• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Labor

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Integration of 3D Laser Scanner and BIM Process for Visualization of Building Defective Condition (3D 레이저 스캐닝과 BIM 연동을 통한 건축물 노후 상태 정보 시각화 프로세스)

  • Choi, Moonyoung;Kim, Sangyong;Kim, Seungho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2022
  • The regular assessment of a building is important to understand structural safety and latent risk in the early stages of building life cycle. However, methods of traditional assessment are subjective, atypical, labor-intensive, and time-consuming and as such the reliability of these results has been questioned. This study proposed a method to bring accurate results using a 3D laser scanner and integrate them in Building Information Modeling (BIM) to visualize defective condition. The specific process for this study was as follows: (1) semi-automated data acquisition using 3D laser scanner and python script, (2) scan-to-BIM process, (3) integrating and visualizing defective conditions data using dynamo. The method proposed in this study improved efficiency and productivity in a building assessment through omitting the additional process of measurement and documentation. The visualized 3D model allows building facility managers to make more effective decisions. Ultimately, this is expected to improve the efficiency of building maintenance works.

Study on the Organization of Government-managed Constructions at Dongnae Province in the 19c (19세기 동래 지역의 관영공사조직에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sook kyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.39
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    • pp.165-189
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine process and organization of local government-managed construction by reviewing official documents and materials in regard to the official residences and castles officially constructed in Dongnae in the 19c Chosun Dynasty. Results of this study can be described as follows. 1) The construction of official residences requires exchanges of official documents among upper and lower governmental agencies concerned. Previously prepared for some 1 or 2 months, the construction was proceeded through proceeded from Paok to Gaegi, Ipju, Sangryang, Gaeok and to Iptaek. Such construction was carried out independently and concurrently Gijang and Yangsan neighboring Dongnae provided cooperation by way of supplying labor and timbers. 2) Dongnaebu castle was constructed under local autonomy system, like other government-oriented works, as governor of Dongnae became responsible for defending such establishment in 1739. The castle was built up in 1731 as an establishment with 6 gated and 15 forts. Directly controlled by governor of Dongnae, the castle continued to be partially repaired until the 19th century. Under the regime of Daewongun, the castle was enlarged and extended for military strengthening. Besides the gate having double-gated structure for the outside wall, the other five gates came to have bastions and 30 forts were additionally established, dramatically changing the structure of the castle as whole. 3) Government-managed construction was often implemented by an organization whose members included local government officials, lower administrative agencies and local influential persons. The construction of official residences was implemented by Gamyeokdogam which was headed by Jwasu of Hyangcheong. In the construction, chief of military officials became supervisor, who was responsibly supported by Saekri. The construction of castled were divided into several works, for example, establishments of fortress, tower gate and quarrying stone were implemented by the organization of Paejang, Gamkwan and Saekri. As a military official, Gamkwan supervised the construction. Saekri was in charge of related internal affairs. Paejang was an technical expert leading several workers. The construction of castles in 1870 were organized as a general rule having particularity of social conditions on Dongnae.

An Inquiry into Agricultural Development Theory (1) - Fei-Ranis's Historical Approach and its Relevance to Less Developed World - (농업발전(農業發展) 이론연구(理論硏究) (I) - Fei-Ranis의 경제사적(經濟史的) 접근방법(接近方法)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Ho Chol
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.1
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    • pp.239-253
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    • 1983
  • This study attempted to introduce Fei-Ranis's agricultural development theory and discuss its problem for the rural development of less developed world. Fei-Ranis systematized the development process of Western European economy on the ground of dualism. They divided the process into 4 stages by the concept of 'mode of operation'. Paticularly, they consider agrarian mercantilism as take-off stage and its development were achieved by the increase of trade margin and labor productivity. Especially, they thought that only agricultural revolution through the diffusion of internal exchange economy and construction of tree-star system can accomplish favorable transition to industrial capitalism. In order to promote this agricultural development, less developed world must abolish short-run agricultural policy and propel 'learning by the contact' strategy through 'tree-star system' and 'parellel development.' In reality, it was problematic that the contemporary less developed world is trying, in the course of a few decades, to imitate Western European experience with development over the last four centuries. But Fei-Ranis ignored qualitative aspects of agricultural development by tree-star system and also it is criticized that they considered agricultural development process of less developed world follows only that of Western European classical process.

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Development of Rotating Corn Type Garlic Separator(I) -Prototype and its performance test- (회전 원추형 마늘 쪽분리기 개발에 관한 연구 (I) -시작기 개발 및 성능시험-)

  • 이종수;김기복;이정삼
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to develop a garlic separator which could to reduce the labor in preparation of seeding. After consideration of the design criteria of a garlic separator such as no additional conveying device, simple construction and operation, enhancement of separating efficiency, reduction of damage, degree a rotating corn type garlic separator was designed. The effects of design parameters such as height and angle of the inner and outer corns, rotating speed of inner corn on the separating performance of the prototype were estimated. In performance was compared with manual work. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Garlic bulbs were separated by a spiral movement in the gap between inner rotating corn and outer fixed corn. At constant feed rate of garlic bulbs, the capacity of garlic separation increased with increase of rotating speed of inner corn. Especially, the capacity was very high at the rotating speeds of 300 and 400rpm. 2. The damage degree of separated garlics increased with rotating speed of corn within 10%. Above 300rpm, separability of Uisung garlic was about 100% and incomplete separation of Namdo garlic was within 2%. 3. The capacity of prototype garlic separator developed in this study was 30 times as large as that of human being.

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Automated texture mapping for 3D modeling of objects with complex shapes --- a case study of archaeological ruins

  • Fujiwara, Hidetomo;Nakagawa, Masafumi;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1177-1179
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the ground-based laser profiler is used for acquisition of 3D spatial information of a rchaeological objects. However, it is very difficult to measure complicated objects, because of a relatively low-resolution. On the other hand, texture mapping can be a solution to complement the low resolution, and to generate 3D model with higher fidelity. But, a huge cost is required for the construction of textured 3D model, because huge labor is demanded, and the work depends on editor's experiences and skills . Moreover, the accuracy of data would be lost during the editing works. In this research, using the laser profiler and a non-calibrated digital camera, a method is proposed for the automatic generation of 3D model by integrating these data. At first, region segmentation is applied to laser range data to extract geometric features of an object in the laser range data. Various information such as normal vectors of planes, distances from a sensor and a sun-direction are used in this processing. Next, an image segmentation is also applied to the digital camera images, which include the same object. Then, geometrical relations are determined by corresponding the features extracted in the laser range data and digital camera’ images. By projecting digital camera image onto the surface data reconstructed from laser range image, the 3D texture model was generated automatically.

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A Study on the Satisfaction of Occupational Health Nursing Work Related Infuluencial in Rural Area (산업간호사의 업무수행과 직무만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Sung Sil;Kone Dong youn
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.37-54
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    • 1998
  • For the purpose of investigating the job implementation of industrial health nurses catch hold of satisfaction, relational character of influence. A questionnaire survey was carried out on 131 nurses who employed at the manufacture of electronic products$(27.1\%)$, distribution industry$(38\%)$, service station$(22\%)$, construction$(10\%)$, et cetra The tool of this study was modified as completed from kang's(l991) checklist of questions were composed of the performance of nurses' duty(13 items), the factor of main influential character of nurses' job(11 items), job satisfaction(26 items). The results were as follows. 1. Industrial health nurses worked to labor follow up study after physical examination$(100\%)$, medication$(97.1\%)$, workers regular physical examination(95.5%), dressing$(94.1\%)$. 2. The factor of influence of job performance were personal relation$(100\%)$, satisfaction of nurses job performance$(86.7\%)$, environment of workplace$(86.7\%)$. 3. A period of long work experienced nurses felt the highest satisfaction as 3.44 point.

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A Study on the Multiple Disaster Administration's Problem and Improvement (대형 재해관리의 문제점과 개선방안)

  • Kim, Hak-Soo;Koh, Jae-Moon
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.179-198
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    • 2003
  • If see disaster administration system of our country, start in terms of is coping by countermeasure after four immediately after disaster occurrence many problems blessing with a sons by tribe and so on of link nature between formation, disaster administration complete charge utensil's absence, disaster charge manpower and budget be indicated and join. If examine improvement way accordingly, is as following ; Necessity of synthetic disaster administration system, Fire fighting formation's independence guarantee, Integration of fire fighting connection similarity business, Disaster administration's permanent establishment complete charge utensil's necessity, Disaster administration midautumn complete charge utensil at a metropolitan autonomous fire fighting system reorganization, Role division of labor between center and local government, Disaster administration professional human strength positivity, Disaster administration information system construction practical use, Equipment and improvement of budget state, Education public information for safety culture consciousness fixing, Internationalization of fire fighting business, globalization propulsion, Structure, member of rescue confrontation system and efficiency. Fire fighting environment is changing greatly, and fire fighting must become center to correspond to do confrontation that do one thing troble when produce disaster.

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Automatic Synthesis of Fault Tree Using Object-oriented Unit Modeling (객체지향 장치 모델링을 이용한 Fault Tree의 자동합성)

  • Hwang Kyu Suk;Hou Bo Kyeng
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.5 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2001
  • Fault tree construction for hazard assessment requires so much time and labor, so it is very difficult to be applied to the large scale chemical plant. In this study, for the synthesis of fault tree in chemical processes, the object-oriented knowledge framework is proposed to represent the deviations of process variables in the equipment and cause-consequence relationship with equipment faults. The cause of fault is searched by using the object-oriented modeling of equipments and the connectivity among equipments, and then a fault tree is synthesized. we have discussed the performance of the methodology on nitric acid cooling process to evaluate its effectiveness.

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Risk Assessment for Hazardous Construction Work Recognized by Workers (건설위험직종 작업자의 위험체감도 평가)

  • Son, Ki-Sang;Lee, Shin-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.21 no.3 s.75
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2006
  • This study is to investigate the related materials such as domestic law regulation, research paper, research report, and the other material, and to suggest suitable counter measures, to find out hazard degree for its works of workers and work place through direct survey, in order to determine risk score of each hazardous work which is designated by the Government, without consideration of labour's consciousness against risk level at a site. Therefore, a new questionnaire survey related to the decision of risk level are made and distributed to find out what risk level each worker recognizes. Also, the authors tried to approach reasonable conclusions after discussing reasonability of qualification standard and improving ideas of worker at hazardous work places with worker, faculty member, H&S manager, labour union. And the results show hazard degrees by each work kind of the above: 3.75 for working with machinery, 3.7 for steel structure, 3.5 for operation of tower crane, 3.51 for retaining wall, 3.85 for form work, 3.46 for scaffolding are obtained. This quantified risk can be applied to establishing a reasonable system to keep safe against hazardous works.

An analysis on Production Characteristics and Management Income of Organic Farming in Hong-Dong Myun, Hong-Seong Region, Chung Nam Province (유기농산물 생산의 특성과 경영소득 분석-충남 홍성군 홍동면 풀무생활협동조합을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Ho;Cho, Wan-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 1995
  • This paper studied production characteristics of organic farming products and analyzed management income and production cost of organic farming(rice). In order to analyze these points actually, this study was focused on pruduction activities of a producers' organization, Pulmoo Cooperatives in Hong-Dong Myun, Hong-Seong Region, Chung Nam Province. So the following results were obtained : In 1994, output level and an income rate of rice per unit area(10a) which was produced in organic farming method(O.F.M) was higher than those of general farming method(G.F.M) as about 5%, 7.4%. And management income size of the former was 1.8 times as large as that of the latter. But rice production cost of O.F.M was 1.93 times as much as that of G.F.M, particularily in labor cost and farming equipment cost, light and heat expenses, many other material costs. For the progress of organic farming O.F.M and equipmets should be developed much more, for example, the technics of prevetion against damages by blight and harmful insects and improvement of varieties, natural pesticides, agricultual application of microorganisim, construction of compost heat factory, etc. Since these technics and establishments have taken on the public goods, the development of those should be supported by government.

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