• Title/Summary/Keyword: Database Application

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Optimal Input Database Construction for 3D Dredging Quantification (3차원 준설물량 산출을 위한 최적의 입력DB 구축방안)

  • Gang, ByeungJu;Hwang, Bumsik;Park, Heonwoo;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2018
  • The dredging project became more important with the recent construction of off shore structures and reclamation projects. Accordingly, more exact quantitative estimation of the dredged amount should be required. The sub-sea ground information can be obtained generally by the boring investigation and the dredged amount can be estimated based on the depth or the deeper bound of a ceratin layer via 3D visualization program. During the estimation process, the input DB should be constructed with 1D elevation information from boring investigation for the spatially approximated distribution of a deeper bound of each ground layer. The input DB can be varied with the application of the borings and the approximation targets. Therefore, the 3D visualized ground profile and dredged amounts are compared on the actively dredged sites, vicinity of Saemangeum area and outer port area in Gunsan with regard to the input DB construction methods. Conclusively, the input DB based on the spatially approximated depths show higher precision results and more reasonable 3D visualized ground profiles.

A Literature Review of Effectiveness on the Gongjin-dan (Gongchen-dan) (공진단의 효과에 대한 문헌적 고찰)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyun;Jo, Dong-Chan;Kim, Chang-Gon;Moon, Su-Jeong;Park, Tae-Yong;Ko, Youn-Suk;Song, Yung-Sun;Lee, Jung-Han
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2013
  • Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the Gongjin-dan (Gongchen-dan, here in after GJD) in order to obtain the evidence for clinical application. Methods The GJD-related articles published from 1990 to 2013 were searched using "Korean Traditional Knowledge Portal", "Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS)", "Korean Association of Medical Journal Edition (Koreamed)", "Research Information Services (RISS4U)", "Korean Medicine Database (KMbase)", "National Discovery for Science Leader (NDSL)", "PubMed", "China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI)". The search keywords were "Gongjin-dan", "Gongchen-dan". Thirty-nine articles were obtained. After excluding the eighteen article which did not meet inclusion criteria, finally twenty-one articles were included; five clinical articles and sixteen experimental articles. Results In clinical studies, GJD has the various effectiveness in cardiovascular diseases, alcoholic hepatitis, mild dementia, anemia. Also experimental studies related to the GJD show a variety of effects, such as anti-oxidative activity, neuroprotective activity, hepatoprotective activity, anti-inflammatory activity, immunological activity, reproductive recovery activity with fewer side-effects. Conclusions It has been suggested that there are various effects of GJD in treating a wide-range disease. However, in order to put GJD to use for many kinds of diseases in more reasonable ways, it is needed to publish well-design clinical trial based on the variety of results of experimental studies.

Application of Side Scan Sonar to Disposed Material Analysis at the Bottom of Coastal Water and River (해저 및 하저 폐기물의 분석을 위한 양방향음파탐사기의 적용)

  • 안도경;이중우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2002
  • Due to the growth of population and industrial development at the coastal cities, there has been much increase in necessity to effective control of the wastes into the coastal water and river. The amount of disposal at those waters has been increased rapidly and it is necessary for us to track of it in order to keep the water clean. The investigation and research related to the water quality in this region have been conducted continuously but the systematic survey of the disposed wastes at the bottom was neglected and/or minor. In this study we surveyed the status of disposed waste distribution at the bottom coastal water and river from the scanned images. The intensity of sound received by the side scan sonar tow vehicle from the sea floor provides information as to the general distribution and characteristics of the superficial wastes. The port and starboard side scanned images produced from a transducer borne on a tow fish connected by tow cable to a tug boat have the area with width of 22m∼112m, and band of 44m∼224m. All data are displayed in real-time on a high-resolution color display (1280 ${\times}$ 1024 pixels) together with position information by DGPS. From the field measurement and analysis of the recorded images, we could draw the location and distribution of bottom disposals. Furthermore, we made a database system which might be fundamental for planning the waste reception and process control system.

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Design and Implementation of Service based Virtual Screening System in Grids (그리드에서 서비스 기반 가상 탐색 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Hwa-Min;Chin, Sung-Ho;Lee, Jong-Hyuk;Lee, Dae-Won;Park, Seong-Bin;Yu, Heon-Chang
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.237-247
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    • 2008
  • A virtual screening is the process of reducing an unmanageable number of compounds to a limited number of compounds for the target of interest by means of computational techniques such as molecular docking. And it is one of a large-scale scientific application that requires large computing power and data storage capability. Previous applications or softwares for molecular docking such as AutoDock, FlexX, Glide, DOCK, LigandFit, ViSION were developed to be run on a supercomputer, a workstation, or a cluster-computer. However the virtual screening using a supercomputer has a problem that a supercomputer is very expensive and the virtual screening using a workstation or a cluster-computer requires a long execution time. Thus we propose a service-based virtual screening system using Grid computing technology which supports a large data intensive operation. We constructed 3-dimensional chemical molecular database for virtual screening. And we designed a resource broker and a data broker for supporting efficient molecular docking service and proposed various services for virtual screening. We implemented service based virtual screening system with DOCK 5.0 and Globus 3.2 toolkit. Our system can reduce a timeline and cost of drug or new material design.

Software Architecture for Implementing the Grid Computing of the High Availability Solution through Load Balancing (고가용성 솔루션 구축을 위한 그리드 측면에서의 소프트웨어 아키텍처를 통한 로드밸랜싱 구현)

  • Lee, Byoung-Yup;Park, Jun-Ho;Yoo, Jae-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2011
  • In these days, internet environment are very quickly development as well on-line service have been using a online for the mission critical business around the world. As the amount of information to be processed by computers has recently been increased there has been cluster computing systems developed by connecting workstations server using high speed networks for high availability. but cluster computing technology are limited for a lot of IT resources. So, grid computing is an expanded technology of distributed computing technology to use low-cost and high-performance computing power in various fields. Although the purpose of Grid computing focuses on large-scale resource sharing, innovative applications, and in some case, high-performance orientation, it has been used as conventional distributed computing environment like clustered computer until now because grid middleware does not have common sharable information system. In order to use grid computing environment efficiently which consists of various grid middleware, it is necessary to have application-independent information system which can share information description and services, and expand them easily. This paper proposed new database architecture and load balancing for high availability through Grid technology.

A Case Study on CO2 Uptake of Concrete owing to Carbonation (콘크리트 탄산화에 의한 CO2 포집량 평가의 사례연구)

  • Yang, Keun-Hyeok;Kim, Sang-Chel
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 2013
  • The present study assessed the amount of $CO_2$ uptake owing to concrete carbonation through a case study for an apartment building with a principal wall system and an office building with Rahmen system under different exposed environments during use phase and recycling application. The $CO_2$ uptake assessment owing to concrete carbonation followed the procedure established by Yang et al. As input data necessary for the case study, actual surveys conducted in 2012 in Korea, which included data about the climate environments, $CO_2$ concentration, lifecycle inventory database, life expectancy of structures, and recycling activity scenario, were used. From the comparisons with the $CO_2$ emissions from concrete production, the $CO_2$ uptake during the lifetime of structures was estimated to be 5.5~5.7% and that during recycling activity after demolition was 10~12%; as a result, the amount of $CO_2$ uptake owing to concrete carbonation can be estimated to be 15.5~17% of the $CO_2$ emissions from concrete production, which roughly corresponds to 18-21% of the $CO_2$emissions from cement production as well.

Design and Implementation of the Multi-level Pre-fetch and Deferred-flush in BADA-III for GIS Applications (GIS 응용을 위한 바다-III의 다단계 사전인출과 지연쓰기의 설계 및 구현)

  • Park, Jun-Ho;Park, Sung-Chul;Shim, Kwang-Hoon;Seong, Jun-Hwa;Park, Young-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 1998
  • Most GIS applications are read-intensive on a large number of spatial objects and when the spatial objects are composite objects, the contained objects within the composite objects are also accessed. In GIS applications, creation, deletion, and update operations on spatial objects occur very rarely, but once they occur they deal with a large number of spatial objects. This paper proposes the concept of the multi-level pre-fetch query to retrieve a large number of spatial objects efficiently, and the functionality of the deferred-flush on the newly created persistent objects into the database with the optimal performance, and presents the design and implementation details of those ideas into an object-oriented DBMS BADA-III while considering these characteristics of GIS applications. The multi-level pre-fetch query retrieves the objects that satisfy the query and the objects that are contained within the objects up to the level specified by users, and registers the retrieved objects on the client cache. The deferred-flush flushes a large number of composite objects that are created by the application with a minimal overhead of the server and a minimal number of communications between the client and the server. These two functionality are suitable for the applications that search or create a large number of composite objects like GIS applications.

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A Measurement System for Color Environment-based Human Body Reaction (색채 환경 기반의 인체 반응 정보 측정 시스템)

  • Kim, Ji-Eon;Jeong, Chang-Won;Joo, Su-Chong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2016
  • The result of analyzing the cognitive reaction due to the color environment has been applied to various filed especially in medical field. Moreover, the study about the identification of patient's condition and examination the brain activity by collecting the bio-signal based on the color environment is being actively conducted. Even though, there were a variety of experiments by convention the color environment using a light or LED color, it still has a problem that affects the psychological information. Therefore, our proposed system using a HMD (Head Mounting display) to provide a completed color environment condition. This system uses the BMS(Biomedical System) to collect the biometric information which responds to the specific color condition and the human body response information can be measured by the development the Memory and Attention test on Mobile phone. The collection of Biometric information includes electro cardiogram(ECG), respiration, oxygen saturation (Sp02), Bio-impedance, blood pressure will store in the database. In addition, we can verify the result of the human body reaction in the color environment by Memory and Attention application. By utilizing the reaction of the human body information that is collected thought the proposed system, we can analyze the correlation between the physiological information and the color environment. And we also expect that this system can apply to the medical diagnosis and treatment. For future work, we will expand the system for prediction and treatment of Alzheimer disease by analyzing the visualization data through the proposed system. We will also do evaluation on the effectiveness of the system for using in the rehabilitation program.

Correlation between physicochemical properties and biological half-life of triazole fungicides in perilla leaf (들깻잎에서 Triazole계 살균제의 생물학적 반감기와 물리화학적 특성과의 상관관계)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyeob;Kwak, Se-Yeon;Hwang, Jeong-In;Kim, Hyo-Jung;Kim, Tae-Hwa;Kim, Jang-Eok
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.62 no.4
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 2019
  • The biological half-life of pesticides applied on crops is the key indicator for ensuring the safety of agricultural products. The biological half-life is affected by the several factors like growing conditions of the crop, climate, application method, and physicochemical properties of pesticides. In this study, the biological half-life was calculated and the degradation rates of six triazole fungicides sprayed on perilla leaves were evaluated. Moreover, the statistical analysis confirmed the correlation between the biological half-life and physicochemical properties of six triazole pesticides. The recoveries of the six pesticides were between 84.8-104.9%, which satisfied the residual pesticide analysis criteria. The biological half-life of six pesticides sprayed on perilla leaves, calculated using the first-order kinetics model, ranged between 6.4-15.1 days. When the biological half-life and the physicochemical properties were correlated using the principal component analysis: pKa and Log P, the biological half-life was found to be affected by PC1. The correlation coefficient between biological half-life and physicochemical properties (pKa), calculated by Spearman rank-order correlation, was R2 = -0.928 (p <0.01). Biological half-life has been shown to correlate with pKa. In conclusion, it can be used as a database for the relationship between biological half-life and physicochemical properties and will contribute to ensure safe supply of agricultural products.

Design Types and Aesthetic Characteristics on the Korean First Ladies' Clothes (한국 영부인 의상의 디자인 유형과 미적 특성)

  • Kim, Young-Sam;Kim, Jang-Hyeon;Jun, Yuh-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.231-250
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    • 2014
  • This study considers types of design expression and examines aesthetic characteristics by analyzing images shown on clothes worn by Korean First Ladies. This study is to accumulate a fundamental database for the effective style coordination for images of First Ladies and future directions of clothing design. The types of design expression on the clothes of Korean First Ladies are as follows. First, in terms of silhouette, H line and A line is generally represented on the silhouette of clothes; in addition, the H line is highly expressed on the silhouette. The keyword of images by design types are generally feminine, elegant on the silhouette of First Ladies' clothing, and represented a progressively more modernized image on the silhouette. Second, in terms of color, it is expressed diverse images on the color of First Ladies' clothing, and exceptionally the tendency of elegant image is highly charged on the color of clothes. This sort of tendency is influenced by the preferences of First Ladies; subsequently, most First Ladies wear their clothes with a high brightness and chroma. Third, in terms of materials, the image of elegant and simple is highly expressed through First Ladies' clothes and it is caused by choosing the clothes of a plain texture rather than a visible and fancy one. The aesthetic characteristics based on an analysis of the types of design expression on the clothes of Korean First Ladies are as follows. First, 'femininity' on First Ladies' clothes is expressed by A line silhouette of a feminine curve and decorative effects. Second, 'simplicity' on First Ladies' clothes is expressed on the H line silhouette of a straight figure or through the solid colors of high chroma. Third, 'elegance' on First Ladies' clothes is represented on the silhouette of a restrained curve, long skirt hemlines, and woolen fabric with a neat, warm and soft coordination of colors. Forth, 'traditionality' on First Ladies' clothes is expressed through the application of materials and colors that influence culture, traditions, and detailed decorativeness.