• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contrast Scale

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Transport of Selected Veterinary Antibiotics (Tetracyclines and Sulfonamides) in a Sandy Loam Soil: Laboratory-Scale Soil Column Experiments (토양컬럼을 이용한 테트라사이클린계 및 설폰아마이드계 항생물질의 이동특성 평가)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Yong;Lim, Jung-Eun;Kim, Sung-Chul;Kim, Kwon-Rae;Kwon, Oh-Kyung;Yang, Jae-E.;Ok, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1105-1112
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    • 2009
  • Antibiotics are biologically active substances and commonly used for therapeutic treatment of infectious disease in humans and for treating and protecting the health of animals. In recent years, antibiotics have attracted worldwide attention because of their side effects on the environment. Consequently, efforts have been made to monitor the residual of antibiotics in the environment. This study tested the mobility of tetracyclines and sulfonamides in soil and leachate through column experiments. The three tetracycline antibiotics showed higher mass recovery rates in all kinds of soils(28.00~44.11%) than in leachate(10.54~27.43%). This seems attributable to the high adsorption coefficient values($K_d$) of tetracyclines representing strong and active adsorbability to organic and mineral phases in soil, ending up relatively small amount being detected in surface water. By contrast, the sulfonamides(sulfamethazine and sulfathiazole) showed higher mass recovery rates in leachate(23.19~26.20%) compared to in soil(10.41~14.21%) due to lower adsorption coefficient values and higher mobility of sulfonamides, enabling easier movement to surface water through the runoff in the environment.

Development of a gridded crop growth simulation system for the DSSAT model using script languages (스크립트 언어를 사용한 DSSAT 모델 기반 격자형 작물 생육 모의 시스템 개발)

  • Yoo, Byoung Hyun;Kim, Kwang Soo;Ban, Ho-Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.243-251
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    • 2018
  • The gridded simulation of crop growth, which would be useful for shareholders and policy makers, often requires specialized computation tasks for preparation of weather input data and operation of a given crop model. Here we developed an automated system to allow for crop growth simulation over a region using the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) model. The system consists of modules implemented using R and shell script languages. One of the modules has a functionality to create weather input files in a plain text format for each cell. Another module written in R script was developed for GIS data processing and parallel computing. The other module that launches the crop model automatically was implemented using the shell script language. As a case study, the automated system was used to determine the maximum soybean yield for a given set of management options in Illinois state in the US. The AgMERRA dataset, which is reanalysis data for agricultural models, was used to prepare weather input files during 1981 - 2005. It took 7.38 hours to create 1,859 weather input files for one year of soybean growth simulation in Illinois using a single CPU core. In contrast, the processing time decreased considerably, e.g., 35 minutes, when 16 CPU cores were used. The automated system created a map of the maturity group and the planting date that resulted in the maximum yield in a raster data format. Our results indicated that the automated system for the DSSAT model would help spatial assessments of crop yield at a regional scale.

Cortical Network Activated by Korean Traditional Opera (Pansori): A Functional MR Study

  • Kim, Yun-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Gi;Kim, Seong-Yong;Kim, Hyoung-Ihl;Todd. B. Parrish;Hong, In-Ki;Sohn, Jin-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2000
  • The Pansori is a Korean traditional vocal music that has a unique story and melody which converts deep emotion into art. It has both verbal and emotional components. which can be coordinated by large-scale neural network. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the cortical network activated by a Korean traditional opera, Pansori, with different emotional valence using functional MRI (fMRI).Nine right-handed volunteers participated. Their mean age was 25.3 and the mean modified Edinburgh score was +90.1. Activation tasks were designed for the subjects to passively listen to the two parts of Pansories with sad or hilarious emotional valence. White noise was introduced during the control periods. Imaging was conducted on a 1.5T Siemens Vision Vision scanner. Single-shot echoplanar fMRI scans (TR/TE 3840/40 ms, flip angle 90, FOV 220, 64 x 64 matrix, 6mm thickness) were acquired in 20 contiguous slices. Imaging data were motion-corrected, coregistered, normalized, and smoothed using SPM-96 software.Bilateral posterior temporal regions were activated in both of Pansori tasks, but different asymmetry between the tasks was found. The Pansori with sad emotion showed more activation in the light superior temporal regions as well as the right inferior frontal and the orbitofrontal areas than in the right superior temporal regions as well as the right inferior frontal and the orbitofrontal areas than in the left side. In the Pansori with hilarious emotion, there was a remarkable activation in the left hemisphere especially at the posterior temporal and the temporooccipital regions as well as in the left inferior and the prefrontal areas. After subtraction between two tasks, the sad Pansori showed more activation in the right temporoparietal and the orbitofrontal areas, in contrast, the one with hilarious emotion showed more activation in the left temporal and the prefrontal areas. These results suggested that different hemispheric asymmetry and cortical areas are subserved for the processing of different emotional valences carried by the Pansories.

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A Study on Sensibility Image of Necktie according to Width and Color Combination of Checked Pattern (체크패턴의 폭과 색채조합에 따른 넥타이의 감성이미지 연구)

  • Choi, Su-Koung;Jung, Su-Jin;Sung, Nam-Suk
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.545-556
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensibility image of necktie according to width and color combination of checked pattern. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimulus and response scales. The stimuli were 18 color pictures, in which the width(small: 0.2cm, medium: 1cm, large: 2cm), tone combination(similar, contrast), and hue combination(WR: white+red, WB: white+blue, WG: white+gray) were manipulated. The 7-point scale was used for evaluation of sensibility image. The subjects of this research were 216 female college students living in Gyeongnam. The investigation was carried out at September 2009. The data were analyzed by using SPSS program. Analysis methods were ANOVA and Duncan-test. The results of this study were as follows.; The analyses of sensibility for necktie according to width and color combination of checked pattern revealed that the concerned factors are five characteristic dimensions of attractiveness, youth, appeal, elegance, and warmness. Width showed an independent effect on appeal. Tone combination showed an independent effect on attractiveness, appeal, elegance, and warmness. Interaction effects of width and tone combination on attractiveness were found. Hue combination showed an independent effect on all dimensions. In addition, significant interaction effects of width and hue combination on attractiveness, youth, appeal, and elegance were found. Significant interaction effects of tone combination and hue combination on attractiveness, youth, and appeal were found.

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Digital Map Updates with UAV Photogrammetric Methods (무인항공사진측량 방법에 의한 수치지도 갱신)

  • Lim, Soo Bong;Seo, Choon Wook;Yun, Hee Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.397-405
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    • 2015
  • Currently, Korea's digital maps are being produced through traditional aerial photogrammetry methods. Aerial photogrammetry is the most economical way to produce a map of a wide area. However, timely survey is not allowed depends on weather condition and it is inefficient for small area surveying in economic point of view. Therefore, it costs too much and needs long time to produce a map for various small areas where are terrestrial changes for updating the map. In contrast, UAV photogrammetry is possible to work even in cloudy weather because of shooting at low altitude below the clouds. It also has excellent mobility and shoot quickly and well suited for small-scale mapping in several places by low cost. In this study, we produced an ortho-photo and digital map with the UAV photogrammetry method using SIFT and SfM algorithm and verified its accuracy to evaluate the applicability for future digital map updates. The accuracy was verified by comparing the results of the ground survey for check points selected on the digital map. Test results show small errors at ±2.6cm in X coordinates, ±2.8cm in Y coordinates and ±5.8cm in height and we could find a possibility that UAV photogrammetry would be fully applicable for digital map updating.

Effects of diverse Pre-treatment methods on the sludge digestion and methane production in combined mesophilic anaerobic and thermophilic aerobic sludge digestion process (다양한 전처리에 따른 중온혐기-고온호기 복합 슬러지 처리공정의 슬러지 처리효율 및 메탄 생성량 변화)

  • Ha, Jeong Hyub;Park, Jong Moon;Park, Sang Kyu;Cho, Hyun Uk;Jang, Hyun Min;Choi, Suk Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2013
  • In this study, various influent sludge pre-treatment methods were adopted to investigate their effects on the sludge digestion and methane production in combined mesophilic anaerobic and thermophilic aerobic sludge digestion process. A lab-scale sewage sludge digestion process was operated during 4 phases using different feed sludge pre-treatment strategies. In phase 1, feed sludge was supplied without any pre-treatment. In contrast, in phases 2, 3 and 4, thermal, thermal-alkaline and long time alkaline treatment (7 days) were applied to influent sludge, respectively. With sludge pre-treatment, TCOD removal was drastically increased from 44% to 76% from phases 1 to 4, respectively. Also, pre-treatment of feed sludge significantly improved the methane production rate of MAD, showing an increment from 101 to 165-256mL/L/day. Meanwhile, TCOD removal and methane production at phase 4 were not increased, compared to those at phase 3. Based on the experimental results, it was concluded that pre-treatment of feed sludge significantly increases the efficiency of sludge digestion and thermal-alkaline method was the most effective method among the pre-treatment methods examined.

A Standardization Study of the Korean Version of Eating Attitudes Test-26 I : Reliability and Factor Analysis (한국판 식사태도검사-26(The Korean Version of Eating Attitudes Test-26 : KEAT-26) 표준화 연구 I : 신뢰도 및 요인분석)

  • Rhee, Min-Kyu;Lee, Young-Ho;Park, Se-Hyun;Sohn, Chang-Ho;Chung, Young-Cho;Hong, Sung-Kook;Lee, Byung-Kwan;Chang, Phi-Lip;Yoon, A-Rhee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.155-175
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to test a reliability and validity of the Korean version of Eating Attitudes Test-26(KEAT-26). Using multi-stage sampling, we finally got 3,496 subjects(1422 males and 2074 females) who were available for analysis from target 4,400 Korean adults over 18 in the nationwide areas of9 kus, 10 middle or small cities, and 17 kuns. We tried to make T score norm of the KEAT-26 as a cutoff score and STEN score norm as a index of severity for disordered eating behaviors. For the male group, Cronhach's internal consistency was .83 and Spearman-Brown split half correlation coefficiency was .75. For the female group, each of them was .81 and .75, and .81, .75 for the grand total group respectively. Validity test was performed by construct validation analysis. By a iterated principal axis factoring, 4 factors were extracted. There were some differences in the factors of the KEAT-26 by sex. In the male group, factor I was 'self-control of eating and bulimic symptom', factor II was 'food preoccupation and dieting', factor III was 'preoccupation with being thinner', factor N was 'avoidance of sweet foods'. In contrast with the male group, factor I was 'self-control of eating and bulimic symptom', factor II was 'preoccupation with being thinner', factor III was 'food preoccupation' and factor N was 'dieting' in the female group. We used T score 65 as a cutoff score. T score 65 corresponded to raw score 19 in the male group, 22 in the female group and 21 in the grand total group. Severity of disordered eating behaviors was measured by a STEN score. In the male group, each of the score range of 0-10, 11-14, 15-18, 19-22 and over 23 represented the degree of none, subclinical, manifest, moderate and severe severity respectively. Each of the score range of 0-13, 14-17, 18-21, 22-26 and over 27 in the female group, and the score range of 0-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-25 and over 26 in the grand total group also represented the same degree of severity as like in the male group. These results support that KEAT-26 is a reliable and valid scale for evaluating disordered eating behaviors and eating problems.

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Chronic persistent post-surgical pain following staging laparotomy for carcinoma of ovary and its relationship to signal transduction genes

  • Saxena, Ashok Kumar;Chilkoti, Geetanjali T;Chopra, Anand K;Banerjee, Basu Dev;Sharma, Tusha
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.239-248
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    • 2016
  • Background: The present study was undertaken to evaluate the incidence of chronic persistent post-surgical pain (CPPP) and the role of signal transduction genes in patients undergoing staging laparotomy for carcinoma ovary. Methods: The present observational study was undertaken following institutional ethical committee approval and informed consent from all the participants. A total 21 patients of ASA grade I to III with age 20-70 years, scheduled for elective staging laparotomy for carcinoma ovary were included. Patients were excluded if had other causes of pain, cognitive dysfunction or chronic neurological disorders. Statistical analysis of pool data was done using SPSS version-17. For various scales like GPE, PDQ, NPSI, the visual analogue scale (VAS), global perceived effect (GPE), the pain DETECT questionnaire (PDQ), and neuropathic pain symptoms inventory (NPSI), one factor repaeted measure ANOVA applied with simple contrast with baseline as on post-operative day 1 (considered as reference and compared with subsequent time-interval), and the P values were adjusted according to "Bonferroni adjustments". In patients with CPPP, the ${\Delta}ct$ values of mRNA expressions of genes at the end of postoperative day 90 were compared with the baseline control values by one factor repeated ANOVA. P value < 0.005 significant. Results: The present study demonstrates 38.1% (8 out of 21 patients) incidence of CPPP. The functional status and quality of life as were observed to be significantly diminished in all patients with chronic pain. An up-regulation in the mRNA expression of signal transduction and a positive correlation was noted between the mRNA expression of signal transduction genes and VAS score in all patients with CPPP at the end of postoperative day 90. Conclusions: The reported incidence of CPPP in patients with carcinoma ovary was 38.1%. An up-regulation and positive correlation between mRNA expression of signal transduction genes and VAS score depicts its potential role in the pathogenesis of CPPP.

The effects of auricular acupressure on pain and quality of life in patients with lung cancer (이압요법이 폐암 환자의 통증과 폐암 관련 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Sora;Park, Hyojung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2020
  • This study examined the effects of auricular acupressure on the pain and quality of life of lung cancer patients. Forty-four participants, and were divided into an experimental group (n=22) and a placebo control group (n=22). The patients in the experimental group received vaccaria seed to the four auricular acupressure points. In contrast, the patients in the placebo control groups received auricular acupressure on cancer-related points unrelated to pain. The intervention was implemented for six weeks, with five consecutive days a week. The pain intensity, pain pressure threshold, and quality of life score were used to validate the effects of the treatment. The pain intensity of the experimental group showed a significant decrease compared to the placebo control group after the intervention (Z=-2.78, p=.006). The pain pressure threshold of the experimental group showed a significant increase compared to the placebo control group after the intervention (Z=-2.69, p=.007). The quality of life among lung cancer patients showed a significant increase after the intervention compared to the placebo control group (t=3.20, p=.003). Therefore, auricular acupressure can be used as a proven nursing intervention method for lung cancer patients from cancer-related pain and the quality of life.

The Study on Optimal Image Processing and Identifying Threshold Values for Enhancing the Accuracy of Damage Information from Natural Disasters (자연재해 피해정보 산출의 정확도 향상을 위한 최적 영상처리 및 임계치 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung-Taek;Kim, Kye-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2011
  • This study mainly focused on the method of accurately extracting damage information in the im agery change detection process using the constructed high resolution aerial im agery. Bongwha-gun in Gyungsangbuk-do which had been severely damaged from a localized torrential downpour at the end of July, 2008 was selected as study area. This study utilized aerial im agery having photographing scale of 30cm gray image of pre-disaster and 40cm color image of post-disaster. In order to correct errors from the differences of the image resolution of pre-/post-disaster and time series, the prelim inary phase of image processing techniques such as normalizing, contrast enhancement and equalizing were applied to reduce errors. The extent of the damage was calculated using one to one comparison of the intensity of each pixel of pre-/post-disaster im aged. In this step, threshold values which facilitate to extract the extent that damage investigator wants were applied by setting difference values of the intensity of pixel of pre-/post-disaster. The accuracy of optimal image processing and the result of threshold values were verified using the error matrix. The results of the study enabled the early exaction of the extents of the damages using the aerial imagery with identical characteristics. It was also possible to apply to various damage items for imagery change detection in case of utilizing multi-band im agery. Furthermore, more quantitative estimation of the dam ages would be possible with the use of numerous GIS layers such as land cover and cadastral maps.