• Title/Summary/Keyword: Content-based approach

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User-based Theories and Practices on Virtual Reality (가상현실에 관한 사용자 관점의 이론과 실제)

  • Chung, Dong-Hun
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.3-29
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this research is to understand immersive media such as virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, 360-degree videos etc. from the perspective of user-based approach. 3D videos were once expected as the next-generation industry, but soon it further evolved into UHD and are now followed by immersive media represented by virtual reality. As the virtual reality plays an important role, the current research tries to bring up implications that can be applied to the industrial field along with academic understanding through six theoretical approaches related to virtual reality such as media richness, interactivity, presence, body-ownership, user experience, and visual perception. These six theories were used in immersive media studies such as 3D videos. Media richness and interactivity are the main factors forming positive or negative attitude, presence explains why users are immersed, user experience accounts for total psychological reaction, and visual perception explains how complex the experience of seeing is. Especially, although there is less media research applied, the body-ownership is likely to be not only used in virtual reality research, but immersive media research. The user-based theories related to virtual reality will provide various implications for immersive media researchers as well as hardware and content creators of virtual reality.

A Study of e-Textbook Format Standardization Scheme for Smart Education Circumstance (스마트 교육환경을 위한 e-교과서 포맷 표준화 방안 연구)

  • Sohn, Won-Sung;Lim, Soon-Bum;Kim, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.327-336
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    • 2012
  • The Korea government has recently announced "A Master Plan for Smart Education", including application of digital textbooks and composition of education system using cloud computing. Our education system in future circumstance, over the conventional e-learning methods, needs the smart education solutions which enable students to study and communicate on various types of devices. The ongoing government project related with the digital textbook has been performed as mid- and long-term goals, whereas PDF-based e-textbook project, similar to e-book model and, has been already completed for the short-term goal. For the purpose of improved future smart education circumstance, however, a specific strategy is required in the following areas: flexibility of format conversion and independency of original text sources among the multiple device platforms. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a standardization scheme for e-textbook format based on e-book structure. To do this, we survey trends in e-book technologies, and research on standardization of e-book format for digitalization of textbooks, based on the analysis of existing textbooks. Moreover, we produce an example e-book content using our proposed standard method. As a result, our approach can be applied to the future smart education circumstance, and we may say that it will be efficiently applicable to the long-term digital textbook project.

  • PDF

Securing Safety in Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems Through Fault Criticality Analysis (협업 사이버물리시스템의 결함 치명도 분석을 통한 안전성 확보)

  • Hussain, Manzoor;Ali, Nazakat;Hong, Jang-Eui
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.287-300
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    • 2021
  • Collaborative Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS) are those systems that contain tightly coupled physical and cyber components, massively interconnected subsystems, and collaborate to achieve a common goal. The safety of a single Cyber-Physical System (CPS) can be achieved by following the safety standards such as ISO 26262 and IEC 61508 or by applying hazard analysis techniques. However, due to the complex, highly interconnected, heterogeneous, and collaborative nature of CCPS, a fault in one CPS's components can trigger many other faults in other collaborating CPSs. Therefore, a safety assurance technique based on fault criticality analysis would require to ensure safety in CCPS. This paper presents a Fault Criticality Matrix (FCM) implemented in our tool called CPSTracer, which contains several data such as identified fault, fault criticality, safety guard, etc. The proposed FCM is based on composite hazard analysis and content-based relationships among the hazard analysis artifacts, and ensures that the safety guard controls the identified faults at design time; thus, we can effectively manage and control the fault at the design phase to ensure the safe development of CPSs. To justify our approach, we introduce a case study on the Platooning system (a collaborative CPS). We perform the criticality analysis of the Platooning system using FCM in our developed tool. After the detailed fault criticality analysis, we investigate the results to check the appropriateness and effectiveness with two research questions. Also, by performing simulation for the Platooning, we showed that the rate of collision of the Platooning system without using FCM was quite high as compared to the rate of collisions of the system after analyzing the fault criticality using FCM.

A Study on Cultural Planning Based on the Characteristics of Domestic Cultural Archetypes: Focusing on the Jeju Folktale 'Seolmundae Halmang and Obaek General' (국내 문화원형 특징을 기반으로 한 문화 기획 연구: 제주 설화 '설문대 할망과 오백장군'을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the legend of 'Grandmother Seolmundae and Five Hundred Generals', the cultural archetypes of Jeju, and analyzes the characteristics of its contents. After analyzing the feasibility of using the analyzed cultural prototype as cultural contents such as games and animations, based on this analysis, we tried to suggest a cultural planning approach based on the cultural prototype to the cultural agency. Therefore, the implications of this study are as follows. First, among the cultural prototypes in Korea, 'Grandmother Seolmundae and Five Hundred Generals', which represent the legends of Jeju Island, are being organized centered on many historical researchers and Chaerokga, but there is no precise establishment of the exact timing of the legend and how it arose. Therefore, when planning and developing content based on the cultural prototype, it is most important for cultural agencies to develop a story after researching historical evidence and opinions of local residents to identify a consistent point of view. Second, although the contents of the cultural archetype are arranged slightly differently by historians and recorders, the main contents and characteristics of the story are found to have a similar form. Therefore, cultural agencies should focus on finding the point of view and characteristics of a story, even if a story is written differently by different people when doing a cultural prototype. Third, when planning a game based on the cultural prototype, the main elements such as the elements to be expressed in the game and the fun elements should be found and presented. In particular, because fun and rules are the most important parts of games, if this part cannot be derived from the story of the cultural archetype or cannot be made, it is difficult to transform the cultural archetype into a game. Therefore, it can be seen that it is important for cultural agencies to set their game plan intentions in consideration of story expression and fun, even if it is the core or non-core of the entire story of the cultural archetype. Lastly, although the cultural prototype 'Grandmother Seolmundae and Five Hundred Generals' was presented as animation content, it is important to develop it considering the story, characters, media, and audience. Therefore, cultural agencies should be able to derive the elements such as stories, representative and auxiliary characters, and viewers that can be adapted from the cultural prototype as much as possible. It will be an important part of raising.

A phenomenon Study on Acceptance Universe of K-pop Audience : Focused on Group Aespa's Universe Case (K-pop 수용자의 세계관 수용 현상 연구 : 그룹 에스파의 세계관 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Nakyung
    • Trans-
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    • v.12
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    • pp.173-222
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    • 2022
  • This thesis examines the 'universe' acceptance phenomenon, currently used as a content strategy in the K-pop field, from the perspective of K-pop audiences, and then attempts to identify their experience of acceptance and the meaning of the universe. For this, tweets related to the universe acceptance experience of Aespa, the group utilizing the universe as a content strategy the most actively, were collected, and this data was analyzed according to a phenomenological approach, an approach to explore the structure of personal experience and the essence of a phenomenon. As a result of analyzing using Moustakas' method, the semantic structure of the universe acceptance phenomenon of K-pop audiences was derived based on 21 thematic units. It was found that current K-pop audiences are experiencing active cultural consumption rather than unilateral or passive through acceptance of the universe. This means that K-pop audiences have the characteristics of active audiences that produce meaning, interact with other fans, and exert influence on outside of community. At the same time, these characteristics affect acceptance of the universe. Simultaneously, through active acceptance experience, it is found that K-pop audiences give a new meaning in the K-pop universe, as "marketing assets", "fandom community assets", and "K-pop industry expansion assets." Among them, the recognition of 'marketing assets' was reaffirmed as a basis for supporting related previous studies. In addition, it derived the new values of the universe in the K-pop field by discovering the meaning of "fandom's specific assets" and "assets of the K-pop industry for expansion". These meanings had not been found that previous studies from the producers' point of view. And then, for the purpose of expanding the value of the universe in the future, it was discussed the direction of the new meaning of the universe. Finally, this study is meaningful in that it revealed the semantic structure of the universe acceptance phenomenon and discovered a new meaning of the universe in the K-pop field. Additionally, it was intended to contribute to expanding the field of research by suggesting various follow-up studies from various perspectives.

Bilayer Segmentation of Consistent Scene Images by Propagation of Multi-level Cues with Adaptive Confidence (다중 단계 신호의 적응적 전파를 통한 동일 장면 영상의 이원 영역화)

  • Lee, Soo-Chahn;Yun, Il-Dong;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.450-462
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    • 2009
  • So far, many methods for segmenting single images or video have been proposed, but few methods have dealt with multiple images with analogous content. These images, which we term consistent scene images, include concurrent images of a scene and gathered images of a similar foreground, and may be collectively utilized to describe a scene or as input images for multi-view stereo. In this paper, we present a method to segment these images with minimum user input, specifically, manual segmentation of one image, by iteratively propagating information via multi-level cues with adaptive confidence depending on the nature of the images. Propagated cues are used as the bases to compute multi-level potentials in an MRF framework, and segmentation is done by energy minimization. Both cues and potentials are classified as low-, mid-, and high- levels based on whether they pertain to pixels, patches, and shapes. A major aspect of our approach is utilizing mid-level cues to compute low- and mid- level potentials, and high-level cues to compute low-, mid-, and high- level potentials, thereby making use of inherent information. Through this process, the proposed method attempts to maximize the amount of both extracted and utilized information in order to maximize the consistency of the segmentation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on several sets of consistent scene images and provide a comparison with results based only on mid-level cues [1].

International Comparative Study on the Science Curriculum Concepts Continuity - Focus on the Concepts of Moon and Rock cycle - (과학과 교육과정에 제시된 개념의 연계성에 대한 국제 비교 연구 - 달과 암석의 순환 개념을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyonyong;Kim, Jin Sook;Park, Byung-yeol;Jeon, Jaedon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.677-689
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to derive suggestions and implications to strengthen the science curriculum continuity of Korea through comparative analysis with focus on the continuity of science curriculum in six countries (Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Finland, the United States, Canada, Korea). Original and Korean translations of the national curriculums of each country gathered from NCIC comparatively analyzed the contents of the 'Moon' and 'Rock cycle' based on features of curriculum configuration, vertical, and lateral connectivity. As a result, it was found that the concepts of Big Ideas or Cross-cutting Concept was utilized internationally to strengthen the linkage between grades or subjects. In particular, dealing with the aspect of the system was important. In the comparison of countries for the content, Korea deals with the most frequency on the 'Moon' and 'Rock cycle'. The contents of the chapter about the moon were simply repeated from elementary to high school levels with some variation. Korean science curriculum holds different perspectives and contents about the Rock cycle compared to other countries. In conclusion, Korea's curriculum requires appropriate tools to strengthen curriculum linkage and by doing so, it will be able to take advantage of the systems approach. Moreover, it is important to constitute the curriculum based on a sufficient understanding of the learning development of students according to their grade levels for the effective application of the curriculum.

Algorithms for Indexing and Integrating MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors (MPEG-7 시각 정보 기술자의 인덱싱 및 결합 알고리즘)

  • Song, Chi-Ill;Nang, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a new indexing mechanism for MPEG-7 visual descriptors, especially Dominant Color and Contour Shape descriptors, that guarantees an efficient similarity search for the multimedia database whose visual meta-data are represented with MPEG-7. Since the similarity metric used in the Dominant Color descriptor is based on Gaussian mixture model, the descriptor itself could be transform into a color histogram in which the distribution of the color values follows the Gauss distribution. Then, the transformed Dominant Color descriptor (i.e., the color histogram) is indexed in the proposed indexing mechanism. For the indexing of Contour Shape descriptor, we have used a two-pass algorithm. That is, in the first pass, since the similarity of two shapes could be roughly measured with the global parameters such as eccentricity and circularity used in Contour shape descriptor, the dissimilar image objects could be excluded with these global parameters first. Then, the similarities between the query and remaining image objects are measured with the peak parameters of Contour Shape descriptor. This two-pass approach helps to reduce the computational resources to measure the similarity of image objects using Contour Shape descriptor. This paper also proposes two integration schemes of visual descriptors for an efficient retrieval of multimedia database. The one is to use the weight of descriptor as a yardstick to determine the number of selected similar image objects with respect to that descriptor, and the other is to use the weight as the degree of importance of the descriptor in the global similarity measurement. Experimental results show that the proposed indexing and integration schemes produce a remarkable speed-up comparing to the exact similarity search, although there are some losses in the accuracy because of the approximated computation in indexing. The proposed schemes could be used to build a multimedia database represented in MPEG-7 that guarantees an efficient retrieval.

Evaluation of the signal intensity of magnetic resonance angiography in accordance with the dilution rate of the contrast agent (조영제 희석률에 따른 조영증강 자기공명혈관조영검사의 신호강도 평가)

  • Choi, Kwan-Woo;Seo, Sung-Mi;Son, Soon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.5124-5130
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    • 2014
  • Dilution of the contrast agent by analyzing the change in the signal intensity during MR angiography in accordance with the viscosity and osmotic pressure minimizes the side effects, and improves the image quality. The contrast agent molarity changes by the dilution of the contrast agent in the blood, as it is injected, which leads to a change in signal intensity. Based on this principle, a phantom was prepared and experiments were performed. After the phantom experiment, a clinical experiment was conducted using the results of the phantom experiment. From November 2013 to January 2014, a group of patients were classified into diluted contrast agent (30 persons) and undiluted (30 persons), and the signal intensity of the cerebral vessels was compared. The signal intensity of the phantom according to the molarity of the contrast agent increased sharply from 0.0125 mmol, reached a peak at 20 mmol, and achieved equilibrium from 200 mmol. Based on the study results, the signal intensity of the blood vessels in the brain through were compared in a clinical experiment. All the brain vessels in the imaging range with diluting a high content of the gadolinium contrast agent showed high signal intensity. This result supports the phantom experiment and means that using the 500mmol diluted contrast agent is better than using 1000mmol undiluted contrast agent because it is easier to approach the 20mmol level needed to achieve the highest signal intensity. This study has significance in that it can minimize the high viscosity and osmotic pressure, which can cause side effects and improve the image quality using the method of the dilution rate.

Visit Push Motivation for a Trading Area and Flow, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention (상권방문 추진동기와 몰입, 만족, 재방문 의도)

  • Lee, Soo-Duck;Lee, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - A trading area is very closely related to consumer life. A trading area is a cultural and social space that consumes culture and promotes human relationships as well as an economic space where consumers live their daily lives. In this context, a trading area research should be conducted objectively and empirically because it deals with the activities of consumer's life. The purpose of this study is to identify the intrinsic psychological motivation(push motivation) caused when consumers visit a trading area and to demonstrate how the push motivation for a trading area influence on consumer's flow, satisfaction, revisit intention. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to develop research hypotheses for this study, the development procedures for push motivation scale are as follows; (1) generating initial pool of items based on previous studies, (2) expert judgement to evaluate content and face validity, and (3) assessing convergent and discriminant validity using confirmatory factor analysis. In order to achieve these purposes, online surveys were conducted on frequent or familiar visitors to the trading areas around the Gangnam, Kunkuk University and Hongik University Station. Among the 1,343 questionnaires collected, 1,157 cases were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 statistical package program, except for 186 responses in which responses were judged to be unfaithful. Results - The push motivation was classified into five sub-dimensions of excitement/stimulus, rest/relaxation, exit/refreshing, knowledge/learning and human relationship promotion as multidimensional and complex factors composed of individual and social-related dimensions. The excitement/stimulus and human relationship promotion of push motivation have positive effects on satisfaction. However, all dimensions of the push motivation have positive effects on flow. And flow has a positive effect on satisfaction and revisit intention. Meanwhile, the mediation test using boostrapping shows that flow plays a full mediating role in the relationship between rest/relaxation, exit/refreshing, knowledge/learning and satisfaction, but a partial mediating rol e between excitement/stimulus, human relationship promotion and satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction plays a partial mediating role between flow and revisit intention. Conclusions - This study shows that the push motivation is multidimensional and compositive depending on the situation of a consumer. In addition, it is found that the human relationship promotion(a social-related motivation) has a much more important effect on flow and satisfaction than other push motivations of individual dimensions. It also shows that satisfaction increases when consumers are being flowed at their visit and degree of revisit intention also grows as satisfaction increases. As implications of this study, a marketer should try to understand consumer's visit motivation at first and then develop factors that increase their flow, satisfaction, revisit intention. It also requires a marketer to approach subjects on a trading area more objectively and empirically based on the psychology and behavior of consumers, in order to establish a proper and efficient strategy on development of a trading area.