• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cost approach

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The Extended Site Assessment Procedure Based on Knowledge of Biodegradability to Evaluate the Applicability of Intrinsic Remediation (자연내재복원기술(Intrinsic Remediation)적용을 위한 오염지역 평가과정 개발)

  • ;Robert M. Cowan
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.3-21
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    • 1997
  • The remediation of contamiated sites using currently available remediation technologies requires long term treatment and huge costs, and it is uncertain to achieve the remediation goal to drop contamination level to either back-ground or health-based standards by using such technologies. Intrinsic remediation technology is the remediation technology that relies on the mechanisms of natural attenuation for the containment and elimination of contaminants in subsurface environments. Initial costs for the intrinsic remediation may be higher than conventional treatment technologies because the most comprehensive site assessment for intrinsic remediation is required. Total remediation cost, however may be the lowest among the presently employed technologies. The applicability of intrinsic remediation in the contaminated sites should be theroughly investigated to achieve the remedial goal of the technology. This paper provides the frame of the extended site assessment procedure based on knowledge of biodegradability to evaluate the applicability of intrinsic remediation. This site assessment procedure is composed of 5 steps such as preliminary site screening, assessment of the current knowledge of biodegradability, selecting the appropriate approach, analyzing the contaminant fate and transport and planning the monitoring schedule. In the step 1, followings are to be decided 1) whether to go on the the detailed assessment or not based on the rules of thumb concerning the biodegradability of organic compounds, 2) which protocol document is selected to follow for detailed site assessment according to the site characteristics, contaminants and the relative distance between the contamination and potential receptors. In the step 2, the database for biodegradability are searched and evaluated. In the step 3, the appropriate biodegradability pathways for the contaminated site is selected. In the step 4, the fate and transport of the contaminants at the site are analyzed through modeling. In the step 5, the monitoring schedule is planned according to the result of the modeling. Through this procedure, users may able to have the rational and systematic informations for the application of intrinsic remediation. Also the collected data and informations can be used as the basic to re-select the other remediation technology if it reaches a conclusion not to applicate intrinsic remediation technology at the site from the site assessment procedure.

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An Analysis of the Use of Media Materials in School Health Education and Related Factors in Korea (학과보건교육에서의 매체활용실태 및 영향요인 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Im;Jung, Hye-Sun;Ahn, Ji-Young;Park, Jung-Young;Park, Eun-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 1999
  • The objectives of this study are to explain the use of media materials in school health education with other related factors in elementary, middle, and high schools in Korea. The data were collected by questionnaires from June to September in 1998. The number of subjects were 294 school nurses. The PC-SAS program was used for statistical analysis such as percent distribution, chi-squared test, spearman correlation test, and logistic regression. The use of media materials in health education has become extremely common. Unfortunately, much of the early materials were of poor production quality, reflected low levels of interest, and generally did little to enhance health education programming. A recent trend in media materials is a move away from the fact filled production to a more affective, process-oriented approach. There is an obvious need for health educators to use high-quality, polished productions in order to counteract the same levels of quality used by commercial agencies that often promote "unhealthy" lifestyles. Health educators need to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of media. Selecting media materials should be based on more than cost, availability, and personal preference. Selection should be based on the goal of achieving behavioral objectives formulated before the review process begins. The decision to use no media materials rather than something of dubious quality usually be the right decision. Poor-quality, outdated, or boring materials will usually have a detrimental effect on the presentation. Media materials should be viewed as vehicles to enhance learning, not products that will stand in isolation. Process of materials is an essential part of the educational process. The major results were as follows : 1. The elementary schools used the materials more frequently. But the production rate of media materials was not enough. The budget was too small for a wide use of media materials in school health education. These findings suggest that all schools have to increase the budget of health education programs. 2. Computers offer an incredibly diverse set of possibilities for use in health education, ranging from complicated statistical analysis to elementary-school-level health education games. But the use rate of this material was not high. The development of related software is essential. Health educators would be well advised to develop a basic operating knowledge of media equipment. 3. In this study, the most effective materials were films in elementary school and videotapes in middle and high school. Film tends to be a more emotive medium than videotape. The difficulties of media selection involved the small amount of extant educational materials. Media selection is a multifaceted process and should be based on a combination of sound principles. 4. The review of material use following student levels showed that the more the contents were various, the more the use rate was high. 5. Health education videotapes and overhead projectors proved the most plentiful and widest media tools. The information depicted was more likely to be current. As a means to display both text and graphic information, this instructional medium has proven to be both effective and enduring. 6. An analysis of how effective the quality of school nurse and school use of media materials shows a result that is not complete (p=0.1113). But, the budget of health education is a significant variable. The increase of the budget therefore is essential to effective use of media materials. From these results it is recommended that various media materials be developed and be wide used.

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Using Trophic State Index (TSI) Values to Draw Inferences Regarding Phytoplankton Limiting Factors and Seston Composition from Routine Water Quality Monitoring Data (영양상태지수 (trophic state index)를 이용한 수체 내 식물플랑크톤 제한요인 및 seston조성의 유추)

  • Havens, Karl E
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.3 s.91
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes a simple method that uses differences among Carlson's (1977) trophic state index (TSI) values based on total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll a (CHL) and Secchi depth (SD) to draw inferences regarding the factors that are limiting to phytoplankton growth and the composition of lake seston. Examples are provided regarding seasonal and spatial patterns in a large subtropical lake (Lake Okeechobee, Florida, USA) and inter- and intra-lake variations from a multilake data set developed from published studies. Once an investigator has collected routine water quality data and established TSI values based on TP, CHL, and SD, a number of inferences can be made. Additional information can be provided where it also is possible to calculate a TSI based on total nitrogen (TN). Where TSI (CHL)<>TSI (SD), light attenuating particles are large (large filaments or colonies of algae), and the phytoplankton may be limited by zooplankton grazing. Other limiting conditions are inferred by different relationships between the TSI values. Results of this study indicate that the analysis is quite robust, and that it generally gives good agreement with conclusions based on more direct methods (e.g., nutrientaddition bioassays, zooplankton size data, zooplankton removal experiments). The TSI approach, when validated periodically with these more costly and time-intensive methods, provides an effective, low cost method for tracking long-term changes in pelagic structure and function with potential value in monitoring lake ecology and responses to management.

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Diagnostic Approach to a Patient with a Pleural Effusion Including Ultrasound-guided Paracentesis Performed by a Medical Resident (내과 전공의가 시행한 초음파 이용 흉수천자를 포함한 흉수의 진단적 접근)

  • Lee, Yun Young;Choi, Won Je;Yu, Chang Min;Suh, Seong O;Kim, Eun Sil;Ahn, Seok- in;Chung, Jun-Oh;Park, Sang Joon;Kim, Yun Kwon;Kim, Soyon;Kim, Young Jung;Lee, Se Han;Heo, Heon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.64 no.6
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    • pp.439-444
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    • 2008
  • Background: A patient with a pleural effusion that is difficult to safely drain by a "blind" thoracentesis procedure is generally referred to a radiologist for ultrasound-guided thoracentesis. But such a referral increases the cost and the patient's inconvenience, and it causes delay in the diagnostic procedures. If ultrasound-guided thoracentesis is performed as a bedside procedure by a medical resident, then this will reduce the previously mentioned problems. So these patients with pleural effusions were treated by medical residents at our medical center, and the procedures included bedside ultrasound-guided thoracenteses. Methods: We studied 89 cases of pleural effusions from March 2003 to June 2005. A "blind" thoracentesis was performed if the amount of pleural effusion was moderate or large. Bedside ultrasound-guided thoracentesis was performed for small or loculated effusions or for the cases that failed with performing a "blind" thoracentesis. Results: "Blind" thoracenteses were performed in 79 cases that had a moderate or large amount of uncomplicated pleural effusions and the success rate was 93.7% (74/79 cases). Ultrasound-guided thoracentesis by the medical residents was performed in 15 cases and the success rate was 66.7% (10/15 cases). The 5 failedcases included all 3 cases with loculated effusions and 2 cases with a small amount of pleural effusion. All the failed cases were referred to one radiologist and they were then successfully treated. If we exclude the 3 cases with loculated pleural effusions, the success rate of ultrasound-guided thoracentesis by the medical residents increased up to 83% (10/12cases). Two cases of complications (1 pneumothorax, 1 hydrohemothorax) occurred during ultrasound-guided thoracentesis. Conclusion: Ultrasound-guided thoracentesis performed as a bedside procedure by a medical resident may be relatively effective and safe. If a patient has a loculated effusion, then it would be better to first refer the patient to a radiologist.

Toward a Social Sciences Methodology for Electronic Survey Research on the Internet or Personal Computer check (사회과학 연구에 있어 인터넷 및 상업용 통신망을 이용한 전자설문 조사방법의 활용)

  • Hong Yong-Gee;Lee Hong-Gee;Chae Su-Kyung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.3
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    • pp.287-316
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    • 1999
  • Cyberspace permits us to more beyond traditional face-to-face, mail and telephone surveys, yet still to examine basic issues regarding the quality of data collection: sampling, questionnaire design, survey distribution, means of response, and database creation. This article address each of these issues by contrasting and comparing traditional survey methods(Paper-and-Pencil) with Internet or Personal Computer networks-mediated (Screen-and-Keyboard) survey methods also introduces researchers to this revolutionary and innovative tool and outlines a variety of practical methods for using the Internet or Personal Computer Networks. The revolution in telecommunications technology has fostered the rapid growth of the Internet all over the world. The Internet is a massive global network and comprising many national and international networks of interconnected computers. The Internet or Personal Computer Networks could be the comprehensive interactive tool that will facilitate the development of the skills. The Internet or Personal Computer Networks provides a virtual frontier to expand our access to information and to increase our knowledge and understanding of public opinion, political behavior, social trends and lifestyles through survey research. Comparable to other technological advancements, the Internet or Personal Computer Networks presents opportunities that will impact significantly on the process and quality of survey research now and in the twenty-first century. There are trade-offs between traditional and the Internet or Personal Computer Networks survey. The Internet or Personal Computer Networks is an important channel for obtaining information for target participants. The cost savings in time, efforts, and material were substantial. The use of the Internet or Personal Computer Networks survey tool will increase the quality of research environment. There are several limitations to the Internet or Personal Computer Network survey approach. It requires the researcher to be familiar with Internet navigation and E-mail, it is essential for this process. The use of Listserv and Newsgroup result in a biased sample of the population of corporate trainers. However, it is this group that participates in technology and is in the fore front of shaping the new organizations of interest, and therefore it consists of appropriate participants. If this survey method becomes popular and is too frequently used, potential respondents may become as annoyed with E-mail as the sometimes are with mail survey and junk mail. Being a member of the Listserv of Newsgroup may moderate that reaction. There is a need to determine efficient, effective ways for the researcher to strip identifiers from E-mail, so that respondents remain anonymous, while simultaneously blocking a respondent from responding to a particular survey instrument more than once. The optimum process would be on that is initiated by the researcher : simple, fast and inexpensive to administer and has credibility with respondents. This would protect the legitimacy of the sample and anonymity. Creating attractive Internet or Personal Computer Networks survey formats that build on the strengths of standardized structures but also capitalize on the dynamic and interactive capability of the medium. Without such innovations in survey design, it is difficult to imagine why potential survey respondents would use their time to answer questions. More must be done to create diverse and exciting ways of building an credibility between respondents and researchers on the Internet or Personal Computer Networks. We believe that the future of much exciting research is based in the Electronic survey research. The ability to communicate across distance, time, and national boundaries offers great possibilities for studying the ways in which technology and technological discourse are shaped. used, and disseminated ; the many recent doctoral dissertations that treat some aspect of electronic survey research testify to the increase focus on the Internet or Personal Computer Networks. Thus, scholars should begin a serious conversation about the methodological issues of conducting research In cyberspace. Of all the disciplines, Internet or Personal Computer Networks, emphasis on the relationship between technology and human communication, should take the lead in considering research in the cyberspace.

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On the Improvement of Precision in Gravity Surveying and Correction, and a Dense Bouguer Anomaly in and Around the Korean Peninsula (한반도 일원의 중력측정 및 보정의 정밀화와 고밀도 부우게이상)

  • Shin, Young-Hong;Yang, Chul-Soo;Ok, Soo-Suk;Choi, Kwang-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2003
  • A precise and dense Bouguer anomaly is one of the most important data to improve the knowledge of our environment in the aspect of geophysics and physical geodesy. Besides the precise absolute gravity station net, we should consider two parts; one is to improve the precision in gravity measurement and correction of it, and the other is the density of measurement both in number and distribution. For the precise positioning, we have tested how we could use the GPS properly in gravity measurement, and deduced that the GPS measurement for 5 minutes would be effective when we used DGPS with two geodetic GPS receivers and the baseline was shorter than 40km. In this case we should use a precise geoid model such as PNU95. By applying this method, we are able to reduce the cost, time, and number of surveyors, furthermore we also get the benefit of improving in quality. Two kind of computer programs were developed to correct crossover errors and to calculate terrain effects more precisely. The repeated measurements on the same stations in gravity surveying are helpful not only to correct the drifts of spring but also to approach the results statistically by applying network adjustment. So we can find out the blunders of various causes easily and also able to estimate the quality of the measurements. The recent developments in computer technology, digital elevation data, and precise positioning also stimulate us to improve the Bouguer anomaly by more precise terrain correction. The gravity data of various sources, such as land gravity data (by Choi, NGI, etc.), marine gravity data (by NORI), Bouguer anomaly map of North Korea, Japanese gravity data, altimetry satellite data, and EGM96 geopotential model, were collected and processed to get a precise and dense Bouguer anomaly in and around the Korean Peninsula.

Development of a Home-based Nursing Intervention, Mothering Program for Low-Birth-Weight Infants (저체중출생아를 위한 가정간호형 모성역할중재 프로그램 개발과 그 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Han, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a parenting intervention program and determine the efficacy of the program with low-birth weight infants and their mothers. Nine dyads for the experimental group and twelve dyads for the control group discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a University Hospital in Seoul were recruited for the study. For the intervention group, programmed education and support which focused on the maternal sensitivity of the infant's behavior. rearing environment. motherinfant interaction and infant care were given to each subject. Individual counseling and home visits were provided at discharge, one week after discharge. and one and three months of corrected age in every infant. Structured questionaires were administered and feeding interactions were videotaped and coded by a blinded certified observer. A Quasi-experimental design was conducted for this study. Postpartum depression, maternal self esteem. infant care burden, HOME. mother-infant interaction, and infant development were measured. Results were in favor of the intervention versus the control group. On the Beck depression inventory, intervention mothers showed decreasing trends in depressive symptom vs control mothers although, there were statistically no significant differences between the two groups at each time. The mean score of experimental group was 11.55(mild depression state) at discharge and became 8,6(normal state) at 1 month of corrected age. On the other hand, the mean score of the control group was 13.92(mild depression state) at discharge and became 14.0. Maternal self esteem in both groups improved over time. Infant care burden in both groups was also shown to increase over time. There was a significant difference between the two groups in HOME(p=.0340) at 3 months of corrected age. HOME scores of the experimental group and the control's were 31.10 and 25.58, respectively. Mothers' emotional and language responses were significantly high in the intervention group compared with the control group(p=.0155). Intervention group (53.33) showed a significantly high quality of motherinfant interaction compared with the in control group (42.80)(p =.0340). Intervention group mothers appeared have a better quality of mother-infant interaction behaviors. On the other hand, there was no statistical difference in the infant part between groups. Intervention group infants had higher trends in a general developmental quotient: although, there was no statistical difference between groups. The general developmental quotient of intervention infants was 102.56 and control's was 91.28. However, the developmental quotient of the domain of 'individuality-sociality' was higher in the intervention group infants compared with the control's(p=.0155). The concerns identified by parents revealed two domains of an infants' health management -knowledge and skills in caregiving of lowbirthweight-infants, characteristics of lowbirthweight infants, identifying a developmental milestone, coping with emergency situations and relaxation strategies of mothers from the infant care burden. Interview data with the mothers of low-birth weight infants can be used to develop intervention program contents. Limited intervention time and frequency due to time and cost limitations of this study should be modified. The intervention should be continuously implemented when low-birth weight infants become three years old. An NNNS demonstration appeared to be a very effective intervention for the mothers to improve the quality of mother-infant interactions. Therefore intervening in the mothers of low-birth weight infants as early after delivery as possible is desirable. This study has shown that home visit interventions are worthwhile for mothers only beyond the approach as an essential factor in ability of facilitating a growth fostering environment. In conclusion. the intervention program of this study was very effective in enhancing the parenting for the mothers of low-birth weight infants, resulting in health promotion of low-birth weight infants. The home-visit outreach intervention program of this study will contribute to the health delivery system in this country where there is a lack of continuous follow-up programs for low-birth weight infants after discharge from NICU, if it is activated as part of the home visit programs in community health systems.

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A Strategic Approach to Competitiveness of ASEAN's Container Ports in International Logistics (국제물류전략에 있어서 ASEAN의 컨데이너항만 경쟁력에 관한 연구)

  • 김진구;이종인
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate the competitiveness of ports in ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations), which plays a leading role in basing the hub of international logistics strategies as a countermeasure in changes of international logistics environments. This region represents most severe competition among Mega hub ports in the world in terms of container cargo throughput at the onset of the 21 st century. The research method in this study accounted for overlapping between attributes, and introduced the HFP method that can perform mathematical operations. The scope of this study was strictly confined to the ports of ASEAN. which cover the top 100 of 350 container ports that were presented in Containerization International Yearbook 2002 with reference to container throughput. The results of this study show Singapore in the number one position. Even compared with major ports in Korea (after getting comparative ratings and applying the same data and evaluation structure), the number one position still goes to Singapore and then Busan(2) and Manila(2), followed by Port Klang(4), Tanjugn Priok(5), Tanjung Perak(6), Bangkok(7), Inchon(8), Laem Chabang(9) and Penang(9). In terms of the main contributions of this study, it is the first empirical study to apply the combined attributes of detailed and representative attributes into the advanced HFP model which was enhanced by the KJ method to evaluate the port competitiveness in ASEAN. Up-to-now, none have comprehensively conducted researches with sophisticated port methodology that has discussed a variety of changes in port development and terminal transfers of major shipping lines. Moreover, through the comparative evaluation between major ports in Korea and ASEAN, the presentation of comparative competitiveness for Korea ports is a great achievement in this study. In order to reinforce this study, it needs further compensative research, including cost factors which could not be applied to modeling the subject ports by lack of consistently qualified in ASEAN.

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Relationship between Actual Health and Yangseng of the Elderly in Urbanites - Focused on certain parts of urban areas in Jeonbuk province - (도시지역(都市地域) 노인(老人)들의 건강실태(健康實態)와 양생(養生) 수준(水準)과의 관련성(關聯性) - 전라북도(全羅北道) 일부(一部) 도시지역(都市地域)을 중심(中心)으로)

  • Choi, Een Kyoung;Gwon, So-Hui;Kim, Ae-Jeong;Park, Jun-Sang;Park, Jae-Su;Lee, Ki Nam
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.96-114
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to provide essential data for the future health promotion projects to be aimed at improving quality of life for the elderly people in the increasingly aging society of Korea by investigating factors related to the yangseng of old people in urban areas. The results of this study are to be used as basis for efficient approach toward health promotion projects for the elderly in urban communities. For the purpose, a survey by questionnaires was conducted to urbanites from May th June 2004. The collected replies were analyzed from the viewpoints of Oriental Medicine for yangseng. 1. The average points of health care were 3.24. In details by sub-areas, 3.78 was rated for morality yangseng, 3.29 for mind, 3.30 for diet, 3.79 for activity and rest, 2.32 for exercise, 3.72 for sleeping, 2.95 for season and 1.81 for sexual life, which showed that the area of activity and rest yangseng was scored highest while the area of sexual life yangseng was rated lowest. 2. As for the extent of health care depending on the characters of subjects, higher scores were rated by men than women, younger ones than aged and spoused ones than singles. Married couples living without other family members were found to yangseng most, while more yangseng was taken by the educated, job holders and those who utilize leisure and have religion in order. 3. Men exercised more yangseng than women in the diet, exercise and sleeping. By age, the group aged 65 to 69, the more yangseng in the exercise and sexual life. The group with spouse featured higher concern for yangseng in all categories except for season. Married couples who are living with no other family members recorded the highest point in all areas except for exercise. 4. The more one is educated, the more he/she is tended to take yangseng in the sub-areas of exercise and sexual life. The group with occupation is also inclined to take more yangseng in the same sub-areas as those of the highly educated. When they pay living cost together with offspring, they appeared to be the most yangseng in season and sexual life. People who enjoy leisure showed higher yangseng in all areas except for season. Religion had a significant influence in all areas except for activity and rest yangseng. 5. Those who reply that they are confident with health and have no disease proved to have higher yangseng. Depending on whether one has disease or not, higher yangseng was confirmed in such sub-categories as mind and sleeping. Those who replied they are confident with health had higher yangseng in all areas except for season. As seen above, yangseng of the old people in the urban area is found to have different extent depending on the individual and socioeconomic characters, factors which should be seriously considered in the local health promotion projects and projects for the health of the elderly. It seems therefore necessary to launch health promotion programs and to analyze their effects to promote health care particularly in the areas of sexual life, exercise and season yangseng that featured lowest grade of yangseng in each sub-area.

The Application of the Forensic Dental Identification to Unidentified Individual Remains in Korea (신원불명 사망자의 개인식별에서 법치의학적 방법의 활용성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2006
  • The cases of unidentified individual remains submitted to Forensic dentistry section in National Institute of Scientific Investigation, Korea were analyzed to study the application of forensic dental identification into individual identification in the period 2002-2005. The identification cases of unidentified remains were 405 out of 493, which accounted about 82% of whole cases. The incidence of submission of skeletons at least including the skull was increased from 58% in 2002 to 80% in 2005. The numbers of cases for the full examinations were 4 times more than that for age estimation in 2005. Twenty-four cases were submitted for skull to photographic superimposition and 15 out of 24 cases were examined, and the other 9 cases were examined by DNA analysis only. The submitted cases for dental comparison were 23 cases, 9 cases were positively identified, 4 cases were possible, 7 cases were excluded, and 3 cases ended up with insufficient evidences. The proportion of positive identification by dental methods was increased gradually from 9% in 2002 to 46% in 2005. Forensic dental identification has become important and useful because the availability of dental records and radiographs has been increasing. Compared to DNA analysis, forensic dental identification has several advantages such as no needs for high cost equipments and low expenses. And the interpretation of results is straightforward and speedy. These advantages are based on using primary their own dental records of the individuals rather than secondary DNA reference samples from family members. The application of the forensic dental identification to unidentified individual remains will be increased because the dental comparison can complement the limitation of DNA analysis and skull to photographic superimposition in many cases. In order to obtain positive identifications of unidentified remains, a close collaboration between the police and forensic scientists is important. The systemic approach including legislation to preserve dental records of unidentified remains and missing persons for the identification of unidentified remains should be needed.