• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cover-image

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Analysis of Present Status for the Monitoring of land Use and Land Cover in the Korean Peninsula (한반도 토지이용 및 토지피복 모니터링 위한 현안 분석)

  • Lee, Kyu-Sung;Yoon, Yeo-Sang;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Shin, Jung-Il;Yoon, Jong-Suk;Kang, Sung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2009
  • This paper is written to analyze possible problems encountered with the existing data for the monitoring of land use and land cover change over the Korean peninsula and, further, to provide technical alternatives for the future land monitoring over the area. The oldest type of non-spatial data related to the land use change are cadastral statistics obtained since 1911. Annual statistics of cadastral data in early years (before 1942) can be used to assess land use change over the area. However, the cadastral statistics after the Korean War are not very appropriate for land use monitoring since the land class in cadastral data does not always correspond with actual land cover status. Majority of spatial data available for land monitoring over the area are land cover maps classified from satellite imagery since early 1970's. To analyze the suitability of land cover maps that were produced by two separate institutes with about 10 years interval, we conducted simple change detection analysis using these maps. These maps were not quite ready to be compared each other, in which they did not have the same class definition, classification method, and geometric registration. To achieve continuous and effective monitoring of land use and land cover change, particularly over North Korea, we should have a standard scheme in type and season of satellite imagery, image classification procedure, and class definition, which also should correspond to international standards.

Reversible Secret Sharing Scheme Using Symmetric Key Encryption Algorithm in Encrypted Images (암호화된 이미지에서 대칭키 암호화 알고리듬을 이용한 가역 비밀이미지 공유 기법)

  • Jeon, Byoung-Hyun;Shin, Sang-Ho;Jung, Ki-Hyun;Lee, Joon-Ho;Yoo, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.1332-1341
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes a novel reversible secret sharing scheme using AES algorithm in encrypted images. In the proposed scheme, a role of the dealer is divided into an image provider and a data hider. The image provider encrypts the cover image with a shared secret key and sends it to the dealer. The dealer embeds the secret data into the encrypted image and transmits encrypted shadow images to the corresponding participants. We utilize Galois polynomial arithmetic operation over 28 and the coefficient of the higher-order term is fixed to one in order to prevent the overflow. In experimental results, we demonstrate that the PSNR is sustained close to 44dB and the embedding capacity is 524,288 bits.

The Image Evaluation according to Checked Pattern Variable of Casual Shirts -Focus on Tone-in-Tone Coloration- (캐주얼 셔츠의 체크패턴 변인에 따른 이미지 평가 -톤 인 톤 배색을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Soo-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.867-876
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the image of casual shirts according to color combination, tone, and interval of checked pattern in tone-in-tone coloration. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimulus and response scales. The stimuli were 24 color pictures, in which color combination (RY: Red+Yellow, BP: Blue+Purple), tone (light, dull, dark), and interval (0.5cm, 1.5cm, 3.5cm, and 5.5cm) were manipulated. The 7-point scale was used for evaluation of image. Data were obtained from 240 female college students living in Seoul, Gwangju, Jinju, and Changwon in April 2010. For data analysis, ANOVA and Duncan-test were used by using SPSS program. The results of this study are as follows. Image according to color combination, tone, and interval of checked pattern consisted of five dimensions of attractiveness, youth- activity, appeal, modesty, and freshness. The cover combination showed an independent effect on freshness. Tone showed an independent effect on attractiveness, youth-activity, appeal, and modesty. Interval showed an independent effect on appeal, modesty, and freshness. Interaction effects of color combination and tone on youth-activity and appeal were found. In addition, interaction effects of tone and interval on attractiveness, youth-activity, and freshness were also found.

A Study on Atmospheric Correction in Satellite Imagery Using an Atmospheric Radiation Model (대기복사모형을 이용한 위성영상의 대기보정에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Sung-Nam
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2004
  • A technique on atmospheric correction algorithm to the multi-band reflectance of Landsat TM imagery has been developed using an atmospheric radiation transfer model for eliminating the atmospheric and surface diffusion effects. Despite the fact that the technique of satellite image processing has been continually developed, there is still a difference between the radiance value registered by satellite borne detector and the true value registered at the ground surface. Such difference is caused by atmospheric attenuations of radiance energy transfer process which is mostly associated with the presence of aerosol particles in atmospheric suspension and surface irradiance characteristics. The atmospheric reflectance depend on atmospheric optical depth and aerosol concentration, and closely related to geographical and environmental surface characteristics. Therefore, when the effects of surface diffuse and aerosol reflectance are eliminated from the satellite image, it is actually corrected from atmospheric optical conditions. The objective of this study is to develop an algorithm for making atmospheric correction in satellite image. The study is processed with the correction function which is developed for eliminating the effects of atmospheric path scattering and surface adjacent pixel spectral reflectance within an atmospheric radiation model. The diffused radiance of adjacent pixel in the image obtained from accounting the average reflectance in the $7{\times}7$ neighbourhood pixels and using the land cover classification. The atmospheric correction functions are provided by a radiation transfer model of LOWTRAN 7 based on the actual atmospheric soundings over the Korean atmospheric complexity. The model produce the upward radiances of satellite spectral image for a given surface reflectance and aerosol optical thickness.

An Watermarking Method Based on Singular Vector Decomposition and Vector Quantization Using Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering (특이치 분해와 Fuzzy C-Mean(FCM) 군집화를 이용한 벡터양자화에 기반한 워터마킹 방법)

  • Lee, Byung-Hee;Jang, Woo-Seok;Kang, Hwan-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.964-969
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose the image watermarking method for good compression ratio and satisfactory image quality of the cover image and the embedding image. This method is based on the singular value decomposition and the vector quantization using fuzzy c-mean clustering. Experimental results show that the embedding image has invisibility and robustness to various serious attacks. The advantage of this watermarking method is that we can achieve both the compression and the watermarking method for the copyright protection simultaneously.

An Efficient Feature Point Extraction Method for 360˚ Realistic Media Utilizing High Resolution Characteristics

  • Won, Yu-Hyeon;Kim, Jin-Sung;Park, Byuong-Chan;Kim, Young-Mo;Kim, Seok-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a efficient feature point extraction method that can solve the problem of performance degradation by introducing a preprocessing process when extracting feature points by utilizing the characteristics of 360-degree realistic media. 360-degree realistic media is composed of images produced by two or more cameras and this image combining process is accomplished by extracting feature points at the edges of each image and combining them into one image if they cover the same area. In this production process, however, the stitching process where images are combined into one piece can lead to the distortion of non-seamlessness. Since the realistic media of 4K-class image has higher resolution than that of a general image, the feature point extraction and matching process takes much more time than general media cases.

HyperConv: spatio-spectral classication of hyperspectral images with deep convolutional neural networks (심층 컨볼루션 신경망을 사용한 초분광 영상의 공간 분광학적 분류 기법)

  • Ko, Seyoon;Jun, Goo;Won, Joong-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.859-872
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    • 2016
  • Land cover classification is an important tool for preventing natural disasters, collecting environmental information, and monitoring natural resources. Hyperspectral imaging is widely used for this task thanks to sufficient spectral information. However, the curse of dimensionality, spatiotemporal variability, and lack of labeled data make it difficult to classify the land cover correctly. We propose a novel classification framework for land cover classification of hyperspectral data based on convolutional neural networks. The proposed framework naturally incorporates full spectral features with the information from neighboring pixels and has advantages over existing methods that require additional feature extraction or pre-processing steps. Empirical evaluation results show that the proposed framework provides good generalization power with classification accuracies better than (or comparable to) the most advanced existing classifiers.

Time series Analysis of Land Cover Change and Surface Temperature in Tuul-Basin, Mongolia Using Landsat Satellite Image (Landsat 위성영상을 이용한 몽골 Tuul-Basin 지역의 토지피복변화 및 지표온도 시계열적 분석)

  • Erdenesumbee, Suld;Cho, Gi Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2016
  • In this study analysis the status of land cover change and land degradation of Tuul-Basin in Mongolia by using the Landsat satellite images that was taken in year of 1990, 2001 and 2011 respectively in the summer at the time of great growth of green plants. Analysis of the land cover change during time series data in Tuul-Basin, Mongolia and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), SAVI (Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index) and LST (Land Surface Temperature) algorithm are used respectively. As a result shows, there was a decrease of forest and green area and increase of dry and fallow land in the study area. It was be considered as trends to be a land degradation. In addition, there was high correlation between LST and vegetation index. The land cover change or vitality of vegetation which is taken in study area can be closely related to the temperature of the surface.

The impact of land use and land cover changes on land surface temperature in the Yangon Urban Area, Myanmar

  • Yee, Khin Mar;Ahn, Hoyong;Shin, Dongyoon;Choi, Chuluong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2016
  • Yangon Mega City is densely populated and most urbanization area of Myanmar. Rapid urbanization is the main causes of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) change and they impact on Land Surface Temperature (LST). The objectives of this study were to investigate on the LST with respect to LULC of Yangon Mega City. For this research, Landsat satellite images of 1996, 2006 and 2014 of Yangon Area were used. Supervised classification with the region of interest and calculated change detection. Ground check points used 348 points for accuracy assessment. The overall accuracy indicated 89.94 percent. The result of this paper, the vegetation area decreased from $1061.08sq\;km^2$ (24.5%) in 1996 to $483.53sq\;km^2$ (11.2%) in 2014 and built up area clearly increased from $485.33sq\;km^2$ (11.2%) in 1996 to $1435.72sq\;km^2$ (33.1%) in 2014. Although the land surface temperature was higher in built up area and bare land, lower value in cultivated land, vegetation and water area. The results of the image processing pointed out that land surface temperature increased from $23^{\circ}C$, $26^{\circ}C$ and $27^{\circ}C$ to $36^{\circ}C$, $42^{\circ}C$ and $43.3^{\circ}C$ for three periods. The findings of this paper revealed a notable changes of land use and land cover and land surface temperature for the future heat management of sustainable urban planning for Yangon Mega city. The relationship of regression experienced between LULC and LST can be found gradually stronger from 0.8323 in 1996, 0.8929 in 2006 and 0.9424 in 2014 respectively.

Embedding Method of Secret Data using Error-Diffusion (오차 확산법을 이용한 기밀 데이터 합성법)

  • 박영란;이혜주;박지환
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 1999
  • Because the encrypted data is random, there is a possibility of threat that attacker reveals the secret data. On the other hand, as the image steganogrphy is to embed the secret data into cover image and to transmit the embedded image to receiver, an attacker could not know the existence of secret data even though he/she sees the embedded image, therefore the sender may reduce the threat of attack. In the image steganography, the secret data is embedded by modifying value of pixels as a form of noise. If the secret data is embedded into gray image, the degradation of image quality results from the modifications of image due to noise. Therefore many methods have been proposed to embed the secret data while dethering the gray image, but the existing method using error-diffusion has a problem that any patterns such as a diagonal lines or vertical take place due to embedding the secret data at the fixed interval. To solve this problem and to improve the existing method, we proposed the new method that embeds the secret data at changed point with respect to 1's run-length or at the position where has the minimum difference with the original dithered value. We evaluated the performance of the proposed method by computer simulation.

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