• Title/Summary/Keyword: DEA method

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Efficiency Analysis of Spanish Container Ports Using Undesirable Variables and the Malmquist Index

  • Bernal, Maria Listan;Choi, Young-Seo;Park, Sung-Hoon;Yeo, Gi-Tae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.110-120
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    • 2022
  • Spain is Europe's second-largest country with total throughput reaching 16.7 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) by 2020. The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the efficiency of 17 container terminals. As a study method, the DEA-CCR model, undesirable variable, and Malmquist Index (MI) were used for data envelopment analysis (DEA). The study results are as follow: (1) DEA-CCR is used to evaluate basic efficiency. The most efficient terminals are decision-making units DMU 1 (APM Terminals (Algeciras Port)), DMU 2 (Total Terminal International Algeciras (Algeciras Port)) and DMU 5 (Barcelona Europe South Terminal (Barcelona Port)). (2) Undesirable DEA was conducted to suggest inefficiency from the undesirable output. Overall, the efficiency scores were reduced. However, DMU 1, DMU 2, and DMU 5 maintained efficiency scores regardless of the finish factor. (3) Malmquist Index was used to observe technology and efficiency changes dynamically. The changes in TCI affected Spanish container terminals more than the Technical Efficiency Change Index (TECI) in 2018-2019. However, in 2019-2020, the TECI was 2.706, higher than the TCI value, indicating that the change in TECI had more influence on the increase in productivity. This study offers a broader understanding of Spanish container terminals.

The Total Ranking Method from Multi-Categorized Voting Data Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

  • Ogawa, Masaru;Ishii, Hiroaki
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2002
  • It is important to evaluate the performance of candidates mathematically from various aspects, and reflect it on decision making. In decision making, we judge the candidates through two steps, classification of objects and comparison of objects or candidates with plural elements. In the former step, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is useful method to evaluate candidates from plural viewpoints, and in the later step, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is also useful method to evaluate candidates with plural categorized data. In fact, each candidate has plural elements, nevertheless it has been more important to evaluate from various aspects in IT society. So, we propose a new procedure complementing AHP with DEA.

The Study on the Comparative Analysis of the Aquaculture Production Efficiency Regarding Methods and Species (양식업의 양식방법별 어종별 생산효율성 비교분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Cheol-Hyung
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.79-94
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the production efficiencies of the Korean aquaculture fishery with respect to species and methods using a Data Envelopment Analysis. The study extracted the 8 fishes in each of the sea cage culture, aquarium basin, and enclosed aquaculture for the analytical purposes. First, the study estimated the technical, pure technical, and scale efficiencies of the total of 24 aquaculture fishes based on the traditional DEA under the assumptions of both CRS and VRS. 2 fishes were identified as the efficient DMUs under the CCR-model, and 6 fishes under the BCC-model. Second, we tested to see if there was any difference in production efficiencies regarding those three different methods of aquaculture. we could not find any evidence of the differences in efficiency using a rank sum test based on the traditional DEA. However, we could do find that the pure technical efficiency in the sea cage culture was lower than others at 1% level of significance and the pure technical efficiency in enclosed aquaculture was also lower than others at 5% level of significance using Bilateral-DEA, which could explicitly consider the heterogeneity in the 3 production methods of aquaculture. Finally, the study obtained the 95% confidence intervals of the efficiency scores for the 24 fishes under our study using the smoothed bootstraping method in the process of the re-sampling in cooperation with both a kernel density estimation and a reflection method. At the same time, we could estimate the bias-corrected efficiency scores while the traditionally estimated efficiency scores suffered from the biases in the process of solving a linear programming with the deterministic nature of a production frontier. And hence, we could distinguish the differences in production efficiencies of the 8 fishes with respect to those 3 methods of aquaculture.

Supplier Selection using DEA-AHP Method in Steel Distribution Industry (DEA AHP 모형을 통한 철강유통산업에서의 공급업체 선정)

  • Park, Jinkyu;Kim, Pansoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2017
  • Due to the rapid change of global business environment, the growth of China's steel industry and the inflow of cheap products, domestic steel industry is faced on downward trend. The change of business paradigms from a quantitative growth to a qualitative product is needed in this steel industry. In this environment, it is very important for domestic steel distribution companies to secure their competitiveness by selecting good supply companies through a efficient procurement strategy and effective method. This study tried to find out the success factors of steel distribution industry based on survey research from experts. Weighted values of each factors were found by using AHP (analytic hierarchy process) analysis. The weighted values were applied to DEA(data envelopment analysis) model and eventually the best steel supply company were selected. This paper used 29 domestic steel distribution firms for case example and 5 steps of decision process to select good vendors were suggested. This study used quality, price, delivery and finance as a selection criteria. Using this four criterions, nine variable were suggested. Which were product diversity, base price, discount, payment position, average delivery date, urgency order responsibility and financial condition. These variables were used as a output variable of DEA. Sales and facilities were used as an input variable. Pairwise comparison was conducted using these variables. The weighted value calculated by AHP pairwise comparison were used for DEA analysis. Through the analysis of DEA efficiency process, good DMU (decision making unit) were recommended as a steel supply company. The domestic case example was used to show the effectiveness of this study.

The Efficiency Rating Prediction for Cultural Tourism Festival Based of DEA (DEA를 적용한 문화관광축제의 효율성 등급 예측모형)

  • Kim, Eun-Mi;Hong, Tae-Ho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.145-157
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    • 2020
  • Purpose This study proposed an approach for predicting the efficiency rating of the cultural tourism festivals using DEA and machine learning techniques. The cultural tourism festivals are selected for the best festivals through peer reviews by tourism experts. However, only 10% of the festivals which are held in a year could be evaluated in the view of effectiveness without considering the efficiency of festivals. Design/methodology/approach Efficiency scores were derived from the results of DEA for the prediction of efficiency ratings. This study utilized BCC models to reflect the size effect of festivals and classified the festivals into four ratings according the efficiency scores. Multi-classification method were considered to build the prediction of four ratings for the festivals in this study. We utilized neural networks and SVMs with OAO(one-against-one), OAR(one-against-rest), C&S(crammer & singer) with Korea festival data from 2013 to 2018. Findings The number of total visitors in low efficient rating of DEA is more larger than the number of total visitors in high efficient ratings although the total expenditure of visitors is the highest in the most efficient rating when we analyzed the results of DEA for the characteristics of four ratings. SVM with OAO model showed the most superior performance in accuracy as SVM with OAR model was not trained well because of the imbalanced distribution between efficient rating and the other ratings. Our approach could predict the efficiency of festivals which were not included in the review process of culture tourism festivals without rebuilding DEA models each time. This enables us to manage the festivals efficiently with the proposed machine learning models.

An Analysis of the Productive Efficiency and Competitive Strength of Container Ports using the DEA, Super-efficiency, and FDH Methods

  • Park, Ro-Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this paper is to Investigate the productive efficiency and competitive strength of world container ports using the DEA, Super-efficiency, and FDH methods with the raw data from previous research by Jun et al.(1993). The super-efficiency measure examines the maximal radial change In input, outputs for an observation to remain efficient. Therefore, it provides a means of distinguishing between efficient observations, which would otherwise seem identical. FDH provides a good test mechanism for examining the practical implications of the choice available among alternative efficiency measures and orientations, because of the lack of convexity of its production possibility set. Both methods are complementary to DEA. This paper follows the traditional productivity analysis method overcoming the limitation of previous studies by using the DEA, FDH and Super-efficiency methods, and proposing in measure the relative competitive strength of worldwide container ports. The main empirical results of this paper are as follows: Firstly the ports of Singapore, Hongkong, Kilrung, Busan, Tokyo. and Longbeach were found to be efficient In the CCR model. The ports of Felixstowe, Bangkok, Singapore, Hongkong, Kilung, Busan, Tokyo, and Longbeach were found to be efficient in the BCC model. Secondly, super. efficiency rankings under CRS and input-oriented model are as follows: Longbeach, Keelung, Singapore, Busan, Tokyo, and Honkong. However, it was difficult In differenciate the rankings under the VRS and input-oriented model. due to major difficulties posed by the ports of Singapore, Hongkong, and Longbeach. Thirdly, the FDH method shows that the inefficient ports are Bremerhaven, Antwerp, Le Havre, Kobe, Seattle, New York The policy Implications of this study are as follows: Firstly, when port authorities want to measure the international competitive strength of container ports and enhance their productive efficiency, they should consider the traditional method as well as introducing the Super-efficiency and FDH methods. Secondly, according to the analysis results of the super-efficiency and FDH methods, poll authorities should recommend benchmarks ports and dominated ports as reference ports in order to enhance the productive efficiency of their container ports that have an efficiency rating of less than 1. Efficient ports whose efficiency ratings are over 1 in the Input-oriented Super-efficiency model should also consider the usage of input and output elements used by more efficient ports.

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Analysis of Operation Efficiency in Private University Using the DEA (DEA를 활용한 국내 사립대학 운영 효율성 분석)

  • Bae, Young-Min;Han, Seung-Jo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2021
  • The structure of universities needs to be adjusted and reformed to cope with the decrease in admission resources and the quality of education due to the low birth rate and aging population. Such a policy is receiving much attention. To analyze the relative efficiency of private universities in Korea from the perspective of resource and performance, this study evaluated the efficiency of private university operation by applying a DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) technique. The DEA measurements were compared with the diagnosis results of the department of education (Government) in 2018. The input and output variables used in the research analysis were utilized by the university's notification materials (public disclosure information). An analysis of the operational efficiency showed that 48% (12 universities) of the 25 DMUs (Decision Making Unit) were efficient for DEA-BCC models and that some of the capacity-building universities were operating efficiently. In addition, the DEA analysis found ways to improve inefficient groups through DEA-Additive results. This paper can be meaningful because it confirmed the relative efficiency of private universities and suggested improvement directions through the DEA method, which is characterized by the simultaneous consideration of various input and output factors. This will help apply the limited resources related to the input and output elements of each university.

Efficiency analysis in the presence of network effect with DEA method (네트워크 효과를 고려한 천연가스산업의 기술적 효율성 분석)

  • 이정동;오경준
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.36-52
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    • 2000
  • This study takes an issue of efficiency analysis in the presence of network effect utilizing the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) framework. Network effect has important policy implication for the regulation of local monopolies which undertake their business through physical network, such as electricity, natural gas, local telephony, etc. If the difference in spatial condition between companies is not controlled properly, the performance comparison and associated incentive regulation bear significant bias. In this study, we propose a methodology to measure the true managerial or technical efficiency apart from efficiency difference accruing from the difference in spatial condition. A series of modified DEA efficiency models are combined to investigate the extent of exogenous and endogenous efficiency component in the Korean natural gas distribution companies. Empirical results show that the network effect plays significant role in determining superficial performance difference.

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Measure the Productivity of Airports in Korea Considering Environment Factor : An Application of DEA (환경요소를 고려한 국내공항 생산성 측정 : DEA모형의 적용)

  • Jeon, Seung-Jin;Lee, Chul-Ung
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.350-357
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    • 2011
  • In the recent, it is gradually important for airport to consider environmental aspects as sustainable development is emerged. ICAO, FAA and individual countries has tried to reduce airport noise and pollution. Thus, the effort is needed to incorporate environmental factor into productivity indicator of airport. Our paper use DEA method with the non-parametric directional output distance function(DDF) to assess productivity of 14 airports in Korea during 2008~2010. In addition to three inputs, two conventional outputs, two undesirable outputs have been considered : noise and air pollution. Results are compared from models that do not include undesirable outputs. Inclusion in the analysis of the undesirable effects of airport operations leads to greater and closer airport's efficiency scores.