• Title/Summary/Keyword: Decision Making Factors

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A Study on Client's Decision-Making in Construction Phase of Building Projects in Japan

  • Tamura, Atsushi;Kaneta, Takashi;Furusaka, Shuzo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2017
  • In building project, client needs to decide many things, and clients cooperate with architects, supervisors, general contractors and other consultants. Especially in construction phase, clients often make a decision. However, client's decision-making in construction phase often makes some kinds of risk. This paper aims to clarify the reality of client's decision-making in construction phase. First, client's decision-making is defined by laws and standards. Second, the questionnaire revealed the current status of client's decision-making in 4 works. Third, Fishbone diagram shows the factors of client's decision-making in four works. Finally, it was modeled how client's decision-making in construction phase affects the post-process of 4 works.

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A study on decision making system in library management with an analysis on the case study of university library in Seoul (도서관경영에 있어서 의사결정시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Woo Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.20
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    • pp.163-222
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    • 1991
  • This dissertation are studying the conceptual structure of decision making situation in libraries, by analyzing the library function, decision makings of library and then seeking economic and efficient alternative decision making by programming the· decision making situations, and finally, introducing how to apply management information system or decision making support system. For this purpose, in order to analyzing necessary factors for the decision making system, the questionnaire used Lickert method were distributed to 400 librarians of 36 universities in Seoul by means of mail. 193 librarians, $48\%$ of the questionnaire, are returned are studied by using 'SYSTAT' statistical software to figure out the factors of the decision making system. This dissertation was put six hypotheses and tested with the returned questionnaire. The following five result can be asserted. First, to the higher degree of the librarians' participation in the important library decision makings, the quality of formal library services are improved regardless of seniority of the work. Secondly, the t-test results show that all of t-test scores of seniority of the work, educational background, and responsibilities of the work are exceeding significant level and perception of decision making was proved to be different depending on seniority of the work, educational background, and responsibilities of the work in libraries. Thirdly, as the results of factor af factor analysis, the encouragement on participation in the library academic activities, the extent to get useful information about performances of library and the improvements of library works were grouped by similar posibilities of distribution and therfore the academic activities, the collection of information and the improvement of library performances is proved to be interrelational each other. Fourthly, the fifth hypothesis of the close relationship between the decision making situation and types of advisor by it was more or less interrelational, but their relationship was not seen some significancies. Lastly, as the dynamic organization of library management forming a special commitee or a project team with librarian can improve the extent and quality of the librarian's participation in the decision making of library works, and thus library will become to performance more rational and effective library management.

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Are Sequential Decision-Making Processes of Tourists and Consumers the Same?

  • Jung, Oh-Hyun
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2017
  • The purposes of this study were to examine if a decision making by a tourist sequentially or hierarchically occurs in a tourism destination and to test determinants that have an effect on both a sequential and non-sequential decision making. An instrument for the study was developed with three steps. A total of 420 and 380 questionnaire were collected respectively for the first two round surveys. For the third step, a pilot test was conducted with 30 respondents. And the data analysis utilized SPSS 18.0. A logistic regression analysis with variables of tourism activity and demography was employed to investigate the factors that affect a sequence of decision-making process. As an important result, the higher the age of the tourist in a tourism destination, the more conspicuous the consumption expenditure is made through the sequential decision-making process. Additionally, it is unreasonable to apply the premises and assumptions in extant consumer behavior to tourist behavior. The process of decision making by tourists in tourism areas is driven by either non-sequential or non-hierarchical decision-making process. More discussion and implications were provided.

Factors Affecting Nurses' Clinical Decision-Making Ability (간호사의 임상적 의사결정능력 관련 요인)

  • Oh, Sunyoung;Sok, Sohyune;Gu, Minkyung
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to identify factors related to nurses' clinical decision-making ability. Methods: This study adopted a survey design using questionnaires targeting 163 nurses working at a university hospital in Seoul. Data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, independent t-test, and analysis of variance ANOVA. Results: Research showed that factors related to nurses' clinical decision-making ability were age, work type, clinical career, number of patients in charge, professional self-concept, job attachment, and nursing work performance. The regression model was significant and the explanatory power of the model was 75%. Conclusion: Based on the results, we propose future research to identify various factors according to the clinical decision-making ability of nurses in each department, considering the characteristics of domestic hospitals, and to develop a program that can be specifically designed and verified.

GAP: A Study on Strategic Derivation Approach Using Perceptual Difference

  • Yang, Hoe-Chang;Huh, Moo-Yul;Yang, Woo-Ryeong
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to provide a formalized process of decision making for companies or organizations that need to make various decisions in the age of uncertainty. Therefore, this study aimed to proposes a strategic decision-making approach citing the relatively easily accessible using IPA(important-performance analysis) and SWOT/AHP analysis. Research design, data, and methodology - To be specific, the first step is to derive necessary attributes and conduct IPA. The second step is to subdivide the IPA results into internal strength and weakness factors and the external opportunity and threat factors, hierarchize those factors, and weight them accordingly. The third step is to build a causality model to propose a method of supporting a rational decision making. Results - The foregoing approach seems to facilitate the diversification of decision-making strategies by helping businesses or organizations to measure and analyze the attributes needed for certain decisions. Additionally, the perceived importance and satisfaction (or achievement) usage of those derived attributes can be used as the reference data for SWOT/AHP analysis. Conclusions - The proposed stepwise approach is applicable to businesses or organizations in need of making stepwise decisions in line with their retained competencies in comparison to conventional or intuitive decision-making practices.

A Fuzzy AHP based Decision-making Model for SCM System Selection (SCM 시스템 선정을 위한 Fuzzy AHP 기반의 의사결정 모델)

  • Seo, Kwang-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.158-164
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    • 2007
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM) system is a critical investment that can affect the competitiveness and performance of a company. Selection of a right SCM system is one of the critical issues. This paper presents the characteristic factors of SCM system and a Fuzzy AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) based decision-making model for SCM system evaluation and selection. This study focuses on quantitative factors, applying the fuzzy concept to various evaluative factors. The proposed model can systematically construct the objectives of SCM system selection to achieve the business goals. A empirical example demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed model and the model can help a company to make better decision-making in the SCM system selection problem.

A Study on Detecting and eliminating unsafety Factor Under Uncertaints Simulation (불확실한 상황하에서의 불안전 요인 탐색 및 제거를 위한 시스템 개발: SIMULATION 기법 도입)

  • 강경식;나승훈;김병석;조용욱
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.78-82
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    • 1993
  • The object of research is detecting and eliminating the unsafty factor in shortest time through a decision making simulation under uncertainty using simulation method The decision making simulation using C language Is used to analyze data from several factors which affects the crane breakdown under unsafe situation. Through this research, the following conclusions are obtained. first, the safety manager or the person can estimate the time required to handle the unsafe factors. Secondly, The decision making can be accomplished by minimizing the time required under uncertainty by analyzing them.

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The Pattern of Decision Making to Donate a Living Kidney (생체 신장을 주기 위한 공여자들의 의사결정 유형)

  • 이명선
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to explore decision making phenomenon of living kidney donation experienced by kidney donors. Data were collected through semi-structured indepth interviews from 12 kidney donors. All interviewes were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Constant comparative analysis was used to analyze the data with NUDIST4.0 software program. process have effects on the execution of kidney donation. Based on the degree of "wish to give", three distinct patterns were identified: Voluntary, compromising, and passive. The voluntary decision making was the most frequent one, while the passive the least. The degree of "wish to give" was influenced by intimacy between the donor and the receipient, geographical locations, economical efficiency of kidney transplantation, and religion. Each pattern was explained by describing interfering and facilitating factors as well as other issues occured in the decision making process. The results of this study will help nurses make effective nursing intervention by understanding the characteristics of decision-making patterns and decision-making process to donate a living kidney.

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A SCM System Selection Problem using AHP Technique based on Benefit/Cost Analysis (편익/비용분석 기반의 AHP 기법을 이용한 SCM 시스템 선정 모델)

  • Seo, Kwang-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2009
  • An optimal selection problem of SCM system is one of the critical issues for the company's competitiveness and performance under global economy. This paper presents a hierarchy model consisted of characteristic factors for introducing SCM system and an AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) based decision-making model for SCM system evaluation and selection. The proposed model can systematically construct the objectives of SCM system selection to meet the business goals. This paper focuses on selecting an optimal SCM system considering both all decision factors and sub-decision factors of a hierarchy model. Especially, the benefit/cost analysis is applied to choose SCM system. A case study shows the feasibility of the proposed model and the model can help a company to make better decision-making in the SCM system selection problem.

An Analysis of Factors InFluencing Copyright Protection Decision-Making among Korean eSports Game Users (e-스포츠 콘텐츠 이용자들의 저작권보호 의사결정에 대한 영향요인 분석)

  • Choi, Eui-Yul;Jeon, Yong-Bae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.723-732
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the factors influencing copyright protection decision-making among Korean eSports game users. Data collection was conducted over a month at an eSports arena located in Seoul. Of the surveys collected, 354 valid data (88.5% of response rate) were analyzed in SPSS Ver. 20.0 through descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that copyright protection decision-making regarding eSports contents was significantly influenced by legal/moral norm, perceive group norm, and past habit/behavior. Among the factors, legal/moral norm was found to be the most influential on copyright protection decision-making.