• Title/Summary/Keyword: Customer-Oriented Manufacturing

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Innovation Strategy for the Korean Shipbuilding Industry Based on Analysis of the Shift in Industrial Leadership (산업주도권 변천과정 분석을 통한 산업주도기업의 혁신전략 도출: 한국 조선산업의 사례)

  • Kim, Byeong-Soo;Cho, Keuntae
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1134-1162
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide an innovation strategy for a leading industrial company. We analyze the process of a shift in industrial leadership using the shipbuilding industry as a case study. This paper explains that the three core factors of decline are immobilization, lack of innovation for major products, and organizational inertia. This study presents that the leader of a market is not decided by strong competitiveness, but by quick reaction to major customers' needs, and that out-of-date strategies do not contribute to maintaining leadership. As a result of this study, it shows that the leading Korean industrial companies shall establish a new innovation-oriented and customer-oriented management system that is flexible enough to anticipate and respond to the changes in new competitive environments. These findings contribute to the formulation of new strategies for other manufacturing industries in Korea.

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A Systematic Approach for Evaluating FMEA of a Service System under Considering the Dependences of Failure Modes (실패유형의 종속성을 고려한 서비스 시스템의 FMEA 평가모델)

  • Oh, Hyung Sool;Park, Roh Gook
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2014
  • Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a systematic approach for identifying potential failures before they occur, with the intent to minimize the risk associated with them. It has been widely used in the various manufacturing industries as a solution to reliability problems. As the importance of the service sector is increasing, however, it has been recently extended to some applications in services. Despite these attempts, FMEA cannot be directly applied to the reliability problems in a service industry. Due to the heterogeneity and customer participation in service process, we cannot perfectly prevent service failures. For this reason, we suggest a new risk priority number with three input parameters that consist of severity, probability of occurrence, and recoverability. In this paper, we propose an approach for assessing service risk and service reliability using the service-oriented risk priority number (S-RPN). An example regarding a hypermarket service process is used to demonstrate the proposed approach.

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A Study On Customized Products and Services in Smart Environments (스마트환경에 따른 고객 맞춤 제품 및 서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Seog-Ju
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the Personalized Oriented Customized and services in smart environments. In addition to The structure of industry is currently smart environment shifting from the manufacturing industry focusing on goods production to service industry merging and combining service and marketing. The companies are placing a higher value on the customer needs to gain a competitive edge with creation of new business model. The key dilemma in mass customization and service, though, is how product customization can be realized without increasing production cost significantly. The purpose of this study is to explore new product development strategies that facilitate mass customization and service. Specifically, we propose Crowdsourcing marketing, Digital experience technology, Recommender Systems, 3D printing technology, Flexible manufacturing systems and UX based PSS(Product-Service Systems) in new product development processes as enabling strategies for mass customization and service in smart environments.

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  • Kulinich, Tetiana;Berezina, Liudmyla;Bahan, Nadiia;Vashchenko, Iryna;Huriievska, Valentyna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2021
  • Successfully adapting to digital and customer-oriented transformation, the concept of lean manufacturing professes the philosophy of creating greater benefit while minimizing losses. These losses are operations that do not add value in the production process to ensure the efficiency, flexibility, and profitability of projects. In the context of broad automation and digitalization of all sectors of the economy, mechanisms for combining automation technologies and lean production are becoming available. Moreover, when it comes to the efficient use of financial, human, or material resources, it is clear that the use of Industry 4.0 technologies can be an effective tool for achieving the goals of lean production, as many of them pursue the same goal. In this context, this article aims to study the effectiveness of the implementation of project management concepts at the global level and identify the main factors influencing its effectiveness to ensure the achievement of lean production through LEAN technologies and Industry 4.0 technologies. To achieve this goal, several statistical indicators were selected and several statistical methods of analysis were used: pairwise correlation, regression analysis, methods of comparison, synthesis, and generalization. Statistical analysis was conducted according to a survey conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI) in 2020. An economic-mathematical model of dependence of project effectiveness in different regions of the world on the level of implementation of project management approaches is built, which shows that the increase in project effectiveness by 85% is due to financial losses, technical training, and consumer orientation. These results allow project managers to develop appropriate strategies to improve project management approaches at all levels. It is established that LEAN technologies and technologies of Industry 4.0 have several tools that have a positive effect on minimizing losses following the concept of lean production. Besides, given that the technology of Industry 4.0 is focused on the automation of Lean Production technology, a mechanism for the introduction of lean production using these technologies and methods.

A Study on the Effects of Communication Style and Commitment between Retailers and Suppliers on Relationship Performance (소매-공급업체간 커뮤니케이션 유형과 결속이 관계성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Yeon-Sung;Oh, Se-Jo
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.49-77
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine a relationship between the headquarters and the sales offices of a car manufacturing company by comparing their channel types. It examines how the level of communication and commitment of sales offices on their headquarters differently affects some mediating effects between participation and relationship performance. It also tries to find out what kind of mechanisms are needed in order to improve the relationship. Through the data analysis of a total of 200 sales offices which are directly managed stores and agency stores by a domestic car manufacturing company, the following conclusions were reached: Participation, one of the variables in bureaucratic structuring, influences all dimensions of communication. Also, it has found that communication dimensions influence commitment dimensions differently by the type of channels, and commitment dimensions influence relationship performance by the type of channels. Recently, import car makers are accelerating their moves in the domestic market, and the importance of a customer-oriented retail innovation and a relationship management in an auto manufacturing industry is increasing. This study will give an useful suggestion on how to improve a long term relationship of distributors through an enhancement of communication and commitment.

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Quality Performance Management System for Construction Projects Using Quality Performance Indicators (품질성과지표 중심의 건설프로젝트 품질성과관리시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Hyun-Soo;Park, Moon-Seo;Song, Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.7 no.3 s.31
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    • pp.76-85
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    • 2006
  • Quality is the core competence for customer satisfaction in current competitive business environments. The manufacturing companies regard the quality as the success factor in enhancing competitiveness and foremost concept of the management innovation. But in many cases, the basis for the quality management and the action programs are not prepared yet. In construction industry, normally schedule and cost have priority over quality and the level of overall quality is relatively lower than other industries. This is caused by the vague quality goal and result-oriented management. This study suggests the quality performance indicators for measuring performance objectively, and develops the continuous quality monitoring system based on those indicators. By using this system, the quality improvement can be expected and corporate quality competitiveness can be ensured.

A Study on Integrated Information System for Marine Leisure Industry (해양레저 산업의 통합 정보 시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Y.S.;Kim, D.J.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2013
  • In order to have market competitiveness in local and global areas, Domestic Marine Leisure Industry business, which is a latecomer in the Marine Leisure industry, should retain a strong market adaptability by reducing time and cost that are required for work of planning, designing, and preparation for product development. To meet above requirements, it is essential that integrated system control extensive marine leisure industry. After ensuring integrated information by figuring out the systematic link between related-industries, the core of this research is to secure information classifications that are not just in the flow of simple serial order, but in that of integration and object-oriented information classifications. For this end, we examine other similar cases in industries using real information system applied to industrial production and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Product Data Management (PDM), Digital Manufacturing (DM) and applying the same methodology to review practical application in order to construct the information system, and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), compared with the case studies. Through this basic task for the marine leisure industry classification system configuration (Work Breakdown Structure, WBS) and utilizing information of driving real companies of marine leisure industry, a unique area of MLWBS (Marine Leisure Work Breakdown Structure, MLWBS) is configured. This Marine Leisure Work Breakdown Structure can be used in various areas of applications like products, design information, engineering, production, purchasing, sales, marketing, AS, utilizing various forms of customer support.

Service Science: Theory Review and Development of Analytical Framework (서비스사이언스: 이론적 고찰과 분석 프레임워크 개발)

  • Nam, Ki-Chan;Kim, Yong-Jin;Nam, Jung-Tea;Bae, Young-Woo;Byun, Hee-Sun;Lee, Nam-Hee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.213-235
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    • 2008
  • Recent reports about economic structure and changes show that global economy changes to rely on service rather than manufacturing. This phenomenon can be explained in two ways: the growth of service industry itself and the increasing reliance on service by other industry areas. The importance of service is indicated by the fact that the contribution of research and development, marketing, and finance to the revenue generation of companies is getting greater than that of manufacturing. This change in the economic structure calls for researchers' attention on the importance of service and the service-based economy. In the service-based economy, firms are considered value proposition providers and consumers actual value creators so that the concept of co-value creation becomes a key thesis to study. However, there are a variety of definitions of service and diversified measurements of service anchored in the supplier-oriented understanding of service yet. This lack of understanding of the service and the economic paradigm change causes a lot of problems in the areas of service productivity, service quality, and service innovation. Even though a new movement called service science started and rigorously pursues the way of enhancing the understanding of the economic change and service productivity, there is no framework that provides a unified view about the new role of service, service productivity, service quality, and thus service innovation. This study proposes a unified framework to provide a structured view about service provision and to facilitate the research on service. The framework is built on the concepts from previous studies about service marketing and service science: service life cycle and service networks including value activity network, resource integrator network, and capability network. We hope this study can be used as the basis for future studies on service science.

Korean consumers' attitudes towards organic labels and country-of-origin of organic foods

  • Lee, Hye-Kyoung;Cho, Young-Sang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2011
  • Although the South Korean organic food market is in the infancy compared to other industrialized countries, Korean consumers'interest in organic food and retail stores devoting space to organic products have been rapidly increasing. Despite the fact of organic food popularity, the term "organic" is interpreted differently by individuals. As opposed to the US, Japan and the EU where have operated an integrated organic food labelling system, Korea has adopted complex organic labelling systems regulated by several different government bodies. As a result, complicated food labelling standards make consumers confused when purchasing organic foods. Furthermore, in terms of country of origin (COO), it is argued by a lot of researchers that COO effects vary from product to product and from country to country; moreover, other informational cues such as brand and price can influence COO effects. In modern society, COO labelling has been complicated, due to the sourcing, manufacturing and market locations of merchandise spread over the world. Accordingly, the evaluation of COO effects has become complex. In order to examine these issues, a quantitative research was selected to classify the commonfeatures of organic food consumers and construct statistics such as the extent to which people are aware of organic food and COO labellingvia a questionnaire which took place in two cities in Korea with a cluster sample of 161 organic food purchasers. As for the data analysis, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), T-tests, bivariate crosstatulations with Cramer's V were conducted,depending on the characteristics of variables and the assumptions the research data need to fit. It has been concluded that in general, Korean organic consumers comprehend the term "organic"in a closer way to the general concept rather than technical term, thus people do not appreciate environmentally labels which include organic food labels, although marital status influence the degree of label awareness, regardless of gender, age, education level and so on. Regarding COO effects on organic food, home organic products were Korean consumers'first choice over those from industrialized countries and developing nations. Specifically, in processed organic product category, domestically cultivated and processed organic products were absolutely preferred to leading national brands produced with imported ingredients and international brands. However, due to a lack of checks of ingredients' COO, consumers tend to purchase a leading national organic food brand, believing that it is a pure organic food sourced domestically. As a consequence, this research has suggested some important managerial implications and future research directions. In order to prevent consumer confusion when buying organic foods, it should be noted that consumers do not comprehend the organic food certifications, due to complicated labelling systems for organic produce and processed organic foods. Therefore, government bodies related to organic food distribution have to know consumers' perception of organic food labels and the significance of customer-oriented labels and reestablish labelling standards. Similarly, public advertising should be followed to raise public awareness of the labelling to enable customers to have the correct information. In addition, not only international marketers but also domestic marketers need to understand COO images and also the influence COO of ingredients has on the image of an organic product.

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A Study on Philosophy-based Human Resource Model in the Service Economy Era (철학기반의 서비스경제시대 인재상 연구)

  • Kim, JeaYoung;Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.119-138
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    • 2020
  • Unlike the era of manufacturing-oriented industrial economy in the past, the era of service economy has characteristics intangible goods center, knowledge universalization, and expansion of needs, and many things that are of the economy are changing. In the past, the change in the environment was not fast, so even after analyzing the changed environment and deriving the talent needed for the company, it was possible to maintain a talent for the organization for a long time, so it is not proactive to build and apply talent. It became difficult to manage effectively. Therefore, in this paper, we conducted a normative study for deriving a desirable talent model rather than a descriptive human resource model. Human resources image suitable for the modern service economy era, the modern economic society and modern spirit were analyzed and reflected. The model in which the two opposing members of the organization, managers and employees, interact intensely and balance dialectically. A desirable talent in a modern organization must play the role of a manager, and the management and talent models in a modern organization can be said to be connected to each other like the front and back sides of a coin. The philosophy of human resources was presented in five dimensions: human, historical, social, economic, and management. The human resource model from eight factors: mastery, rationality, wisdom, customer orientation, innovation, flexibility, autonomy, collaboration. This study suggested that general talent model may vary depending on the company's type, empirical follow-up studies are needed the talents in each company in the future.