• Title/Summary/Keyword: Component-based System

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Grid Coverage Component Development Reusing Existing Grid Coverage Components

  • Kim, Hong-Gab;Lim, Young-Jae;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1105-1107
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    • 2003
  • Remote sensing data processing and analysis system can be developed based on the Grid Coverage Specification and this kind of system is also can be easily interoperate with GIS systems conforming OpenGIS specification. This paper proposes a method to implement easily and quickly the new grid coverages that provide new operations, or services, by reusing the existing grid coverage components, which is based on the fact that the pipeline constructed by grid coverages can be represented in one grid coverage. This method complements easily the deficiency of the existing grid coverage components and enables quick implementation of the new grid coverage that provides complex processing operations.

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Neural Network-based place localization for a mobile Robot using eigenspace (Eigenspace를 이용한 신경회로망 기반의 로봇 위치 인식 시스템)

  • Lee, Hui-Seong;Lee, Yun-Hui;Kim, Eun-Tae;Park, Min-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.1010-1013
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    • 2003
  • This paper describes an algorithm for determining robot location using appearance-based paradigm. This algorithm compress the image set using PCA(principal component analysis) to obtain a low-dimensional subspace, called the eigenspace, and it makes a manifold that represent a continuous-appearance function. To determine robot location, given an unknown input image, the recognition system first projects the image to eigenspace. Neural network use coefficients of the eigenspace to estimate the location of the mobile robot. The algorithm has been implemented and tested on a mobile robot system. In several trials it computes location accurately.

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Current Status of Development of Rendering Drawings Service for Mobile Indoor Location Based Service (모바일 옥내위치기반서비스를 위한 도면 출력 서비스 구현 현황 소개)

  • Yim, Jaegeol;Le, Thanh C.
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 2012
  • Rendering maps is an essential feature of the user interface component of a location based service (LBS) system. However, a developer may not too much worry about implementing the rendering maps part of his or her system because there are quite a few publicly available libraries that provide all kinds of functions of manipulating maps. Google Maps, Yahoo Map, Naver Map, Daum Map, and so on are example sites that provide those libraries. Rendering drawings is to indoor LBS as rendering maps is to LBS. However, there is no such thing as Google Maps that provides libraries for rendering drawings. This paper introduces a few web services and a library that is useful in developing user interfaces of indoor LBS systems.

A Method of Component-Machine Cell Formation for Design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems (셀제조시스템 설계를 위한 부품-기계 셀의 형성기법)

  • Cho, Kyu-Kab;Lee, Byung-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.143-151
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    • 1996
  • The concept of cellular manufacturing is to decompose a manufacturing system into subsystems, which are easier to manage than the entire manufacturing system. The objective of cellular manufacturing is to group parts with similar processing requirements into part families and machines into cells which meet the processing needs of part families assigned to them. This paper presents a methodology for cell formation based on genetic algorithm which produces improved cell formation in terms of total moves, which is a weighted sum of both intercell moves and intracell moves. A sample problem is solved for two, three and four cells with an approach based on genetic algorithms.

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  • Jaeho Lee;Kamalarasa Sanmugarasa
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.597-602
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    • 2011
  • A robust asset management methodology is essential for effective decision-making of maintenance, repair and rehabilitation of a bridge network. It can be achieved by a computer-based bridge management system (BMS). Successful BMS development requires a reliable bridge deterioration model, which is the most crucial component in a BMS, and an optimal management philosophy. The maintenance optimization methodology proposed in this paper is developed for a small bridge network with limited structural condition rating records. . The methodology is organized in three major components: (1) bridge health index (BHI); (2) maintenance and budget optimization; and (3) reliable Artificial Intelligence (AI) based bridge deterioration model. The outcomes of the paper will help to identify BMS implementation problems and to provide appropriate solutions for managing small bridge networks.

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The Optimized Detection Range of RFID-based Positioning System using k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

  • Kim, Jung-Hwan;Heo, Joon;Han, Soo-Hee;Kim, Sang-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 2008
  • The positioning technology for a moving object is an important and essential component of ubiquitous computing environment and applications, for which Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) has been considered as a core technology. RFID-based positioning system calculates the position of moving object based on k-nearest neighbor(k-nn) algorithm using detected k-tags which have known coordinates and kcan be determined according to the detection range of RFID system. In this paper, RFID-based positioning system determines the position of moving object not using weight factor which depends on received signal strength but assuming that tags within the detection range always operate and have same weight value. Because the latter system is much more economical than the former one. The geometries of tags were determined with considerations in huge buildings like office buildings, shopping malls and warehouses, so they were determined as the line in I-Dimensional space, the square in 2-Dimensional space. In 1-Dimensional space, the optimal detection range is determined as 125% of the tag spacing distance through the analytical and numerical approach. Here, the analytical approach means a mathematical proof and the numerical approach means a simulation using matlab. But the analytical approach is very difficult in 2-Dimensional space, so through the numerical approach, the optimal detection range is determined as 134% of the tag spacing distance in 2-Dimensional space. This result can be used as a fundamental study for designing RFID-based positioning system.

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Design and Implementation of MDA-based Teaching and Learning Support System (MDA기반 교수-학습지원 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Haeng-Kon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.13D no.7 s.110
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    • pp.931-938
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    • 2006
  • It is important to operate an education resources which could be integrated to an system. But most of existing education information system was not developed with standardization. It is need the core education asset and reusable education service to make a good education system. Consequently, it is needed to use Sharable Content Object Reference Model(SCORM) based contents managing in order to reuse the contents of education. And it needs assembling and producing method with reusable core asset of education system to develop the application program for education. In this thesis, we study the Teaching-Learning supporting system to support systematic education resources. Teaching-Learning support system is developed of educational domain assess through development process based on Model Driven Architecture(MDA) and core asset on each stage. Application program of education is developed using MDA automatic tool through analyzing and designing for contents storage which is based on contents meta model. We finally can develop the application software of education with low cost and high productivity by raising the reusability of education contents and by using the core asset to the whole development process.

Measurement of fMCG Signals using an Axial Type First-Order SQUID Gradiometer System (권선형 1차 미분계를 이용한 태아심자도 신호 측정)

  • Yu, K.K.;Kim, K.;Kang, C.S.;Kim, J.M.;Lee, Y.H.
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 2009
  • We have fabricated a low-noise 61-channel axial-type first-order gradiometer system for measuring fetal magnetocardiography(MCG) signals. Superconducting quantum interference device(SQUID) sensor was based on double relaxation oscillation SQUID(DROS) for detecting biomagnetic signal, such as MCG, magnetoencphalogram(MEG) and fetal-MCG. The SQUID sensor detected axial component of fetal MCG signal. The pickup coil of SQUID sensor was wound with 120 ${\mu}m$ NbTi wire on bobbin(20 mm diameter) and was a first-order gradiometer to reject the environment noise. The sensors have low white noise of 3 $fT/Hz^{1/2}$ at 100 Hz on average. The fetal MCG was measured from $24{\sim}36$ weeks fetus in a magnetically shielded room(MSR) with shielding factor of 35 dB at 0.1 Hz and 80 dB at 100 Hz(comparatively mild shielding). The MCG signal contained maternal and fetal MCG. Fetal MCG could be distinguished relatively easily from maternal MCG by using independent component analysis(ICA) filter. In addition, we could observe T peak as well as QRS wave, respectively. It will be useful in detecting fetal cardiac diseases.

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SOH Estimation and Feature Extraction using Principal Component Analysis based on Health Indicator for High Energy Battery Pack (건전성 지표 기반 주성분분석(PCA)을 적용한 고용량 배터리 팩의 열화 인자 추출 방법 및 SOH 진단 기법 연구)

  • Lee, Pyeong-Yeon;Kwon, Sanguk;Kang, Deokhun;Han, Seungyun;Kim, Jonghoon
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.376-384
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    • 2020
  • An energy storage system is composed of lithium-ion batteries in modern applications. Batteries are regarded as storage devices for renewable and residual energy. The failure of batteries can cause the performance reduction and explosion of battery systems. High maintenance cost is essential when dealing with the problem of battery safety. Therefore an accurate health diagnosis is required to ensure the high reliability of battery systems. A battery pack is a combination of single cells in series and parallel connections. A battery pack has to consider various factors to assess battery health. Battery health involves conventional factors and additional factors, such as cell-to-cell imbalance. For large applications, state-of-health (SOH) can be inaccurate because of the lack of factors that indicate the state of the battery pack. In this study, six characterization factors are proposed for improving the SOH estimation of battery packs. The six proposed characterization factors can be regarded as health indicators (HIs). The six HIs are applied to the principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm. To reflect information regarding capacity, voltage, and temperature, the PCA algorithm extracts new degradation factors by using the six HIs. The new degradation factors are applied to a multiple regression model. Results show the advancement and improvement of SOH estimation.

Gathering Services of the Information Harvest Warehouse(IHWA) System (IHWA(Information Harvest Warehouses) 시스템의 정보수집 서비스)

  • 오동익;정종석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.382-385
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    • 2000
  • IHWA는 기존의 객체 컴포넌트를 통합함으로써 새로운 응용프로그램을 작성할 수 있는 CBSE(Component Based Software Engineering ) 기법을 바탕으로 개발되어진 웹 기반 정보 저장/검색 시스템이다. 이 시스템은 1997년에 그 1차 버전이 개발되어 사용되어 왔으며 현재는 보다 나은 견고함과 일반성의 제공, 그리고 전자상거래 영역에 대한 준비를 위해 시스템에 대한 중요한 수정작업이 진행중에 있다. 본 논문에서는 새로운 IHWA시스템의 설계에 적용된 원리 및 내용을 설명하고 특히 정보수집 서비스를 제공하기 위해 필수적으로 요구되는 정보 수집기들의 구조 및 구현에 대해 설명하고자한다.

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