• Title/Summary/Keyword: Content-based approach

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Study on Extracting Filming Location Information in Movies Using OCR for Developing Customized Travel Content (맞춤형 여행 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 OCR 기법을 활용한 영화 속 촬영지 정보 추출 방안 제시)

  • Park, Eunbi;Shin, Yubin;Kang, Juyoung
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2020
  • Purpose The atmosphere of respect for individual tastes that have spread throughout society has changed the consumption trend. As a result, the travel industry is also seeing customized travel as a new trend that reflects consumers' personal tastes. In particular, there is a growing interest in 'film-induced tourism', one of the areas of travel industry. We hope to satisfy the individual's motivation for traveling while watching movies with customized travel proposals, which we expect to be a catalyst for the continued development of the 'film-induced tourism industry'. Design/methodology/approach In this study, we implemented a methodology through 'OCR' of extracting and suggesting film location information that viewers want to visit. First, we extract a scene from a movie selected by a user by using 'OpenCV', a real-time image processing library. In addition, we detected the location of characters in the scene image by using 'EAST model', a deep learning-based text area detection model. The detected images are preprocessed by using 'OpenCV built-in function' to increase recognition accuracy. Finally, after converting characters in images into recognizable text using 'Tesseract', an optical character recognition engine, the 'Google Map API' returns actual location information. Significance This research is significant in that it provides personalized tourism content using fourth industrial technology, in addition to existing film tourism. This could be used in the development of film-induced tourism packages with travel agencies in the future. It also implies the possibility of being used for inflow from abroad as well as to abroad.

A Content Analysis of the 'Adopted Family' of Major Textbooks in Child and Family Welfare Studies: With Focus on the Stereotypes of and Prejudiced Descriptions about Adoptive Families (아동·가족복지학 전공교재의 '입양가족'에 대한 내용분석 - 입양가족의 고정관념과 편견적 서술을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Jiyeon;Lee, Sunhyung
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to investigate prejudiced descriptions of adoption and adoptive families in the major textbooks in the field of child and family welfare studies. To this end, we analyzed the compositions and contents of eleven different textbooks and found four necessary changes to recommend: first, we found it essential for authors to have a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of the open adoption culture and adoptive families. Second, we observed the need for the revision of prejudiced terminology found in textbooks' descriptions of adoptive families - about adopters, adoptees, and adoption institutions. Third, we advise an enhancement in the understanding of adoptive families reflecting both qualitative and quantitative understandings of the open adoption culture and perspective about social prejudice against adoptive families. Finally, we advocate for the inclusion adoptive families as one of the diverse forms a family can take, not only in the curriculum of child (children's rights) studies but also in the curricula of other family-related disciplines such as family welfare and healthy family theory. Based on these four changes, we propose a new approach to authoring including a multifaceted review of the subject composition and the content of the major textbooks and revision of the overall contents of the textbooks.

Navigating Identity: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Related Field Professionals' Views on Arts Education for North Korean Refugee Youth (탈북 청소년 대상 문화예술교육에 대한 질적 내용 분석 연구 - 정체성 형성 과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Hyesun;Youn, Hyunkyoung
    • Korean Association of Arts Management
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    • no.55
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    • pp.75-113
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    • 2020
  • This research aims to identify current issues of arts education programs which have designed for North Korean Refugee Youth in South Korea and then navigates further steps to better serve the group. The purpose of study also pertains to the '2010 Seoul Agenda: Goals for the Development of Arts Education' announced at the Second World Conference on Arts Education, particularly, to the third Goal indicating how arts education practices can contribute to resolving social and cultural issues and promoting social cohesion and intercultural dialogues (UNESCO, 2010). This research engages with critical theory approach and adopts qualitative content analysis for collected documents and interview data. Based on the findings of this research, interview participants found its need of current arts education program for North Korean refugee youth become more value-driven and participant-centered. Currently, those programs available seem to incline to helping their adjustment to the South Korean society through arts-related activities, such as enhancing Korean language skills and learning Korean culture. Rather, it has been addressed that providing emotional and psychological supports and opportunities to search their own 'voice(s)' should be core objectives of the arts education programs. Moreover, when it is offered, arts educators and administrators need to make sure that participants can feel safe and secure as being present at the space for programs in order to express and encounter their true inner voice(s).

Epistatic Interaction Analysis of Two Dull Genes, wx-mq and du1, Affecting Amylose Content Using Nearly Isogenic Lines in Rice

  • Ju-Won Kang;Ji-Yoon Lee;Gi-Un Seong;Youngho Kwon;So-Myeong Lee;Dong Jin Shin;Sais-Beul Lee;Hyunnggon Mang;Dong Soo Park;Jong-Hee Lee;Jun-Hyeon Cho;Gi-Won Oh
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.267-267
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    • 2022
  • Glutinous rice is a key grain quality trait occupying an important part during rice processing in most rice growing areas. Amylose content (AC) of rice determine eating quality which is one of the major traits in rice breeding program. In this study, a gene pyramiding approach was used to introduce two dull genes, responsible for low amylose contents, for glutinous rice breeding using marker assisted selection (MAS). Two dull genes were located on chromosome 6 (wx-mq, AC: 12.7 %) and chromosome 10 (du1, AC: 10.3%), respectively. To test whether these two dull genes have an epistatic interaction, we developed an F2 population by crossing two nearly isogenic lines(NILs) harboring wx-mq and du1. Gene based marker and KASP marker were used to select NILs(NIL-nor, NIL-wxmq, NIL-du1, and NIL-wxmq/du1) from the F2 population. A two-way ANOVA revealed an epistatic interaction between the two genes in the F2 population. The mean of Amylose contents for NIL-nor, NIL-wxwq, NIL-(du1, and NIL-wxmq/du1 were 17.3%, 12.5%, 9.7%, and 7.2%, respectively. This interaction was confirmed by an analysis of NILs indicating that both genes are involved in the same genetic mechanism controlling amylose contents. This result will be useful for rice breeding related to amylose content.

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The Task-Based Approach to Website Complexity and The Role of e-Tutor in e-Learning Process (e-러닝 학습자 만족을 이끄는 것은 무엇인가? 지각된 웹사이트 복잡성(Perceived Website Complexity)과 e-튜터(e-Tutor)의 역할)

  • Lee, Jae-Beom;Rho, Mi-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.2780-2792
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we examine what components of e-learning environment affect e-learners' satisfaction. We focus on the task based approach to perceived website complexity(PWC). We study about the role of e-tutor using the internet, telephone, text message and e-mail etc. To test our model, we collected 235 data from online learners of Korea Culture & Content Agency using survey method. The research was conducted by SPSS15.0. Our results show that the relationship between PWC and e-learner satisfaction was negative. The rules of e-tutor are supporting e-learning service and facilitating recommendation intention. This study provides implications to design future e-learning service, understand user's herd behavior and evaluate learning process developed.

The development of the 2020 Dietary Reference Intakes for Korean population: Lessons and challenges (2020 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 제·개정: 교훈과 도전)

  • Kwon, Oran;Kim, Hyesook;Kim, Jeongseon;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Lee, Jounghee;Yoon, Mi Ock
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.425-434
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    • 2021
  • The discovery of the relationship between nutrients and deficiency diseases during the 100 years from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s was a breakthrough that led to advances in the study of nutrition. The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) were created as a quantitative standard for avoiding diseases caused by nutrient deficiency. In addition, a reductionism paradigm has become generally accepted among nutrition scholars in health and disease, which focused on the properties of individual nutrients, content in foods, cellular levels, and mechanisms of action. The reductionist paradigm worked very well for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition diseases. However, as the incidence of nutrient deficiencies decreased and that of chronic diseases increased, the nutrition goals have been changed to secure safe and adequate nutrient intake and to reduce chronic disease risks. Accordingly, Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), a set of nutrient-based reference values, were designed to replace the RDA. The revised Korean DRIs were published for 40 nutrients in 2020. However, there is still room for improvement in the reference intake levels targeted at reducing the risk of chronic disease. The reductionist approach can no longer be practical because chronic diseases are related to the interactions between multi-components in the foods and multi-targets in the body. Therefore, a second innovative leap is needed following the nutrition development breakthrough made over 100 years ago. To this end, the nutrition paradigm must evolve from reductionism to a holism approach. Cutting-edge scientific technologies, such as metabolomics, transcriptomics, microbiomics, and bioinformatics, should also be acceptable in nutrition science based on the knowledge gained from basic nutrition studies.

Study on Digitalization of Cultural Archetype Based on the Tale of Cheoyong (처용설화의 문화원형 디지털콘텐츠화에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Jai-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.591-600
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    • 2008
  • Korean traditional culture has a long history and it is rooted in the deep down our national culture. It is like bread and pride for Korean people. The tale of Cheyong is a precious cultural heritage, which has existed in the public awareness of the Korean people since the period of unified Silla. Based on its mysterious and beautiful story, the value of traditional culture can be revealed through development of digital contents. With such precious cultural resource we can digitalize the fun contents which the general public can enjoy. Ways of digitalize of cultural archetype has been suggested by analyzing the content elements of the tale of Cheyong. Also, by making scientific approach to the development process of digitalization, the possibility of digitalization has been found through 3D animation restoration process for Cheyong Dance and the process of making the tale of Cheyong into animation. Through analyzing the contents development process of cultural archetype of the tale of Chetyong, a cultural archetype sourcehas been developed which has a great value as a contents product that can be developed and used as various cultural content art works. With studies on the theory of development method for digitalization of traditional culture, scientific studies and investigation have to be continuously carried out so the digitalization of Korean cultural heritage, which will shine in the world, can be continued as well.

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The Research Trends in Fundamental Nursing - Based on the Analysis of Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamental Nursing - (기본간호학 연구동향 - 기본간호학회지 논문분석을 기반으로 -)

  • Jeong Ihn-Sook;Kang Kyu-Sook;Kim Kyung-Hee;Kim Keum-Soon;Kim Won-Ock;Byun Young-Soon;Sohng Kyeong-Yae;Son Yeong-Hee;Yang Sun-Hee;Jo Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.132-146
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: This study was to analyze the trends and content of all the research (171 research papers) published in the Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing from 1994, when it began to 2000 using an objective tool developed by the researches, and to identify the direction for the future research in Fundamentals of Nursing. Method: Research published in the Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing from 1994 were reviewed. Result: Most of research (94.2%) was non-degree based and funded research was very limited. The average number of researchers per research study was 2.2 and collaborative research has been gradually increasing. The total number of key words was 331 and the average was 2.6 per research. The major key words were not different from other nursing departments and included home care nursing (10 times), health promotion (8 times), self-care (7 times). self-efficacy (7 times), and homo-dialysis (6 times). Eighty seven percent of the research was quantitative research. and there were very few qualitative studies. Considering theory level, it was found that 40% were factor related research For study design, non-experimental studies were most frequent (66%), and the rate, especially of surveys, has remarkably decreased. Selection of subjects by convenience sampling, was most frequent and there were very few studies that provided the rationale for the calculation of sample size. The major subjects of study were patients (44.8%) with various diagnoses. The subjects usually gave oral consent to take part in that study. Giving information (46.9%) and exercise (26.5%) were common nursing interventions, and physiological indices (16.5%). vital signs (10.3%), physical functioning (8.2%), level of knowledge/skill (7.2%) and level of activity (6.2%) were frequently measured as outcome. Variables questionnaires were the major approach used to collect data, and 57.8% of the research provided the Cronbach alpha to guarantee internal consistency of study instruments. Data were analyzed with computerized statistical packages using, ANOVA (42.0%), T test(39.5%), and chi-square test. For the last seven years, nursing research in Fundamentals of Nursing has gradually improved in both quantify and quality. Conclusion: It was difficult to find any uniqueness or difference compared to other departments of nursing. In fact, because the history of the Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing is rather short, we can expect that there will be further improvement in qualify and content in the future.

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Virtual Tactical Map : Military Briefing Tools for Virtual Training based on Augmented Reality (가상 전술 지도 : 증강현실에 기반한 군사 훈련 브리핑 도구)

  • Jung Kyung-Boo;Lee Sang-Won;Choi Byung-Uk;Jeong Seung-Do
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.4C
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    • pp.341-350
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    • 2006
  • The sand table training is one of the most effective training method in military operations which can accomplish missions such as simulation and rehearsal without limitations related to time, space, money and so on. Previous sand table training has many problems like that the sand table cannot represent real field condition because of its physical properties. So, it is hard to be preserved and impossible to include much of information into them. In this paper, we make an approach based on Augmented Reality(AR) to solve these problems and propose an efficient military training briefing tool with virtual sand table environment described as actual battle field Virtual Tactical Map(VTM) can realize a virtual military training with simple action like moving marker or tangible interface by hand. Real-time state information of VTM gives us more organic intelligence for entire situation. Tangible AR interface provides users with a contents authoring tool that is natural, intuitive and easy to deal with as interaction between user in real world and system that augmented real world with virtual object. VTM is a newly designed military training briefing tools. A military training content can be reproduced and it is possible that user uses this content later. Thus, it shows us potential possibilities of AR applications on military leaning field.

Query by Visual Example: A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Image Query Paradigms in Supporting Visual Information Retrieval (시각 예제에 의한 질의: 시각정보 검색지원을 위한 이미지 질의 패러다임의 유용성 비교 연구)

  • Venters, Colin C.
    • Journal of Information Management
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2011
  • Query by visual example is the principal query paradigm for expressing queries in a content-based image retrieval environment. Query by image and query by sketch have long been purported as being viable methods of query formulation yet there is little empirical evidence to support their efficacy in facilitating query formulation. The ability of the searcher to express their information problem to an information retrieval system is fundamental to the retrieval process. The aim of this research was to investigate the query by image and query by sketch methods in supporting a range of information problems through a usability experiment in order to contribute to the gap in knowledge regarding the relationship between searchers' information problems and the query methods required to support efficient and effective visual query formulation. The results of the experiment suggest that query by image is a viable approach to visual query formulation. In contrast, the results strongly suggest that there is a significant mismatch between the searchers information problems and the expressive power of the query by sketch paradigm in supporting visual query formulation. The results of a usability experiment focusing on efficiency (time), effectiveness (errors) and user satisfaction show that there was a significant difference, p<0.001, between the two query methods on all three measures: time (Z=-3.597, p<0.001), errors (Z=-3.317, p<0.001), and satisfaction (Z=-10.223, p<0.001). The results also show that there was a significant difference in participants perceived usefulness of the query tools Z=-4.672, p<0.001.