• 제목/요약/키워드: Connection chain

검색결과 106건 처리시간 2.009초

Design of Authentication Mechinism for Command Message based on Double Hash Chains (이중 해시체인 기반의 명령어 메시지 인증 메커니즘 설계)

  • Park Wang Seok;Park Chang Seop
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2024
  • Although industrial control systems (ICSs) recently keep evolving with the introduction of Industrial IoT converging information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT), it also leads to a variety of threats and vulnerabilities, which was not experienced in the past ICS with no connection to the external network. Since various control command messages are sent to field devices of the ICS for the purpose of monitoring and controlling the operational processes, it is required to guarantee the message integrity as well as control center authentication. In case of the conventional message integrity codes and signature schemes based on symmetric keys and public keys, respectively, they are not suitable considering the asymmetry between the control center and field devices. Especially, compromised node attacks can be mounted against the symmetric-key-based schemes. In this paper, we propose message authentication scheme based on double hash chains constructed from cryptographic hash function without introducing other primitives, and then propose extension scheme using Merkle tree for multiple uses of the double hash chains. It is shown that the proposed scheme is much more efficient in computational complexity than other conventional schemes.

Structure Analysis and Scale Model Test for Strength Performance Evaluation of Submersible Mooring Pulley Installed on Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (부유식 해상풍력발전기용 반잠수식 계류 풀리의 강도 성능평가를 위한 구조해석과 축소 모형시험)

  • Chang-Yong Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • 제29권5호
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    • pp.479-487
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    • 2023
  • Recently, the destructive power of typhoons is continuously increasing owing to global warming. In a situation where the installation of floating wind turbines is increasing worldwide, concerns about the huge loss and collapse of floating offshore wind turbines owing to strong typhoons are deepening. A new type of disconnectable mooring system must be developed for the safe operation of floating offshore wind turbines. A new submersible mooring pulley considered in this study is devised to more easily attach or detach the floating of shore wind turbine with mooring lines compared with other disconnectable mooring apparatuses. To investigate the structural safety of the initial design of submersible mooring pulley that can be applied to an 8MW-class floating type offshore wind turbine, scale-down structural models were developed using a 3-D printer and structural tests were performed on the models. For the structural tests of the scale-down models, tensile specimens of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene material that was used in the 3-D printing were prepared, and the material properties were evaluated by conducting the tensile tests. The finite element analysis (FEA) of submersible mooring pulley was performed by applying the material properties obtained from the tensile tests and the same load and boundary conditions as in the scale-down model structural tests. Through the FEA, the structural weak parts on the submersible mooring pulley were reviewed. The structural model tests were conducted considering the main load conditions of submersible mooring pulley, and the FEA and test results were compared for the locations that exceeded the maximum tensile stress of the material. The results of the FEA and structural model tests indicated that the connection structure of the body and the wheel was weak in operating conditions and that of the body and the chain stopper was weak in mooring conditions. The results of this study enabled to experimentally verify the structural safety of the initial design of submersible mooring pulley. The study results can be usefully used to improve the structural strength of submersible mooring pulley in a detailed design stage.

A Review on Solution Plans for Preventing Environmental Contamination as the Trend Changes of Cryptocurrency (암호화폐의 트랜드 변화에 따른 환경오염 방지 해결방안에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Jeong-hun;Song, Sae-hee;Ko, Lim-hwan;Nam, Hak-hyun;Jang, Jae-hyuck;Jung, Hoi-yun;Choi, Hyuck-jae
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2022
  • Cryptocurrency, stood out the sharp cost rising of Bitcoin has been spotlighted by means of the solution for stagflation because it is decentralized with an existing currency differently. Especially getting into 4th industrial revolution, technologies using block chain and internet of things have been used in the many fields, and the power of influence is also widespread. Nevertheless like a remark of Elon Musk of Tesla CEO, the problems of environmental contamination for cryptocurrency have been pointed out continuously and the most representative of them is an enormous electric usage as the use of fossil fuels. Also the amount generated of carbon dioxide result in the acceleration of global warming mainly based on the climate changes of earth if the existing mining method is continued. On the other hand, review researches have been conducted restrictively as the connection with environmental contamination as the mining of cryptocurrency. In this study, it intended to review problems for environmental contamination as the diversification of ecological system of cryptocurrency concretely. Upon investigation existing prior documents on the putting recent data first, the mining of cryptocurrency has affected on the environmental contamination conflicting with carbon neutrality as increasement of the electric usage and electronic wastes. And POS method without the mining process appeared, but it had a demerit collapsing a decentralization and then we met turning point on appearing various environmental-friendly cryptocurrency. Finally the appearance of cryptocurrency using new renewable energy acted on the opportunity of the usage maximization of energy storage apparatus and the birth of national government intervention. Based on these results, we mention clearly that hereafter cryptocurrency will regress if not go abreast the value of currency as well as environmental approach.

Designing Mobile Framework for Intelligent Personalized Marketing Service in Interactive Exhibition Space (인터랙티브 전시 환경에서 개인화 마케팅 서비스를 위한 모바일 프레임워크 설계)

  • Bae, Jong-Hwan;Sho, Su-Hwan;Choi, Lee-Kwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2012
  • As exhibition industry, which is a part of 17 new growth engines of the government, is related to other industries such as tourism, transportation and financial industries. So it has a significant ripple effect on other industries. Exhibition is a knowledge-intensive, eco-friendly and high value-added Industry. Over 13,000 exhibitions are held every year around the world which contributes to getting foreign currency. Exhibition industry is closely related with culture and tourism and could be utilized as local and national development strategies and improve national brand image as well. Many countries try various efforts to invigorate exhibition industry by arranging related laws and support system. In Korea, more than 200 exhibitions are being held every year, but only 2~3 exhibitions are hosted with over 400 exhibitors and except these exhibitions most exhibitions have few foreign exhibitors. The main reason of weakness of domestic trade show is that there are no agencies managing exhibitionrelated statistics and there is no specific and reliable evaluation. This might cause impossibility of providing buyer or seller with reliable data, poor growth of exhibitions in terms of quality and thus service quality of trade shows cannot be improved. Hosting a lot of visitors (Public/Buyer/Exhibitor) is very crucial to the development of domestic exhibition industry. In order to attract many visitors, service quality of exhibition and visitor's satisfaction should be enhanced. For this purpose, a variety of real-time customized services through digital media and the services for creating new customers and retaining existing customers should be provided. In addition, by providing visitors with personalized information services they could manage their time and space efficiently avoiding the complexity of exhibition space. Exhibition industry can have competitiveness and industrial foundation through building up exhibition-related statistics, creating new information and enhancing research ability. Therefore, this paper deals with customized service with visitor's smart-phone at the exhibition space and designing mobile framework which enables exhibition devices to interact with other devices. Mobile server framework is composed of three different systems; multi-server interaction, server, client, display device. By making knowledge pool of exhibition environment, the accumulated data for each visitor can be provided as personalized service. In addition, based on the reaction of visitors each of all information is utilized as customized information and so the cyclic chain structure is designed. Multiple interaction server is designed to have functions of event handling, interaction process between exhibition device and visitor's smart-phone and data management. Client is an application processed by visitor's smart-phone and could be driven on a variety of platforms. Client functions as interface representing customized service for individual visitors and event input and output for simultaneous participation. Exhibition device consists of display system to show visitors contents and information, interaction input-output system to receive event from visitors and input toward action and finally the control system to connect above two systems. The proposed mobile framework in this paper provides individual visitors with customized and active services using their information profile and advanced Knowledge. In addition, user participation service is suggested as well by using interaction connection system between server, client, and exhibition devices. Suggested mobile framework is a technology which could be applied to culture industry such as performance, show and exhibition. Thus, this builds up the foundation to improve visitor's participation in exhibition and bring about development of exhibition industry by raising visitor's interest.

Types and Site Characteristics of Rocks with Sinsun Relevant Place Name Morpheme ('신선(神仙)'을 지명소(地名素)로 하는 바위명의 유형과 입지특성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Park, Joo-Sung;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.61-77
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    • 2011
  • This study focused on relevant rock names related to Sinsun(神仙) which had been settled as Taoist traces were combined with places. While interpreting major features of Sundoism relevant rocks, it also discussed types and places of rocks reflected in their names by considering distinct characteristics of landscape characters that ancestors viewed through the rocks or on the rocks. Conclusion of this study is summarized as follows. 1. Among the rock names related to Sinsun, the most frequently discovered one was Sinsunbawi(52) and followed by Sinsunbong(神仙峰: 38), Sinsundae(神仙臺: 31). Other than these, there were Gangsundae(降仙臺: 12), Sunyoodae (仙遊臺: 10) and Sasundae(四仙臺: 5). 2. In the name of Sinsundae, 'Dae(臺)' ascertains that it was located in greatly superb place in the aspects of viewpoint and appreciation where landscape superiority and overlook scenery were fair and outstanding. 3. Sinsunbong was named for a peak of mountain. At the same time, it implied a notion of worship with images of 'merging with sky' or 'looking up.' Most of time, Sinsunbong indicated the tallest rock in the mountain chain. 4. A significant number of Sinsunbong had names where legends of Sinsun's Go game or descent were originated from. It shows that 'Sinsun(仙) and Go game' used to be very important motives for folk etymology of Sinsun related rocks. Along with the Sinsundae, a number of Sinsunbawi were also turned out to exist in land and ocean with excellent marine view. 5. According to analysis of their altitudes and heights of the peaks where the rocks belong to, Sinsunbong, Sinsundae and Sinsunbawi were in order. It might indicate that the rocks were located on top of mountain or that Sinsunbong represented the mountain itself. Compared to this, Sinsundae was located in where distant panoramic views were overlooked. It was not necessarily to be in peak but in where with a great view like Taoist world. On the other hand, Sinsunbawi was located in where has fine scenery and great valley not so far from villages, which proved its name had been influenced by place feature not altitude. 6. Feature of rock with Sinsun related name is to comprise visual stability of worship object with close linkage to attitude of worshiper. Considering its deep connection with communicative method of worship object and worshiper, seemingly it was main factor to lead folk etymology of rocks with Sinsun related names. 7. Rock is an object with the greatest implication of Sinsun imagination and Sinsun rocks show most clearly the fact that Taoism, which used to be considered as inaccessible, had been actualized in a visual and realistic manner with the change of time.

Review on the impact of Arctic Amplification on winter cold surges over east Asia (북극 온난화 증폭이 겨울철 동아시아 한파 발생에 미치는 영향 고찰)

  • Seong-Joong Kim;Jeong-Hun Kim;Sang-Yoon Jun;Maeng-Ki Kim;Solji Lee
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • 제33권1_2호
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2021
  • In response to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases, the global mean temperature is rising rapidly. In particular, the warming of the Arctic is two to three times faster than the rest. Associated with the rapid Arctic warming, the sea ice shows decreasing trends in all seasons. The faster Arctic warming is due to ice-albedo feedback by the presence of snow and ice in polar regions, which have higher reflectivity than the ocean, the bare land, or vegetation, higher long-wave heat loss to space than lower latitudes by lower surface temperature in the Arctic than lower latitudes, different stability of atmosphere between the Arctic and lower latitudes, where low stability leads to larger heat losses to atmosphere from surface by larger latent heat fluxes than the Arctic, where high stability, especially in winter, prohibits losing heat to atmosphere, increase in clouds and water vapor in the Arctic atmosphere that subsequently act as green house gases, and finally due to the increase in sensible heat fluxes from low latitudes to the Arctic via lower troposphere. In contrast to the rapid Arctic warming, in midlatitudes, especially in eastern Asia and eastern North America, cold air outbreaks occur more frequently and last longer in recent decades. Two pathways have been suggested to link the Arctic warming to cold air outbreaks over midlatitudes. The first is through troposphere in synoptic-scales by enhancing the Siberian high via a development of Rossby wave trains initiated from the Arctic, especially the Barents-Kara Seas. The second is via stratosphere by activating planetary waves to stratosphere and beyond, that leads to warming in the Arctic stratosphere and increase in geopotential height that subsequently weakens the polar vortex and results in cold air outbreaks in midlatitudes for several months. There exists lags between the Arctic warming and cold events in midlatitudes. Thus, understanding chain reactions from the Arctic warming to midlatitude cooling could help improve a predictability of seasonal winter weather in midlatitudes. This study reviews the results on the Arctic warming and its connection to midlatitudes and examines the trends in surface temperature and the Arctic sea ice.