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Studies on the Derivation of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph for Small Watersheds of Main River Systems in Korea (한국주요빙계의 소유역에 대한 순간단위권 유도에 관한 연구 (I))

  • 이순혁
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.4296-4311
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    • 1977
  • This study was conducted to derive an Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph for the accurate and reliable unitgraph which can be used to the estimation and control of flood for the development of agricultural water resources and rational design of hydraulic structures. Eight small watersheds were selected as studying basins from Han, Geum, Nakdong, Yeongsan and Inchon River systems which may be considered as a main river systems in Korea. The area of small watersheds are within the range of 85 to 470km2. It is to derive an accurate Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph under the condition of having a short duration of heavy rain and uniform rainfall intensity with the basic and reliable data of rainfall records, pluviographs, records of river stages and of the main river systems mentioned above. Investigation was carried out for the relations between measurable unitgraph and watershed characteristics such as watershed area, A, river length L, and centroid distance of the watershed area, Lca. Especially, this study laid emphasis on the derivation and application of Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) by applying Nash's conceptual model and by using an electronic computer. I U H by Nash's conceptual model and I U H by flood routing which can be applied to the ungaged small watersheds were derived and compared with each other to the observed unitgraph. 1 U H for each small watersheds can be solved by using an electronic computer. The results summarized for these studies are as follows; 1. Distribution of uniform rainfall intensity appears in the analysis for the temporal rainfall pattern of selected heavy rainfall event. 2. Mean value of recession constants, Kl, is 0.931 in all watersheds observed. 3. Time to peak discharge, Tp, occurs at the position of 0.02 Tb, base length of hlrdrograph with an indication of lower value than that in larger watersheds. 4. Peak discharge, Qp, in relation to the watershed area, A, and effective rainfall, R, is found to be {{{{ { Q}_{ p} = { 0.895} over { { A}^{0.145 } } }}}} AR having high significance of correlation coefficient, 0.927, between peak discharge, Qp, and effective rainfall, R. Design chart for the peak discharge (refer to Fig. 15) with watershed area and effective rainfall was established by the author. 5. The mean slopes of main streams within the range of 1.46 meters per kilometer to 13.6 meter per kilometer. These indicate higher slopes in the small watersheds than those in larger watersheds. Lengths of main streams are within the range of 9.4 kilometer to 41.75 kilometer, which can be regarded as a short distance. It is remarkable thing that the time of flood concentration was more rapid in the small watersheds than that in the other larger watersheds. 6. Length of main stream, L, in relation to the watershed area, A, is found to be L=2.044A0.48 having a high significance of correlation coefficient, 0.968. 7. Watershed lag, Lg, in hrs in relation to the watershed area, A, and length of main stream, L, was derived as Lg=3.228 A0.904 L-1.293 with a high significance. On the other hand, It was found that watershed lag, Lg, could also be expressed as {{{{Lg=0.247 { ( { LLca} over { SQRT { S} } )}^{ 0.604} }}}} in connection with the product of main stream length and the centroid length of the basin of the watershed area, LLca which could be expressed as a measure of the shape and the size of the watershed with the slopes except watershed area, A. But the latter showed a lower correlation than that of the former in the significance test. Therefore, it can be concluded that watershed lag, Lg, is more closely related with the such watersheds characteristics as watershed area and length of main stream in the small watersheds. Empirical formula for the peak discharge per unit area, qp, ㎥/sec/km2, was derived as qp=10-0.389-0.0424Lg with a high significance, r=0.91. This indicates that the peak discharge per unit area of the unitgraph is in inverse proportion to the watershed lag time. 8. The base length of the unitgraph, Tb, in connection with the watershed lag, Lg, was extra.essed as {{{{ { T}_{ b} =1.14+0.564( { Lg} over {24 } )}}}} which has defined with a high significance. 9. For the derivation of IUH by applying linear conceptual model, the storage constant, K, with the length of main stream, L, and slopes, S, was adopted as {{{{K=0.1197( {L } over { SQRT {S } } )}}}} with a highly significant correlation coefficient, 0.90. Gamma function argument, N, derived with such watershed characteristics as watershed area, A, river length, L, centroid distance of the basin of the watershed area, Lca, and slopes, S, was found to be N=49.2 A1.481L-2.202 Lca-1.297 S-0.112 with a high significance having the F value, 4.83, through analysis of variance. 10. According to the linear conceptual model, Formular established in relation to the time distribution, Peak discharge and time to peak discharge for instantaneous Unit Hydrograph when unit effective rainfall of unitgraph and dimension of watershed area are applied as 10mm, and km2 respectively are as follows; Time distribution of IUH {{{{u(0, t)= { 2.78A} over {K GAMMA (N) } { e}^{-t/k } { (t.K)}^{N-1 } }}}} (㎥/sec) Peak discharge of IUH {{{{ {u(0, t) }_{max } = { 2.78A} over {K GAMMA (N) } { e}^{-(N-1) } { (N-1)}^{N-1 } }}}} (㎥/sec) Time to peak discharge of IUH tp=(N-1)K (hrs) 11. Through mathematical analysis in the recession curve of Hydrograph, It was confirmed that empirical formula of Gamma function argument, N, had connection with recession constant, Kl, peak discharge, QP, and time to peak discharge, tp, as {{{{{ K'} over { { t}_{ p} } = { 1} over {N-1 } - { ln { t} over { { t}_{p } } } over {ln { Q} over { { Q}_{p } } } }}}} where {{{{K'= { 1} over { { lnK}_{1 } } }}}} 12. Linking the two, empirical formulars for storage constant, K, and Gamma function argument, N, into closer relations with each other, derivation of unit hydrograph for the ungaged small watersheds can be established by having formulars for the time distribution and peak discharge of IUH as follows. Time distribution of IUH u(0, t)=23.2 A L-1S1/2 F(N, K, t) (㎥/sec) where {{{{F(N, K, t)= { { e}^{-t/k } { (t/K)}^{N-1 } } over { GAMMA (N) } }}}} Peak discharge of IUH) u(0, t)max=23.2 A L-1S1/2 F(N) (㎥/sec) where {{{{F(N)= { { e}^{-(N-1) } { (N-1)}^{N-1 } } over { GAMMA (N) } }}}} 13. The base length of the Time-Area Diagram for the IUH was given by {{{{C=0.778 { ( { LLca} over { SQRT { S} } )}^{0.423 } }}}} with correlation coefficient, 0.85, which has an indication of the relations to the length of main stream, L, centroid distance of the basin of the watershed area, Lca, and slopes, S. 14. Relative errors in the peak discharge of the IUH by using linear conceptual model and IUH by routing showed to be 2.5 and 16.9 percent respectively to the peak of observed unitgraph. Therefore, it confirmed that the accuracy of IUH using linear conceptual model was approaching more closely to the observed unitgraph than that of the flood routing in the small watersheds.

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Bankruptcy Forecasting Model using AdaBoost: A Focus on Construction Companies (적응형 부스팅을 이용한 파산 예측 모형: 건설업을 중심으로)

  • Heo, Junyoung;Yang, Jin Yong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2014
  • According to the 2013 construction market outlook report, the liquidation of construction companies is expected to continue due to the ongoing residential construction recession. Bankruptcies of construction companies have a greater social impact compared to other industries. However, due to the different nature of the capital structure and debt-to-equity ratio, it is more difficult to forecast construction companies' bankruptcies than that of companies in other industries. The construction industry operates on greater leverage, with high debt-to-equity ratios, and project cash flow focused on the second half. The economic cycle greatly influences construction companies. Therefore, downturns tend to rapidly increase the bankruptcy rates of construction companies. High leverage, coupled with increased bankruptcy rates, could lead to greater burdens on banks providing loans to construction companies. Nevertheless, the bankruptcy prediction model concentrated mainly on financial institutions, with rare construction-specific studies. The bankruptcy prediction model based on corporate finance data has been studied for some time in various ways. However, the model is intended for all companies in general, and it may not be appropriate for forecasting bankruptcies of construction companies, who typically have high liquidity risks. The construction industry is capital-intensive, operates on long timelines with large-scale investment projects, and has comparatively longer payback periods than in other industries. With its unique capital structure, it can be difficult to apply a model used to judge the financial risk of companies in general to those in the construction industry. Diverse studies of bankruptcy forecasting models based on a company's financial statements have been conducted for many years. The subjects of the model, however, were general firms, and the models may not be proper for accurately forecasting companies with disproportionately large liquidity risks, such as construction companies. The construction industry is capital-intensive, requiring significant investments in long-term projects, therefore to realize returns from the investment. The unique capital structure means that the same criteria used for other industries cannot be applied to effectively evaluate financial risk for construction firms. Altman Z-score was first published in 1968, and is commonly used as a bankruptcy forecasting model. It forecasts the likelihood of a company going bankrupt by using a simple formula, classifying the results into three categories, and evaluating the corporate status as dangerous, moderate, or safe. When a company falls into the "dangerous" category, it has a high likelihood of bankruptcy within two years, while those in the "safe" category have a low likelihood of bankruptcy. For companies in the "moderate" category, it is difficult to forecast the risk. Many of the construction firm cases in this study fell in the "moderate" category, which made it difficult to forecast their risk. Along with the development of machine learning using computers, recent studies of corporate bankruptcy forecasting have used this technology. Pattern recognition, a representative application area in machine learning, is applied to forecasting corporate bankruptcy, with patterns analyzed based on a company's financial information, and then judged as to whether the pattern belongs to the bankruptcy risk group or the safe group. The representative machine learning models previously used in bankruptcy forecasting are Artificial Neural Networks, Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) and, the Support Vector Machine (SVM). There are also many hybrid studies combining these models. Existing studies using the traditional Z-Score technique or bankruptcy prediction using machine learning focus on companies in non-specific industries. Therefore, the industry-specific characteristics of companies are not considered. In this paper, we confirm that adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) is the most appropriate forecasting model for construction companies by based on company size. We classified construction companies into three groups - large, medium, and small based on the company's capital. We analyzed the predictive ability of AdaBoost for each group of companies. The experimental results showed that AdaBoost has more predictive ability than the other models, especially for the group of large companies with capital of more than 50 billion won.

A Study on the Buyer's Decision Making Models for Introducing Intelligent Online Handmade Services (지능형 온라인 핸드메이드 서비스 도입을 위한 구매자 의사결정모형에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Won;Yang, Sung-Byung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.119-138
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    • 2016
  • Since the Industrial Revolution, which made the mass production and mass distribution of standardized goods possible, machine-made (manufactured) products have accounted for the majority of the market. However, in recent years, the phenomenon of purchasing even more expensive handmade products has become a noticeable trend as consumers have started to acknowledge the value of handmade products, such as the craftsman's commitment, belief in their quality and scarcity, and the sense of self-esteem from having them,. Consumer interest in these handmade products has shown explosive growth and has been coupled with the recent development of three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies. is the world's largest online handmade platform. It is no different from any other online platform; it provides an online market where buyers and sellers virtually meet to share information and transact business. However, is different in that shops within this platform only deal with handmade products in a variety of categories, ranging from jewelry to toys. Since its establishment in 2005, despite being limited to handmade products, has enjoyed rapid growth in membership, transaction volume, and revenue. Most recently in April 2015, it raised funds through an initial public offering (IPO) of more than 1.8 billion USD, which demonstrates the huge potential of online handmade platforms. After the success of, various types of online handmade platforms such as Handmade at Amazon, ArtFire, DaWanda, and Craft is ART have emerged and are now competing with each other, at the same time, which has increased the size of the market. According to Deloitte's 2015 holiday survey on which types of gifts the respondents plan to buy during the holiday season, about 16% of U.S. consumers chose "homemade or craft items (e.g., Etsy purchase)," which was the same rate as those for the computer game and shoes categories. This indicates that consumer interests in online handmade platforms will continue to rise in the future. However, this high interest in the market for handmade products and their platforms has not yet led to academic research. Most extant studies have only focused on machine-made products and intelligent services for them. This indicates a lack of studies on handmade products and their intelligent services on virtual platforms. Therefore, this study used signaling theory and prior research on the effects of sellers' characteristics on their performance (e.g., total sales and price premiums) in the buyer-seller relationship to identify the key influencing e-Image factors (e.g., reputation, size, information sharing, and length of relationship). Then, their impacts on the performance of shops within the online handmade platform were empirically examined; the dataset was collected from through the application of web harvesting technology. The results from the structural equation modeling revealed that the reputation, size, and information sharing have significant effects on the total sales, while the reputation and length of relationship influence price premiums. This study extended the online platform research into online handmade platform research by identifying key influencing e-Image factors on within-platform shop's total sales and price premiums based on signaling theory and then performed a statistical investigation. These findings are expected to be a stepping stone for future studies on intelligent online handmade services as well as handmade products themselves. Furthermore, the findings of the study provide online handmade platform operators with practical guidelines on how to implement intelligent online handmade services. They should also help shop managers build their marketing strategies in a more specific and effective manner by suggesting key influencing e-Image factors. The results of this study should contribute to the vitalization of intelligent online handmade services by providing clues on how to maximize within-platform shops' total sales and price premiums.

Degree of Interest for Dental Caries Prevention and Child's Oral Health Behaviors in Korean Adults: Gallup Survey (한국 성인의 우식예방 인식과 자녀의 우식예방 실천행위조사: 한국갤럽자료분석)

  • Jin, Hye-Jung;Hwang, Yoon-Sook;Jin, Myoung-Uk;Choi, Youn-Hee;Song, Keun-Bae
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.359-367
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    • 2012
  • This study was to evaluate the influence of dental caries prevention-related concerned and perceived in Korean adults and oral health behavior of their first child if they had children. A cross-sectional study in 1,014 adults over 19 years old were conducted in Korean adults, asked to answer a computer-assisted telephone interview regarding their oral health-related knowledge, behavior, concerned of caries prevention and child's behaviors such as frequencies of tooth brushing, chewing the xylitol gum and dental checkup. The statistical analysis was done by using the SPSS 19.0 program (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). Awareness of caries prevention in the female than male, 40~49 years old age group was higher. Parents of school-age children were higher level of awareness of the dental caries prevention than other group. As knowledge and behavior of dental caries prevention were higher, the child's conduct regular oral health checkups, fluoride topical application and dental sealant was significantly higher. The higher the concerned of caries preventive, the intention of oral health behaviors and child's oral health behaviors was more increased. Awareness of caries prevention had effect on the perception of the impact of the child's oral health behaviors.

A Study on the Application of Gastrodiae rhizoma for Food Stuffs - Effects of Gastrodiae rhizoma on the Regional Cerebral Blood Flow and Blood Pressure - (천마의 식품학적 활용을 위한 기초 연구 - 포제천마 열수 추출물이 국소 뇌혈류량과 혈압에 미치는 영향 -)

  • Park, Sung-Hye;Cho, Choa-Hyoung;Ahn, Byung-Yong
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.554-562
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to provide basic data for predicting the usefulness of Gastrodiae rhizoma as a materials for functional foods. Changes in regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF) and blood pressure(BP) were measured in rats, following the intravenous injection of processed Gastrodiae rhizoma water extract. In its processing, we used rice water, Sderotium Poriae Cocos and Radix Ligustici Chuanxiaong. The rCBF and BP measurements were continually monitored by a laser-doppler flowmeter and a pressure transducer in the anesthetized adult Sprague-Dawley rats for approximately about two to two and a half hours, through a data acquisition system composed of a MacLab and Macintosh computer. The results of the experiment are as follows: the processed Gastrodiae rhizoma significantly increased changes in rCBF in the rats. The rCBF with processed Gastrodiae rhizoma did not change by pretreatment with propranolol, atropin, methylene blue, and indomethacin. But the rCBF of the processed Gastrodiae rhizoma was increased by pretreatment with L-NNA. The processed Gastrodiae rhizoma significantly decreased the changes in BP. However, BP with the processed Gastrodiae rhizoma did not change by pretreatment with propranolol, atropin, methylene blue and indomethacin. On the other hand, BP decreased with the processed Gastrodiae rhizoma pretreatment with L-NNA. These results indicate that processed Gastrodiae rhizoma might increase the rCBF and the BP which are related to nitric oxide synthesis. Also these results indicate that the used of processed Gastrodiae rhizoma in safe, as well as clinically applicable in diet therapy for cerebral related disease and hypertension.

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Reliability of Muscle Evaluation with a Tactile Sensor System (촉각센서를 이용한 근육평가의 신뢰도 조사)

  • Oh, Young-Rak;Lee, Dong-Ju;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Mee-Eun;Kim, Ki-Suk
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2005
  • A tactile sensor employs a piezoelectric element to detect contact frequency shifts and thereby measure the stiffness or softness of material such as tissue, which allows the sensor to be used in many fields of research for urology, cardiology, gynecology, sports medicine and caner detection and especially for cosmetics and skin care. In this study, reliability of the tactile sensor system was investigated with its manual application to the muscles susceptible to temporomandibular disorders. Stiffness and elasticity of anterior temporalis, masseter and trapezius muscles were calibrated bilaterally from 5 healthy men with an average of 24.5±0.94 years. The tactile sensor used in this study had a computer-controlled and motor-driven sensor unit which automatically pressed down on the skin surface over the muscles being measured and retracted, thereby providing the hysteresis curve. The slope of the tangent of the hysteresis curve (Δf/Δx) is defined as stiffness of the muscle being measured and the distance between the two parts of the curve as its elasticity. To determine inter-examiner reliability, all the measurements were performed by the two examiners A and B, respectively and the same examination were repeated with an interval of 2 days for intra-examiner reliability. The results from this study demonstrated high reliability in measuring stiffness and elasticity of anterior temporalis, masseter and upper trapezius muscles using a tactile sensor system. It is suggested that the tactile sensor system can be a highly reproducible and effective instrument for quantitative evaluation of the muscle in head and neck region.

An Empirical Study on the Success Factors of Korean Venture Firms: The Suggestion of the Integrated Model Utilizing Secondary Data (한국 벤처기업의 성공요인에 관한 실증적 연구: 2차 자료를 활용한 통합적 모형의 제시)

  • Koh, InKon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2018
  • This study examines the relationship between the organizational general characteristics (industry, size, location, development stage, and company age) and success factors of Korean venture firms using secondary data. Among the industries with the highest sales figures in 2016 are food / fiber / (non) metals, and the smallest category was software development. The sectors with the highest net profit were computer / semiconductor / electronic components, and the smallest category was telecommunication equipment / broadcasting equipment. The industries with the largest sales growth rate are IT / broadcasting services and software development. The industries with the highest net profit margin of sales are energy / medical / precision, and the smallest is telecommunication equipment / broadcasting equipment. In terms of the number of employees, venture firms with more than 100 employees have the largest sales and net profit, with employees between 1 and 9 have the smallest. However, these results are predictable. In general, the number of employees is highly correlated with sales and net profit. Rather, the sales growth rate and the net profit margin of sales may be meaningful. In particular, with employees between 50 ~ 99, the growth rate of sales and the net profit margin of sales were high. In terms of location, Seoul / Incheon / Gyeonggi were the regions with the highest sales and Daejeon / Sejong / Chungcheong / Gangwon were the least regions. Gwangju / Jeolla / Jeju and Seoul / Incheon / Gyeonggi were almost similar in the areas with the largest net profit. However, Daejeon / Sejong / Chungcheong / Gangwon had the lowest net profit. Unusually, the areas with the highest sales growth rate and the highest net profit margin of sales were Gwangju / Jeolla / Jeju, and the smallest areas were Busan / Jeonnam / Ulsan In the relationship between the stage of development and the performance of the company, the sales of maturity and decline stages were the highest and establishing stage was the lowest. Net profit was also the highest in mature stage and the smallest in establishing stage. The sales growth rate shows a typical pattern in the order of establishing stage, early growth stage, high growth stage, maturity stage, and decline stage. In terms of business performance, sales and net profit are the highest with 21 years or more of company age, and the smallest is less than 3 years. In addition, the sales growth rate was the highest in three years or less, and the net profit margin of sales was the highest in 4 to 10 years. This study can present lots of useful implications by suggesting integrated research model and examining the success factors of Korean venture firms and presenting the application methods of secondary data in analyzing the current status of venture industry in Korea.

A Study on the recognition and Attitude of Home Health Nursing System (가정간호사 제도에 대한 인식 및 태도 조사연구)

  • Lee Sung Ja
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.132-146
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    • 1998
  • This Study was attempted to provide the basic data necessary in the development and introduction of Home Health Nursing System by investigating the recognition and attitude level of Home Health Nursing System. The data were collected by means of questionaires presented to 74 patients who had been admitted in C general hospital in Chon Ju, from June 30, 1997. As the tool for this study, the questionares developed by Kim Yong. Soon, et al (1990) and Han Bok Hee(1993) were modified and supplemented for the aim of this study. The computer was used for data analysis. The items about the charateristics of the subjects and the attitude to the management plan of Home Health Nursing System were represented as the frequency and percentage. The standard deviation and calculation average were produced on the items related to definition, recognition, necessity, expected effect of the attitude of Home Health Nursing System and the items related to admission. The ANOVA test was .used according to the characteristics of variables to analyze the necessity and difference of Home Health Nursing System. The results of this study were as follows 1) The general characteristics of the subjects were as follows ; for sex, man, 58.1% ; for age, 50-59 years, 29.7% ; for the level of education, high school, 51.4% ; 79.7% of them were married; for the family forms, small family, 73.0% ; and 68.9% of them take the monthly income over 100 million won. 2) The characteristics related to admissions of the subjects were as follows ; for clinic, surgical department, 78.4% ; addmission not more then 7days, 47.3% ; for the operation-performance 71.6% of them were experienced; for the admission route, via outpatients clinic, 54.1% ; for waiting period to the admission day, 1-2 days, 71.6%. 3) The difficulties comming from the hospitalization were related mostly to the factor that they felt hospital life more inconvenient than home.(3.66) The reasons for the difficulties in the admission which was due to insufficient beds in the hospital was related to the concentration to the general hospital because of 'The Whole National Medical Insurance System'(4.05). 4) On the previous informations about the Home Health Nursing System, those who have heard of only the name were 42 (56.8%), and on the recognition of it, they thought that it is periodic treatment by the licenced nurses for the recovering pateints after early discharge(3.73). On the attitude about the necessity of Home Health Nursing System, they thought that it is necessary because of the increasing trend of a psychological disease by the change of environment and complexity of the social structure(4.24). On the expected effect of Home Health Nursing System, they answered that it is convinient for the family of the patient to take care of them(4.l8). 5) On the attitude to the management plan of the Home Health Nursing System, those who had intention to participate in the system in the case of systemic support were 42(56.8). In the visiting time, 'visit periodically' and 'visit when the patient needs' were 28(37.8%) respectively. For the application of medical insurance, if possoble, they will use (91.9%); for the method of payment for the treatment, 'pay by the time required' was 23(31.1%), for the subject of management, 'National public institute must operate' was 33(44.6%). 6) The relationship between the general characteristics of the subjects and the necessity of Home Health Nursing System showed the notable difference in the age (F=3.508, P<0.05) and marrage state (F=5.402, P<.023).

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Performance Analysis of Slave-Side Arbitration Schemes for the Multi-Layer AHB BusMatrix (ML-AHB 버스 매트릭스를 위한 슬레이브 중심 중재 방식의 성능 분석)

  • Hwang, Soo-Yun;Park, Hyeong-Jun;Jhang, Kyoung-Son
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.34 no.5_6
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    • pp.257-266
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    • 2007
  • In On-Chip bus, the arbitration scheme is one of the critical factors that decide the overall system performance. The arbitration scheme used in traditional shared bus is the master-side arbitration based on the request and grant signals between multiple masters and single arbiter. In the case of the master-side arbitration, only one master and one slave can transfer the data at a time. Therefore the throughput of total bus system and the utilization of resources are decreased in the master-side arbitration. However in the slave-side arbitration, there is an arbiter at each slave port and the master just starts a transaction and waits for the slave response to proceed to the next transfer. Thus, the unit of arbitration can be a transaction or a transfer. Besides the throughput of total bus system and the utilization of resources are increased since the multiple masters can simultaneously perform transfers with independent slaves. In this paper, we implement and analyze the arbitration schemes for the Multi-Layer AHB BusMatrix based on the slave-side arbitration. We implement the slave-side arbitration schemes based on fixed priority, round robin and dynamic priority and accomplish the performance simulation to compare and analyze the performance of each arbitration scheme according to the characteristics of the master and slave. With the performance simulation, we observed that when there are few masters on critical path in a bus system, the arbitration scheme based on dynamic priority shows the maximum performance and in other cases, the arbitration scheme based on round robin shows the highest performance. In addition, the arbitration scheme with transaction based multiplexing shows higher performance than the same arbitration scheme with single transfer based switching in an application with frequent accesses to the long latency devices or memories such as SDRAM. The improvements of the arbitration scheme with transaction based multiplexing are 26%, 42% and 51%, respectively when the latency times of SDRAM are 1, 2 and 3 clock cycles.

Understanding the Mismatch between ERP and Organizational Information Needs and Its Responses: A Study based on Organizational Memory Theory (조직의 정보 니즈와 ERP 기능과의 불일치 및 그 대응책에 대한 이해: 조직 메모리 이론을 바탕으로)

  • Jeong, Seung-Ryul;Bae, Uk-Ho
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.21-38
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    • 2012
  • Until recently, successful implementation of ERP systems has been a popular topic among ERP researchers, who have attempted to identify its various contributing factors. None of these efforts, however, explicitly recognize the need to identify disparities that can exist between organizational information requirements and ERP systems. Since ERP systems are in fact "packages" -that is, software programs developed by independent software vendors for sale to organizations that use them-they are designed to meet the general needs of numerous organizations, rather than the unique needs of a particular organization, as is the case with custom-developed software. By adopting standard packages, organizations can substantially reduce many of the potential implementation risks commonly associated with custom-developed software. However, it is also true that the nature of the package itself could be a risk factor as the features and functions of the ERP systems may not completely comply with a particular organization's informational requirements. In this study, based on the organizational memory mismatch perspective that was derived from organizational memory theory and cognitive dissonance theory, we define the nature of disparities, which we call "mismatches," and propose that the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems is one of the primary determinants in the successful implementation of ERP systems. Furthermore, we suggest that customization efforts as a coping strategy for mismatches can play a significant role in increasing the possibilities of success. In order to examine the contention we propose in this study, we employed a survey-based field study of ERP project team members, resulting in a total of 77 responses. The results of this study show that, as anticipated from the organizational memory mismatch perspective, the mismatch between organizational information requirements and ERP systems makes a significantly negative impact on the implementation success of ERP systems. This finding confirms our hypothesis that the more mismatch there is, the more difficult successful ERP implementation is, and thus requires more attention to be drawn to mismatch as a major failure source in ERP implementation. This study also found that as a coping strategy on mismatch, the effects of customization are significant. In other words, utilizing the appropriate customization method could lead to the implementation success of ERP systems. This is somewhat interesting because it runs counter to the argument of some literature and ERP vendors that minimized customization (or even the lack thereof) is required for successful ERP implementation. In many ERP projects, there is a tendency among ERP developers to adopt default ERP functions without any customization, adhering to the slogan of "the introduction of best practices." However, this study asserts that we cannot expect successful implementation if we don't attempt to customize ERP systems when mismatches exist. For a more detailed analysis, we identified three types of mismatches-Non-ERP, Non-Procedure, and Hybrid. Among these, only Non-ERP mismatches (a situation in which ERP systems cannot support the existing information needs that are currently fulfilled) were found to have a direct influence on the implementation of ERP systems. Neither Non-Procedure nor Hybrid mismatches were found to have significant impact in the ERP context. These findings provide meaningful insights since they could serve as the basis for discussing how the ERP implementation process should be defined and what activities should be included in the implementation process. They show that ERP developers may not want to include organizational (or business processes) changes in the implementation process, suggesting that doing so could lead to failed implementation. And in fact, this suggestion eventually turned out to be true when we found that the application of process customization led to higher possibilities of failure. From these discussions, we are convinced that Non-ERP is the only type of mismatch we need to focus on during the implementation process, implying that organizational changes must be made before, rather than during, the implementation process. Finally, this study found that among the various customization approaches, bolt-on development methods in particular seemed to have significantly positive effects. Interestingly again, this finding is not in the same line of thought as that of the vendors in the ERP industry. The vendors' recommendations are to apply as many best practices as possible, thereby resulting in the minimization of customization and utilization of bolt-on development methods. They particularly advise against changing the source code and rather recommend employing, when necessary, the method of programming additional software code using the computer language of the vendor. As previously stated, however, our study found active customization, especially bolt-on development methods, to have positive effects on ERP, and found source code changes in particular to have the most significant effects. Moreover, our study found programming additional software to be ineffective, suggesting there is much difference between ERP developers and vendors in viewpoints and strategies toward ERP customization. In summary, mismatches are inherent in the ERP implementation context and play an important role in determining its success. Considering the significance of mismatches, this study proposes a new model for successful ERP implementation, developed from the organizational memory mismatch perspective, and provides many insights by empirically confirming the model's usefulness.

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