• 제목/요약/키워드: Cystoisospora

검색결과 6건 처리시간 0.016초

Genotypic Identification of Cystoisospora in Immunocompromised Patients Using Tm-Variation Analysis

  • Basyoni, Maha M.A.;Elghobary, Hany Ahmed Fouad
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제55권6호
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    • pp.601-606
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    • 2017
  • Cystoisospora is responsible for morbidity in immunocompromised patients. PCR is sensitive for diagnosing Cystoisospora; however, it needs reevaluation for differential molecular diagnosis of cystoisosporiasis. We aimed at evaluating melting curve analysis (MCA) after real-time PCR (qPCR) in diagnosis and genotyping of Cystoisospora as an alternative to conventional PCR. We included 293 diarrheic stool samples of patients attending the Department of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine of Cairo University Hospitals, Egypt. Samples were subjected to microscopy, nested PCR (nPCR), and qPCR targeting the internal transcribed spacer 2 region (ITS2) of the ribosomal RNA (r RNA) gene followed by melting temperatures ($T_ms$) analysis and comparing the results to PCR-RFLP banding patterns. Using microscopy and ITS2-nPCR, 3.1% and 5.8% of cases were Cystoisospora positive, respectively, while 10.9% were positive using qPCR. Genotyping of Cystoisospora by qPCR-MCA revealed 2 genotypes. These genotypes matched with 2 distinct melting peaks with specified $T_ms$ at $85.8^{\circ}C$ and $88.6^{\circ}C$, which indicated genetic variation among Cystoisospora isolates in Egypt. Genotype II proved to be more prevalent (65.6%). HIV-related Kaposi sarcoma and leukemic patients harbored both genotypes with a tendency to genotype II. Genotype I was more prevalent in lymphomas and mammary gland tumors while colorectal and hepatocellular tumors harbored genotype II suggesting that this genotype might be responsible for the development of cystoisosporiasis in immunocompromised patients. Direct reliable identification and differentiation of Cystoisospora species could be established using $qPCR-T_ms$ analysis which is useful for rapid detection and screening of Cystoisospora genotypes principally in high risk groups.

Identification of Cystoisospora ohioensis in a Diarrheal Dog in Korea

  • Lee, Sangmin;Kim, Junki;Cheon, Doo-Sung;Moon, Eun-A;Seo, Dong Joo;Jung, Soontag;Shin, Hansaem;Choi, Changsun
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.371-374
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    • 2018
  • A 3-month-old female Maltese puppy was hospitalized with persistent diarrhea in a local veterinary clinic. Blood chemistry and hematology profile were analyzed and fecal smear was examined. Diarrheal stools were examined in a diagnostic laboratory, using multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) against 23 diarrheal pathogens. Sequence analysis was performed using nested PCR amplicon of 18S ribosomal RNA. Coccidian oocysts were identified in the fecal smear. Although multiplex real-time PCR was positive for Cyclospora cayetanensis, the final diagnosis was Cystoisospora ohioensis infection, confirmed by phylogenetic analysis of 18S rRNA. To our knowledge, this the first case report of C. ohioensis in Korea, using microscopic examination and phylogenetic analysis.

Prevalence of Enteric Protozoan Oocysts with Special Reference to Sarcocystis cruzi among Fecal Samples of Diarrheic Immunodeficient Patients in Iran

  • Agholi, Mahmoud;Shahabadi, Shahrbanou Naderi;Motazedian, Mohammad Hossein;Hatam, Gholam Reza
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2016
  • The genus Sarcocystis is not usually considered as an important enteric pathogen in immune compromised patients. It might be expected that species for which humans are the final host (Sarcocystis hominis and Sarcocystis suihominis as well as possibly others) would be encountered increasingly often in immunodeficient persons. This study aimed to address how to detect and differentiate Sarcocystis oocysts and/or sporocysts from enteric protozoans in the diarrheal samples of immunodeficient patients in Shiraz, Iran. Diarrheal samples of 741 immunodeficient patients with recurrent persistent or chronic diarrhea were examined by microscopy and molecular biological analysis. Oocysts-positive samples were 68 Cryptosporidium spp., 9 Cystoisospora belli (syn. Isospora belli), 2 Cyclospora cayetanensis, and 15 microsporidia (Enterocytozoon bieneusi). Sarcocystis-like sporocysts found from a woman were identified as Sarcocystis cruzi through 18S rDNA amplification and phylogenetic analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of S. cruzi from a human.

Gastrointestinal Parasite Infection in Cats in Daegu, Republic of Korea, and Efficacy of Treatment Using Topical Emodepside/Praziquantel Formulation

  • Lee, Seung-Hun;Ock, Younsung;Choi, Donghag;Kwak, Dongmi
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제57권3호
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was 2-fold: 1) to investigate the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasite infection in cats reared in Daegu, Republic of Korea and 2) to assess the efficacy and safety of a topical emodepside/praziquantel formulation for cats with parasitic infections. The gastrointestinal parasite infections were examined microscopically using the flotation method. Of 407 cats, 162 (39.8%) were infected by at least one gastrointestinal parasite, including Toxocara cati (63.0%), Toxascaris leonina (31.5%), Taenia taeniaeformis (3.7%), and Cystoisospora felis (1.9%). None of the infected animals had multiple infections. When the data were analyzed according to sex, age, and type of cat, stray cats showed statistically higher prevalence than companion cats (P<0.05). On the 5th day after treatment, no parasitic eggs were detected using microscopic examination. In addition, no adverse effects, such as abnormal behaviors and clinical symptoms, were observed in the cats treated with the drug. These results quantify the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in cats in Daegu, Republic of Korea, and show that topical emodepside/praziquantel is a safe and effective choice for treating the parasitic infections in cats.

Current status of intestinal parasite infections in fecal samples of dogs in Korea

  • You-Jeong Lee;Beoul Kim;Dongmi Kwak;Min-Goo Seo
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제62권4호
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    • pp.438-449
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    • 2024
  • This study surveyed the current status of intestinal parasite infections in Korean dog fecal samples. A total of 367 fecal samples were collected from the northern (Seoul and Gyeonggi-do), central (Chungcheong-do), and southern (Gyeongsang-do) regions and analyzed using the saturated sodium nitrate flotation technique and the nucleotide sequences of 18S rRNA. Six species of intestinal parasites were detected using the flotation technique. Among them, helminth eggs detected included Toxocara canis (6.0%), Toxascaris leonina (1.1%), Trichuris vulpis (6.8%), Ancylostoma caninum (2.7%), and Spirometra sp. (1.1%). Additionally, Cystoisospora sp. (7.6%) oocysts were also detected. The prevalence of intestinal parasite infections was higher in shelter dogs than in pet dogs. Molecular genetic assays revealed the gdh and 18S rRNA genes of Giardia duodenalis (type D) in 4.9% of fecal samples. To the best of our knowledge, 18S rRNA genes of Cryptosporidium canis were identified in 1.9% of fecal samples for the first time in Korea. These findings provide an overview of the current status of intestinal parasite infections in fecal samples of dogs from Korea and can be helpful in the surveillance of zoonotic parasite infections related to dogs.