• Title/Summary/Keyword: Decision-making processes

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Water pressure Test and analysis for Welding Thickness Decision of New Cold-formed Type Concrete Filled Tubular Square Column (조립각형 CFT 기둥의 용접크기 결정을 위한 수압실험 및 해석)

  • Lee, Seong-Hui;Kim, Sun Hee;Kim, Young Ho;Choi, Sung Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.515-526
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    • 2009
  • There are three main production processes in the manufacture of concrete-filled square steel columns. The first process is known as the 'box-type process' or 'four-seam method,' wherein four beams are welded together at the seams. The second is the 'cold-forming process' or 'two-seam method,' wherein the seams of two channel beams are welded together. The third is the 'pressing process' or 'one-seam method,' wherein a circular column is pressed until it becomes a square column. In calculating the production cost for the making of a steel tube, it is very important to consider the welding process to be used and the desiredthickness of the steel tube, such as a square column that was developed under a new method, formed through the four-seam flare welding method at the center of the steel column width, following the L-shape formation. Certain tests were suggested in this study to evaluate the welding amount of concrete-filled square steel columns. With the parameters of the production method of a square steel column, the thickness of the steel square columns, and the welding amount, six specimens were produced. A structural test and finite-element analysis were conducted to assess the behavior of the steel column according to the water pressure inside the steel columns.

An Automatic Business Process Model Generation Tool Using Business Process Family Models (비즈니스 프로세스 패밀리 모델을 이용한 비즈니스 프로세스 모델 자동 생성 도구)

  • Hong, Min-Woo;Moon, Mi-Kyeong;Yeom, Keun-Hyuk
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.479-492
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    • 2008
  • Nowadays, lots of requirements are changed quickly and variously. So, we need the ability to support the change of business process which is the asset of a company. To support this ability, the core asset that supports analyzing and describing about changes of business process should be exist from generating phase of a business process model. And a business process model that is satisfied the changed requirements should be automatically generated using core assets. In this paper, we present a business process family model (BPFM) which represents the commonalities and the variabilities of a set of business processes, we propose the automated tool using variabilities of BPFM and decision-making information for generation of business process model that is satisfied the changed requirements.

Analysis of the Leisure Choice Attributes at Rural Area of Urban People (도시민의 농촌지역 여가선택속성 분석)

  • Yun, Hee-Jeong;Im, Seung-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.6 s.119
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2007
  • This study intends to analyze urban peoples' leisure choice attributes of rural areas from a rural demand perspective. For this purpose, this study investigates regional attributes considered in decision making processes for rural tourism destinations of urban residents using a conjoint model as a stated preference model. Based on literature reviews, two questionnaire surveys were conducted. The first questionnaire survey was performed in 4 cities including Seoul, Daejeon, Suwon and Chuncheon with 408 urban residents. The Second questionnaire survey was performed in 5 cities including Seoul, Chuncheon, Daejeon, Jeonju and Busan with about 1,060 urban residents. The study results suggest that the most important attribute in selecting rural ares for tourism are activity programs and convenience of facility, according to part-worth and vector model. The fitness level of model is 0.986, which is very significant. Among the 5 attribute's levels, the rural residents' kindness, the traditional and the ecological programs and the facilities about sign and lodging are more critical factors than other levels. Utilities of each levels decreases as cost and arrival time increases. Regarding the result of market segmentations, respondents having intention to visit can be divided into 4 group; (1) facility or program oriented type, (2) resident's kindness oriented type, (3) arrival time oriented type, and (4) negatively participant type. The results of leisure choice attributes can provide insightful information for regional planning strategies, such as selection of the type of market segments and the key factor of facility and space planning.

A Comparative Analysis Between an UPDP of Namhansan Elementary School and a DQIfS in U.K. (남한산 초등학교의 UPDP와 영국 DQIfS 절차의 비교분석)

  • Koh, In-Lyong;Kang, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2012
  • Two government affiliated research institutes, EDUMAC and AURI, are developing some tools for an user participating design process in public recently. The tools are originated from DQI/DQIfS, launched in 2002 by CIC(Construction Industry Council) in U.K.. At the beginning DQI/DQIfS was not a tool for making a decision but for a communication between layman and experts of architectural process. Because of this intent the most crucial thing is not DQI/DQIfS itself but how to use the tool: CIC is trying to develop various ways of facilitation. Domestic situation is no exception. Without a proper tool there were an independent user participating process in 2001 and it must have been the first participating process in architectural discourse. Through the seven workshops, the users of Namhansan elementary school drew not only the vision of the school but also concrete requirements which have been continuously adopted so far. The aims of this paper to analyse two facilitation processes: DQI/DQIfS in U.K. and the case of Namhansan process. Even not a proper tools for the process there was a spontaneous facilitation in Namhansan process. When we make a comparison between the Namhansan process and the DQI/DQIfS process there are considerable similarities in terms not only of the process itself but also the results. It shows that there are possibilities to make a Korean facilitation in a user participating process and this study must be the first step.

Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, Brand Image, and Customer Loyalty of Female University Students in a Coffee Shop (여대생들의 커피 전문점 서비스 품질 인식이 고객 만족, 브랜드 이미지, 고객 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Byoungsoo;Yoon, Jimi;Moon, Shin-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.428-438
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    • 2013
  • In the highly competitive coffee market, each coffee shop is striving to improve customer loyalty by providing a high level of service quality. To deepen our understanding of service quality in the coffee shop market, this study identifies the key elements of service quality of coffee shops and investigates their impacts on decision-making processes of female university students. This study also investigates the effects of customer satisfaction and brand image on customer loyalty in a coffee shop market. Moreover, it considers the two critical customer loyalty: repurchasing intention and recommendation intention. Data collected from 206 female university students were empirically tested against a research model using partial least squares. Analysis results showed that service product and service delivery significantly affect customer satisfaction and brand image whereas service intangible and service environment do not significantly influence on them. Customer satisfaction and brand image play an important role on the formation of repurchasing and recommendation intention.

Designing of a Global Logistics System for the ICGCPS under Considering Overseas Markets

  • Hiraki, Shusaku;Ichimura, Takaya;Ishii, Kazuyoshi
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a way of designing of a global logistics system for "the international cooperative global complementary production system" (ICGCPS) constructed in ASEAN region. ICGCPS is a global production system with several production bases located in a number of countries. In order to assemble the final products and sell them in the domestic market, each production base produces only special kinds of components and parts with the total demand required all the participating countries, and supplies them to the other production bases each other. In the ICGCPS, there are a number of important decision-making problems such as identifying which countries are suitable to produce specified components and parts, and deciding how to transport components and parts between the production bases. In the initial period of this system, each production base focused on its domestic market so that the final products it produced were sold only in the country where the base was located. Recently, some production bases have expanded sales to overseas markets. Taking this fact into account, we propose a production and transportation planning model in this paper that takes into account the export quantity of the final products, formulating it into a mathematical programming problem. Using this, we propose a way for managing the supply chain processes of the ICGCPS in order to improve performance measurements such as the total lead-time, the inventory quantity at the depot and the average rate of loading. A numerical example is presented to clarify the procedure proposed in this paper.

The Intelligent Clinical Laboratory as a Tool to Increase Cancer Care Management Productivity

  • Mohammadzadeh, Niloofar;Safdari, Reza
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.2935-2937
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    • 2014
  • Studies of the causes of cancer, early detection, prevention or treatment need accurate, comprehensive, and timely cancer data. The clinical laboratory provides important cancer information needed for physicians which influence clinical decisions regarding treatment, diagnosis and patient monitoring. Poor communication between health care providers and clinical laboratory personnel can lead to medical errors and wrong decisions in providing cancer care. Because of the key impact of laboratory information on cancer diagnosis and treatment the quality of the tests, lab reports, and appropriate lab management are very important. A laboratory information management system (LIMS) can have an important role in diagnosis, fast and effective access to cancer data, decrease redundancy and costs, and facilitate the integration and collection of data from different types of instruments and systems. In spite of significant advantages LIMS is limited by factors such as problems in adaption to new instruments that may change existing work processes. Applications of intelligent software simultaneously with existing information systems, in addition to remove these restrictions, have important benefits including adding additional non-laboratory-generated information to the reports, facilitating decision making, and improving quality and productivity of cancer care services. Laboratory systems must have flexibility to change and have the capability to develop and benefit from intelligent devices. Intelligent laboratory information management systems need to benefit from informatics tools and latest technologies like open sources. The aim of this commentary is to survey application, opportunities and necessity of intelligent clinical laboratory as a tool to increase cancer care management productivity.

Effects of the Space Storytelling Factors for Building Artwork on Decision Making Processes of Apartment Purchasing (건축물 미술작품의 공간스토리텔링 적용이 아파트 구매의사결정에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Hyeog-In;Lee, Jin-Hwa;Kim, Mi-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.396-408
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to derive space storytelling factors newly among the evaluating factors of the building artwork and to present their roles and functions and to verify the effectiveness thereof. Random sampling was carried out on 204 residents who experience space storytelling in Ilsan Wi-City. The new evaluation factor was extracted by deriving the space storytelling factor through a theoretical study on the building artwork evaluation factors: formativeness factor, sociality factor, and environmental factor. And the effects of the space storytelling factor extracted in this way and the existion sculpture evaluation factor on the facilities affinity and the purchase intention were examined. This study will serve as a momentum for the building artwork to be harmonized with the surrounding fine view within urban space and to raise the quality of life of the residents.

Spatial Pedological Mapping Using a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer at the Tallavera Grove Vineyard, Hunter Valley

  • Jang, Ho-Jun;Minasny, Budiman;Stockmann, Uta;Malone, Brendan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.635-643
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    • 2016
  • Wine consumers desire to drink a high quality wine. For producing high quality wine, high quality soil is required. Conventionally, soil quality is assessed qualitatively. Using traditional laboratory methods, quantitative data can be obtained for management purpose, but it is time consuming and expensive. Therefore, new technology aims to address these limitations, namely portable X-Ray fluorescence spectrometers (pXRF). This instrument can be used directly in the field, requires no soil sample preparations, and can simultaneously measure a wide range of elements qualitatively that are useful for pedological studies. The chemical composition (Ca, Fe, Ti and Zr) of soils at Tallavera Grove vineyard in New South Wales, Australia, was studied using a pXRF. The analysis of the soil's elemental concentration (i.e. Ca and Fe) using pXRF supports management decisions. Measuring the soil's Ca concentration can be used to identify Ca-rich parent materials (limestone). The limestone indicates good soil conditions for vine production. Fe content was used to identify areas of texture-contrast soils or soil with accumulation of clays in the B horizon. In addition, a soil weathering index was calculated using elemental concentrations (i.e. Ti and Zr) to explore the history of soil formation for making decision of management. This index showed that the soil in the vineyard was affected by two processes: the deposition of materials from elsewhere (Aeolian transport or soil erosion) and mixing of materials from upslope.

Motor Learning in Elderly: Effects of Decision Making Time for Self-Regulated Knowledge of Results During a Dynamic Balance Task

  • Jeon, Min-jae;Jeon, Hye-seon
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.16-26
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    • 2016
  • Background: Deficiencies in the ability to maintain balance are common in elderly. Augmented feedback such as knowledge of results (KR) can accelerate learning and mastering a motor skill in older people. Objects: We designed this study to examine whether one session of Wii-Fit game with self-regulated KR is effective for elderly people, and to compare the effect of two different timings of self-regulated KR conditions. Methods: Thirty-nine community-dwelling elders, not living in hospice care or a nursing home, participated in this study. During acquisition, two groups of volunteers were trained in 10 blocks of a dynamic balancing task under the following 2 conditions, respectively: (a) a pre-trial self-regulated KR ($n_1=18$), or (b) a post-trial self-regulated KR ($n_2=21$). Immediate retention tests and delayed retention tests of balancing performance were administered in 15 minutes and 24 hours following acquisition period, respectively. Results: In both groups, significant improvements of balancing performances scores were observed during the acquisition period. Regardless of the group, mean of balancing performance scores on retention tests were well-maintained from the final session. There were no significant differences between groups in balancing performance scores during the acquisition period (p>.05); however, the post-trial self-regulated KR group exhibited significantly higher balancing performance scores in both the immediate retention test and delayed retention test than that of the pre-trial self-regulated KR group (p<.05). Conclusion: Therefore, subjects who regulated their feedback after a dynamic balancing task, during the acquisition period, experienced more efficient motor learning during the retention period than did subjects who regulated their feedback before a dynamic balancing task. Accordingly, in case of presenting the KR of motor learning in clinical settings to elders who reduced dynamic balance abilities, the requesting time of KR is imperative according to self-estimation processes as well as types of KR and practice.