• Title/Summary/Keyword: Current signal

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5G Mobile Communications: 4th Industrial Aorta (5G 이동통신: 4차 산업 대동맥)

  • Kim, Jeong Su;Lee, Moon Ho
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.337-351
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    • 2018
  • This paper discusses 5G IOT, Augmented Reality, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Future Autonomous Driving Vehicle technology, and presents 5G utilization of Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games and Jeju Smart City model. The reason is that 5G is the main artery of the 4th industry.5G is the fourth industrial aorta because 5G is the core infrastructure of the fourth industrial revolution. In order for the AI, autonomous vehicle, VR / AR, and Internet (IoT) era to take off, data must be transmitted several times faster and more securely than before. For example, if you send a stop signal to LTE, which is a communication technology, to a remote autonomous vehicle, it takes a hundredth of a second. It seems to be fairly fast, but if you run at 100km / h, you can not guarantee safety because the car moves 30cm until it stops. 5G is more than 20 gigabits per second (Gbps), about 40 times faster than current LTE. Theoretically, the vehicle can be set up within 1 cm. 5G not only connects 1 million Internet (IoT) devices within a radius of 1 kilometer, but also has a speed delay of less than 0.001 sec. Steve Mollenkov, chief executive officer of Qualcomm, the world's largest maker of smartphones, said, "5G is a key element and innovative technology that will connect the future." With 5G commercialization, there will be an economic effect of 12 trillion dollars in 2035 and 22 million new jobs We can expect to see the effect of creation.

Signal Treatement for Topex/Poseidon Satellite Altimetric Data and Its Application near the Korean Seas (Topex/Poseidon위성 고도계 자료에 대한 신호처리 및 한반도 주변해역에 대한 그 적용)

  • Yoon, Hong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.12-31
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    • 1999
  • Topex/Poseidon satellite altimetric data are used to estimate characteristics on the oceanic and atmospheric correction factors, and the mean sea level and its variations in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the East Sea from September 1992 through August 1994(70cycles). For the atmospheric correction factors, the variations of dry troposphere, humid troposphere, ionosphere and inverted barometer were very small as a few centimeters, but the variations of electromagnetic bias were higher than other factors. For the oceanic correction factors, the variations of ocean tide(35cm in track 127 and 60cm in track 214) showed high ranges compared to elastic tide(5cm in track 127 and 1cm in track 214) and loading tide(1.8cm in track 127 and 1cm in track 214). It should be understood that the variations of ocean free surface is mainly under the influence of, firstly, ocean tide and, secondly, electromagnetic bias. Mean sea level in the Yellow Sea are higher than in the rest of Seas. Then its range generally comprised between -60cm and 210cm with mean value of about 100cm. Also its variations showed high values in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea, especially 5.689cm in Youngampo. This result is mainly due to the effects of local topography and tidal current.

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Digitalization of the Nuclear Steam Generator Level Control System (증기발생기 수위조절 시스템의 디지탈화)

  • Lee, Yoon-Joon;Lee, Un-Chul
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.125-135
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    • 1993
  • The safe and efficient operation of nuclear plants is recognized to be accomplished through the application of plant automation using digital technology, which is one of main targets of the next generation nuclear plants. For plant level automation, it is first required that each major subsystem be digitalized, and the steam generator water level control system is discussed in this study. The transfer functions between inputs and the level are derived by employing the thermal hydraulic model of the steam generator and are applied to the analysis of the current three-element control system. Since the control scheme in this study includes the steam generator itself as a process plant, the system order is high and the numerical instability arises in digitalizing. Together with this, the unreliability of the feedwater feedback signal at low power level leads to the proposal of a two-element control system with a proper digital controller. The digital PI controller developed for this system has the initial power adaptive gain and integration time constant. And it makes the overall system response satisfy the stability and other necessary control specifications simultaneously. Since the two-element control system using this controller depends on the initial power only, it is simple to define and it shows a similar level response behavior to that of its corresponding analog system.

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The Crosshole Resistivity Method Using the Mixed Array (혼합배열을 사용하는 시추공간 전기비저항 탐사)

  • Cho In-Ky;Han Sung-Hoon;Kim Ki-Ju
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.250-256
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    • 2002
  • Resistivity tomography has become an important tool to image underground resistivity distribution. This method has been widely applied to site investigation for engineering and environmental purpose. In resistivity tomography, various electrode arrays can be used and each array has both merits and demerits. For example, the pole-pole array has high signal to noise ratio (S/N ratio), but its resolution is too low. The dipole-dipole array has low S/N ratio, but its resolution is very high. The Pole-dipole may has intermediate Snf ratio and resolution. The modified Pole-dipole array, recently proposed, shows reasonable S/N ratio and resolution, which are comparable to the pole-dipole array. These electrode arrays except the pole-pole array, however, have the problem that the apparent resistivity can diverge at some special electrode Positions. Also, the Pole-Pole array may not reflect the doe resistivity of an anomalous body. In this study, we propose a new electrode array, mixed array, where pole-dipole and modified pole-dipole ways are selectively used with the relative positions of current and potential electrodes. The mixed array has the same level of S/N ratio and resolution as the pole-dipole array and the apparent resistivity does not diverge in the receiver hole. Furthermore, the apparent resistivity using the array can reflect the true resistivity of the anomalous body.

A Study on Call Admission Control Scheme based on Multiple Thresholds in the CDMA System (CDMA시스템에서 다중 종류의 문턱치를 사용한 호 수락제어 기법에 대한 연구)

  • Piao, Shi-Gwon;Park, Yong-Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.3A
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2003
  • CAC is a very important issue in CDMA system in order to protect the required QoS(quality of service) and increase the system's capacity. In this paper, we proposed and analyzed a call admission control scheme using multiple thresholds, which can provide quick processing time and better performance. There are two effective thresholds used to decide call admission. One is the number of active users, and the other is the signal to interference ratio(SIR). If the threshold of active users are lower than the low number of users threshold, we accept the new call without any other conditions. Otherwise, we check the current SIR to guarantee the quality of our service. System then accepts the new call when the SIR satisfies system requirement. Otherwise, the call will be rejected. Multiple threshold schemes are investigated and their performance is compared with the number of user and power based CAC's. simulation results are provided to evaluate the performance.

Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea(CUES): Its Limitation and Recommendations for Improvement (해상에서의 우발적 조우 시 신호 규칙(CUES)의 제한점과 개선을 위한 제언)

  • Oh, Dongkeon
    • Strategy21
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    • s.44
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    • pp.323-351
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    • 2018
  • Adopted in Western Pacific Naval Symposium(WPNS) 2014, Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea(CUES) has been the most valuable output of WPNS history. Written and suggested by Australian Navy in 1999, the goal of CUES is to decrease the possibility of the naval conflict by establishing the code among international navies in the Western Pacific region. Facing many oppositions and requirement of People's Liberation Army Navy(PLAN) in WPNS 2012 and 2013, but it finally adopted in WPNS 2014, with many changes in detailed provisions. From then, navies in the Western Pacific region have followed CUES to prevent maritime conflicts in the region, CUES, however, sometimes does not work correctly. Contents of CUES is the mixture of the parts of Multinational Maritime Tactical Signal and Maneuvering Book(MTP) and International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972(CORLEGs). There are means of radio communications such as frequency and signals, instructions for maneuvering and so on. Thus, it is not a new document for the U.S. Navy and its allies, but it requires training to implicate at sea for navies other than U.S. allies, like PLAN. Lots of provisions in CUES were changed because of the opposition of PLAN, and CUES has many shortcomings and practical limitations. First, since CUES is non-legally binding, and there are no methods to force the naval assets on the sea to follow. Second, CUES is only applied to naval assets; naval ships - warships, naval auxiliaries, and submarines - and naval aircraft. Third, the geographical scope in CUES is not clear. Fourth, there is no provision for submerged submarines. Finally, CUES has no time-based framework or roadmap for training. In this regard, there would be six recommendations for improvement. First, CUES should be reviewed by WPNS or other international institutions, while keeping non-binding status so that WPNS could send signals to the navies which do not answer CUES on the sea. Second, the participation of Maritime Law Enforcements(MLEs) such as coast guard is inevitable. Third, navies would use full text of MTP rather than current CUES, which extracts some parts of MTP. Fourth, CUES needs provisions with respect to submerged submarines, which recognizes as offensive weapons themselves. Fifth, the geographic scope of CUES should be clear. Since there are some countries in which claim that a rock with a concrete structure is their territory, CUES should be applied on every sea including EEZ and territorial seas. Finally, the detailed training plan is required to implicate CUES at sea. Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) is a good exercise to train CUES, because almost all WPNS member countries except six countries are participating in RIMPAC. CUES is a meaningful document not only for navies but also for nation-states in the region. To prevent escalation of conflict in the region, potentially caused by an unplanned collision at sea, CUES should be applied more strictly. CUES will continue to be in subsequent WPNS and therefore continue to improve in the effectiveness as both an operational and diplomatic agreement.

Estimation of Allowable Drop Height for Oriental Pears by Impact Tests (충격시험에 따른 배의 허용낙하높이 추정)

  • Kim, M. S.;Jung, H. M.;Seo, R.;Park, I. K.;Hwang, Y. S.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.461-468
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    • 2001
  • Impact between fruits and other materials is a major cause of product damage in harvesting and handling systems. The oriental pears are more susceptible to bruising than other fruits such as European pears and apples, and are required more careful handling. The interest in the handling of the pears for the processing systems has raised the question of the allowable drop height to which pears can be dropped without causing objectionable damage. Drop tests on pears were conducted using an impact device developed by authors to estimate the allowable drop height without bruising. The impact device was constructed to hold in a selected orientation and to release a fruit by vacuum for dropping on to a force transducer. The drop height was adjustable for zero to 60 cm to achieve the desired distance between the bottom of the fruits and the top of the impact force transducer. The transducer was secured to 150 kg$\sub$f/ concrete block. The transducer signal was sampled every 0.17 ms with a strain gage measurement board in the micro computer where it was digitaly stored for later analysis. The selected sample fruit was Niitaka cultivar of pears which is one of the most promising fruit for export in Korea. The pears were harvested during the 1998 harvest season from an orchard in Daejeon. The sample fruit was selected from two groups which were stored for 3 months and 5 months respectively by the method of current commercial practice. The pears were allowed to stabilize at environmental condition(18$^{\circ}C$, 65% rh) of the experimental room. One hundred fifty six pears were tested from the heights of 5, 7.5. 10 and 12.5 cm while measurement were made of impact peak force, contact time, time to peak force, dwell time, pear diameter and mass. The bioyield strength and modulus of elasticity were measured using UTM immediately after each drop test. The allowable drop height was estimated on the base of bioyield strength of the pears in two ways. One was assumed the peak force during impact test increasing linearly with time, and the other was based on the actual drop test results. The computer program was developed for measuring the impact characteristics of the pears and analyzing the data obtained in the study. The peak force increased while contact times decreased with increasing drop height and contact times of the sample from the hard tissue group. The allowable drop height increased with increasing bioyield strength and contact times, and also varied with Poisson\`s ratio, mass and equilibrium radius of the pears. The allowable drop height calculated by a theoretical method was in the range from 1 to 4 cm, meanwhile, the estimated drop height considering the result of the impact test was in the range from 1 to 6 cm. Since the physical properties of fruits affected significantly the allowable drop height, the physical properties of the fruits should be considered when estimating the allowable drop height.

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Perceptions of Hospital Health Information Managers Regarding Present on Admission Indicators in Korea: A Qualitative Study (입원 시 상병의 수집 및 활용에 관한 보건의료정보관리사의 관점: 질적 연구)

  • Pyo, Jee-Hee;Choi, Eun-Young;Oh, Hae-Mi;Lee, Won;Kim, Ju-Young;Ock, Min-Su;Kim, So-Yoon;Lee, Sang-Il
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This qualitative study was conducted to examine the current status and problems concerning the collection of present on admission (POA) indicators and determine how to use these indicators for evaluating the quality of care and degree of patient safety. Methods: A total of 11 health information managers were divided into two groups according to the size of their hospitals. Two focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted, one for each group, which followed a pre-developed semi-structured guideline. The verbatim transcriptions of the FGDs were analyzed. Results: The majority of participants were concerned about entering POA flags honestly because they did not know how future POA indicators would be used. In particular, for some participants, POA N was a burden that could imply a signal of mismanagement within the medical institution. In addition, the lack of awareness and indifference of physicians regarding POA indicators were some of the difficulties for POA flag entry. Although medical institutions are making efforts to improve the accuracy of POA flagging, many participants mentioned the need to develop real case-oriented POA entry guidelines to improve the accuracy of POA flagging. Conclusion: To increase the validity of POA indicators, it is necessary to increase the level of awareness of POA indicators in physicians and other medical professionals. Furthermore, efforts related to POA indicators by individual medical institutions need to be reflected in the process evaluation.

GABA-enriched fermented Laminaria japonica improves cognitive impairment and neuroplasticity in scopolamine- and ethanol-induced dementia model mice

  • Reid, Storm N.S.;Ryu, Je-kwang;Kim, Yunsook;Jeon, Byeong Hwan
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Fermented Laminaria japonica (FL), a type sea tangle used as a functional food ingredient, has been reported to possess cognitive improving properties that may aid in the treatment of common neurodegenerative disorders, such as dementia. MATERIALS/METHODS: We examined the effects of FL on scopolamine (Sco)- and ethanol (EtOH)-induced hippocampus-dependent memory impairment, using the Passive avoidance (PA) and Morris water maze (MWM) tests. To examine the underlying mechanisms associated with neuroprotective effects, we analyzed acetylcholine (ACh) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity, brain tissue expression of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR), cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2), and immunohistochemical analysis, in the hippocampus of mice, compared to current drug therapy intervention. Biochemical blood analysis was carried out to determine the effects of FL on alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and triglyceride (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) levels. 7 groups (n = 10) consisted of a control (CON), 3 Sco-induced dementia and 3 EtOH-induced dementia groups, with both dementia group types containing an untreated group (Sco and EtOH); a positive control, orally administered donepezil (Dpz) (4mg/kg) (Sco + Dpz and EtOH + Dpz); and an FL (50 mg/kg) treatment group (Sco + FL50 and EtOH + FL50), orally administered over the 4-week experimental period. RESULTS: FL50 significantly reduced EtOH-induced increase in AST and ALT levels. FL50 treatment reduced EtOH-impaired step-through latency time in the PA test, and Sco- and EtOH-induced dementia escape latency times in the MWM test. Moreover, anticholinergic effects of Sco and EtOH on the brain were reversed by FL50, through the attenuation of AChE activity and elevation of ACh concentration. FL50 elevated ERK1/2 protein expression and increased p-CREB (ser133) in hippocampus brain tissue, according to Western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis, respectively. CONCLUSION: Overall, these results suggest that FL may be considered an efficacious intervention for Sco- and EtOH-induced dementia, in terms of reversing cognitive impairment and neuroplastic dysfunction.

Physical Vapor Deposition공정 시, Substrate 온도에 따른 X-선 검출용 비정질 셀레늄의 성능평가

  • Kim, Dae-Guk;Gang, Jin-Ho;Kim, Jin-Seon;No, Seong-Jin;Jo, Gyu-Seok;Sin, Jeong-Uk;Nam, Sang-Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2013.08a
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    • pp.210.2-210.2
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    • 2013
  • 현재 국내의 상용화된 디지털 방식 X-선 영상장치에서 간접변환방식은 대부분 CsI를 사용하고 있으며, X-선 흡수에 의해 전기적 신호를 발생시키는 직접변환방식은 Amorphous Selenium(a-Se)을 사용한다. a-Se은 진공 중에 녹는점이 낮아 증착시 substrate의 온도에 따라 민감한 변화를 보인다. 본 연구에서는 간접변환방식에 비해 높은 영상의 질을 획득할 수 있는 직접변환방식의 a-Se기반 X-선 검출기 제작 시 substrate에 인가된 온도에 따른 특성을 연구하여 최적화 된 substrate의 온도를 알고자 한다. 본 실험에서는 glass에 투명한 전극물질인 Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)가 electrode로 형성된 substrate를 사용하였으며 그 상단에 a-Se을 Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)방식을 거쳐 X-선 검출기 샘플을 제작하였다. PVD 공정 시 네 개의 보트에 a-Se 시료를 각각 100g씩 총 400g을 넣고, $5{\times}10-5Torr$까지 진공도를 낮추었다. 보트의 온도는 $270^{\circ}C$에서 40분 $290^{\circ}C$에서 90분으로 온도를 인가하여 a-Se을 기화시켜 증착하였다. 증착 시 substrate 온도를 각각 $20^{\circ}C$, $40^{\circ}C$, $60^{\circ}C$, $70^{\circ}C$ 네 종류로 나누어 실험을 진행하였다. 끝으로 증착된 a-Se 상단에 Au를 PVD방식으로 electrode를 형성시켜 a-Se기반의 X-선 검출기 샘플 제작을 완료하였다. 제작된 a-Se기반의 X-선 검출기 샘플의 두께는 80에서 $85{\mu}m$로 온도에 따른 차이가 없었다. 이후에 전기적 특성을 평가하기위해 electrometer와 oscilloscope를 이용하여 Dark current와 Sensitivity를 측정하여 Signal to Noise Ratio(SNR)로 도출하였으며 Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) 표면 uniformity를 관찰하였다. 또한 제작된 a-Se기반 X-선 검출기 샘플의 hole collection 성능을 확인하고자 mobility를 측정하였다. 측정결과 a-Se의 work function을 고려한 $10V/{\mu}m$기준에서 70kV, 100mA, 0.03sec의 조건의 X-선을 조사 하였을 때 Sensitivity는 세 종류의 검출기 샘플이 15nC/mR-cm2에서 18nC/mR-cm2으로 비슷한 양상을 나타내었지만, substrate온도가 $70^{\circ}C$때의 샘플은 10nC/mR-cm2이하로 저감됨을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 substrate온도 $60^{\circ}C$에서 제작된 검출기 샘플의 전기적 특성이 SNR로 환산 시, 15.812로 가장 우수한 전기적 특성을 나타내어 최적화 된 온도임을 알 수 있었다. SEM촬영 시 온도상승에 따라 표면 uniformity가 우수하였으며, Mobility lifetime에서는 $60^{\circ}C$에서 제작된 검출기 샘플이 deep trap 수치가 높아 hole이 $0.04584cm2/V{\cdot}sec$$0.00174cm2/V{\cdot}sec$의 electron보다 26.34배가량 빠른 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구를 통해 a-Se증착 시, substrate에 인가된 온도는 균일한 박막의 형성 및 표면구조에 영향을 미치며 온도가 증가할수록 안정적인 전기적 특성을 나타내지만 $70^{\circ}C$이상일 시, a-Se층의 결정화가 생겨 deep trap을 발생시켜 전기적 특성이 저하됨을 확인 할 수 있었다. 따라서 증착 시의 substrate의 온도 최적화는 a-Se기반 X-선 검출기의 안전성 및 성능향상을 위해 불가피한 요소가 된다고 사료된다.

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