• Title/Summary/Keyword: Contour design

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Evaluation of Maximum Effective Temperature for Estimate Design Thermal Loads in Steel Box Girder Bridges (강상자형교의 설계온도하중을 위한 최고 유효온도 산정)

  • Lee, Seong-Haeng
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2016
  • In order to obtain a reasonable value for the thermal load to use in designs, a bridge specimen of a full-size steel box girder (bridge) was manufactured. The temperature data were measured at 21 points in the bridge specimen and 19 points in the steel box bridge. The steel box bridge specimen was installed in a similar direction to a nearby real one. The maximum effective temperatures in the bridge specimen and bridge were calculated for air temperatures in the range of $24^{\circ}C{\sim}38^{\circ}C$. The maximum effective temperature of the bridge specimen and bridge showed correlations of approximately 93.2% and 87.4%, respectively, compared with the Euro code. The maximum effective temperature calculated in this study was very close to the Euro code and the maximum temperature of the Highway Bridge Design Criteria. When the effective temperature obtained in the study is combined with the highest temperature calculated from the Contour map for each region, the design criteria for the thermal load in domestic bridge design, taking into consideration the characteristics of each region, can be established.

The Analysis of View and Daylights for the Design of Public Housing Complexes Using a Residential Environment Analysis System Integrated into a CAD System (주거환경분석시스템의 CAD 시스템 통합을 통한 공동주택단지설계 시 일조 및 조망분석에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Hoon;Ryu, Jeong-Won
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2007
  • This paper concerns about residential environment analysis program implementation for design and analysis on public housing complexes such that view and daylight analysis processes are automated and integrated into existing design routine to achieve better design efficiency. Considering the architectural design trends this paper chooses ArchiCAD as a platform for a CAD system, which contains the concepts such as integrated object-oriented CAD, virtual building and BIM. Residential environment analysis system consists of three components. The first component is the 3D modeling part defining 3D form information for external geographic contour models, site models and interior/exterior of apartment buildings. The second is the parametric library part handling the design parameters for view and daylight analysis. The last is the user interface for the input/output and integration of data for the environment analysis. Daylight analysis shows rendered images as well as results of daylight reports and grades per time and performs the calculations for floor shadow. It separates the site-only analysis from the analysis of site and exterior environmental parameters. View analysis considers horizontal and vertical view angles to produce view image from each unit and uses the bitmap analysis method to determine opening ratio, scenery ratio and void ratio. We could expect better performance and precision from this residential environment analysis system than the existing 2D drawing based view and daylight analysis methods and overcome the existing one-way flow of design information from 3D form to analysis reports so that site design modifications are automatically reflected on analysis results. Each part is developed in a module so that further integration and extension into other related estimation and construction management systems are made possible.

The Deformation of Knitted Cotton Fabrics with/without Spandex During Laundering (스판덱스 혼합 면 편성물과 면 편성물의 세탁에 따른 변형 비교)

  • Chung, Haewon;Kim, Ku-Ja;Kim, Mikyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.2 s.150
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    • pp.296-305
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    • 2006
  • This study evaluate the effect of laundering on the deformation of knitted spandex/cotton fabrics compared with that of knitted cotton fabrics. Commercial knitted spandex/cotton and knitted cotton fabrics for T-shits were laundered in a drum-type washing machine and dried in a tumble dryer. Wale spirality, shrinkage, elastic recovery and surface contour of knitted fabrics were investigated under different laundering conditions: washing temperature, presoaking time and washing cycles. Knitted spandex/cotton fabrics had a lower angle of spirality than knitted cotton fabrics. After the first washing cycle, the angles of spirality of all the fabrics had decreased greatly. Knitted cotton fabric of low density deformed more than that of higher density. Knitted spandex/cotton. fabric of low density shrank less, because of the greater extension given during heat-set. Permanent elongation length at the 80$\%$ extension was longer than at the 50$\%$ extension, and the knitted spandex/cotton fabric which was expanded greatly during heat-set had a lower elastic recovery rate. The surface appearance of the knitted spandex/cotton fabrics was worsl~ than that of the knitted cotton fabrics before laundering and after repeated laundering, because of the much protruded cotton fibers from the yarns.

The Application of SQL in Terrain Information Analysis for Route Design (도로 설계를 위한 지형정보 해석에 있어서 SQL의 응용)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Yoon, Hee-Cheon;Lee, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Sung-Soong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 1995
  • Route design in topographical plane map brings many problems in efficiency and requires much time and labor by hand Recently, the active studies of efficient route design method using 3-D terrain information are being developed according to increasing concentration on GSIS. In order to analyze terrain information for route design efficiently, this study presents objective and overall datum by applying SQL in construction and analysis of database and the possibility of three-dimensional terrain information analysis, This study generates 3-D base map on topographical map of scale 1:5,000 and acquires terrain information that have various thematic map data; contour, land use, roadway, and drange. This is a study on the application of SQL in route design and construction of the terrain information that linked by graphic datum of completed topographical map and attributed datum of database. As the result of this study, we can produce promptly and efficiently design datum of profile annotation, cross section, and volume computations to the preliminary route for route design and apply this efficient method to route design by understanding visual DTM which is composed of the roadway and the natural scene after design.

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Stress-Dependent Failure Criteria for Marine Silty Sand Subject to Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 해양 실트질 모래의 응력기반 파괴기준)

  • Ryu, Tae Gyung;Kim, Jin Man
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.31 no.11
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2015
  • An experimental study has been conducted to evaluate the effects of average and cyclic shear stresses on the undrained failure behaviors of dense marine silty sand by using the Cyclic Direct Simple Shear apparatus. The results show that when the average shear stress ratio is zero, symmetric cyclic shear deformation is the major component of deformation, and permanent shear deformation is relatively small. On the other hand, when the average shear stress ratio is larger than zero, asymmetric permanent shear deformation is the major component, and cyclic shear deformation does not change much as the number of cyclic loads increases. The average shear stress ratio has less effects on the number of cyclic loads needed to fail, as compared with the cyclic shear stress ratio. The proposed stress-dependent failure contour can effectively be used to assess the cyclic shear strength of soil beneath the foundation for the design of offshore structures.

Relative Density and Stress-Dependent Failure Criteria of Marine Silty Sand Subjected to Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 해양실트질 모래의 상대밀도에 따른 응력기반 파괴기준)

  • Ko, Min Jae;Son, Su Won;Kim, Jin Man
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 2017
  • An experimental study has been conducted by using the Cyclic Direct Simple Shear apparatus to evaluate the influence of average and cyclic shear stresses on the undrained shear failure behavior of marine silty sand considering various relative densities. The obtained results show that despite using different relative densities, similar trends were gained in the cyclic shear deformation. Moreover, the cyclic shear deformation is affected mainly by the average and cyclic shear stresses. The number of cyclic loads for failure is significantly affected by the cyclic shear stress ratio and relative density, and is less affected by the average shear stress ratio. The proposed three-dimensional stress-dependent failure contour can be used effectively to assess the soil shear strength considering various relative densities in the design of foundation used for offshore structures.

A Hybrid Resonant Mode Identification using Non-decaying Mode Analysis in Dielectric Loaded Cylindrical Cavity Resonators (비소멸 모드 해석을 이용한 유전체 삽입 원통형 공동 공진기 하이브리드 공진 모드 구분)

  • Lee, Won-Hui;Hur, Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.655-662
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    • 2003
  • A rigorous field analysis by the non-decaying mode and the contour graph method is presented for dielectric-rod loaded cylindrical cavity resonators. Resonant frequencies and the lowest order modes for this resonator are calculated. The mode charts are presented to design the resonators. TE mode(transverse electric or H mode, having no Ez), TM mode(transverse magnetic or I mode, having no ㎐) and HEM mode(hybrid electromagnetic mode, having non-zero Ez and ㎐) are analyzed in detail using non-decaying mode method. The mode charts are completed. The validity of the theory is confirmed by experiments. The results were on the whole satisfactory. Experimental measurements show excellent agrement with the numerical results. The average error of TE, TM, and HEM mode is about 0.20 %, 0.14 %, and 0.28 %, respectively.

Simulation of thermal distribution with the effect of groundwater flow in an aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) system model (대수층 축열 에너지(ATES) 시스템 모델에서 지하수 유동 영향에 의한 지반내 온도 분포 예측 시뮬레이션)

  • Shim, Byoung-Ohan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Geothermal and Hydrothermal Energy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2005
  • Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) can be a cost-effective and renewable geothermal energy source, depending on site-specific and thermohydraulic conditions. To design an effective ATES system having the effect of groundwater movement, understanding of thermohydraulic processes is necessary. The heat transfer phenomena for an aquifer heat storage are simulated by using FEFLOW with the scenario of heat pump operation with pumping and waste water reinjection in a two layered confined aquifer model. Temperature distribution of the aquifer model is generated, and hydraulic heads and temperature variations are monitored at the both wells during 365 days. The average groundwater velocities are determined with two hydraulic gradient sets according to boundary conditions, and the effect of groundwater flow are shown at the generated thermal distributions of three different depth slices. The generated temperature contour lines at the hydraulic gradient of 0.001 are shaped circular, and the center is moved less than 5 m to the direction of groundwater flow in 365 days simulation period. However at the hydraulic gradient of 0.01, the contour center of the temperature are moved to the end of east boundary at each slice and the largest movement is at bottom slice. By the analysis of thermal interference data between two wells the efficiency of the heat pump system model is validated, and the variation of heads is monitored at injection, pumping and no operation mode.

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Reconstruction of anterior guidance using duplication technique of CAD/CAM: a case report (CAD/CAM의 복제 기법을 이용한 전방 유도의 재현 증례)

  • Bae, Ji-Cheol;Kim, Won-Hee;Jeon, Yong-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Yoon, Mi-Jung;Huh, Jung-Bo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2014
  • Comprehensive prosthetic treatment requires considerations from various points of view. The anterior guidance is important factor in prosthodontic treatment of anterior teeth. Lingual surface contour of anterior restoration is so critical that a small mistake of laboratory or clinical process can cause discomfort of patient and disharmony of entire dentition. There are no guidelines for lingual surface contour that fit all patients. Therefore the lingual surface of provisional restoration is most accurately described as a customized one. The dentist transfers the exact information of anterior guidance that has made through long term provisional restoration to the technician. This case introduce that the duplication technique of CAD/CAM system to reproduce the anterior guidance of provisional restoration. This method can improve satisfaction of both patient and dentist.

Upper Arm Contouring with Brachioplasty after Massive Weight Loss

  • Han, Hyun Ho;Lee, Min Cheol;Kim, Sang Hwa;Lee, Jung Ho;Ahn, Sang Tae;Rhie, Jong Won
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.271-276
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    • 2014
  • Background As the obese population increases in Korea, the number of patients who are trying to lose weight has been increasing steadily. In these patients, skin laxity and deformation of the body contour occurs, which could possibly be corrected by various body contouring surgeries. Here, we introduce the brachioplasty method and our experience of various body contouring surgeries performed in our center. Methods From November 2009 to August 2011, five cases of brachioplasty were performed. When the patient presented with sagging of the lateral inframammary crease and bat wing deformity in the axilla, extended brachioplasty was performed; in this case, the deformation of the axilla and lateral chest was corrected at the same time. A traditional brachioplasty was performed when contouring was needed only for skin laxity in the upper arm. Results Complications, such as hematomas or nerve injuries, were not evident. Some patients experienced partial wound dehiscence due to tension or hypertrophic scars found during the follow-up. In general, all of the patients were satisfied with the improvement in their upper arm contour. Conclusions Given the demands for body contouring surgery, the number of brachioplasty surgical procedures is expected to increase significantly, with abdominoplasty comprising a large portion of these surgeries. For the brachioplasty procedure, preparation and preoperative consultation regarding design of the surgery by experienced surgeons was important to prevent complications such as nerve damage or hematoma formation.