• Title/Summary/Keyword: Controlled release tablet

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Controlled Release of Nifedipine from Osmotic Pellet Based on Porous Membrane (니페디핀을 포함한 삼투성펠렛의 제조와 다공성막을 통한 약물방출제어)

  • Youn, Ju-Yong;Ku, Jeong;Kim, Byung-Soo;Kim, Moon-Suk;Lee, Bong;Khang, Gil-Son;Lee, Hai-Bang
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.328-333
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    • 2008
  • The osmotic delivery systems are based on osmosis. The transverse diffusion of water through a porous membrane from a medium with a low osmotic pressure to a medium with a high osmotic pressure. Nifedipine tablet dosage forms of Procardia $XL^{(R)}$(Pfizer) and $Adalat^{(R)}$(Bayer) are commercialized systems of this type that push-pull osmotic tablet operates successfully in delivering water-insoluble drugs. We prepared osmotic pellet system by fluidized bed coating method, and model-drug used nifedipine. The osmotic pellet system was composed of the core material. the swelling and osmotic pressure layer, the drug coating layer, and the porous membrane. This work is performed to investigate the effect of different factors, such as composition and thickness of membrane. The osmotic pellet has been successfully prepared by fluidized bed coating technology. The drug release behavior depended on the increase of CA ratio and thickness in porous membrane. The morphology of the osmotic pellet before and after the dissolution test were observed by SEM. In conclusion, we found that the drug release of osmotic pellet depended on the composition and coating thickness of porous membrane.

Sibutramine Release Behavior from Microspheres Prepared by Spray-Dry Method (분무건조 방법으로 제조된 미립구에서 Sibutramine의 방출거동)

  • Park, Jung-Soo;Oh, Jung-Soo;Oh, Jae-Min;Kim, Yun-Tae;Lee, Jun-Hee;Mo, Jong-Hyun;Lee, Hai-Bang;Khang, Gil-Son
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2008
  • Sibutramine is a highly crystalline and poorly water soluble drug as the appetite depressant for obesity treatment. In order to increase water solubility of sibutramine, microspheres including sibutramine were prepared by solid dispersion method using a spray dryer. The crystallinity and morphology of the prepared microspheres were confirmed by SEM and XRD. The morphology of micro spheres has gradually changed into spherical shape as increasing evaporation rate of solvent. According to XRD analysis, crystallinity of sibutramine in micro spheres was decreased by below 10%. Release behavior of microspheres was investiaged at pH 1.2, pH 6.8, and solubility of the sibutramine was significantly different depending on pH. The hard capsule showed fast release of sibutramine comparing with the tablet. These results demonstrated that the pharmaceutical preparation is able to control the release behaviors.

The Bioequivalence of Two Carbamazepine Controlled Release Formulations (카르바마제핀 서방형 제제간의 생물학적 동등성 비교)

  • Kim, Min J.;Lee, Hyun J.;Rheu, Yoon M.;Shin, Wan G.;Park, Sung H.
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.19-23
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    • 1996
  • Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant drug that has been shown to be as effective as phenytoin or phenobarbital in treatment of grand mal and complex partial seizures and is also approved as the drug of choice for treatment of the pain associated with trigerminal neuralgia. And the therapeutic or toxic effects of carbamazepine are better related to plasma concentration than to dosage, which can be attributed to interindividual variability in the pharmacokinetics. A slow rate of carbamazepine dissolution in the gastrointestinal tract is believed to be the cause of its relatively slow and erratic rate of absorption. For these reasons pharmacokinetic evaluation of newly formulated carbamazepine is neccessary. In this study, the bioequivalence in carbamazepine between the $TegretoI^{TM}$ CR tablet (Geigy Co.) and $Carmazepine^{TM}$ CR tablet (Myung In Co.) was evaluated. 12 normal volunteers (age $21\~27$ years old) was divided into two groups, and a randomized cross-over study was employed. The pharmacokinetic parameters ($C_{max},\;T_{max}$ and AUC) obtained of oral administration of each formulatim of carbamazepine 400 mg were evaluated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameters. $C_{max}\;is\;8.26{\pm}3.1{\mu}g/ml\;(C.V.\;37.3\%)\;in\;TegretoI^{TM}\;and\;9.39\{pm}2.9{\mu}g/ml\;(C.V.\;30.5\%)$ in $Carmazepine^{TM},\;T_{max}\;is\;28.0{\pm}5.9\;hrs(C.V.\;21.1\%)$ in $Tegretol^{TM}\;and\;24.0{\pm}7.2\;hrs(C.V.\;30.2\%)$ in $Carmazepine^{TM}$ and AUC is $786.4{\pm}360.5{\mu}g{\cdot}hr/ml\;(C.V.\;45.8\%)$ in $TegretoI^{TM}\;and\;792.8{\pm}228.6{\mu}g{\cdot}hr/ml\;(C.V.\;28.8\%)$ in $Carmazepine^{TM}$, respectively. As the result of the data, two formulations are bioequvalent, and the lower C.V. of $Carmazepine^{TM}$ in every individual can be merit.

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