• Title/Summary/Keyword: Content-based approach

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Usability Evaluation Model for Locomotion Technology in VR Space (VR 공간에서의 이동기술 평가를 위한 사용성평가 모델)

  • Ding, Xiu Hui;Xie, Qiao;Jang, Young-Jick;Yun, Tae-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose an evaluation model to evaluate the usability of locomotion technologies in a virtual environment (VE; Virtual Environment) and try to verify them through a case study. The order of this study firstly, the factors for analysis are derived through theoretical approach to locomotion technology on VR. Second, the definition and concept of mobile technology and usability evaluation in VR are established theoretically and the elements for analysis are derived through the literature survey through the theoretical approach to VE. Third, based on this, a usability evaluation model is proposed to evaluate locomotion technologies in the VE. Finally, the results are derived by experimenting and analyzing the existing VR games applied with the three locomotion technologies derived from the literature survey. Through this paper, the locomotion technology in VR is not used separately, but can propose mobile technology that conforms to VR game content characteristics by assessing its usability and analyzing it, and it is considered to be a significant data that can suggest criteria for identifying problems in locomotion technology.

Tourism Experience and Learning: Approach of the Activity Theory (관광경험과 학습의 관계: 활동이론적 접근)

  • Chun, Joo-Hyung
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2021
  • As tourists travel to other regions, they encounter numerous facts that conflict with their views. At that time, we change our view of coping with life. In this respect, tourism is a new way of learning. As a new learning method, tourism experience research is a new approach. In this study, the relationship between experience and learning experienced in tourist destinations was analyzed by applying the activity theory. The analysis units applied in the activity theory were set as subjects, goals, communities, roles, methods and rules, outcomes, and relevance to local communities. Based on this, in-depth interviews were conducted with commentators and guides who had a great influence on the tourism experience to analyze the learning process of tourists. As a result of the analysis, the experiences of tourists during the tour were interactive in various forms within the unit as well as the unit of the activity system of the commentator and guide. This interaction induces changes in the tourism experience activity system, enabling tourists to learn. The content is that the value of learning increases as the role of guide and commentator increases, that the social and cultural dimension of tourism experience is included in the learning effect, and the contradictions that arise from interactions within or between activity systems. The fact that they find the solution process themselves, and that tourism activity is not an isolated unit, but exists at the intersection of hierarchies and networks, is affected by the activities and environments of others.

Content-based Korean journal recommendation system using Sentence BERT (Sentence BERT를 이용한 내용 기반 국문 저널추천 시스템)

  • Yongwoo Kim;Daeyoung Kim;Hyunhee Seo;Young-Min Kim
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 2023
  • With the development of electronic journals and the emergence of various interdisciplinary studies, the selection of journals for publication has become a new challenge for researchers. Even if a paper is of high quality, it may face rejection due to a mismatch between the paper's topic and the scope of the journal. While research on assisting researchers in journal selection has been actively conducted in English, the same cannot be said for Korean journals. In this study, we propose a system that recommends Korean journals for submission. Firstly, we utilize SBERT (Sentence BERT) to embed abstracts of previously published papers at the document level, compare the similarity between new documents and published papers, and recommend journals accordingly. Next, the order of recommended journals is determined by considering the similarity of abstracts, keywords, and title. Subsequently, journals that are similar to the top recommended journal from previous stage are added by using a dictionary of words constructed for each journal, thereby enhancing recommendation diversity. The recommendation system, built using this approach, achieved a Top-10 accuracy level of 76.6%, and the validity of the recommendation results was confirmed through user feedback. Furthermore, it was found that each step of the proposed framework contributes to improving recommendation accuracy. This study provides a new approach to recommending academic journals in the Korean language, which has not been actively studied before, and it has also practical implications as the proposed framework can be easily applied to services.

Three Qualities of OTT Services: A Mixed Methods Approach (OTT 서비스의 세 가지 질적 요소: 혼합적 연구방법을 통한 접근)

  • Jae Sun Yoo;Jaecheol Park;Hyun Jun Jeon;Jai-Yeol Son
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.59-87
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    • 2022
  • Since over-the-top (OTT) service has emerged as a new way of consuming video contents, OTT markets grow exponentially and the competition among the OTT services becomes intense. Only limited systematic research effort has been paid to understand why users subscribe such OTT services among other services. Therefore, we used developmental sequential mixed methods approach to find out the quality factors and their effect on post-subscription experiences and continuance intention. In the qualitative study, we derived six factors which a user considers important to continue the subscription. Based on the explored factors, we hypothesized a research model with modified three qualities from ISSM. The proposed research model was validated through quantitative research, a survey of 226 OTT service users in South Korea, using structural equation modeling. The results indicated that content quality is the key factor affecting both perceived enjoyment and satisfaction whereas system quality affects satisfaction, and service quality only affects enjoyment. Enjoyment affects satisfaction which sequentially affects continuance usage intention. This study contributes to research by modifying ISSM through mixed methods. It also provides OTT service providers with insight to enhance users' post experience and continuance intention to use the service through qualities derived from the interview.

Exploring Implications for Korean Education through Comparative Analysis of Unification Education between Korea and Germany (한국과 독일의 통일교육 비교분석을 통한 한국 교육에의 시사점 탐색)

  • Kim, Yong-Ki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2017
  • This research aimed at suggesting the implication of Korean unification education based on German unification education, which country achieved unification from the divided country as Korea. Germany named unification education as the political education. German political education includes democratic citizen education, peace education, and solidarity education between the peoples. Also, besides school unification education, civic organization and parties treat political education. German political education is conducted by being shared with role by main government and several organizations, when the federal government level suggests a big frame. Also, political education with proper content could be conducted suitable for the characteristic of main area and the color of the party and civic organizations. Of course, federal government supports administrative financial support enough on this. In such situation, German people have naturally accepted and developed political education without distance. This situation has lots of implication on Korea. First, systematic system of unification education. In Korea, unification education is conducted mainly by Ministry of Unification and Education Center for Unification. However, in order to naturally approach the people, systematic system synthesizing civic organization, local government, religious organization, and educational local government should be established. Second, 'integration within acknowledgement of diversity'. In Korea, also, diversity should be acknowledged by being suggested by the country with the big frame, and the detailed parts by various institutions and civic organizations as Germany. Third, conversion to integrated education of unification education. Germany is conducting comprehensive education naming unification education as the political education. We also should prepare for coming unification in the near future by complementing the content by converting the mere unification education to comprehensive and integrated education.

A study on instruction consulting in cyber university content quality management center (사이버대학 콘텐츠품질관리센터에서 이루어지는 수업컨설팅에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Young-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.331-341
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed cases of teaching consulting in the cyber university field and activated it in a remote university in the right direction to contribute to the development of high quality contents. This study analyzed the instructional consulting data of the Center for Content Quality Management at A Cyber University in Chungnam area and interviewed researchers working at the center using the phenomenological approach based on the data. This study showed that the professors participating in instructional consulting had many problems, but they were relatively active in improving the quality of the lectures. They wanted to know the teaching methods in the unfamiliar environment of remote universities. In addition, the researchers had difficulty in delivering feedback to the instructor through the process of exploring images taken several times with the objective framework of lecture evaluation. To allow better communication, it was necessary to form rapport between the instructor and researcher. Unlike general universities, cyber universities have features and limitations in that they only take cameras in the classroom without learners and proceed with class consulting. Therefore, the teachers have a feeling of burden about shooting and recording, but they are less than general university teachers, and are more willing to engage in class consultation more actively. In this study, the results of the research was discussed and the proposal of cyber universities' instruction consulting and the effective plan is proposed.

Content Analysis-based Adaptive Filtering in The Compressed Satellite Images (위성영상에서의 적응적 압축잡음 제거 알고리즘)

  • Choi, Tae-Hyeon;Ji, Jeong-Min;Park, Joon-Hoon;Choi, Myung-Jin;Lee, Sang-Keun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we present a deblocking algorithm that removes grid and staircase noises, which are called "blocking artifacts", occurred in the compressed satellite images. Particularly, the given satellite images are compressed with equal quantization coefficients in row according to region complexity, and more complicated regions are compressed more. However, this approach has a problem that relatively less complicated regions within the same row of complicated regions have blocking artifacts. Removing these artifacts with a general deblocking algorithm can blur complex and undesired regions as well. Additionally, the general filter lacks in preserving the curved edges. Therefore, the proposed algorithm presents an adaptive filtering scheme for removing blocking artifacts while preserving the image details including curved edges using the given quantization step size and content analysis. Particularly, WLFPCA (weighted lowpass filter using principle component analysis) is employed to reduce the artifacts around edges. Experimental results showed that the proposed method outperforms SA-DCT in terms of subjective image quality.

The Content Analysis about Body Image in Adolescents of the Textbooks of Home Economics Education (가정과 교과서에 나타난 청소년의 신체이미지 내용 분석)

  • Lee, Hye-jin;Lee, Yuri
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.87-104
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest a pedagogic direction of home economics education that can form body image which organize self-concept of adolescents positively. To achieve this purpose, the study suggested a body image formation model of adolescents that can be applied to home economics education, and based on this formation model, analyzed contents on body image of current 12 textbooks of home economics education. The main results of this study are summarized as follows: First, to analyze textbook through body image formation model of adolescents, educational contents about body image were categorized into 4 constructs with 8 sub-categories. Second, we found the current textbooks about the child and family life field, food and dietary life field, and clothing life, are handling topics regarding body image formation model of adolescents, such as concepts and components of body image and antecedents and outcomes of body image. We conclude that although the current textbooks handles contents on body image of adolescents, those contents are sporadically presented across the three fields without an integrated perspective. Home Economics, as an entity of educating adolescents' self-esteem through daily life activities, needs to have a topic-oriented approach in developing a curriculum.

A study of Mission statements for strategic management - Focusing on the tertiary care hospitals in korea and special functioning hospitals in Japan- (한국과 일본병원의 미션선언문 비교연구 - 한국의 상급종합병원과 일본의 특정기능병원을 중심으로-)

  • Dang, Ji-Yeon;Choy, Yoon-Soo;Kim, Young-Hoon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.70-87
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated contents of mission statements for Strategic Management of hospitals in Korea and Japan. For the study, 44 tertiary care hospitals in korea, which were accredited by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, were selected. And 83 special functioning hospitals in Japan, which were approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, were included. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were conducted by classifying 5 components of the mission statement; market, service, philosophy, image, contribution. Findings from this study are as follow. First, hospitals in Korea emphasized image(93.2%) and philosophy(81.8%) components in their mission statements, whereas hospitals in Japan highlighted components of service(89.2%) and market(72.3%). In detail, mission statements of Korean tertiary care hospitals describe the components of hospital's image (93.2%), philosophy(81.8%), contribution(56.8%), market(22.7%) and service (18.2%) in order. On the other hand, mission statements of Japanese special functioning hospitals describe hospital's service(89.2%), market(72.3%), contribution(61.4%), image (49.4%) and philosophy(34.9%), respectively. Second, as results of Content analysis, there were some differences in mission statements of hospitals between two countries, and it is mainly from the divergences of standards for recognition of medical institutions, environmental factors, and different ways of mission statement description. For strategic hospital management, carrying out innovative restructuring organization or promoting of research and training for medical development is considered as a desirable approach. However, clear description of mission statement is more important and it is required for effective control and managing organization. And then the mission should be communicated within an organization so all internal members understand it and put their efforts to achieve the mission of organization. In conclusion, it is recommended that a leader and senior managers should re-evaluate its mission statement whether it reflects characteristics of an organization. In addition, a mission statement should be created or improved based on critical decision, as well as it should be clearly shared within an organization in order to become a future oriented organizations.

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User Satisfaction of Mobile Convergence Device: The Expectation and Disconfirmation Approach (모바일 복합 단말기 사용자 만족: 기대-불일치 접근)

  • Lee, Seung-Chang;Suh, Eung-Kyo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2012
  • Purpose - Mobile devices, especially mobile terminals capable of telecommunication and wireless connectivity, are leading the advancements in consumer electronics. Digital convergence drives the functions of various devices, such as cellular phones, MP3 players, personal digital assistants, and gaming, into a single device. This trend would continue and applications such as digital audio and video streaming (including personalized content delivery mechanisms) would soon be on a handheld device. As customers want mobile convergence devices, manufacturers are driving new initiatives in the emerging mobile device market. Given the roles played by device design and service content in user satisfaction of a mobile convergence device, this study focuses on identifying and measuring the constructs for the process by which user satisfaction is achieved. This study synthesizes the expectation-disconfirmation paradigm with empirical theories in user satisfaction. Device and service levels are separated, and nine key constructs for user satisfaction of mobile convergence devices are proposed. Insight into this process could help web-based businesses to improve user satisfaction, thus enhancing the effectiveness of e-commerce for sellers and buyers. Research design, data, methodology - This study draws on three users of mobile convergence devices as examples. To test there search model and hypotheses, survey questionnaires were sent to 607 mobile device users. Mobile device users were initially identified from several members, and subjects were randomly drawn. Data from 577 survey responses were finally analyzed. The unit of measurement and analysis in this research study is at a personal level. Results - The measurements for the constructs were developed and tested in a two-phase study. In the first phase, the device and service dimensions were identified, and instruments for measuring them were developed and tested. In the second phase, using the salient dimensions of the device and service as the formulating first-order factors, instruments were developed and empirically tested to measure satisfaction of the device and service. In measuring satisfaction of mobile convergence devices, the critical tasks are to identify the key constructs of such user satisfaction and to develop validated instruments to measure them. Hence, the results of this study have immediate implications for businesses and for research in user satisfaction of mobile convergence devices. Conclusions - This study provides reliable instruments for operationalizing key constructs in the analysis of user satisfaction of mobile convergence devices within the expectation-disconfirmation paradigm. Hence, convergence device makers will be able to examine whether their websites meet their customers' expectations by examining the device aspect of the mobile convergence device customers, and the service aspect expectations and disconfirmation. Moreover, the introduction of expectation and disconfirmation constructs brings the marketing aspect of convergence devices into focus for such retailers, an aspect crucial to the effective design of websites for online businesses. In addition,this study provides the metrics required to initiate future studies on user satisfaction of mobile convergence devices.

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