• Title/Summary/Keyword: Design Philosophy

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The Perspective of the Oriental Philosophy and its Relationship with Economic Prosperity

  • Namim NA
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - Investigating the connection between 'Oriental philosophy' and financial success is an adventure into the world of old knowledge and its applicability to the modern era. Thus, the current study aims to find ways to approach economic growth in a more inclusive, sustainable, and comprehensive way if we can sort out the complex webs that bind these two fields. Research design, data, and methodology - The main component of the current study is a thorough literature investigation in the current major database that gathers information from fifteen significant research articles. Numerous disciplines, including political science, economics, philosophy, and cultural studies, are represented among the selected papers. Result: The finding section provides a comprehensive knowledge of how concepts of oriental philosophy intersect with and have the capacity to revolutionize economic systems by delving into the subtle insights gleaned from the literature survey, case studies, and comparative analyses. Conclusion - The study concludes that oriental philosophies' emphasis on social harmony and community welfare points to the necessity of policies beyond only looking at financial data. Practitioners can use the study's conclusions to guide the creation of inclusive policies that put the welfare of all people first, deal with social injustices, and advance environmental sustainability.

Flat-bottomed design philosophy of Y-typed bifurcations in hydropower stations

  • Wang, Yang;Shi, Chang-zheng;Wu, He-gao;Zhang, Qi-ling;Su, Kai
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.1085-1105
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    • 2016
  • The drainage problem in bifurcations causes pecuniary losses when hydropower stations are undergoing periodic overhaul. A new design philosophy for Y-typed bifurcations that are flat-bottomed is proposed. The bottoms of all pipe sections are located at the same level, making drainage due to gravity possible and shortening the draining time. All fundamental curves were determined, and contrastive analysis with a crescent-rib reinforced bifurcation in an actual project was conducted. Feasibility demonstrations were researched including structural characteristics based on finite element modeling and hydraulic characteristics based on computational fluid dynamics. The new bifurcation provided a well-balanced shape and reasonable stress state. It did not worsen the flow characteristics, and the head loss was considered acceptable. The proposed Y-typed bifurcation was shown to be suitable for pumped storage power stations.

A Study on Discomposition Expressed in the Contemporary Fashion (현대패션에 나타난 탈구성현상 고찰)

  • 조말희
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2000
  • Jacques Derrida took off the self-contradiction of structuralism and built up a theory so called "Deconstruct". By issuing a series of papers which strongly criticized the existing western philosophy, he drew into 'strangers' alienated and deconstructed the methodology of structuralism by getting out of the antagonistic thought attaching great importance to Logos. Discomposition is realized by exposing the ex-structural elements existed inside of structuralism, and is an open philosophy recognizing the dignity and freedom of an individual than the general structure in the methodology of structuralism. Discomposition is a theory for criticizing the conservative thought frame traditional western philosophy, and deconstruct as a method of criticism persists a new epistemology by questioning to all texts including a text of tradition and deconstructing these texts. The contemporary fashion in 1990's shows the discompositive appearances with the different form. textile print and color. By the analysis according to the deconstruct process, the characters of discompositive fashion are undecidability decentring, disorder, and dislocation. Many designers like Martin Margiella, Alexander Mcqueen, and Ann Demeulemeester express these characters on their fashion. The result of this process, the characters of discompositive design can be classified matamorphosis, harmony of the disharmony and coexistence of the ambivalence.bivalence.

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A Study on Design Features of Giorgio Armani - Focused on Designs from 2001 to the S/S 2006 - (조르지오 아르마니의 디자인 특성에 관한 연구 - 2001~2006년 S/S를 중심으로 -)

  • Kong, Mi-Ran
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2006
  • What enabled Armany to grow into a world fashion designer is based on two factors : postmodernism of the new spirit of the times and the fashion industry of Italy, his mother country. That is, his capability to connect the spirit of the times with his works and use local advantage for his works led him to be a maestro of fashion circles. Founding on his outstanding ability, he established his own world of unique design, where his philosophy of design remained. This philosophy was a distinctive character from other designers. Since he was founded on this philosophy, his own features that other designers can't imitate are dissolved in his designs. Armany is very suggestive to our design circles which look for globalization of fashion. A fashion designer should look straight at the fact that the final aim of fashion is to satisfy customers who buy it. In addition, he should recognize that understanding customers' demands and developing products with his fashion style in accordance with them are the way to success and study new things continually by setting up the direction of the future based on the recognition. It is essential to cultivate sensitivity to create a new beauty from a basis just like Armany expresses modern women's image by harmonizing rationality and functionality, the existing male features, with female pliability adequately. As well, the analyses of design made by Armany are thought to be helpful in reestablishing fashion design education so that unique design styles may be maintained and future-oriented international fashion products may be produced.

Hangul-Oullim-Meotjit (한글-어울림-멋짓)

  • Ahn, Sang-Soo
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.3 s.71
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    • pp.335-344
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    • 2007
  • Hunminjeongeum. is. book. of. Hangul.. The. contents. is. all. about. philosophy. and. concept. of. Hangul. design.. It. is. world-valuable. design. text.. It. is. a. design. theory. book.. typographic. theory.. and. design. philosophy. book.. The. word. of. 'design'. is. Meotjit. in. Korean.. Design. is.'doing. or. making. with .Meot'. in. material,. non-material,. even. in. thinking.. Visual. communication. design. is.'Bom-Meotjit',. Fashion. design. is. 'Ot-Meotjit'.. Substance. of. Meot. is. Oullim,. the. great. harmony.. The. state. of. Meot. is. the. identity. of. Korean. design. spirit..

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A Study on the 'Fragmentation-Assemblage' Design Method and Meaning found in the Architecture of David Chipperfield (데이비드 치퍼필드 건축에 나타난 '분절-집합'의 디자인 방법과 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Jin
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2014
  • Over the 30 years of practice, most of David Chipperfield's design projects shows that there are several unique design methods and characteristics applied in the design processes. 'Form Matters' exhibition held in London Design Museum in 2009 was crucial opportunity to summarize his architectural philosophy. The main target of this study is to analyze the Chipperfield's consistent design methods and their meaning based on his architectural philosophy. In chapter 2, his architectural background, early projects and the essence of 'Form Matters' exhibition were studied. In chapter 3, the projects built after 2000 were summarized and main design method that is 'Fragmentation & assemblage' were extracted from them. After selecting 6 case projects, each cases were analyzed in detail based on 3 analytical elements: A) Reason to segment the given volume into smaller volumes, B) Relationship between Fragmentation and Program, C) Relationship between Fragmentation-Assemblage and Interior/Exterior Space. In chapter 5, case analysis were summarized and deep meaning of design method were researched. This study founded that Chipperfield has used Fragmentation-Assemblage method to get 'flexible respond to site conditions', 'appropriate composition of program and space', 'various visual-perceptual experience through intermediary space and materiality'. As a conclusion, his unique design method has a role to logically and aesthetically spatialize all the given contextual situations into a specific architectural 'form'.

A Study on the Realization Methods of Space Design and the Concept of Shiro Kuramata's Design thinking 'Unphenomenon' (쿠라마타 시로의 디자인사고 '미현상(未現象)'의 개념과 공간 디자인 구현방법에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Il;Jung, Min-Hee
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to define concept and characteristics of "Unphenomenon", the design concept conceived by Shiro Kuramata who is a world renowned Japanese interior designer and to explore how his ideas were materialized in his works. This study 1) examines his experience during his childhood reflected in his essay The scenery of the Unphenomenon' and training in Kuwazawa Design Institute that made Shiro Kuramata a true interior designer, and also considers how his design philosophy had been built up and realized under the unique social situation at the time. 2) defines the concept and characteristics of "Unphenomenon" as substance of his design philosophy by surveying remarks in his books and comments made by people around him in press interviews. 3) concludes his own design method and uniqueness by analyzing his works based on them. As a result, the study has founded that 1) transparency as recognitive realization of existence and non-existence: non-existence of physical property, connotation, ambiguity 2) expression of uncommonness by correcting and reinterpreting common prejudices: flotation, distortion of scale and shape 3) realization of insubstantiality by removing and replacing material and shape: replacement into light, removal of the structure, multiple layers of meaning.

A Study on Design Characteristics in Casa Battle and Gaudi′s Philosophy of Architecture (카사 바트요의 조형적 특성과 가우디의 건축적 사고 연구)

  • Kim Dae Nyun
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.21-32
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to interpret Gaudi's philosophy of architecture through an analysis of the design characteristics in his remodeling of Casa Battlo. A review of the literature related to Casa Battlo as well as a field study in Barcelona to see the building were made for this study. The conclusions were as follows; Casa Battle is one of the best examples of Gaudi's attempts at creating a surreal atmosphere and should be evaluated in light of the following considerations: 1) Casa Battle as a remodeled house presented its own restrictions to Gaudi that he overcame by introducing characteristic design elements into the remodeling process; 2) the achievement, a perfect sculpture expressing continuity through a gorgeous colour scheme using different materials and design motifs with a dynamic spiral shape, originated from Gaudi's observations of nature and his experiences working in modeling studios; 3) a visualized embodiment of Gaudi's naturalism and functionalism through the impression of perpetual movement and continuity as formative symbols of genesis, life, death, and transmigration of the soul, originated from Gaudi's personal experiences of the early deaths of several close family members; 4) the design is meant to show the same processes of creation used by nature rather than a mere imitation of nature. Gaudi was not only a person dedicated obsessively to his profession as an architect, but also a rationalist fundamentally in the way he operated. It was expected that this study could be employed as a small stimulus to challenge the paradigm of housing remodeling projects -a hot issue in today's Korea- especially in their philosophical aspect.

Performance-Based Seismic Design (내진설계의 성능 기준화)

  • 김재관
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.4-10
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    • 1997
  • The fundamental philosophy underlying the seismic design of structures and systems are evolving into the performance based concept. The background and current status of this development in other countries are briefly summarized. The new code system which consists of two level seismic design criteria will be introduced. The implementation of the preformance based design concepts in the criteria will be explained.

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A Study on the Concept and Spatial Organization of Bifurcation (분기(Bifurcation)의 개념과 공간조직에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Jong-Jin
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2005
  • This study is focused on the concept and spatial organization of bifurcation. After discussing the concept of bifurcation used in Borges' literature and Deleuze's Fold philosophy, case examples in contemporary architecture are analysed to comparatively investigate the relationship between the concept and space. In Deleuze's philosophy, bifurcation as well as pleats, inflection are used to form the world of fold that goes to infinity while, in Borges' literature, the structure of bifurcation is the key method to create the labyrinth of time. There are various projects in contemporary architecture based on the Deleuzian concept of bifurcation. Rem Koolhaas's Two Libraries for Jussieu University and UN Studio's Arnhem Central are selected and researched for further comparison study. In Jussieu project, the bifurcating spatial organization is 'intentionally' used to construct the indeterminant space whereas in Arnhem Central, bifurcation can be found in both the ever-bifurcating design process as well as the final spatial organization'unintentionally'generated from the process. This study is concluded with the comparative analysis between the representation and actualization of a concept that are crucially different.