• Title/Summary/Keyword: Consumer benefits

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The Effect of Human Brand Characteristics of Customer Service Employees on Brand Attitude (서비스 접점직원의 휴먼브랜드적 특성이 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, So-Young;Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.187-209
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    • 2017
  • Service industry performance and competitive advantage depend on the attitudes and behavior of customer service employees who produce and deliver services through contact with customers. Most studies on customer service employees so far have concentrated on kindness, attitudes, or benefits. This study focuses on the increasing importance of customer service employees and intends to study them from the viewpoint of human brands that recognize customer service employees as a brand. In addition to the role of the employee at the service contact point, the customer participation behavior affects the interaction process with the customer service employee. Ultimately, customers could no longer be excluded from control to improve service quality. This study based on theory that the human brand characteristics of the customer service employees lead the customer's participation, which has a positive effect on the relationship with the service brand and the service brand attitude surveyed and analyzed customers who use service brand. This study is summarized as follows. First, the relationship between the service brand and the customer is examined. Second, this study also expands prior studies by examining the human brand characteristics of customer service employees and customers' willingness to participate in providing information on the impact of the consumer-brand relationship. The results of the study indicate that among the customer service employees' human brand characteristics reliability, familiarity, and empathy were found to affect the relationship between customers, the service brand, and the attitude toward the service brand the most. This study provides important implications for theoretical and practical strategies by examining the qualities and characteristics of customer service employees, which are the most important agents of marketing.

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A Study on the Effect of Consumer's Benefits and Attitudes on the Functional Health Food Purchasing Intention (소비자 추구혜택과 관심도 및 태도가 기능성건강식품 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Dong Sool;Kim, Hong Keun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.189-204
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    • 2016
  • The study is aimed at figuring out the effect of the consumers benefit, attitudes and interest when customers purchase functional food on purchasing intention and product a foundation of competitive power such as a customized product development for a marketing strategy by examining consumers' behavioral patterns. The range of functional food which is a subject of this study is included in the nutraceutical foods, protective foods in addition to biocontrol food. It surveyed about ages of 20 to 60 domestic residents who have taken functional food in order to conduct the study. Data used in this study was collected 353 answers in September 2016, and hierarchical analysis which is a demographic characteristic as control variables was conducted to verify the hypothesis using statistical program SPSS 21.0 The result of this study demonstrates that firstly, psychological pursued benefit secondly, health concern thirdly, health management attitude affects to functional purchasing intention. It is expecting that the result of this study will be used on the basic standards that are grasping and generalizing the needs of customers. In addition, it is also expecting to contribute to improvement of internal and external functional food industry as a functional food material development because it provides empirical customer behavior analysis result.

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Recently Ongoing Progresses and Future Prospects of Worldwide Dairy Goat Industry (세계 산양유산업의 최근 진보 및 향후 전망)

  • Jung, Hoo-Kil;Kim, Sun-Jin;Seok, Min-Jung;Kang, Kyung-Jin;You, Young-Hyun;Yoon, Seul-Ki;Kim, Sun-Young;Jung, You-Kyung;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2016
  • Goat milk production and processing is a dynamic and growing industry that is fundamental to the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide and is recognized as an important contributor to many national economies. Goat milk has contributed significantly to the economic and nutritional quality of life in developing countries, particularly in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. Goat milk has played an important role in the health and nutrition of infants and the elderly, and is also known to be beneficial and therapeutic for people with milk allergies. The potential and value of the nutritional, health, and therapeutic effects of goat milk and specialized goat milk products are now attracting attention. Various products can be made from goat milk based on its chemical properties. In addition, special products such as hair, skin care, products, and cosmetics produced using goat milk have garnered more attention in recent years. Nevertheless, high quality products can only be made from good quality goat milk. Advanced technical treatments are necessary to produce high quality goat milk that meets consumer expectation of nutritional, hygienic, and good sensory products. Good taste has been a critical criterion when deciding to buy and consume goat milk and associated products. However, it may be possible to produce more value-added products that cater to the new trends in consumer needs and thus maintain economic sustainability of goat milk industry.

A Study on Content Characteristics, Consumer Behavior and Economic Value According to the Degree of Consideration of Graphic Content (그래픽 콘텐츠 고려 정도에 따른 콘텐츠 특성, 소비자 행동, 경제적 가치에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sangho;Cho, Kwangmoon
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.85-94
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    • 2021
  • This study verified what differences in screen golf content characteristics, intention to reuse, customer satisfaction and economic value experienced by consumers according to the image feeling, expression method, and image color provided by screen golf graphic content. In addition, the purpose of this study was to analyze what kind of influence the content characteristics of screen golf have on the economic value and what kind of influence the intention to reuse and customer satisfaction have in this process. From September 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021, a survey of 225 copies of consumers using the screen golf course was conducted. For data processing, frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, chi-square analysis and 3-step mediated regression analysis were performed. The research results are as follows. First, the preferred image feeling showed a high level of clean and sophisticated feeling and the preferred expression method showed a high realistic image. In addition, the preferred image color showed a high level of green color. Second, there were differences in competitiveness, ease of use, sense of solidarity and realism according to the degree of consideration of graphic content and differences in consumer's intention to reuse, customer satisfaction, and economic value. Third, in the relationship between screen golf content characteristics and economic value, customer satisfaction and re-use intention had a mediating effect. Through this study, by providing basic data to derive the graphic design model of screen golf, the operating entity suggested a way to improve economic benefits and tried to contribute to the growth of the screen golf industry.

The Brand Personality Effect: Communicating Brand Personality on Twitter and its Influence on Online Community Engagement (브랜드 개성 효과: 트위터 상의 브랜드 개성 전달이 온라인 커뮤니티 참여에 미치는 영향)

  • Cruz, Ruth Angelie B.;Lee, Hong Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.67-101
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    • 2014
  • The use of new technology greatly shapes the marketing strategies used by companies to engage their consumers. Among these new technologies, social media is used to reach out to the organization's audience online. One of the most popular social media channels to date is the microblogging platform Twitter. With 500 million tweets sent on average daily, the microblogging platform is definitely a rich source of data for researchers, and a lucrative marketing medium for companies. Nonetheless, one of the challenges for companies in developing an effective Twitter campaign is the limited theoretical and empirical evidence on the proper organizational usage of Twitter despite its potential advantages for a firm's external communications. The current study aims to provide empirical evidence on how firms can utilize Twitter effectively in their marketing communications using the association between brand personality and brand engagement that several branding researchers propose. The study extends Aaker's previous empirical work on brand personality by applying the Brand Personality Scale to explore whether Twitter brand communities convey distinctive brand personalities online and its influence on the communities' level or intensity of consumer engagement and sentiment quality. Moreover, the moderating effect of the product involvement construct in consumer engagement is also measured. By collecting data for a period of eight weeks using the publicly available Twitter application programming interface (API) from 23 accounts of Twitter-verified business-to-consumer (B2C) brands, we analyze the validity of the paper's hypothesis by using computerized content analysis and opinion mining. The study is the first to compare Twitter marketing across organizations using the brand personality concept. It demonstrates a potential basis for Twitter strategies and discusses the benefits of these strategies, thus providing a framework of analysis for Twitter practice and strategic direction for companies developing their use of Twitter to communicate with their followers on this social media platform. This study has four specific research objectives. The first objective is to examine the applicability of brand personality dimensions used in marketing research to online brand communities on Twitter. The second is to establish a connection between the congruence of offline and online brand personalities in building a successful social media brand community. Third, we test the moderating effect of product involvement in the effect of brand personality on brand community engagement. Lastly, we investigate the sentiment quality of consumer messages to the firms that succeed in communicating their brands' personalities on Twitter.

A Study on Pursuing Benefit and Satisfaction at Casual and Official Wear of Fashion Outlet Users (패션아울렛 소비자의 캐주얼 및 정장 의류제품 추구혜택과 만족도 연구)

  • Park Hye Won;Park Ju Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.3_4 s.141
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    • pp.523-534
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    • 2005
  • This study was to examine the factor structure of pursuing benefit and satisfaction at casual and official wear, to analyze the differences of pursuing benefit, satisfaction, and clothing purchase behavior among the consumer groups segmented by store pursuing benefits, and to provide useful information for establishment of marketing strategies. The subjects were 500 female consumers experienced in purchasing clothes at fashion outlet stores. A total of 500 questionnaires were analyzed with $X^2$-test, ANOVA, factor analysis and Duncan's multiple range test. The results were as follows: 1. Pursuing benefit and satisfaction at casual wear and official wear were composed of 5 factors. 2. Pursuing benefit and satisfaction at casual and offcial wear, and clothing purchasing behavior variables such as informants, frequency of purchase, shopping time, and average monthly expenditure on clothes were significantly different among the 3 segmented groups. Product pursuing group was shown to seek higher level of esthetic feeling, suitability for self image and body, fsshion and symbolic meaning of brand than other groups in casual and official wear and to be most satisfied at symbolic meaning of brand, social recognition, and practicality in casual wear of outlet and at suitability and social recognition in official wear of outlet. Store convenience pursuing group was shown to seek higher level of suitability for self image and body, quality, and practicality than other groups in casual and official wear and to be most satisfied at quality and practicality in casual wear of outlet and at practicality and suitability in of cial wear of outlet. Price pursuing group was shown to seek and to be most satisfied at practicality in casual and official wear of outlet.

Differences in store selection criteria and store visits according to consumers' shopping values (쇼핑가치에 따른 점포선택기준과 패션점포 유형별 방문정도의 차이)

  • Park, Jung-Kwon;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Kyu-Hye
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.883-894
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    • 2012
  • Fashion companies are faced with more severe competition with the emergence of new types of retail formats. Retailers are coming up with new shopping values to maximize their profits and benefits of customers. The aim of this study was to study shopping values and analyze differences in store selection criteria and store visits among. The respondents were males and females with ages ranging from the 20's to the 40's, residing in Seoul and the Gyeonggi area. Data were collected via both online and offline. Data from 427 respondents were analyzed using SPSS 17.0. Results indicated that there were three categories including hedonic, informative, and reliable shopping values from the factors for clothing shopping values. They form three types of consumer groups such as active, passive-reliable, and hedonic-informative shopping value groups. These three groups were different in terms of demographic characteristics. For the factor influencing store preference, the range of product selection and customer service were the two significant features that showed substantial differences in the shopping value groups store's atmosphere, salespeople, convenient location, price, and brand store did not have significant differences across groups. Retailers of each fashion retail formats have to consider consumers shopping values for their retail decision makings.

A Study on Livestock Symbol Representation Using Visual Information Metadata (시각정보 메타데이터를 이용한 축산 심벌 표현에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Gok Mi
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2018
  • Recently, consumers' taste has been diversified, consumption pattern has changed, and product package design has been gradually developed. The product packaging design should be made to be able to know the contents accurately, and it should have the charm that attracts consumers' attention and makes them want to buy the goods. In addition, product design should motivate consumers to buy according to brand naming, package layout, content expression method, taste color, as well as graphic elements that induce visual effects.The graphic elements that express the image of the contents in a package design of the product at a glance are the most essential elements to enhance the value added of the product and to induce the purchase motivation and rationalization of the consumer. This study is a study on visual image symbol image using visual information metadata in livestock products. It examines cases of various livestock packages and presents graphical elements that can visualize livestock images at a glance as metadata elements. We will pursue the premiumization of livestock products, raise brand value, and offer differentiating design strategies for economic benefits as well as potential for revitalizing the livestock market.

Meat Quality Traits of Pigs Finished on Food Waste

  • Choe, Jihwan;Moyo, Knowledge M.;Park, Kibum;Jeong, Jeongho;Kim, Haeun;Ryu, Yungsun;Kim, Jonggun;Kim, Jun-mo;Lee, Sanghoon;Go, Gwang-woong
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.690-697
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    • 2017
  • Despite the benefits associated with the use of food waste (FW), there are mixed consumer perceptions regarding pork quality harvested from pigs fed FW. Twenty crossbred pigs were selected for the present study. Ten pigs were fed a conventional diet (control group), and the other 10 pigs were given a conventional diet and FW (FW group) during different growth stages. Meat quality in the FW group showed deteriorative qualities with higher lightness and yellowness synonymous to pale soft exudative meat. Drip loss in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group (p<0.01). The contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the FW group were higher and those of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids were lower than those in the control group. The contents of thiobarbituric acid were significantly different between the control and FW groups (p<0.05). There was also a significant difference between the control and FW groups in terms of off-flavor (p<0.05) after sensory evaluation. To conclude, the off-flavor noted, including other inferior pork quality traits, in the FW group implies that FW should not be used as swine feed.

Legal Issues and Policy Implications of Electronic Commerce Chapters of the Korea·China FTA (한·중 FTA 전자상거래 협정의 주요쟁점과 활용과제)

  • Kwon, Soon-Koog
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2015
  • China is the largest e-commerce market in the world. The Chinese online retail market is almost 40% larger than the US, and together these markets account for more than 55% of worldwide e-commerce. The Korea China FTA is likely to facilitate e-commerce activity between the two countries, as well as trade in the goods and services that enable e-commerce. Korean consumer goods can enjoy the benefits of the FTA because it has a competitive advantage in the Chinese market in terms of technology and quality. The purpose of this study is to examine legal issues of e-commerce chapters of the Korea China FTA and policy implications. Results of the study show that several implications based on the export vitalization of cross-border e-commerce of Korean products are offered. The Korean government needs to do the following: prepare for the subsequent negotiation of the e-commerce agreement, prepare for the classification issue of electronic transmissions, require mutual recognition of electronic authentication and electronic signatures, prepare for e-commerce dispute settlement mechanism and establish of strategies for the export vitalization of e-commerce.