• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cylindrical Tank

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Development of an Odor Abatement System for Swine Manure Treatment Facilities

  • Lee, S.H.;Yun, N.K.;Kim, G.W.;Yum, S.H.;Cho, Y.H.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to solve the problem of public grievance owing to odor of a pig farm. Odor emissions from pig production systems mainly originate from liquid manure storage and solid manure fermentation. The low-cost odor abatement system (OAS) for application at liquid manure storage tank and solid manure fermentation facilities was developed in this study. The OAS adapted odor removing principles of a biofilter and biotrickling filter. The OAS is very simplified in structure. The appearance of the OAS had a form of cylindrical or cubical shape. The system performance was monitored for about one year after stabilization. A 7 seconds empty bed contact time for the OAS was adapted to achieve the odor reduction levels. The commercial type of OAS was constructed with media comprised of wood chips. Moisture content always remained above 50% wet basis. Average ammonia removal efficiency for the developed design was 89% at the liquid manure storage tank. Also, the removal efficiency at a solid manure fermentation facility was 86% on ammonia.

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An Experimental Study on UNDEX Characteristics of Airbag Inflators (에어백 인플레이터의 수중폭발 특성에 대한 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Hyeongjun;Choi, Gulgi;Na, Yangsub;Park, Kyung Hoon;Chung, Hyun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2017
  • This paper deals with an experimental study of the dynamics of an underwater bubbles and shock waves, generated by rapid underwater release of highly compressed gas. Aribag inflators, which are used for automobile's airbag system, are used to generate the extremely-rapid underwater gas release. Experimental studies of the complex underwater bubble dynamics as well as underwater shock wave were carried out in a specifically designed cylindrical water tank. The water tank is equipped with a high-speed camera and pressure sensors. The high-speed camera was used to capture the expansion and collapse of the gas bubble created by inflators, while pressure sensors was used to measure the underwater shock propagation and magnitudes. The experimental results were compared against the results of explosion of pentolite explosive. Several physical phenomena that has been observed and discussed, which are different from the explosive underwater explosion.

The Leakage Reduction of Natural Inorganic Powder Compound Applying Subsurface Structural Weak Part (지하구조물 취약부에 적용한 천연 무기질계 분말형 혼화제의 누수저감효과)

  • Yoon, Sung-Hwan;Seo, Hyun-Jae;Lee, Hye-Ryung;Park, Jin-Sang;Oh, Sang-Keun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 2011
  • For underground structures that are exposed to environmental conditions, the declination of the durability of concrete occurs easily because of leakages from high hydraulic pressure and the frequent contact of water due to environmental factors. Therefore this study is to confirm that the leakage reduction of natural inorgnic powder compound applying subsurface structural weak part and make the performance improvement of concrete as an objective. The test was done by making the rebar, flat tie, nail and film infiltration and each of its water tank and cylindrical test body then after pouring water to each of the test body, the test observe the change of the water tank surface absorbed condition and leakage of each specimen with respect to time. As a conclusion, the test was observed that this water proofing admixture has better watertightness from the beginning of the setting time(when it hardens), the ettringite and the thaumasite generates a large quantity of hydration products that controls the formation in a large opening and the CSH produced by pozzolan reaction makes a dent at this opening.

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Numerical Analysis of Surface Discharge due to Particles Attached to the GIS spacer (GIS 스페이서에 파티클 부착시 연면방전과 전계해석)

  • Jang, D.G.;Lee, J.H.;Kwak, H.R.;Park, H.Y.;Kim, Y.C.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.07c
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    • pp.1788-1790
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    • 2003
  • GIS is a typical power equipment with higher reliability. It is compact and safe because all the energized parts are enclosed by a sealed cylindrical tank which is filled with SF6. Generally gas insulated power equipments like GIS are designed to have sufficient electrical strength to prevent partial discharges under normal operating condition. Despite of the careful processes in manufacturing, transporting and assembling, voids or particles can be created, resulting in partial discharges at electrically weak points. The key factors causing partial discharges in GIS are; particles, voids in solid insulation, protrusions, poor contact of metal components, etc. The particle can be attached on; spacers, electrodes, internal wall of the GIS tank. It also moves in GIS freely. Most of partial discharges are likely to occur when particles are attached to spacers. In this paper, the electrical characteristics of a surface discharge were investigated under various conditions by using simulation program of FEMLAB.

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Prestressing Effect of LNG Storage Tank with 2,400 MPa High-Strength Strands (2,400 MPa급 고강도 강연선이 적용된 LNG 저장탱크의 프리스트레싱 효과)

  • Jeon, Se-Jin;Seo, Hae-Keun;Yang, Jun-Mo;Youn, Seok-Goo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.999-1010
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    • 2016
  • High-strength strands have been increasingly applied to recent actual structures in Korea. Structural effect of the increased spacing of sheaths was investigated in this study when the usual 1,860 MPa strands of an LNG storage tank are replaced with 2,400 MPa high-strength strands. First, finite element models of a cylindrical wall of an LNG tank were established and prestressing effect of the circumferential and vertical tendons was considered as equivalent loads. As a result of varying the tendon spacing and prestressing force with the total prestressing effect kept the same, the stress distribution required in design was obtained with the high-strength strands. Also, a full-scale specimen that corresponds to a part of an LNG tank wall was fabricated with 31 high-strength strands with 15.2 mm diameter inserted in each of two sheaths. It was observed that such a high level of prestressing force can be properly transferred to concrete. Moreover, an LNG tank with the world's largest 270,000 kl capacity was modeled and the prestressing effect of high-strength strands was compared with that of normal strands. The watertightness specifications such as residual compressive stress and residual compression zone were also ensured in case of leakage accident. The results of this study can be effectively used when the 2,400 MPa high-strength strands are applied to actual LNG tanks.

A Simple Analysis of the Cylindrical Shell Subjected to a Nonaxisymmetric Load (비축대칭 하중을 받는 원통형 쉘의 단순화 해석)

  • 남문희;이관희
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2000
  • When one considers the property of the axisymmetry, an analysis of an axisymmetric shell subjected to unaxisymmetric loading can be employed to save time and computer memory space. If one considers the Fourier series of the circumference direction of loads and displacements, an axisymmetric tank subjected to a nonaxisymmetric load can be treated as a frame element. Using the Fourier series, the authors derived the stiffness matrix of the cylindrical shell subjected to unaxisymmetric loading by the usual finite element method, and converted the stiffness matrix of a frame element into a transfer matrix by rearranging the stiffness matrix to apply the transfer matrix method. Here the most significant purpose of this paper is to achieve the fewest number of simultaneous equations for analysing an axisymmetric shell subjected to a nonaxisymmetric load. The results of the proposed method of the analysis of the cylindrical shell subjected to a wind load and a water load show no differences when compared to the other methods.

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Finite Element Analysis of Sloshing Eigen Behavior in Horizontal Baffled Fuel Tank (수평으로 놓인 배플형 연료탱크의 슬로싱 고유거동에 관한 유한요소 해석)

  • 조진래;하세윤;이홍우;박태학;이우용
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.619-628
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    • 2002
  • This paper deals with the FE analysis for the free vibration of sloshing in horizontal cylindrical tank with baffles. We use Laplace equation based on potential theory as governing equation. This problem is solved by FEM using lineal isoparametric elements. We assume that the tank as well as baffles is rigid body and by separating nodes into two at the baffle location, baffle effect is obtained by separating nodes into two at the baffle location. For the calculation of natural frequencies and mode shapes, we introduce Lanczos transformation and Jacobi iteration methods. Numerical results of the first longitudinal and transverse modes, while comparing with literature cited, are very good. In order for the baffle effects on the free vibration of sloshing, various combinations of baffle parameters, which are location, inner diameter and number, are examined.

Numerical Study of Heat Flux and BOG in C-Type Liquefied Hydrogen Tank under Sloshing Excitation at the Saturated State (포화상태에 놓인 C-Type 액체수소 탱크의 슬로싱이 열 유속과 BOG에 미치는 변화의 수치적 분석)

  • Lee, Jin-Ho;Hwang, Se-Yun;Lee, Sung-Je;Lee, Jang Hyun
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.299-308
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to predict the tendency for heat exchange and boil-off gas (BOG) in a liquefied hydrogen tank under sloshing excitation. First, athe fluid domain excited by sloshing was modeled using a multiphase-thermal flow domain in which liquid hydrogen and hydrogen gas are in the saturated state. Both the the volume of fluid (VOF) and Eulerian-based multi-phase flow methods were applied to validate the accuracy of the pressure prediction. Second, it was indirectly shown that the fluid velocity prediction could be accurate by comparing the free surface and impact pressure from the computational fluid dynamics with those from the experimental results. Thereafter, the heat ingress from the external convective heat flux was reflected on the outer surfaces of the hydrogen tank. Eulerian-based multiphase-heat flow analysis was performed for a two-dimensional Type-C cylindrical hydrogen tank under rotational sloshing motion, and an inflation technique was applied to transform the fluid domain into a computational grid model. The heat exchange and heat flux in the hydrogen liquid-gas mixture were calculated throughout the analysis,, whereas the mass transfer and vaporization models were excluded to account for the pure heat exchange between the liquid and gas in the saturated state. In addition, forced convective heat transfer by sloshing on the inner wall of the tank was not reflected so that the heat exchange in the multiphase flow of liquid and gas could only be considered. Finally, the effect of sloshing on the amount of heat exchange between liquid and gas hydrogen was discussed. Considering the heat ingress into liquid hydrogen according to the presence/absence of a sloshing excitation, the amount of heat flux and BOG were discussed for each filling ratio.

Scour-monitoring techniques for offshore foundations

  • Byuna, Yong-Hoon;Parkb, Kiwon;Lee, Jong-Sub
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.667-681
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    • 2015
  • The scour induced by strong currents and wave action decreases the embedded length of monopiles and leads to a decrease of their structural stability. The objective of this study is the development and consideration of scour-monitoring techniques for offshore monopile foundations. Tests on physical models are carried out with a model monopile and geo-materials prepared in a cylindrical tank. A strain gauge, two coupled ultrasonic transducers, and ten electrodes are used for monitoring the scour. The natural frequency, ultrasonic reflection images, and electrical resistivity profiles are obtained at various scour depths. The experimental results show that the natural frequency of the model monopile decreases with an increase in the scour depth and that the ultrasonic reflection images clearly detect the scour shape and scour depth. In addition, the electrical resistivity decreases with an increase in scour depth. This study suggests that natural frequency measurement, ultrasonic reflection imaging, and electrical resistivity profiling may be used as effective tools to monitor the scour around an offshore monopile foundation.

A Study on the Design Criteria of Seismic and Wind Loads for Cylindrical Liquid Storage Steel Tanks (액체저장탱크의 지진하중과 풍하중 설계기준 고찰)

  • Lee N.H.;Oh T.Y.;An Z.O.;Choi S.Y.;Park J.Y.;Kim H.Y.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1412-1415
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    • 2005
  • Special considerations on the design of liquid storage tanks should be taken into account for seismic and wind loads. But Korean industrial standard KS B 6225 does not specify detailed guidelines for a design. It is therefore necessary to improve design guidelines for a seismic and wind-proof design in KS B 6225. The purpose of this study is provide a basis for the development of improved seismic and wind-proof design procedures, especially about seismic and wind loads.

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