rapid Design Method and System Development for Aircraft Wing Structure

  • Tang, Jiapeng;Han, Jing;Luo, Mingqiang
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2016
  • This work is mainly done by too many manual operations in the aircraft structure design process resulting in heavy workload, low efficiency and quality, non-standardized processes and procedures. A top-down associated design method employing the template parametric technology is proposed here in order to improve the quality of design and efficiency of aircraft wing structure at the preliminary design stage. The appropriate parametric tool is chosen and the rapid design system of knowledge-driven aircraft wing structure is developed. First, a skeleton model of aircraft wing structure is rapidly built up through the template encapsulated design knowledge. Associated design is then introduced to realize the association between the typical structural part and skeleton model. Finally, the related elements are referenced from skeleton model, and a typical structural part reflecting an automatic response for design changes of the upstream skeleton model is quickly constructed within the template. The rapid design system proposed and developed in this paper is able to formalize the design standardization of aircraft wing structure and thus the rapid generation of different aircraft wing structure programs and achieve the structural design knowledge reuse as well.

Kinematic Template Generation Methodology for 3D JIG Models (3D JIG 모델의 Kinematic 템플릿 생성 방법론)

  • Ko, Min-Suk;Kwak, Jong-Geun;Wang, Gi-Nam;Park, Sang-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.212-221
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    • 2010
  • Proposed in the paper is a methodology to generate kinematic template for 3D JIG models. Recently, according to increase of the rate of automatic facility in manufacturing system, the 3D manufacturing and verification research and development have been issued. So, unlike in the past, moving 3D facilities are very various like JIGs, turn table, AS/RS worked in the automated manufacturing industry. Because 3D mesh models are used in these kinds of 3D simulation, users have to define the kinematic information manually. This 3D mesh data doesn't have parametric information and design history of the 3D model unlike the design level data. So, it is lighter than 3D design level data and more efficient to render on the 3D virtual manufacturing environment. But, when user wants to find a common axis located between the links, the parameter information of the model has to reconstruct for defining kinematic construction. It takes a long time and very repetitive to define an axis and makes a joint using 3D mesh data and it is non-intuitive task for user. This paper proposed template model that provides kinematic information of the JIG. This model is kinds of a state diagram to describe a relation between links. So, this model can be used for a kinematic template to the JIG which has a same mechanism. The template model has to be registered in the template library to use in the future, after user made the model of the specific type of the 3D JIG model.

Design of the Template System for Cyber Education (사이버교육을 위한 기반구조 시스템의 설계)

  • 허미영;이종화;김용진;진병문
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.24 no.12B
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    • pp.2225-2232
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    • 1999
  • We designed the template system for cyber education, which is a software infrastructure for knowledge information society. First, we defined the common functions of our system based on the design principles of cyber education and working results of international standardization group. Second, we think that template system will make a big role in order to deploy the cyber education system. Therefore, we designed the template system for cyber education. Our designed template system is able to implement cyber education system easily such as normal education, technical education, re-education, private education etc. Therefore, This paper describes the practical use environment, configuration of system components, design technique, expected effects on our cyber education template system.

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A study on the Critical Design Review in case of Urban MAGLEV Train (도시형 자기부상열차 실용화사업의 상세설계검토(CDR) 수행 사례)

  • Chung, Kyung-Ryul;Park, Chulho;Song, Seonho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents template for Critical Design Review(CDR) in case of Urban MAGLEV Program. CDR was executed to confirm for design result based on requirements at last design stage. The integrated template for effective CDR includes requirements, specification and verification items. CDR needs to confirm satisfaction of requirements for design result and define verification method for technical validity. This template will help a consistent and integrated design review. And it is specially useful in huge and complex project.

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