• 제목/요약/키워드: Creating Idea

검색결과 127건 처리시간 0.025초

헤르만 F. 폰 퓌클러-무스카우(Hermann Fürst von Pückler-Muskau)의 풍경식 정원론의 형성과정과 의미에 관한 연구 (A Study on Hermann Fürst Pücker-Muskau's landscape gardening theory focused on its development process and meanings)

  • 조경진
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2014
  • 헤르만 F. 퓌클러-무스카우는 1834년 '풍경식 정원의 예시'라는 정원이론서를 출간하고, 무스카우와 브라니츠 정원을 조성한 독일 정원사의 중요한 인물이다. 그는 무스카우 공국의 통치자였으며 작가이자 정원사로서 다면적 활동을 하였다. 그가 영향력을 끼친 독일의 풍경식 정원은 이성으로부터의 해방, 인간 본연의 자유를 추구하는 낭만주의에 기반하고 있다. 당시 지식인들이 풍경식 정원에 관심을 가지게 것은 이상화된 자연을 표상하는 정원의 문화적 의미에서였다. 본 연구에서는 퓌클러-무스카우의 풍경식 정원관의 형성과정을 생애와의 관계 속에서 고찰하고, 이를 통하여 도출된 퓌클러의 풍경식 정원론의 내용과 고유한 설계방식을 살펴본다. 이와 함께 함축하고 있는 혁신성과 현대적 관점에서의 실천적 함의를 고찰한다. 퓌클러가 풍경식 정원에 관심을 갖고 자신만의 정원론을 구축하게 된 것은 여러 나라의 경관과 정원 기행에서 비롯하였다. 계몽적 낭만주의로 대표되는 퓌클러가 살았던 시기의 시대적 배경과 그의 개인적 경험 간의 상호관계는 그의 정원론을 이해하는 기반이 된다. 첫째, 그의 풍경식 정원론은 실제와 이상이 혼재되어 있는데 이는 낭만주의와 문학적 정원의 영향이라고 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 정원 구현 방식에 있어서는 18세기 후반의 표현을 중시하는 영국 풍경식 정원의 영향을 받고 있다. 셋째, 퓌클러의 정원 설계에서는 그의 내면적 성향과 개인 경험이 드러난다. 넷째, 퓌클러가 지역 주민을 위한 정원을 조성하고자한 것은 진보적 사상을 지닌 귀족으로서 모순적 성격의 자기표현이라고 할 수 있다. 퓌클러 풍경식 정원론의 가치는 인문학적 정원의 전통과 사회 조건의 개선을 추구하는 실용적 태도와 깊이 관련된다. 이러한 결과로 나타난 그의 풍경식 정원론은 이상적 공동체와 윤리적인 건강성을 지향하는 경관론이면서, 지역의 생태적, 경제적, 사회적 지속가능성을 고려한 전략을 담고 있다. 또한 개인적 영역에서 공공의 영역에 이르기까지 정원의 개념과 의미를 확장하고, 실용과 미를 동시에 추구하는 종합예술을 지향한다. 이러한 통합적 관점은 오늘날 현대 조경이론과 실천에서 회복되어야 할 가치이며 지향점이기도 하다.

'금강산'에서 전승되는 아름다움의 장소신화 : 사회적 자연과 명산의 여행지리 (Place-myth of The Scenic Beauty from Mt. Kumgang : The social nature and the travel geography of noted mountains)

  • 신성희
    • 한국지역지리학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2016
  • 사회과학계에서 '산(山)'은 환경 및 생태와 주로 연관되어 사회와 문화의 외부에 존재하는 객관적인 '자연'의 일부로 여겨져 왔다. 그러나 국토의 대부분이 산지로 이루어진 한반도에서 산은 자연과 사회집단이 교류하면서 형성하는 '사회적 자연'이며 이러한 산지들로의 여행은 한국인들에게 있어 자연의 사회화 및 문화화 과정으로 이해할 수 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 이 글은 여러 명산들 가운데 왜 금강산은 유독 '가장 아름다운 산'으로 전승되어 왔으며 수많은 예술창작의 원천이 되어 왔는가? 에 관한 의문에서 출발하여, 조선시대 금강산의 여행 지리를 검토한다. 구체적으로 한국인의 자연과 인간과의 관계, 그리고 가장 아름다운 산으로서 금강산이 지닌 장소신화에 관하여 고찰하고자 하였다. 조선시대의 금강산 여정은 당시의 교통 여건에서 한계에 달하는 체력소모와 장기간의 불편 및 위험에의 끊임없는 노출을 감수하는 것이었다. 그렇게 도착하여 극적으로 경험하게 되는 금강산의 경관은 더욱 더 아름답고 신비롭게 기억되었다. 금강산 여행을 필생의 소망으로 여기고 성취하려던 이유는, 선대 여행자들의 기록과 예술작품을 통해 금강산은 당시 최고의 '여행 로망지'로 알려졌기 때문이며, 따라서 그토록 아름답다고 알려진 금강산을 직접 경험하는 것이 순수한 동기였다. 그러나 이러한 소망의 실천은 개인의 미적 향유와 즐거움에 머무는 것이 아니라, 자연감상을 도덕적 책무 및 학문적 이상을 실천하는 일과 동일시하는 유교적 자연관에서 비롯된 것이기도 했다. 한편, 금강산 여행자들은 각종 기행문학과 회화 등 예술작품으로 금강산 여행을 재현하여 기억하였는데, 이 또한 개인적 차원의 문화예술 행위를 넘어서서 가보지 못한 사람들과 후대인들을 적극적으로 고려하는, 즉 여행 경험의 적극적인 사회적 기록이자 문화정치적 재현의 과정이었다. 이는 금강산 여정의 종료가 결코 여행의 끝이 아니었음을 의미하며, 여행의 기억과 재현을 통해 상상의 지리로 새롭게 재생산되어, 오늘날까지 많은 이들이 인정하는 금강산이 한반도에서 가장 아름다운 산이라는 독보적인 장소신화를 형성하는 기반을 제공하였다.

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Study on Service Identity and Identity Framework

  • Kang, Hwa-Sun;Pan, Young-Hwan
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2012
  • Objective: Service industry has become the most important industry among various economic activities, as the percentage of service related industry in advanced nations is over 60% of their GDP and the percentage of service industry in South Korea, a traditional manufacturing nation, now takes up over 60% of the entire economy. Background: Such industry paradigm shift has changed consumers from those that simply purchased products into groups of people that evaluate the companies that manufacture products, thereby further intensifying competition among companies and increasing the importance of integrated communication between companies and consumers. However, the excessive existence of sub-identities that have been developed for integrated management of the existing corporate identities, as well as the undifferentiated general management strategies by companies are creating confusion not only for consumers but also for various corporate interest parties. In addition, service identity strategy has become the most important strategy than any other sub-identity strategies in forming corporate identity at the increased importance of corporate service in the era of service industry. However, the current domestic circumstance is that the concept of service identity has not been well established through specific related studies. Method: Accordingly, the existing academic and field studies on the corporate identity(CI), brand identity(BI) and product identity(PI) used for the communication with consumers were reviewed in this study to establish and summarize the concept of service identity(SI) that appeared at the service economization. Results: The purpose is to examine the kind of change that could be brought about by SI for the corporate integrated identity strategy developed through the existing corporate, brand & product image in order to present a new direct in corporate identity strategy according to the industry paradigm shift through a SI centered new corporate identity framework. Conclusion: For preparing the new era of service industry, the corporate integrated identity strategy must be integrate with concept of service identity and which is essential to differential from other companies. Application: The proposed concept and framework of service identity on this paper will help to understand and clearly define why service identity is important factor of the new idea of corporate identities.

장예모의 인상(印象) 시리즈 <인상유삼저>에 관한 연구 (Research on Impression Liu Sanjie from impression series by Zhang Yimou)

  • 왕지권
    • 트랜스-
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    • 제5권
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2018
  • 장예모 감독의 작품 <인상유삼저>가 기존의 공연들과 차별화되는 가장 큰 특징은 무대공간의 활용에 있다. 인상시리즈의 무대는 세트장과 대자연과 결합하여 전통적인 무대공연양식에서 탈피하여 자연환경을 무대배경으로 완성하였다. 또한 자신만의 특색 있는 미적 감각과 자연공간을 조화시켜 해당 지역문화의 특색을 반영해 내었다. <인상유삼저>는 실제 자연경관을 배경으로 하는 단순한 산수공연이 아니라 자연적인 색채와 공간이 조화를 이루어 나타내는 인간과 자연사이의 친환경적 개념에서 비롯되어 해당 지역사회의 문화산업적 요소를 홍보하는 기능으로 작용하기도 하였다. 본 연구는 문화인류학자 홀의 프록세믹스(proxemics) 개념과 친환경적 측면에서 <인상유삼저>를 분석하였다. <인상유삼저>는 자연환경을 배경으로 하는 실경산수공연의 형식으로 연출하며 해당 지역사회의 문화와 자연적 특성을 최대한 보존하는 동시에 현지문화산업의 홍보측면에도 기여하였다. <인상유삼저>는 실경산수공연으로서 인간과 자연을 성공적으로 융합하여 환경을 보존하였다는 데에도 의의를 갖고 있다.

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가상기업의 성과요인에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Influence Factors for Virtual Enterprise)

  • 박경혜;최세연
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.117-135
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    • 2007
  • Globalization changes in market structures and consumer needs, as well as technology innovations force organizations to adopt new structures and collaborative networks to cope with rapidly changing environments. These Collaborative Networks are based on the Idea of virtual enterprise. A virtual enterprise(VE) is a temporary alliance of globally distributed independent enterprises that share core competencies and computer networks. This paper presents a proposal for a methodology to measure a key factor of success and risk First of all, we chose thirty experts' defines on virtual enterprise, fifteen are academic specialist and other fifteen are from industry. For this study we define twenty two factors determining VE's success and seventeen factors determining VE's risk using by Delphi method. And we built the influence model on virtual enterprise. A research model was established according to preceeding research and consensus on experts then the revised model of key factors on virtual enterprise. This survey was based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP is an approach to decision making that involves structuring multiple choice criteria into a hierarchy, the assessing the relative important of these criteria, comparing alternative for each criteria, and determining an overall ranking of the alternatives. A model was constructed as 3 level hierarchy. The hierarches are organizational, strategic, technical criteria. for success model on VE has 22 factors and 17 factors for risk model. They are selected by all 30 experts. 14 copies among 30 copies distributed to carry out on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Consistency ratio confirm high validity and reliability of instrument and support theoretical model. The results of this study are summarized as follows. (1) This study presented success on VE influenced strategic criteria, and essential factor is Creating a value. Risk on VE influenced strategic criteria, and essential factor is Outcome/Distribution. (2) Its enable that ranking the criteria influence on VE. These are supported VE management and using guideline of VE.

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대중음악의 시각화를 통한 텍스타일 프린트 패턴디자인 발상 (Creating the Idea of Textile Print Pattern Design Using the Visual Expression of Popular Music)

  • 김지연;오경화;정혜정
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.524-540
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    • 2015
  • This study develops textile pattern design ideas created through the visualization of music. Methods of auditory and synesthesia were employed to analyze various attributes of popular music genres and appoint language image, shape image, and color image to obtain their interrelationships. This study provides data that can be used to express emotional images on textile print pattern designs. This research used different genres of popular music as stimuli. The language image was extracted and introduced to the overall color scheme; in addition, the color image was verified. The analysis of the color image was executed by applying it with the color set image scale of I.R.I colors. Then, the color image of the target genre of popular music was examined and analyzed through a color tone system. The preference in shape image was realized through visual images based on basic principles of points, lines, and sides composition; subsequently, an analysis of the emotional image of popular music followed. An examination of the emotional images of different popular music genres have led to the discovery that language image, color image, and shape image all share a common emotional image. There was also a realization that similarity and interrelationship exists in language, color, and shape images experienced by listening to popular music.

이론(理論, Theoria)에 있어서의 실기의 의미 (The Meaning of Practice in Theory)

  • 강태성
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제1호
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2003
  • What is 'Art Theory'? In the western sense, the term poses a vague ambiguity, and in the eastern, it is rather an abstract and metaphysical concept. As for etymology, theory is derived from theoria and theoria from theoros. It refers to an act of viewing or seeing, of course not in a metaphysical sense. Plato understood it as 'eide'. During the time of Plotinus, theoria encompassed gazing at every possible reality, and this gazing, that is theoria, is closely related to reality as aunit that theoriacan perceive. However, we tend to distinguish, as other scientists of dualism have done, studio art from theory since a pre-modern approach to art has been particularly tuned to studio practice, set apart from theory. Therefore, in studio classes, students are expected to learn the subject based on the foundational curriculum methods such as medium, genre, technique:, rather than bringing out their own interpretations and discussing theories. As a result, students have become artists, who are not able to understand their own art. Art professors who conduct class in studio are required to proceed with specific 'theories' as well as 'intellectual reflections'. In this respect, this thesis presents poiesis and an idea of 'acting out'. Although art history and aesthetic theory tend to view art as a finished product, actual art-making and related theories should not only be acknowledged as 'completion' (finition) but also be accompanied by theoretic interpretations of the act itself and process. Accordingly, it is to accept and appreciate art as finished result in view of current theory and aesthetics thus boils down to aisthesis. Likewise, poietics starts from a point where an artist is related to studio and examines the 'work process' that extends as far as to the exact end of work. Through the study of such relationship, it is possible that theory understands 'studio' and 'process', and an artist can grant an independent meaning to studio where s/he pours her/his heart out creating a work of art. Theory is a study on artistic discovery thus should be equipped with functions that can accommodate fortuity, imitation, thinking, culture, and surrounding.

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부산시 중구 40계단 문화의 거리 조성계획 (The 40 Stairs Cultural-Street Design in Susan City)

  • 최정윤;강영조;강동진
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2005
  • In study, various notions regarding historic landscapes and rehabilitation were first investigated, and efficient rehabilitation schemes on modem historic landscapes were analyzed. On the basis of these theological analyses, an underlying scheme on the rehabilitation of modern historic landscapes was drawn up for '40 Stair Cultural Street' in Jung-gu, Busan City. Rehabilitating historic landscapes not only expresses a positive method to preserving sites and relics of heritage, but also an idea of preservation and rehabilitation based on interpretations from a historical perspective of value in this present day. Its significance is, therefore, to construct an ideal urban landscape in which the past, present and future can coexist. The rehabilitation of historic landscapes will become a psychological pillar to the people living in cities and will be able to lead the various types of urban activities as effective landmarks creating accessibility and representing perpetuity, as rehabilitated landscapes last through the passage of time. In addition, since historic and cultural landscape resources significantly represent regional identities and cultural characteristics that are protected and maintained, they may result in the succession of time and space in regional and urban historical culture and contribute to improving local images and impressions, allowing citizens and tourists to experience many diverse historic and cultural environments. The underlying scheme on the development of '40 Stair Cultural Street' in the study has been drawn up with a focus on the rehabilitation of modern historic value drawn out of the 40 stairs. The area around the 40 stairs, which was shaped as a stronghold of refugees who fled for safety during the Korean War, has changed as dramatically as people can no longer get a feel of the circumstances of that period. Local historians and residents, however, still share the joys and sorrows of refugee life as sad memories. Based on the historical fact, landscape planting, street furniture, outdoor color schemes & signage, traffic systems, symbolic 3-D models and pavement designs are underway.

QR코드를 이용한 IPTV 콘텐츠의 인터랙션 정보 접근 방법 (The Method That Access Various Interaction Information of IPTV Contents with QR Code and SmartPhone)

  • 심근호;임영환
    • 방송공학회논문지
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.295-304
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    • 2012
  • 현재 서비스 되고 있는 IPTV는 디지털 방송, 단방향 VOD서비스, 지상파 방송, 케이블 방송을 제공하는 TV용 IPTV에서 인터랙티브 디지털 방송과 같은 유무선 통신망을 이용하는 웹 기반 IPTV로 확장되여 서비스 되고 있다. 하지만 현재 서비스 되고 있는 IPTV에서는 사용의 불편함으로 인해 시청자와의 인터랙션이 많이 일어나 않고 있으며 사용자가 접근할 수 있는 콘텐츠 종류가 많지 않다는 문제점을 지니고 있다. 또한 추가 콘텐츠들이 시청하는 화면 많은 부분을 가리는 문제가 발생하고 있다. 이러한 문제점들을 해결하기 위해서 IPTV 화면상에 QR코드를 삽입하고 이를 스마트폰으로 인식하여 다양한 인터랙션 정보에 접근할 수 있는 방법을 제시하고 QR코드를 동영상에 삽입할 수 있는 편집기를 개발하여 사용자가 쉽게 콘텐츠를 생성하고 접근할 수 있도록 하겠다.

연구회 및 출연연구기관의 새로운 경영모형

  • 유성재;이정원
    • 기술경영경제학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 기술경영경제학회 2003년도 제22회 동계학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 2003
  • Government Research Institutes(GRI), together with universities and private research labs, constitute the core of the Korea's national innovation system, The aim of this paper is to analyze the current system of GRIs and the National Research Councils(RC) in Korea, and suggest some policy recommendations conducive to achieving a world class competitive research system. To identify the problems and policy issues, we have conducted interviews (with executives staffs of RCs, GRIs and government ministries) and questionnaire surveys. For benchmarking purposes, we have visited 9 public research institutes in the USA, UK, Germany, and France. From the analysis of the problems revealed from the interviews and questionnaires, 6 policy variables are identified: three of them, which we call systemware variables, are governance structure, resources allocation system, and management control system; and the other three, which we call humanware variables, are visions and strategic goals, leadership, and research manpower, respectively. We have found that 1;he current GRI/RC systems are inefficient mainly due to the rigid and bureaucratic governance structure and inconsistent resource (i.e., government budgets) allocation systems. We reject the idea of replacing the current RC system with such radical alternatives as 're-governmentization'or 'privatization'. Instead we recommend that the government introduce a better system of governance and national budget allocations, which in turn would help induce a better management control systems, clear research visions and goals, strong leadership on the part of the RC chairman, and more creative and motivated researchers. These recommendations may provide opportunities and rooms for chairmen of RCs and presidents of GRIs to exercise more positive leadership in terms of fitting the visions and goal of GRIs to the national R&D strategy and creating a rational management control system as well as motivating researchers in GRIs to be more creative and productive.

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