• Title/Summary/Keyword: Correlations between

검색결과 6,859건 처리시간 0.034초

Feasibility and Validity of the Daily Physical Pain Intensity (DPPI) Scale for Pain Assessment

  • Nam, Yeon-Gyo;Lee, Dong-Yeop;Yu, Jae-Ho;Kim, Jin-Seop;Hong, Ji-heon
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was the examination of the correlations between the daily physical pain intensity (DPPI) scale and the numeric rating scale (NRS), and between the DPPI scale and the quality of life (QOL) of short form health survey (SF-36) and beck depression inventory (BDI) questionnaires. The focus of the DPPI scale was the daily-living activities of the individual, and the scale contains three items regarding the pain per movement range, the pain per day, and the pain when touching the pain area. Methods: A total of 241 adults answered the DPPI, NRS, SF-36, and BDI questionnaires. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated for the various relations of the DPPI to the other scales. Results: High correlations were shown between the NRS and the DPPI (r=0.809, p<0.05). The DPPI scale (r=0.437, p<0.05) showed "moderate" significant correlations with the SF-36 and the NRS (r=0.370, p<0.05), and it showed "weak" significant correlations with the SF-36. There are no statistically significant correlations between the DPPI, the NRS score, and the BDI score (p>0.05). Conclusion: This study was the first attempt to establish the concurrent validity of a new focus on daily-living activities for the assessment of pain. This study showed promise for the development of activities of daily living focused tool for an assessment of the subjective pain in patients that was more objective.

영재아의 개인 및 부모 변인이 완벽주의 성향에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Personal and Parental Variables on Perfectionism of the Gifted Children)

  • 최영은;최보가
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제43권10호
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of personal and parental variables on perfectionism of gifted children. The study subjects were 113 gifted children who were taking a special educational program at D academy of Gifted Education, located in the city of Taegu. They were in the 5th and 6th grades at elementary school. The instruments of measurement were Perfectionism Scale, Achievement Goal Scale, and Parenting Behavior Scale. The major findings of this study are as follows 1) The gifted children's perfectionism didn't have any significant difference according to nx, grade, and parent's educational level. 2) There were significant correlations between the gifted children's perfectionism and achievement goal. 3) There were significant correlations between the gifted children's perfectionism and parent's perfectionism. 4) There were significant correlations between the gifted children's perfectionism and parenting behavior.5) Achievement goal affected perfectionism.

Effects of Inter-phoneme Probabilities on the Acceptability Judgment of Korean CVC Nonwords

  • Lee, Yong-Eun
    • 음성과학
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2007
  • Recent experimental studies have shown that language-users' knowledge of the statistical characteristic of their native language plays a key role in their task performance. One specific instance of this that the current study focuses on is the effect of phonotactic probabilities on speakers' wordlikeness judgment of nonwords. In this paper, I explore the question of whether the judgment of Korean speaking subjects as to the wordlikeness of Korean nonsense words is influenced by the degree of association between two-phoneme sequences in Korean. The current results suggest that the objective measure of correlations (expressed by $r_{\phi}$ values) between an onset consonant and a vowel inside Korean syllables play an important role in Korean speakers' nonword processing. The current results additionally indicate an effect of the correlations of two-phoneme sequences including vowels and coda consonants on nonword processing. Implications of these findings for Korean speakers' learning the correlations between adjacent segments inside the syllable are discussed.

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문화적응스트레스 및 정서조절이 다문화가정 아동의 우울/불안에 미치는 영향 : 사회적 지지 매개효과를 중심으로 (Effects of Acculturative Stress and Emotional Control on Depression/Anxiety in Children from Multicultural Families: Mediating Effects of Social Support)

  • 우희정
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.551-563
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the mediating effects of social support on 1) the relationships between acculturative stress and depression/anxiety and 2) the relationships between emotional control and depression/anxiety in children from multicultural families. Pearson's correlations between variables were analyzed, and hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to identify direct and indirect effects of acculturative stress, emotional control, and social support on children's depression/anxiety. The sample included a total of 199 primary school students in grades 3 to 6 who lived in the Gwangju or Chonnam regions of Korea. First, there were positive correlations between acculturative stress and depression/anxiety and negative correlations between emotional control and social support. Second, social support from both peers and teachers partially mediated the relationships between acculturative stress and depression/anxiety. Third, social support from peers fully mediated the relationships between emotional control and depression/anxiety, and that from teachers partially mediated these relationships. The results suggest that social support from peers and teachers may reduce depression/anxiety in multicultural children as a mediating variable.

부산시내 일부 대학생들의 노인 부양의식에 관한 연구 (A Study on the College Student's Awareness of Supporting the Elderly in Pusan)

  • 김수혜;김병성;박형종
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.56-72
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    • 1993
  • In our society the value system has changed to individualized one, so that the awareness of supporting the elderly is changing now. This study aims to provide basic materials for the welfare policy for the elderly and to foresee the probability of maintenance and development that the most ideal system of supporting the elderly by analyzing the male and female students' attitude toward the elderly and the degree of their awareness of supporting the elderly according to several factors. A questionnaire was developed with this purpose, the study subjects of this study were 365 college students who were recruited from 6 colleges(179 male students and 186 female students) living in Pusan, and the study period was from November 9. to November 23. 1992. The results were as follows: 1. In the factors related to attitude toward the elderly, male students had more positive attitude than female students toward the desire of living with their parents in the future(P=0.000). 2. In the expectant awareness of being supported by their offsprings and the desire of living together with their offsprings male students were more highly than female students(P=0.000). 3. The subjects who want to live together with their parents in the future desired more to live with their offsprings in the period of old age(P=0.000). 4. As results of hypotheses verification about the awareness of supporting the elderly, there were significant differences according to the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in law(P=0.001), the receptive attitude toward the elderly(P=0.000) and the desire of living with their parents in the future(P=0.000) 5. In the correlations between all variables and the awareness of supporting the elderly, the economical and emotional awareness of supporting the elderly had positive correlations with the relationship between mother in-law and daughter-in-law and their parents' filial piety to grandparents(P<0.01), and service awareness of supporting the elderly had positive correlations with age, sex, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and their parents' filial piety to grandparents(P<0.01). In the correlations between each of the awareness of supporting the elderly, the correlations between each one had high positive correlations(P<0.001).

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영아 기질과 모아상호작용, 양육환경과의 관계 (Correlations of Infant Temperament, Mother-Infant Interaction, and Child-rearing Environment)

  • 한경자;방경숙
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.132-143
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this correlational study was to find the correlation between the infant temperament, mother-infant interaction, and child-rearing environment. The subjects of this study were 37 dyads of healthy mothers and healthy infants. Data were collected from 15th of March to 3rd of September, 1999. Convenient sampling was done at Obstetric wards of one University hospital, and demographic data were collected before discharge. At one month and three month postpartum, we visited subject's home, and collected the data on the infant temperament, and also video taped the mother-infant interaction during feeding. In addition, child-rearing environment was checked by researcher according to HOME(Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment) at three months postpartum. Mother-infant interactions were rated according to the NCAST Feeding Scale later. Data were analyzed by window SPSS program, and correlations between the infant temperament, mother-infant interaction, and child-rearing environment were analyzed by Pearson's correlational coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. Infant temperament. 1) Among the subscales of infant temperament, mothers perceived cuddliness and amenability most positively at one month, and responsivity and amenability most positively at three months. 2) In subscale analysis of stability, amenability, responsivity, and persistence were stable with the time. 3) Significant relationships were found between the malleability and amenability, between the malleability and responsivity at one month, and also between the malleability and amenability, and between the malleability and cuddliness at three months. 2. Correlations of infant temperament and mother-infant interaction. 1) There was no significant relationship between the infant temperament and mother-infant interaction at one month. 2) There was a significant relationship between the infant temperament and mother-infant interaction at three months(r=.335, p<.05). In subscale analysis, there were significnt relationships between the total score of infant temperament and maternal sensitivity to infant's cues(r=.372, p<.05), and between the total score of infant temperament and maternal response to infant's distress (r=.331, p<.05). 3. Correlations of infant temperament and child-rearing environment. 1) There was no significant relationship between the total score of infant temperament at one month and total score of HOME at three months. In subscal analysis, the total score of infant temperament at one showed significant relationships with the organization of environment(r=.413, p<.05), and the emotional, verbal response at three months(r=.337, p<.05). 2) There was a significant relationship between the total score of infant temperament at three months and the total score of HOME at three months (r=.599, p<.01). In subscal analysis, the total score of infant temperament at three months showed significant relationships with the organization of environment(r=.410, p<.05), maternal involvement(r=.482, p,.01), and the emotional, verbal response(r=.695, p<.01) at three months. 4. Correlations of mother-infant interaction and child-rearing environment. There was a significant relationship between the maternal score of mother-infant interaction at one month and three months and the total score of HOME at three months (r=.474, p<.01; r=.452, p<.01). In conclusion, it was proved that infant temperament had significant relationships with mother-infant interaction and child-rearing environment, especially when the infants were getting older. This showed the possibility for changeability of infant teperament by the maternal factors.

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A study on the correlation between spleen volume estimated via cavalieri principle on computed tomography images with basic hemogram and biochemical blood parameters

  • Necati Emre Sahin;Zulal Oner;Serkan Oner;Muhammed Kamil Turan
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2022
  • Considering its hematological and immunological functions, spleen is a very important organ. A change occurs in its size as the spleen performs these functions. This study aims to examine the possible relationships between spleen volume and the basic hemogram and biochemical parameters in serum. Multidetector computed tomography images and basic hemogram and biochemical parameters of 74 adult individuals, 34 male and 40 female, who were found to be healthy, were used in the study. Spleen volume was estimated using the Cavalieri method on multidetector computed tomography images and the correlations between the volume value with basic hemogram and biochemistry parameters were researched. While negative significant correlations were found between the estimated spleen volume and lymphocyte percentage (r=-0.224) and platelet level (r=-0.271); positive significant correlations were found between hemoglobin level (r=0.228), hematocrit level (r=0.237), alanine aminotransferase (r=0.345), and erythrocyte level (r=0.375). As a result of this study, a relationship was found between spleen volume and lymphocyte percentage, hematocrit level, erythrocyte level, platelet level, and alanine aminotransferase level in serum. We believe that the results of the study will provide a larger perspective to clinicians in the diagnosis of diseases associated with spleen.

상호교류분석으로 본 간호학생의 자아상태와 스트레스 대처방법 및 건강상태에 관한 연구 (Study on Ego states in the view of Transactional analysis, Coping style and Health states of Nursing Students)

  • 원정숙;김정화
    • 동서간호학연구지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the type of ego states and stress coping style on female college students who are in the course of nursing study. This study is performed in the view of Transactional Analysis and designed to scrutinize descriptive correlations between the type of ego states and stress coping style. The subject is consists of 144 freshmen and sophomore, 138 junior and senior students group, who are students of K nursing college located in Seoul. The sampling investigation period is on Sept. 14, 2002 to Oct. 26, 2002. The measuring instrument used for Transactional Analysis ego state is 50 items Ego-gram research paper devised by Dusay(1997). For studying coping style, Folkman & Lazarus's measurement(1984) was adopted, which is translated and modified by Han, and Oh,(1990). Health states is adopted by standardized health inspecting instrumental table (Cornell Medical Index:CMI) which is designed for Korean people by Ko and Park(1980) Statistic average and standard deviation were generated by using SPSS PC+, t=test and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows: 1) In the type of ego states on both groups indicated the arithmetic apex NP(maximum value), then the point A was high and the data made a down slope to point AC. In the comparison to type of ego states between two groups, only at point CP, the data value of upper year students represented higher than that of lower year ones by c(t=2.28, p=.023). 2) Stress coping style of whole students were highly and affirmatively dedicated to research. Especially hopeful aspect(t=.67, p=.05), relaxation of tension(t=-2.16, p=.03) made significant difference each other in the view of arithmetic calculation. 3) In view of nursing students' physical health states, there is significant difference in past history(t=2.50, p=.013) and in case of mental health states, there are considerable discrepancies between lower group(73.52) and upper group(75.11)(p<.05). In view of all field, state of tension(t=2.13, p=.048) has difference. 4) While verifying coping style in terms of ego states level between lower and upper students group, In type CP, high level ego states group indicated significant difference on stress coping style area than low leveled group and made such sequences as the central point of problem, In type NP, sequences such as the central point of problem, In type A, the central point of problem, In type FC, hopeful aspect and In type AC, hopeful aspect and indifference were derived significantly different (p<.05). 5) While verifying health state differences in the level of lower and upper ego states, In type FC, low level group(150.29) marked higher point than upper group(145.19), there is remarkable discrepancy and so did whole health state(p=.014), In type AC both mental state(p=.000) and whole health state (p=.015) showed differences. 6) When analyzing correlations between whole students' ego states, copying style and health state, all type of ego state showed differences(p<.001). In correlations between ego state and health state, in type FC physical state had an apex and there are inverse correlations among the other types. Especially, type FC showed inverse correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05). In mental state, type NP(${\gamma}=.198$, p<.001) and type A(${\gamma}=.166$, p<.05) represented straight correlations with remarkable differences. Especially, In type AC showed inverse correlations(${\gamma}=.282$, p<.001). In case of correlations between copying style and health state, indifference(${\gamma}=-.157$) and relaxation of tension(${\gamma}=-.158$) presented great difference(p<.05). In mental state, central point of problem and search for social support showed straight correlations with great discrepancies(p<.05), hopeful aspect and indifference showed inverse correlations with considerable differences(p<.001).

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교정간호사와 병원간호사의 직무특성과 직무만족도의 비교 (A Comparative Study on the Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction in Correctional Nurses and Hospital Nurses)

  • 김기경;허혜경
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : This comparative study was designed to compare job characteristics and job satisfaction in correctional nurses and hospital nurses. Methods : The participants for this study were 96 nurses (46 correctional nurses, 50 hospital nurses). The survey instruments included Job Diagnostic Survey(JDS) developed by Hackman & Oldman (1980) and amended by Lee(1997) and Index of Work Satisfaction(IWS) developed by Stamps and Piedmonte (1978) and amended Park & Yun (1992). Data were analyzed using of means, percentages, $x^2$ - test, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient with SPSS program. Results : 1) Differences in job characteristics between correctional nurses and hospital nurses were not significant, but the mean score for correctional nurses' skill variety was significantly higher (t=-1.99, p<0.05) than hospital nurses 2) Differences in job satisfaction between two group were not significant, but the mean score for correctional nurses' pay satisfaction was significantly lower (t=-3.67, p<0.01.) than hospital nurses 3) There were significant negative correlations(r=-.544, p<.01) between correctional nurses' job characteristics and job satisfaction related to pay, but significant positive correlations (r=.331, p<.05) between job characteristics and professional status of job 4) There were significant positive correlations (r=.283, p<.05) between hospital nurses' job characteristics and job satisfaction, job characteristics and professional status of job (r=.530, p<.O1), and positive correlations between autonomy of job characteristics and job satisfaction (r=.522, p<.01). Conclusion : The results suggest a redesign of correctional nurses' job and improvement of outcomes. it is also recommended that job be done toward expanding and improving the reward system

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Genetic parameters for daily milk somatic cell score and relationships with yield traits of primiparous Holstein cattle in Iran

  • Kheirabadi, Khabat;Razmkabir, Mohammad
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제58권10호
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    • pp.38.1-38.6
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    • 2016
  • Background: Despite the importance of relationships between somatic cell score (SCS) and currently selected traits (milk, fat and protein yield) of Holstein cows, there was a lack of comprehensive literature for it in Iran. Therefore we tried to examine heritabilities and relationships between these traits using a fixed-regression animal model and Bayesian inference. The data set consisted of 1,078,966 test-day observations from 146,765 primiparous daughters of 1930 sires, with calvings from 2002 to 2013. Results: Marginal posterior means of heritability estimates for SCS ($0.03{\pm}0.002$) were distinctly lower than those for milk ($0.204{\pm}0.006$), fat ($0.096{\pm}0.004$) and protein ($0.147{\pm}0.005$) yields. In the case of phenotypic correlations, the relationships between production and SCS were near zero at the beginning of lactation but become increasingly negative as days in milk increased. Although all environmental correlations between production and SCS were negative ($-0.177{\pm}0.007$, $-0.165{\pm}0.008$ and $-0.152{\pm}0.007$ between SCS and milk, fat, and protein yield, respectively), slightly antagonistic genetic correlations were found; with posterior mean of relationships ranging from $0.01{\pm}0.039$ to $0.11{\pm}0.036$. This genetic opposition was distinctly higher for protein than for fat. Conclusion: Although small, the positive genetic correlations suggest some genetic antagonism between desired increased milk production and reduced SCS (i.e., single-trait selection for increased milk production will also increase SCS).