• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complex image method

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Hand Gesture Recognition Algorithm Robust to Complex Image (복잡한 영상에 강인한 손동작 인식 방법)

  • Park, Sang-Yun;Lee, Eung-Joo
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1000-1015
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for hand gesture recognition. The hand detection method is based on human skin color, and we use the boundary energy information to locate the hand region accurately, then the moment method will be employed to locate the hand palm center. Hand gesture recognition can be separated into 2 step: firstly, the hand posture recognition: we employ the parallel NNs to deal with problem of hand posture recognition, pattern of a hand posture can be extracted by utilize the fitting ellipses method, which separates the detected hand region by 12 ellipses and calculates the white pixels rate in ellipse line. the pattern will be input to the NNs with 12 input nodes, the NNs contains 4 output nodes, each output node out a value within 0~1, the posture is then represented by composed of the 4 output codes. Secondly, the hand gesture tracking and recognition: we employed the Kalman filter to predict the position information of gesture to create the position sequence, distance relationship between positions will be used to confirm the gesture. The simulation have been performed on Windows XP to evaluate the efficiency of the algorithm, for recognizing the hand posture, we used 300 training images to train the recognizing machine and used 200 images to test the machine, the correct number is up to 194. And for testing the hand tracking recognition part, we make 1200 times gesture (each gesture 400 times), the total correct number is 1002 times. These results shows that the proposed gesture recognition algorithm can achieve an endurable job for detecting the hand and its' gesture.

Moving Object Contour Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Edge with a Fixed Camera (고정 카메라에서의 시공간적 경계 정보를 이용한 이동 객체 윤곽선 검출 방법)

  • Kwak, Jae-Ho;Kim, Whoi-Yul
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.474-486
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a new method for detection moving object contour using spatial and temporal edge. In general, contour pixels of the moving object are likely present around pixels with high gradient value along the time axis and the spatial axis. Therefore, we can detect the contour of the moving objects by finding pixels which have high gradient value in the time axis and spatial axis. In this paper, we introduce a new computation method, termed as temporal edge, to compute an gradient value along the time axis for any pixel on an image. The temporal edge can be computed using two input gray images at time t and t-2 using the Sobel operator. Temporal edge is utilized to detect a candidate region of the moving object contour and then the detected candidate region is used to extract spatial edge information. The final contour of the moving object is detected using the combination of these two edge information, which are temporal edge and spatial edge, and then the post processing such as a morphological operation and a background edge removing procedure are applied to remove noise regions. The complexity of the proposed method is very low because it dose not use any background scene and high complex operation, therefore it can be applied to real-time applications. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the conventional contour extraction methods in term of processing effort and a ghost effect which is occurred in the case of entropy method.

2D Planar Object Tracking using Improved Chamfer Matching Likelihood (개선된 챔퍼매칭 우도기반 2차원 평면 객체 추적)

  • Oh, Chi-Min;Jeong, Mun-Ho;You, Bum-Jae;Lee, Chil-Woo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.17B no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2010
  • In this paper we have presented a two dimensional model based tracking system using improved chamfer matching. Conventional chamfer matching could not calculate similarity well between the object and image when there is very cluttered background. Then we have improved chamfer matching to calculate similarity well even in very cluttered background with edge and corner feature points. Improved chamfer matching is used as likelihood function of particle filter which tracks the geometric object. Geometric model which uses edge and corner feature points, is a discriminant descriptor in color changes. Particle Filter is more non-linear tracking system than Kalman Filter. Then the presented method uses geometric model, particle filter and improved chamfer matching for tracking object in complex environment. In experimental result, the robustness of our system is proved by comparing other methods.

Unmanned Aircraft Platform Based Real-time LiDAR Data Processing Architecture for Real-time Detection Information (실시간 탐지정보 제공을 위한 무인기 플랫폼 기반 실시간 LiDAR 데이터 처리구조)

  • Eum, Junho;Berhanu, Eyassu;Oh, Sangyoon
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.745-750
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    • 2015
  • LiDAR(Light Detection and Ranging) technology provides realistic 3-dimension image information, and it has been widely utilized in various fields. However, the utilization of this technology in the military domain requires prompt responses to dynamically changing tactical environment and is therefore limited since LiDAR technology requires complex processing in order for extensive amounts of LiDAR data to be utilized. In this paper, we introduce an Unmanned Aircraft Platform Based Real-time LiDAR Data Processing Architecture that can provide real-time detection information by parallel processing and off-loading between the UAV processing and high-performance data processing areas. We also conducted experiments to verify the feasibility of our proposed architecture. Processing with ARM cluster similar to the UAV platform processing area results in similar or better performance when compared to the current method. We determined that our proposed architecture can be utilized in the military domain for tactical and combat purposes such as unmanned monitoring system.

Design of Smart Device Assistive Emergency WayFinder Using Vision Based Emergency Exit Sign Detection

  • Lee, Minwoo;Mariappan, Vinayagam;Mfitumukiza, Joseph;Lee, Junghoon;Cho, Juphil;Cha, Jaesang
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.101-106
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we present Emergency exit signs are installed to provide escape routes or ways in buildings like shopping malls, hospitals, industry, and government complex, etc. and various other places for safety purpose to aid people to escape easily during emergency situations. In case of an emergency situation like smoke, fire, bad lightings and crowded stamped condition at emergency situations, it's difficult for people to recognize the emergency exit signs and emergency doors to exit from the emergency building areas. This paper propose an automatic emergency exit sing recognition to find exit direction using a smart device. The proposed approach aims to develop an computer vision based smart phone application to detect emergency exit signs using the smart device camera and guide the direction to escape in the visible and audible output format. In this research, a CAMShift object tracking approach is used to detect the emergency exit sign and the direction information extracted using template matching method. The direction information of the exit sign is stored in a text format and then using text-to-speech the text synthesized to audible acoustic signal. The synthesized acoustic signal render on smart device speaker as an escape guide information to the user. This research result is analyzed and concluded from the views of visual elements selecting, EXIT appearance design and EXIT's placement in the building, which is very valuable and can be commonly referred in wayfinder system.

A Fast Recognition System of Gothic-Hangul using the Contour Tracing (윤곽선 추적에 의한 고딕체 한글의 신속인식에 관한 연구)

  • 정주성;김춘석;박충규
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.579-587
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    • 1988
  • Conventional methods of automatic recognition of Korean characters consist of the thinning processing, the segmentation of connected fundamental phonemes and the recognition of each fundamental character. These methods, however require the thinning processing which is complex and time consuming. Also several noise components make worse effects on the recognition of characters than in the case of no thinning. This paper describes the extraction method of the feature components of Korean fundamental characters of the Gothic Korean letter without the thinning. We regard line-components of the contour which describes the character's external boundary as the feature-components. The line-component includes the directional code, the length and the start point in the image. Each fundamental character is represented by the string of directional codes. Therefore the recognition process is only the string pattern matching. We use the Gothic-hangul in the experiment. The ecognition rate is 92%.

Analysis of Stress Distribution around a Central Crack Tip in a Tensile Plate Using Phase-Shifting Photoelasticity and a Power Series Stress Function (위상이동 광탄성법과 멱급수형 응력함수를 이용한 인장시편 중앙 균열선단 주위 응력장 해석)

  • Baek, Tae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents stress distribution around a central crack tip in a tensile plate using phase-shifting photoelasticity and a power series stress function. Isochromatic data along the straight lines far from the crack tip were obtained by phase shifting photoelasticity and were used as input data of the hybrid experimental analysis. By using the complex-type power series stress equations, the photoelastic stress distribution fields in the vicinity of the crack and the mode I stress intensity factor were obtained. With the help of image processing software, accuracy and reliability was enhanced by twice multiplying and sharpening the measured isochromatics. Actual and reconstructed fringes were compared qualitatively. For quantitative comparison, percentage errors and standard deviations of the percentage errors were calculated for all measured input data by varying the number of terms in the stress function. The experimental results agreed with those predicted by finite element analysis and empirical equation within 2 percent error.

Study and Application of the New Stick Make Up Product Using Clay Minerals as Binder & Buffer.

  • Kim, Sang-Je;Shin, Dong-Uk;Cho, Pan-Gu;Jung, Chul-Hee
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4 s.34
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 1999
  • The new stick make-up product was studied by using a gel, which is a viscous complex formed with clay minerals, vitamins A and E and fluorinated liquid polymer with a 1500 molecular weight. The gel cannot be obtained with any random combination of clay minerals and the ingredients described above. It takes the sequential manufacturing method as follows to get this kind of gel. Firstly, clay minerals and liquid polymers have to be pre-mixed in order to saturate the liquid polymers with the clay minerals. Then the on-processed gel has to be finely crystallized. The clay minerals, which are the core elements for this gel, were used as a function of Binder & Buffer and liquid polymer was mixed together for the deterioration of the surface tension of each component and to form a functional film in the gel. This liquid polymer was combined with clay minerals because it is not miscible with most oils and solvents. Waxes have a function of keeping a solid status in the stick. We reduced the usage of waxes by putting clay minerals as buffer in the proportion of 0.5:1 with oil phase. Ceramide takes care of the skin when used regularly and maintains the skin's moisture. Vitamins A and E contribute to preventing skin aging by the activation of skin cells. We could get the stable viscous gel, which has about 80% oil phase using clay minerals and liquid polymer. The crystalline structures of gel were surface-chemically-analyzed using SEM and Image Analyzer and were thermodynamically analyzed using DSC. Surface tension test and softness were done by Rheometer. In the end, these characteristics were verified by consumer panel tests in Seoul, Daegeon and Pusan in Korea and Hokkaido, Osaka and Miyazaki in Japan with correlation to the climate.

  • PDF

A Study on Equation Recognition Using Tree Structure (트리 구조를 이용한 수식 인식 연구)

  • Park, Byung-Joon;Kim, Hyun-Sik;Kim, Wan-Tae
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.340-345
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    • 2018
  • The Compared to general sentences, the Equation uses a complex structure and various characters and symbols, so that it is not possible to input all the character sets by simply inputting a keyboard. Therefore, the editor is implemented in a text editor such as Hangul or Word. In order to express the Equation properly, it is necessary to have the learner information which can be meaningful to interpret the syntax. Even if a character is input, it can be represented by another expression depending on the relationship between the size and the position. In other words, the form of the expression is expressed as a tree model considering the relationship between characters and symbols such as the position and size to be expressed. As a field of character recognition application, a technique of recognizing characters or symbols(code) has been widely known, but a method of inputting and interpreting a Equation requires a more complicated analysis process than a general text. In this paper, we have implemented a Equation recognizer that recognizes characters in expressions and quickly analyzes the position and size of expressions.

Clinical Implementation of 3D Printing in the Construction of Patient Specific Bolus for Photon Beam Radiotherapy for Mycosis Fungoides

  • Kim, Sung-woo;Kwak, Jungwon;Cho, Byungchul;Song, Si Yeol;Lee, Sang-wook;Jeong, Chiyoung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2017
  • Creating individualized build-up material for superficial photon beam radiation therapy at irregular surface is complex with rice or commonly used flat shape bolus. In this study, we implemented a workflow using 3D printed patient specific bolus and describe our clinical experience. To provide better fitted build-up to irregular surface, the 3D printing technique was used. The PolyLactic Acid (PLA) which processed with nontoxic plant component was used for 3D printer filament material for clinical usage. The 3D printed bolus was designed using virtual bolus structure delineated on patient CT images. Dose distributions were generated from treatment plan for bolus assigned uniform relative electron density and bolus using relative electron density from CT image and compared to evaluate the inhomogeneity effect of bolus material. Pretreatment QA is performed to verify the relative electron density applied to bolus structure by gamma analysis. As an in-vivo dosimetry, Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeters (OSLD) are used to measure the skin dose. The plan comparison result shows that discrepancies between the virtual bolus plan and printed bolus plan are negligible. (0.3% maximum dose difference and 0.2% mean dose difference). The dose distribution is evaluated with gamma method (2%, 2 mm) at the center of GTV and the passing rate was 99.6%. The OSLD measurement shows 0.3% to 2.1% higher than expected dose at patient treatment lesion. In this study, we treated Mycosis fungoides patient with patient specific bolus using 3D printing technique. The accuracy of treatment plan was verified by pretreatment QA and in-vivo dosimetry. The QA results and 4 month follow up result shows the radiation treatment using 3D printing bolus is feasible to treat irregular patient skin.