• Title/Summary/Keyword: Database Management System

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Development of Common Database for the Application Programs of Distribution Management System (배전운영시스템용 응용 프로그램을 위한 공통 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Yun, Sang-Yun;Chu, Chul-Min;Kwan, Seong-Chul;Lee, Hak-Ju
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.62 no.9
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    • pp.1199-1208
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, the development of application programs for distribution system analysis and control has been essential part for distribution management system (DMS). In this paper, we propose the common database for application programs of distribution management system. The proposed database model has several characteristics as followings. First, the proposed database model is designed for the common use of almost the whole distribution application software. The static equipment model and dynamic type tables are mixed and the parallel table structure is applied. Second, the linked list structure of database are used for the fast processing of applications. The database model includes the hierarchy and non-hierarchy distribution system structure. Third, the reduction method of distribution database is applied. For this, we present the network reduction rules. The basic concept of reduction rules are the electrical unification of successive line section which has not lateral branches and the removal of simple lateral branches which has no devices and other laterals. Proposed database model is tested for the Jeju system of Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO). Through the test, we verified that the proposed database structure can be effectively used to accomplish the distribution system operation.

Mobile database server management system (모바일 데이트베이스 서버 관리 시스템)

  • Zheng, Bao-Wei;Park, Sang-Gug
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.645-648
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    • 2007
  • This paper describes database server management system by mobile device. Our system can control database server immediately in any where by mobile device. We have developed the dataset server CE which interface with mobile device, database management system which rons in mobile device and web services which connect the mobile database with desktop database. External mobile device communicate with web service agent via wireless equipment. Our system includes dataset server CE client engine, web service server agent and mobile device management system. Through the test by an application program, we have confirmed that our system operates very well each others.

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Data Resource Management under Distributed Computing Environment (분산 컴퓨팅 환경하에서의 데이타 자원 관리)

  • 조희경;안중호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 1994.09a
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    • pp.105-129
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    • 1994
  • The information system of corporations are facing a new environment expressed by miniaturization, decentralization and Open System. It is therefore of utmost importance for corporations to adapt flexibly th such new environment by providing for corresponding changes to their existing information systems. The objectives of this study are to identify this new environment faced by today′s information system and develop effective methods for data resource management under this new environment. In this study, it is assumed that the new environment faced by information systems can be specified as Distributed Computing Environment, and in order to achieve such system, presents Client/server architecture as its representative computing structure, This study defines Client/server architecture as a computing architecture which specialize the fuctionality of the client system and the server system in order to have an application distribute and perform cooperative processing at the best platform. Furthermore, from among the five structures utilized in Client/server architecture for distribution and cooperative processing of application between server and client this study presents two different data management methods under the Client/server environment; one is "Remote Data Management Method" which uses file server or database server and. the other is "Distributed Data Management Method" using distributed database management system. The result of this study leads to the conclusion that in the client/server environment although distributed application is assumed, the data could become centralized (in the case of file server or database server) or decentralized (in the case of distributed database system) and the data management method through a distributed database system where complete responsibility and powers with respect to control of data used by the user are given not only is it more adaptable to modern flexible corporate environment, but in terms of system operation, it presents a more efficient data management alternative compared to existing data management methods in terms of cutting costs.

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A Study on a Database Management System for Health-friendly Building Materials (건강친화형 건축자재의 DB화 연구 - 실내마감재를 중심으로 -)

  • Kwon, Gi-Deoc;Lee, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Sun-Kuk
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2009
  • Building materials have a great impact on the health of a building's occupants. Thus, it is imperative that their health-related properties be taken into during the course of construction project. Unfortunately, no current database system exists that can provide information on the health performance of building materials at each stage of construction project management, from planning and design to building and maintenance. therefore, an inordinate amount of time and effort is required to choose the right health-friendly materials(DBHM). To solve this problem, this study aims at building a database management system for health-friendly building materials. It analyzes the health-related properties and performance of various materials, and proposes a database structure and operation algorithm. The system proposed in this study is expected to contribute to the objective evaluation of health-friendly building materials through the accumulation of relevant data.

차세대 고속전철 시스템 시험검증 체계 구축 및 적용

  • Choe Jong Min;Yu Il Sang;Kim Yeon Tae;Park Yeong Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.1079-1084
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    • 2002
  • Systems engineering technology development program for Korea next-generation high-speed railway(KNHR) system in progress is a national large-scale system development program that is not only a large-size and complex but also multi-disciplinary in nature. Using the RDD-IOO, a systems engineering tool, the KNHR program can establish requirements traceability and development process management in the course of development. This paper presents the results from a computer-aided systems engineering application to KNHR system technology development project over the three years of activities. The traceability among the system design database in the vertical direction of SE process, as the results of the first year and the second year research was accomplished. The database in both the requirement management domain and the project management domain was developed and set up the traceability between them in the horizontal direction of the SE process in the V model as the results of the third year research. Therefore, KNHR design database was built to support the life-cycle management of the system as well as to reuse the knowledge in future programs. In the following development phase, this database will be utilized to accomplish the test and integration activities providing a baseline database. The outcome of the study contributes to the establishment of the model-based systems engineering approach as a best practice in the accumulation and advancement of systems engineering technology for railway system development.

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A Study on the Management of Stock Data with an Object Oriented Database Management System (객체지향 데이타베이스를 이용한 주식데이타 관리에 관한 연구)

  • 허순영;김형민
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.197-214
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    • 1996
  • Financial analysis of stock data usually involves extensive computation of large amount of time series data sets. To handle the large size of the data sets and complexity of the analyses, database management systems have been increasingly adaopted for efficient management of stock data. Specially, relational database management system is employed more widely due to its simplistic data management approach. However, the normalized two-dimensional tables and the structured query language of the relational system turn out to be less effective than expected in accommodating time series stock data as well as the various computational operations. This paper explores a new data management approach to stock data management on the basis of an object-oriented database management system (ODBMS), and proposes a data model supporting times series data storage and incorporating a set of financial analysis functions. In terms of functional stock data analysis, it specially focuses on a primitive set of operations such as variance of stock data. In accomplishing this, we first point out the problems of a relational approach to the management of stock data and show the strength of the ODBMS. We secondly propose an object model delineating the structural relationships among objects used in the stock data management and behavioral operations involved in the financial analysis. A prototype system is developed using a commercial ODBMS.

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  • Yong-Woo Kim;Sang-Chul Kim;Chan-Jeong Park
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.1094-1099
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    • 2009
  • Workforce information is important in production planning because production planning requires matching a production unit's capacity to loads of assignments. However, tracking and managing workforce information such as skills and accident history is not an easy job. This paper describes a prototype database system for a workforce database system that employs RFID technology. This system tracks daily workforce production capacity on sites. A pilot project is described to explore the benefits and possibility of using radio-frequency identification (RFID) to track and manage workforce information, and is followed by the results of a survey to identify benefits. In addition to the survey identifying the benefits of the database system, the paper also presents a list of challenges through a series of interviews.

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Graphic Environment & Database for Utility Management in CIM (CIM 지향의 설비관리용 Graphic 환경구현과 DB 운용)

  • Kim, Dong-Hoon;Song, Joon-Yeob
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 1994
  • In this study, graphic environment for system monitoring is designed that can efficiently manage monitoring data. And also system informations are inplemented to database for reliability and a utility management software is developed to monitor systems on graphic environment and RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System). Specially, system status informations are presented in the forms of animation, graph, value, icon, and voice message. Status data and general basic informations of system can be all the times updated and indexly reported on database.

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Development Information management system over WWW using ASP (Active Server Pages를 이용한 Web 응용 정보관리시스템 개발)

  • 오충헌;정석찬;진현수;조규갑
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.766-769
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    • 2000
  • In recent years, Internet/Intranet represents the next generation of computing environment. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate WWW((World Wide Web) over internet/intranet and DBMS(Database Management System) in proportion to the increase of various users' request and an amount of data variety. Also, also full variety of service over WWW need to accomplish rapidly modification of bug and make a betterment of system according to a feature of rapid change of information and an importance of interaction with users. The typical CGI method commonly used to connect with database has a disadvantage in time and resources in system due to frequent connection with database. Therefore, this paper provides the conceptual structure and implementation of information management system over WWW with applying a recent information technology called ASP(Active Server Pages) that controls and arranges client logic dynamically in server-side and introducing a concept of working group and folder to database design.

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Plans for establishing a database for Managing Railway System Safety (철도시스템 안전관리를 위한 데이터베이스 구축 방안 연구)

  • Hong Seon-Ho;Kim Sang-Ahm
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.605-611
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    • 2005
  • System safety management to secure complicated system safety such as railway and nuclear includes various factors. Those are prevention of accidents, faults management, human factor, men-machine relation, organization factor, safety culture, quality/quantity safety performance goal, and safety regulations. To manage them, it is required that database which is based on most analysis is established. Therefore system safety could be controlled. This research defines data required to safety management, and that is aimed at deriving plans in order to establish them as database. To accomplish that, safety information management of other systems such as aviation and marine is reviewed. Also, the present conditions of available data in the filed of domestic railway are analysed, and then it provides plans for. establishing database to build up advanced railway system safety information management systems.

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