• 제목/요약/키워드: Counseling Support

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상담실무자가 지각한 건강가정지원센터의 상담업무와 근무환경 (Counseling Services and Work Conditions Perceived by Counselors in Healthy Family Support Centers)

  • 임춘희
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.83-105
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    • 2007
  • The present study investigated counseling services and work conditions perceived by counselors in Healthy Family Support Centers. Questionnaire survey by mail was used to collect data from 32 counselors in Healthy Family Support Centers. Major findings of this study were as follows. First, many counselors in Healthy Family Support Centers perceived work load of counseling services heavily though they thought counseling work attractive and they would keep on working. Second, many counselors had a positive view of work conditions as a workplace but not a few of them complained about physical work conditions including poor facilities like lack of counseling room space in Centers. In addition to this, many suggestions were proposed to improve the counseling services and work conditions perceived by counselors in Healthy Family Support Centers.

청소년의 인터넷 중독 문제 개선을 위한 상담 지원 시스템 모형 개발 (Development of Counseling Support System Model for improving Student's Internet Addiction Problem)

  • 임진숙;박종오;김성식
    • 정보교육학회논문지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.523-534
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 상담 비전문가인 교사에게 상담 내용과 방법을 제공하여 인터넷 중독 문제를 가지고 있는 학생을 상담할 수 있도록 지원하는 시스템 모형을 개발하였다. 시스템은 상담 내용과 방법을 제공하는 상담 컨텐츠, 학생 정보와 상담 결과를 기록하고 조회할 수 있는 상담 지원, 인터넷 중독 진단 및 설문 평가를 위한 평가 지원의 세 가지 모듈로 구성된다. 개발된 시스템을 초.중등학교 교사 30명에게 실험 운영하여 인터넷 중독 문제가 있는 학생을 상담하여, 개발된 시스템 모형의 문제점을 분석하였으며, 그리고 상담에 참여한 교사들이 제기한 문제와 개선안을 토대로 시스템 모형을 수정하였다.

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건강가정지원센터 내 한부모가정 관련 사업 현황과 개선방향에 관한 연구 (A Study of Programs for Single-parent Families in a Family Support Centers)

  • 박정윤
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.167-178
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the healthy family education, healthy family counseling, a healthy family culture, and healthy families integrated programs for single parent families in family support centers, The data collected came from 59 family support centers located in Seoul and Kyunggi-Do, Korea. Subjects included both single parents and their children. The children were of elementary school age. The types of programs were education, counseling, culture, and integrated program. Education programs were process separately for the parents and for the children. Counseling programs were mostly group-type program that aimed at improving the parent-children relationship. The contents included sections on anger management, reducing stress, enriching self-esteem. The culture programs involved experiences, camps that included cooking, watching movies, similar activities. Integrated programs involved respite support, rearing support, mentor-mentee partnerships, and the formation of self-help groups.

저소득층가계의 재무문제와 재무상담 수요에 관한 연구 (Low-Income Households' Financial Problems and Demand for Financial Counseling)

  • 김성숙
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.147-171
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to examine low-income households' financial problems and the demand for financial counseling. For these purposes, a survey of 500 low-income households was conducted by an on-line survey company. The results were as follows. First, four types of low-income households classified by income and job criteria were: the not-working poorest (16.2%), the working poor (27.0%), the not-working low-income (13.8%), and the working low-income (43.4%). Also, seven areas of financial problems were found through factor analysis. They included difficulty of survival, insufficient funds for special expenditures, defaults on financial obligation, decrease of income, increase of debts, emotional anguish, and difficulty in meeting living expenditures. 61.6% of respondents requested financial counseling, and 44.5% of them preferred internet counseling to counseling by phone or in-person, while 49.5% desired access to public counseling organizations. The five types of financial counseling content for low-income households that were found through factor analysis were financial planning, credit management, asset management/investment, public support, and use of credit cards. The low-income householders demanded financial planning counseling and pubic support counseling more than the other types of financial counseling. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the demand for financial counseling participation was significantly influenced by age and income. The demand for financial counseling content was age, income, and types of financial problems. Therefore, general financial counseling programs for low-income households should be expanded. Furthermore, those counseling programs can be useful if they not only include credit management but also financial planning, economic support information and savings.

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우리나라 아동상담사업의 현황과 개선방안 (A Study on the Improvement and Current Status on Child Counseling Works in Korea)

  • 정민정;이상회
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.563-572
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze on child counseling service of child welfare policy in Korea. Child counseling services are the most primary services in child welfare. The services have a function of supporting and reinforcing children, so they can grow positively through a desirable relationship with their parents in their family. As child welfare facilities operated politically in Korea, we discussed in this study about the current status of public/private child counseling centers. Through such discussion, we analyzed the current child counseling works in Korea and suggested a future direction of such works. The main results obtained were as follows. First, There were 41 guidance centers for children in Korea, and public guidance centers were 6, and private 35. Second, There were much more guidance centers in Holt Children's Services than in any other centers. Third, In terms of the occurrence of the cases, common children were about 56%, and nonintervention of abuse children were about 13.7% of the total cases. In conclusion, political and systematic support on the establishment of professional public child counseling centers with specialized experts and facilities must be provided in order to activate universal child counseling services for both protection-needed and ordinary children. Furthermore, such political and systematic support must be provided to the establishment and fluent operation of private child counseling centers.

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영양교사 대상 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통한 코로나19 이후 청소년의 식생활 변화 및 학교 영양상담 활성화 방안 연구 (A Qualitative Study of Changes in Adolescent Dietary Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Improvement Strategies for School-Provided Nutrition Counseling)

  • 나예슬;오지은;이경원
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제61권1호
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2023
  • This study utilized qualitative research to understand the changes taking place in adolescent dietary behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic and the current status of school-provided nutrition counseling. These, along with barriers and strategies for improvement, were derived from focus group interviews with 10 nutrition teachers. Throughout the pandemic, adolescents experienced various dietary problems, including frequent meal skipping, unbalanced diets, increased obesity, and difficulties building positive attitudes towards food. To resolve these dietary problems, nutrition teachers recognized the need for school-provided nutrition counseling. However, nutrition teachers faced various barriers, such as a lack of time for nutrition counseling among students, lack of support from parents, and insufficient space and resources. To revitalize school-provided nutrition counseling, strategies such as home-connected nutrition counseling, the development of standardized guidelines, manuals for school-provided nutrition counseling, software support for nutrition diagnosis, and implementation of nutrition counseling in connection with cooking activities were proposed. This is important as school-provided nutrition counseling can help develop the foundation for healthy dietary behaviors and health promotion in adolescents.

일본의 다중채무자문제 및 채무자상담에 관한 연구 :채무자상담기관의 상담자 면접조사를 포함하여 (A Study on Issues of Heavy Debtors and Credit Counseling in Japan : Including the Interview of Counselors in the Credit Counseling Service)

  • 이현진
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 2007
  • This study is a qualitative analysis aimed at facilitating a plan of social support for heavy debtors. for this purpose, the status of issues related to heavy debtors in Japan is considered, and more is revealed about the status of operation for non-profit organizations and groups of heavy debtor victims as counseling agencies for heavy debtors. In addition, through interviews conducted with the counselors of these organizations, a survey has been made on whether the credit counseling provides particular functions for and increases the satisfaction of debtors. The root of Japan's large number of heavy debtors lay in that country's excessive growth of consumer financing, the increase of its use, the structural problems on the lending system of consumer financing and legal insufficiency, to name of few fundamental problems. The interviews on debtor counseling in private organizations revealed that the debtors being counseled showed a great change, due primarily to group counseling and activities, in such aspects as psychological stability, learning and understanding about heavy debts and willingness to take action for solving their own problems. In addition, regarding the aspects of time and cost, specialty, mutual exchange of experienced persons, psychological care and educational functions, the importance of the debtor counseling group's role has been established. To improve the problems of heavy debtors in Korea, there is a need to promote the importance of debtor counseling increase the interest and support of the administration, create a sense of solidarity among related organizations and promote public education on consumer credit. The support of the consumer credit industry and the development of human resources are also badly needed.

대학 취업지원 프로그램의 실효성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effectiveness of University Employment Support Programs)

  • 남재우;최영근
    • 융합정보논문지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.66-75
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구에서는 대학 취업지원센터에서 제공하는 취업지원 프로그램의 실효성을 평가하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 K대학에서 운영하는 17개 취업지원 프로그램을 기업연계, 상담, 자격증, 채용지원, 특강 등 6개 차원으로 구분하였고, 최근 취업한 졸업생을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시해 유용성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 모든 취업지원 프로그램은 보통 이상의 유용성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 차원별로는 자격증, 취업지원, 해외, 특강, 상담, 기업연계 관련 프로그램의 순으로 유용성이 높게 집계되었다. 이중 기업연계, 특강, 상담 관련 프로그램은 취업지원 프로그램의 전반적유용성을 높여주는 요인으로 분석되었다. 따라서 취업지원센터는 신규 프로그램을 계획할 때, 기업연계, 특강, 상담 관련 프로그램을 우선 기획하는 것이 바람직한 방향일 것이다.

Mental Health Counseling in 2022: Insights and Policy Recommendations from NHANES Data

  • Ae-Jun PARK;Ae-Hee HA
    • 웰빙융합연구
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aims to analyze the status and realities of mental health counseling experiences among adults using the 2022 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(NHNES) data. The goal is to provide policy recommendations for enhancing mental health services. Research Methods: Utilizing secondary data analysis of the 2022 survey conducted by the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency(KDCPA), this study applied statistical techniques including descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and logistic regression to evaluate counseling experiences based on age, gender, residential area, and income levels. Results: The study included 5,256 participants, with the highest proportion being those aged 60-69 (21.3%) and the lowest aged 19-29 (11.7%). Females constituted 56.5% of the sample, while males made up 43.5%. Older adults (60-69 and 70+) had significantly lower counseling experience rates compared to younger adults (19-29). Females had higher counseling experience rates than males, indicating gender differences in mental health service utilization. Urban residents had higher counseling experience rates than rural residents, suggesting better access to mental health services in urban areas. Lower income levels were associated with higher counseling experience rates, highlighting the need for targeted mental health support for economically disadvantaged groups. Conclusions: The study recommends developing age-specific, gender-sensitive, and regionally tailored mental health programs to improve accessibility and effectiveness. Additionally, policies should focus on enhancing mental health support for low-income individuals to address the socioeconomic disparities in mental health service utilization.

결혼이주여성의 가족상담 필요성 인식 관련 요인의 탐색 (Factors related to the Awareness for the Needs of Family Counseling for Married Immigrant Women)

  • 김현수;최연실
    • 한국심리학회지:여성
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.435-456
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 결혼이주여성의 가족상담 필요성 인식에 미치는 요인들을 파악함으로써, 결혼이주여성과 다문화가족을 위한 가족상담의 지원 방향을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 보건복지부에서 실시한 2010년도 전국다문화실태조사자료를 사용하여 결혼이주여성 총 58,072명을 대상으로, 사회인구학적 변인, 한국어 능력, 사회적 지지, 가족관계 만족도, 가족상담 경험 유무를 중심으로 가족상담 필요성 인식에 미치는 요인들을 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 결혼이주여성은 가족상담에 대해 보통 수준으로 필요성을 인식하고 있었으며, 한국어 능력 수준도 중간 수준이었다. 사회적 지지원이 한국인, 모국인 모두 2명을 넘지 않았고, 배우자, 자녀, 시부모와의 관계에 대해서는 전반적으로 만족하고 있었다. 둘째, 결혼이주여성의 출신국가에 따른 가족상담 필요성 인식에 대한 차이가 나타났다. 조선족, 중국, 일본 출신의 여성들은 가족상담 필요성 인식이 낮았고, 베트남, 필리핀, 캄보디아 등 동남아 출신 여성들은 가족상담 필요성에 대한 인식이 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 결혼이주여성들은 연령이 어리고, 본인의 학력이 높고, 배우자의 학력이 낮고, 결혼지속년수가 짧고, 자녀가 많고, 배우자 부모와 동거하고 있고, 스스로 배우자를 만나지 않았을 경우, 가족상담에 대한 필요성을 더 높게 인식하고 있었다. 또한, 한국어 능력이 낮고, 사회적 지지원으로 한국인의 수가 적고, 배우자와의 관계에 불만족하고, 자녀와의 관계에 만족하고, 상담에 대한 경험이 있는 경우 가족상담 필요성에 대한 인식이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다.