• Title/Summary/Keyword: Database module

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Design and Implementation of Active Database Based Query Processing System for Educational Information (능동 데이터베이스 기반 교육 정보 질의 처리 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Tae-Jung;Lee, Soo-Jung;Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we design and implement educational system by using active database technique in www environments. The developed system consists of three modules such as user group interface, active-based monitor, and expert group interface. The roles of each module are summarized as follows. The user group interface provides with system accessibility the users who registered in the developed system. The active-based monitor, triggering modules, consists of three sub-modules such as keyword parser, exception handler, and DB access module. Also it manages five items such as keyword index, Q&A DB, user group mailing list, and expert group mailing list. The expect group interface provides answer filling form for the expert who registered in the developed system.

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An Implementation of Remote Monitoring System for Control Relay (제어용 계전기의 원격감시시스템 구현)

  • Chang, Yong-Hoon;Nam, Jae-hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.2100-2106
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    • 2016
  • The automation system uses PLC to monitor the manufacturing process status of the production product and processes the sensor information transmitted from the sensor. In this paper, we propose a remote surveillance system to monitor the status of control relay used in automation system. The proposed system consists of a control relay module, a one-chip processor module, a computer monitoring system, and a database system that inputs and manages the details of the control relay. The computer monitoring system is configured to monitor the operating condition and life time of the control relay. The database is configured so that the input date of the control relay can be input and corrected, and the operating state information of the control relay can be automatically printed. In the remote monitoring system, the failure status of the control relay is recognized in real time, and the time required for normal operation can be minimized by quickly replacing faulty parts.

Database for Construction Materials Management System Based on RFID (RFID 기반의 건축 자재 관리 시스템을 위한 데이터베이스)

  • Mun, Ji-Youb;Hwang, Suk-Seung
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.793-800
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    • 2016
  • The efficient materials management in construction field is a very important work required for designing and demolishing building. As the waste amount caused by the building demolition is increased, the concern related to the treatment method, recyclability, and effect on the environment have been gradually increased. In general, the conventional databases for the construction materials management does not consider the reuse of the construction materials on steps for the building demolition and reconstruction, but they only consider managing the type and input amount of them. In this paper, we propose the database system for efficiently managing the various construction materials informations including the location and condition of each construction materials for the efficient reuse of them on the building demolition and reconstruction. The considered informations are obtained the RFID(: Radio Frequency IDentification) system with on-board the location estimation module. Using the reuse management of construction materials, based on the proposed database, we expect the reduction of the construction cost and time.

An Example-Based Natural Language Dialogue System for EPG Information Access (EPG 정보 검색을 위한 예제 기반 자연어 대화 시스템)

  • Kim, Seok-Hwan;Lee, Cheong-Jae;Jung, Sang-Keun;Lee, GaryGeun-Bae
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we present an example-based natural language dialogue system for Electronic Program Guide Information Access. We introduce an effective and practical dialogue management technique incorporating dialogue examples and situation-based rules. In order to generate cooperative responses to smoothly lead the dialogue with users, our natural language dialogue system consists of natural language understanding, dialogue manager, system utterance generator. and EPG database manager. Each module is designed and implemented to make an effective and practical natural language dialogue system. In particular, in order to reflect the up-to-date EPG information which is updated frequently and periodically, we applied a web-mining technology to the EPG database manager, which builds the content database based on automatically extracted information from popular EPG websites. The automatically generated content database is used by other modules in the system for building their own resources. Evaluations show that our system performs EPG access task in high performance and can be managed with low cost.

Design of Network-based Game Using the GoF Design Patterns

  • Kim Jong-Soo;Kim Tai-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.742-749
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    • 2006
  • In the network-based game where it uses the Internet infrastructure, the implementation is possible with the various methods. Such Applications are developed in the multi-tired architecture. There are many cases for the server to be separated from the hardware or the software. In this case, a lot of applications make the distributed process possible and are made as the multi-tiered architecture to develop the reusability of the existing software module. Especially, it is mostly general to separate for the case of a database server to a new tier. One of the important points of multi-tiered server side applications is security and because of this, it is difficult to share the related data about the design skill. Using design patterns, it gives help in reusing the existing written-code for the design of the game that needs a lot of money and time. Design Patterns are related to the software reuse. For the development of more efficient games, if well-defined design patterns are provided to the developers, then it would make more easy advanced game API and make possible the framework for the game development based on the API Through the analysis of the general network-based game currently servicing in the Internet, in this paper, we discuss how to implement a business logic tier using database system among the server side architectures. The main objective of this article is to show an efficient APIs(Application Programming Interfaces) design method which can be used to manage the data that must be saved to the database system among the packets that client/server have to be exchange.

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Development of a Prototype Patient Monitoring System with Module-Based Bedside Units and Central Stations: Overall Architecture and Specifications (모듈형 환자감시기와 중앙 환자감시기로 구성되는 환자감시시스템 시제품의 개발: 전체구조 및 사양)

  • Woo, E.J.;Park, S.H.;Jun, B.M.;Moon, C.W.;Lee, H.C.;Kim, S.T.;Kim, H.J.;Seo, J.J.;Chae, K.M.;Park, J.C.;Choi, K.H.;Lee, W.J.;Kim, K.S.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.05
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    • pp.315-319
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    • 1996
  • We have developed a prototype patient monitoring system including module-based bedside units, interbed network, and central stations. A bedside unit consists of a color monitor and a main CPU unit with peripherals including a module controller. It can also include up to 3 module cases and 21 different modules. In addition to the 3-channel recorder module, six different physiological parameters of ECG, respiration, invasive blood pressure, noninvasive blood pressure, body temperature, and arterial pulse oximetry with plethysmogaph are provided as parameter modules. Modules and a module controller communicate with up to 1Mbps data rate through an intrabed network based on RS-485 and HDLC protocol. Bedside units can display up to 12 channels of waveforms with any related numeric informations simultaneously. At the same time, it communicates with other bedside units and central stations through interbed network based on 10Mbps Ethernet and TCP/IP protocol. Software far bedside units and central stations fully utilizes gaphical user interface techniques and all functions are controlled by a rotate/push button on bedside unit and a mouse on central station. The entire system satisfies the requirements of AAMI and ANSI standards in terms of electrical safety and performances. In order to accommodate more advanced data management capabilities such as 24-hour full disclosure, we are developing a relational database server dedicated to the patient monitoring system. We are also developing a clinical workstation with which physicians can review and examine the data from patients through various kinds of computer networks far diagnosis and report generation. Portable bedside units with LCD display and wired or wireless data communication capability will be developed in the near future. New parameter modules including cardiac output, capnograph, and other gas analysis functions will be added.

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Development of Pine Wilt Disease (Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus) Prevention System (소나무재선충병 방제관제시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Bong-Sang;Jeon, Hyeong-Seob;Kim, Jun-Beom;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.283-287
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    • 2007
  • Pine Wilt Disease (Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus) has been attacked since 1988, then it becomes very serious problem of the all over the country. Government has been invested a lot of money to prevent but it is hard to survey the damaged area and ineffectively control the process of prevention. Therefore, this study is focused on development of Pine Wilt Disease (Bursaphelenchus Xylophilus) Prevention System using GIS and GPS through constructiong database of digital map, satellite imagery and attribute data and development component for desktop PC, internet and mobile system to realtime data transmission between project manager and field worker. Especially, we developed the mobile system that can transmit field conditions in realtime using GPS, GIS and CCD camera, the telecommunication control server that transmit received field condition data to web connecting module and system manager, the web system for end user to notify prevention details, the control system lot manager to recognize filed conditions and to control field workers and the wireless telecommunication module to connect in realtime between field and control center.

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A Development of Automation Program for Forging Die Design of Non-Axisymmetric Parts (비축대칭 부품의 단조금형 설계용 자동화 프로그램 개발)

  • Kwon, Soon-Hong;Choi, Jong-Ung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2002
  • This study described computer aided die design system for cold forging of non-axisymmetric parts such as gears and splines. To design the cold forging die, an integrated approach based on a rule-base system and commercial F. E. code were adopted. This system is implemented on the personal computer and its environment is a commercial CAD package named as Auto CAD. The system includes four modules. In the initial data input module, variables which are necessary to design of die are inputted by user and die material are selected from the database according to the variables. In the analysis and redesign module, stress distribution acting on the designed die is analyzed by commercial FEM code NISA II with elastic mode. If die failure predicted, the designed die would modified in four ways to prevent die failure in both states of stress free and pressurizing. The developed system provides useful date and powerful capabilities for die design of non-axisymmetric parts.

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A Token Based Transfer Driven Koran -Japanese Machine Translation for Translating the Spoken Sentences (대화체 문장 번역을 위한 토큰기반 변환중심 한일 기계번역)

  • 양승원
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 1999
  • This paper introduce a Koran-Japanese machine translation system which is a module in the spoken language interpreting system It is implemented based on the TDMT(Transfre Driven Machine Translation). We define a new unit of translation so called TOKEN. The TOKEN-based translation method resolves nonstructural feature in Korean sentences and increases the quaity of translating results. In our system, we get rid of useless effort for traditional parsing by performing semi-parsing. The semi-parser makes the dependency tree which has minimum information needed generating module. We constructed the generation dictionaries by using the corpus obtained from ETRI spoken language database. Our system was tested with 600 utterances which is collected from travel planning domain The success-ratio of our system is 87% on restricted testing environment and 71% on unrestricted testing environment.

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Development of Real Time Analysis Module for Marine Traffic Information (실시간 해상교통정보 분석모듈 개발)

  • 이근실;문성배;전승환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.141-144
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    • 2004
  • Aids to Navigation have been operated and placed along coasts and navigable waters as guides to mark safe water and to assist mariners in determining their position in relation to land and hidden dangers, controled on the basis of the maine traffic survey. The traditional survey have been conducted by some methods like an ocular observation using portable radar, a on-the-spot survey, a questionnaire. But these methods must have a lot of manpower and expenses. In this paper, we have developed the module which have some real time processing functions like making a database of radar image using PC camera, saving of the vessel's track, analysis if the maine traffic tendency and the distribution of density.

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