• Title/Summary/Keyword: Conservation Strategies

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A study on Improvement and Invigoration of Cooperation Charge on Conservation Ecosystem Fund (생태계보전협력금 제도 활성화를 위한 부과금 개선 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Gyung-Ho;Lee, Sang-Houck
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 2011
  • Korea introduced the cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem for minimizing damage of ecosystem due to development projects and their effects and for preparing resources for natural environment conservation projects. Advanced countries have made efforts by expanding investment in natural environment conservation and restoring projects to promote prevention of global warming and improvement of biological diversity, are establishing nationwide strategies and plans. To examine the reality of projects by returns of the cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem, microsite projects in schools and public facilities take the largest share while their project budgets are only about 100~300 KRW, relatively small, which might be attributable to budget restrictions in accordance with the calculating method of levying cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem and problems of project proceeding in the system of returning fund for projects in general. The conclusion which this study suggests on invigoration of cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem and its operation are as followings. First, although the cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem has been introduced in 2001, the amount of imposition per unit area remains unchanged. It is desirable to increase the amount into $1,400KRW/m^2$ as of August, 2011 as the price index has been continuously rising for the past 10 years and the upward adjustment of imposition per unit area should be notified by the decree of the Ministry of Environment every January. Second, the ceiling amount of the cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem should be abolished. Now the ceiling amount is defined as 1 billion KRW but it was found that there was not any ceiling amount specified according to the comparative analysis of similar systems with the Korean environmental improvement fund. The ceiling should be abolished so that medium level businesses are carried out and ecosystem recovering projects in the true sense of the word can be made smoothly. Third, weight should be introduced in calculating amounts in accordance with ecologic and economic values. Harmony between development and environment can be achieved by applying differentiated weights of constant regional coefficient by use zone and ecologic and economic values. Continuous efforts of improving cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem should be made more than anything else so that projects by returns of cooperation charge on conservation of ecosystem get effectiveness.

Some Strategies to Improve Recycling of Glass Bottles (유리용기의 재활용 증진을 위한 제도 개선 방안)

  • Chung, Jae-Chun;Chung, Won-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.83-98
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    • 1996
  • Recently, signigicant interest is given to the recycling of glass bottles. This is because the importance of glass bottle recycling is growing in terms of resource conservation and waste minimization. In this paper, authors analyzed the present situation and problems in glass bottle recycling, summarized the recycling activity in foreign countries and suggested legal and institutional strategies based upon citizen's attitude survey to improve glass bottle recycling activity

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A Study on Tendencies and Strategies to Develop Energy Technologies (에너지기술 개발동향 및 개발전략)

  • 박화춘;이동원;이장우
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technology Innovation Society Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.395-408
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    • 1999
  • From the dependence the primary energy of about 97% on imported energy from abroad in Korea, 1997, and the pressure by international address to the Global Climate Change and environmental problem, we should do our best efforts to develop and diffuse of energy technologies. Also, the developed countries such USA, EU, Japan, and so on, are promoting and accelerating the development of energy technologies. From those point of views, we thought that Korea now in the time to provide the new and updated strategies to develop the energy technologies more actively for enhancing national capability, The Korea Institute of Energy Research(KIER), the complex research institution for energies except nuclear energy sponsored by government, prepared the mid and long term strategies and primary research projects, must be worked in and with the KIER, for the areas related to the energy conservation and efficiency increase, the energy environment, the alternative energy, and the diffusion of developed energy technologies.

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Study on the check list composition at Sustainable building strategies and Design methods of Long-life housing (장수명 공동주택의 친환경 요소기술 및 계획기법 체크리스트 구성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Nam-Soo;Lee, Young
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2010
  • This Study is about the check-List composition for 'Low carbon green growth' of Long-life housing. That utilization for required the check-list composition at Sustainable building strategies and Design methods. That for long life housing, sustainable building strategies part of building construction and interior, the proper foundation for legislative system, maintenance methods with in building life cycle, sustainable and green architecture capability realization prepare for connection plan with 'Low carbon-green growth'. Extracting from elements of Architectural planing answer to basic concept of Low carbon-green growth and aimed at Low carbon scheme for energy saving, green growth scheme for environmental conservation as to each application purpose reconstitute by classify Check-list category about elements of Architectural planing. Through this architectural research deduce elements of architectural planing that can be research utilization with in Check-list composition.

Biodiversity Conservation and Its Social Implications: The Case of Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas in Sabah, Malaysia

  • Cooke, Fadzilah Majid;Hussin, Rosazman
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2014
  • With natural resources-terrestrial or coastal-fastly diminishing, governments are now resorting to biodiversity conservation, fast-tracking the introduction of new legislations, as well as the amendment of existing ones, and laying out programs that interpret existing practices and research agendas. This paper examines how biodiversity conservation-in addition to eco-tourism-has become an important symbol of the modernizing state of Sabah, Malaysia. It further examines the effects of biodiversity conservation on state and community management of natural resources, with particular reference to the management of natural resources by the indigenous peoples of Sabah. Citing case studies and focusing on a forest community at Kiau Nuluh, in the district of Kota Belud, Sabah, this paper evaluates strategies used by indigenous groups to maintain access and control over the management of natural resources-and by implication to livelihoods-via ecotourism, making creative alliances with non-government organisations as well as forging cooperation with government agencies which act as custodians of these resources. For a majority of indigenous groups however, the practice of biodiversity conservation has meant reduced and controlled access to natural resources, considering the fundamental issue of the lack of security of tenure to the land claimed under customary rights. New initiatives at recognizing Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) by international conservation groups provide a means for tenure recognition, for a price, of course. The recognition of ICCAs also faces obstacles arising from developmentalist ideology which upholds that forests are valuable only when converted to other land use, and not left to stand for their intrinsic value.

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Distribution, vegetation characteristics and assessment of the conservation status of a rare and endemic plant, Coreanomecon hylomeconoides Nakai (희귀·특산식물 매미꽃의 분포와 자생지 식생특성 및 보전 지위 평가)

  • Song, Sung-Won;Chung, Jae-Min;Shin, Jae-Kwon;Lee, Byung-Chun;Park, Kwang-Woo;Park, SeonJoo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 2012
  • The distribution, vegetation characteristics and an assessment of the conservation status of the Korea endemic species Coreanomecon hylomeconoides Nakai were investigated to collect biological basic data to formulate a conservation strategy. According to the distribution map of C. hylomeconoides based on the literature, specimen information, and local field surveys, natural populations of C. hylomeconoides are intensively distributed in the Southern regions of the peninsula, around Gyeongsangnam-do and Jeollanan-do. C. hylomeconoides was distributed in the middle and low slope adjacent to a valley. The altitude ranged from 227 m to 744 m, with inclinations of $5-10^{\circ}$. As a result of a vegetation survey within natural populations, a total of 238 taxa were identified from 29 quadrates in 8 natural populations. The importance value of C. hylomeconoides is 25.34% based on the coverage and frequency of the herbaceous layer with in the populations. The species diversity of the occurrence of the species in 8 natural populations was 1.52, while the averages of species evenness and the dominance values were calculated to be 0.83 and 0.17, respectively. As a result of assessing the conservation status through IUCN Red List criteria, C. hylomeconoides was evaluated as Near Threatened (NT). Conservation strategies are also discussed for the sustainable conservation of C. hylomeconoides.

Genetic variation and structure of Juniperus chinensis L. (Cupressaceae) in Korea

  • Kim, Eun-Hye;Shin, Jae-Kwon;Jeong, Keum-Seon;Lee, Chang-Seok;Chung, Jae-Min
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2018
  • Background: Juniperus chinensis L. populations are distributed locally on several areas including coastal cliffs which are difficult to access in the central eastern Korea. Wild populations inhabit relatively barren environments such as rocky areas and cliffs, which are very sensitive to even minor environmental disturbances including artificial interventions and natural disturbances, and thus demonstrate great fluctuations in the population size and density. This study aims to analyze the genetic diversity, differentiation, and genetic structure of each population in order to provide useful data required to establish a substantial conservation strategy of J. chinensis. Results: The genetic diversity of J. chinensis at the population level (P = 78.7%, h = 0.282, S.I. = 0.420) was somewhat higher compared with those measured in the same genus, Juniperus. The genetic differentiation degree among nine populations established naturally in central eastern Korea was 11.50% and that among sub-populations within the same area was 5.52%. On the other hand, genetic variation of individuals within the populations was 82.93%. But frequency of the main allele was different among loci. In particular, fixation of allele frequency and occurrence of rare allele in the highly isolated population suggest a likelihood that genetic drift would occur in populations of this plant. As the result of analysis on the genetic structure of nine populations, nearby populations and isolated populations tended to form separate clusters from each other as the hypothetical number of clusters (K) increase. Conclusions: This result implies that if the population size of J. chinensis is reduced due to environmental change and artificial and/or natural disturbances in the future, it could affect negatively on the genetic diversity of the plant species. In order to maintain and conserve genetic diversity of J. chinensis, ecological network, which can help genetic exchange among the local populations, should be prepared, and conservation strategies in situ as well as ex situ are also required with continuous monitoring.

Evaluation on the Possibility for Sustainable Tourism of Cultural Heritage - Based on the Visitors' Perception of Sin-heung-sa - (문화유산의 지속가능한 관광 가능성에 대한 평가 - 신흥사 방문자의 의식을 중심으로 -)

  • Yi, Young-Kyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.633-645
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    • 2010
  • As the globalization increased, cultural heritage has been widely used as tourist destination. Traditional temples which have valuable cultural resources are important cultural heritages. It was found that most traditional temples which were used as famous tourist destinations lost their intrinsic religious values because of the intensive tourist uses. Sustainable tourism was introduced as an alternative tourism to the conventional one which could cause the destruction of the intrinsic values. Sustainable tourism represents and encompasses a set of principles balancing between visitor satisfaction, economic revitalization of the area, and the conservation of the heritage resources. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility for the sustainable tourism of cultural heritage (traditional temple) by investigating visitors' satisfaction, revisit intention, and awareness on conservation. In order to perform this purpose, Sin-heung-sa was selected as a study site and 339 visitors participated in the questionnaire survey. The study results are summarized into three important findings. First, it was found that the possibility for the sustainable tourism of Sin-heung-sa was high. Vistors' awareness on conservation is high, but visiting satisfaction was medium-high. Specifically, the awareness for heritage transmission was the highest and the awareness for other conservational dimensions such as need for education, conservation for surrounding area, and respect for environmental capacity were also high. Second, visitors' overall and separate satisfactions were not high. Therefore, it was recommended that management strategies are needed to increase the visitor satisfaction because both conservation and visitor satisfaction are essential elements of successful sustainable tourism. The results revealed that visitors' satisfaction could be enhanced by improving safety of the area, providing diverse travel activities and information, and creating unique atmosphere. Third, the revisit intention was evaluated higher than the overall satisfaction, which showed that the attractiveness and competitiveness of Sin-heung-sa was relatively high. Important determinant attributes for revisit intention were analyzed to be good nature(landscape, valley, the fauna and flora) and network with surrounding tourist destinations.

The biodiversity representation assessment in South Korea's protected area network (보호지역 관리를 위한 생물다양성 평가)

  • Choe, Hye-Yeong;James H., Thorne;Joo, Woo-Yeong;Kwon, Hyuk-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2020
  • National parks and other protected areas often do not adequately protect national biodiversity because they were originally created for socio-economic and/or aesthetic values. The Korean government has committed to expanding the extent of protected areas to fulfill its commitments to the Aichi Biodiversity Convention. To do so, it is necessary to quantify the current levels of biodiversity representation within existing protected areas and to identify additional conservation needs for vulnerable species and ecological systems. In this study, we assess the proportion of species ranges found in South Korea's protected areas, for the species documented in the 3rd National Ecosystem Survey. We modeled the range distribution of 3,645 species in the following taxonomic groups; plants (1,545 species), mammals (35), birds (132), herptiles (35), and insects (1,898) using the MaxEnt species distribution model and calculated how much of each species' range is within protected areas. On average, 17.4% of plant species' ranges are represented in protected areas, while for mammals and insects an average 12.0% is currently conserved. Conservation representation for herptiles averages 9.3%, while it is 8.6% for birds. Although large proportions of species that have restricted distributions should be represented in protected areas, 17 plant species, two insects (Parnassius bremeri and Lasioglossum occidens), and one bird species (Phylloscopus inornatus) with ranges smaller than 1,000 ㎢ have less than 10% of their ranges within protected areas. Establishing specific conservation goals such as the protection of endangered species or vulnerable taxonomic groups will increase the efficiency of the biodiversity conservation strategies. In addition, lowland coastal areas are critical for biodiversity conservation because the protected areas in South Korea are mainly composed of high mountainous areas.

Conservation Biology of Endangered Plant Species in the National Parks of Korea with Special Reference to Iris dichotoma Pall. (Iridaceae)

  • So, Soonku;Myeong, Hyeon-Ho;Kim, Tae Geun;Oh, Jang-Geun;Kim, Ji-young;Choi, Dae-hoon;Yun, Ju-Ung;Kim, Byung-Bu
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2019.10a
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    • pp.32-32
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to provide basic guidelines for conservation and management of endangered plants in the national parks of Korea. Iris dichotoma Pall. (Iridaceae), which is a popular garden plant, is considered a second-class endangered species by Korean government and it is listed as a EN (Endangered) species in Red Data Book of Korea. We analyzed ecological conditions of I. dichotoma habitats based on vegetation properties and soil characteristics. This species which is known to inhabit in grassland adjacent to the ocean of lowlands slope and its population was located at an elevation of 8 m to 11 m. In the study sites, the mean of soil organic matter, total nitrogen and soil pH were 6.16%, 0.234% and 5.39 respectively. Additionally, the genetic variation and structure of three populations were assessed using ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat) markers. The genetic diversity of I. dichotoma (P = 59.46%, H = 0.206, S = 0.310) at the species level was relatively high. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed 82.1% of the total genetic diversity was occurred in within populations and 17.9% variation among populations. Lastly, we developed predicted distribution model based on climate and topographic factors by applying SDMs (Species Distribution Models). Consequently, current status of I. dichotoma habitats is limited with natural factors such as the increase of the coverage rate of the herbs due to ecological succession. Therefore, it is essential to establish in situ and ex situ conservation strategies for protecting natural habitats and to require exploring potential and alternative habitats for reintroduction.

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