• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community people

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Experiences of Public Visiting Nurses on the Linkage Cooperation of public case management: Focus Group Interview (방문건강관리사업 담당자의 공공부문 사례관리 연계협력 경험: 포커스 그룹 인터뷰)

  • Kim, Hyung-Seon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to identify the linkage and cooperation experiences in public case-management services of visiting health care practitioners. Focus group interviews were conducted with three people in charge of providing visiting healthcare services in public health centers. A semi-structured interview questionnaire was developed in advance through discussions among researchers In response to the interview questions, study participants described in detail the success and failure factors associated with linkage and cooperation that they experienced while providing visiting healthcare services. The interview data were analyzed qualitatively to identify the main themes and sub-themes reflecting visiting nurses' experiences with linkage and cooperation. The three main themes were: 'Guidelines act as positive performance factors for community-based linkage and cooperation', 'Unstable employment and lack of an integrated system act as barriers to linkage and cooperation', and 'Necessary for multidimensional approach to promoting linkage and cooperation'. Based on these results, the authors propose the development of clear linkage and cooperation standards and procedures, thereby ensuring job security for visiting nurses. Moreover, an integrated information system should be developed and implemented.

Perspectives on the Current Condition and Landscape Management Status of the Dangsan Forests in Sungnam-ri, Wonju (원주시 성남리 당산숲의 현황 및 경관관리 실태 고찰)

  • Choi, Jai-Ung;Kim, Dong-Yeob;Lee, Sang-Hwa;Kim, Sung-Gi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.82-91
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    • 2007
  • Rural areas dominate country landscape, where the population is rich in traditional and natural heritage. Dangsan forests and Rural community forests (RCF) have been maintained by local residents for hundreds of years. However, many of these forests have been disturbed, and only small amount of Dangsan forests and the RCF remain due to the efforts of local residents. Recently, the remnants of Dangsan forests and RCF have been regarded as living traditional landscapes representing the cultural and rural background of Korea. But the value of Dangsan forests and the RCFs has not been recognized by many. This study aims to understand the characteristics and management status of Dangsan forests in Sungnam-ri, Wonju. Sungnam-ri has four villages, each of which is bordered by a Dangsan forest at the riparian buffer. Sungnam-ri has been selsected as a site for a rural village development project by the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry of Korea. Sunghwanglim (the Upper Dangsan forest) is designated as Natural Monument No.93 and entrance is limited in this area. The size of Sunghwanglim is $21,133m^2$, and the major tree species are Kalopanax pictus (Dangsan tree, Divine tree), Pinus densiflora, Abies holophylla, Acer triflorum, Ulmus davidiana, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Quercus serrata. In total, 124 trees with more than 40 cm in DBH are at this site. As for cultural activities, the Dangsan festival is held on April 8th and September 9th of the lunar calendar at shrines in the forests. Although other Dangsan forests are smaller than Sunghwanglim, they also have similar cultural activities. The landscape of the Dangsan forests have been managed for several hundred years by the local people, and they intend to continue maintaining the Dangsan forests for the purpose of festivals and other cultural activities. The findings in this study suggest that Dangsan forests have the potential for the development of rural villages and for the improvement of cultural and natural landscapes in Korea.

Policy for Establishment of Green Infrastructure (녹색 인프라 구축을 위한 정책)

  • Park, Jae-Chul;Yang, Hong-Mo;Jang, Byoung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2012
  • The Green Infrastructure Framework refers to an interconnected network formed by greenways that links gardens, parks, green spaces, streams, wetlands, agricultural lands, and green belts. Green infrastructure supports diverse functions to environment, provides various benefits to people, and helps in the community's health and viability. It can store stormwater runoff and abate its non-point source pollutants. Due to its advantages and profits, advanced countries in environment policies have adopted green infrastructure in planning and implementing urban and regional development. The Korean government and municipalities have focused upon grey infrastructure investment in the past, which causes occurrence of natural disasters such as draught, flood, and landslides, degradation of water and air quality, decline of biodiversity, and even inhibition of economic activities. In order to alleviate these problems, it is requested to formulate and implement policies for green infrastructure at the national government level. USA and Korean situation of green infrastructure were investigated; forty components of green infrastructure were drawn. Nine policies utilized in the USA cases were identified, which are applicable to Korea. Among them, five policies can be implemented in public sector and four in private one. The green infrastructure law needed in Korea was suggested. The amendments of laws regarding green infrastructure and alternatives expending it were proposed.

Hexachlorobenzene Dechlorination Ability of Microbes from Canal and Estuary Sediments

  • Anotai, Jin;Voranisarakul, J.;Wantichapichat, W.;Chen, I.M.
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2007
  • This study aimed to investigate the hexachlorobenzene (HCB) dechlorinating ability of sediment microbes collected from a natural canal receiving secondary effluents from an industrial estate and nearby factories. Nine sites along the stream and one in the estuary in the Gulf of Thailand into which the canal spills were specified and sampling for sediment and water. Preliminary analysis of the sediments showed that the first four sites nearest to the discharging location were contaminated by HCB within the range of 0.18 to 1.25 ppm. Apart from that, 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene which has never been commercially produced or used in any manufacturing processes except for the transformation from higher chlorinated benzene was also identified in the range of 0.16 to 0.24 ppm. This suggested a possibility of sporadically HCB contamination in this stream. Of more important, people in the community along this canal earn their living by coastal fishery; hence, posing a risk of spreading HCB and its less chlorinated congeners via food chain from caught marine creatures to human. As a result, there is an urgent need to understand the behavior of HCB dechlorination in this stream sediment which can lead to a clean-up action in the future. Serum bottles with sediment slurries (sediment to water ratio of 1:1 (v/v) and filtered to remove particles larger than 0.7 mm) from each site were inoculated with 2 mg/l of HCB, kept anaerobically in the dark at room temperature without any nourishment, and analyzed for HCB and its less-chlorinated congeners every 6 days. Total chemical oxygen demand, suspended solids, and volatile suspended solids were in the range of 21,492-73,584, 158,100-518,100 and 6,000-32,700 mg/l, respectively. It was found that all sediment slurries began to dechlorinate HCB in 12 to 30 days and the HCB was completely removed within 42 to 60 days or so. On the other hand, there was no HCB dechlorination occurred in the controlled set which was sterilized by autoclaving prior to the addition of HCB. This implies that the HCB transformation was solely due to microorganisms' activities. HCB was dechlorinated principally via pentachlolobenzene to 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorobenzene and terminated at 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene which is the major pathway as reported by many researchers. Dichlorobenzene has not been detected in any samples within the dechlorination period of 60 days. The results indicate that the microbial matrix in the sediment of this stream has an outstanding capability to dechlorinate HCB. Existing substrates and nutrients which mainly sorbed onto the solid phase and the typical temperature in Thailand were sufficient and suitable to promote the activities of these HCB-dechlorinating microbes.

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A Study on the Alteration of the Collective Housing- in Modern Times, Korea - Focused on the Settled Process of Apartment Housing - (한국(韓國) 공동주택(共同住宅) 변천(變遷)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察) - 근대기(近代期) 아파트의 정착과정(定着過程)을 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Soon-Young;Yoon, In-Suk
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.11 no.2 s.30
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    • pp.37-56
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the changing process of the collective housing in Korea; focusing on the alteration process of the apartment housing, which became a representative housing type in Korea, nowadays. The alteration process of the apartment housing in Korea can be divided into three stages: the introduction stage, the trial stage and the settled stage. The introduction stage is the period between 1920, when the collective-housing buildings were constructed in Korea for the first time, and the Liberation of Korea(1945). The trial stage is the period between 1945 and 1975. During this period, common housing has been constructed. And the massive apartment buildings were started to be supplied after 1975. The settled stage is the period between 1975 and the present. The main scope of this study will be the introduction and trial stages, since a lot of in-depth studies have been executed on the settled stage. The history of the collective housing of Korea starts with City Housing of Seoul, in 1921. It is guessed that this housing was to be small-sized and row-housing type. The first-built, apartment-type building, in Korea, was Mikuni Apartment House, which was constructed as a boarding room of Mikuni Company. In the introduction stage, apartment buildings were built by Japanese architects, with Japanese housing style. Most of them were planned in dormitory type, and some of them were run as tenant houses. Most of them were constructed by bricks, but sometimes by timbers. Tadami was laid in every room and inside-corridor was located in the middle of the house. Although the major style of the apartment buildings was Japanese, the Korean dwellers of those apartments has been influencing the housing type of them. In the trial stage, apartment housing has been experienced in diverse ways. With the development of building technology, floor heating system was settled in apartment housing. This improved the amenities of apartment dwelling remarkably. Although some heterogeneous characteristics still remained in the apartments of Korea, in terms of housing style, the housing style of apartments has been changed into own style of Korea, in accordance with Korean people's life style. The results of this study give us some good implications regarding contemporary housing plan: First, if the unit size of a collective housing is small, the more space could be available for community activities. Second, when planning of collective housing, more concerns should be payed on surroundings. Third, more attention should be payed about low-rise apartment housing, and more land-friendly planning would be required.

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The Association between Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Periodontal Health: Finding from Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008~2009 (간접흡연과 치주건강의 관련성: 2008~2009 국민건강영양조사 자료분석 결과)

  • Kim, Jin Kyoung;Baek, Hye-Jin;Lee, Young-Eun;Song, Keun-Bae;Choi, Youn-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.123-131
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    • 2014
  • Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) or second hand smoke or passive smoking has become a well-known risk factor for various health hazards in nonsmoking adults as well as active smokers. In Korea, there have been few studies concerning about the impact of ETS on periodontal health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the association between exposure to passive smoking and prevalence of periodontitis using Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) in 2008 and 2009. The Fourth KNHANES data was employed from 2008~2009. The final sample size was 4,669 adults aged over 18 years, who were never-smoker and had the information about ETS both at home and in the workplace, urine analysis and periodontal examination by Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Periodontitis was defined as CPI codes ${\geq}3$. Data were analyzed using PASW Statistics 18.0. The sociodemographic and behavioral factors were adjusted as confounders. Overall, 17.1% (male 16.4%, female 83.6%) of the participants were exposed to ETS. The mean concentration of cotinine in those exposed ETS was significantly higher than that in unexposed people ($46.92{\mu}g/ml$ versus $19.34{\mu}g/ml$, p<0.001). Participants exposed to ETS were more likely to have periodontitis than those unexposed after adjusting for potential confounding variables. ETS is associated with the prevalence of periodontitis in Korean adults. This may suggest that patients with periodontitis or periodontal surgery should be protected from smokers or smoking places.

Representation Types of Gog and Magog in Old Western Maps (서양고지도에 나타난 곡과 마곡의 표현 유형)

  • Jung, In-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.165-183
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    • 2010
  • For the study of the development of Asia map made by european map makers, one should consider Gog and Magog which existed in the maps for more than 700 years. Gog and Magog are described as an apocalyptic people in the Bible and medieval literature, and they are important elements in medieval mappaemundi and early modem world maps. This study classified representation types of Gog and Magog in old western maps. Maps were classed in to six categories according to the location and ethnic groups which they represent, and they were discussed in cartographic context. The maps until the fourteenth century place Gog and Magog, shut up by Alexander, near Caspian Sea. In the fifteenth century, Gog and Magog were described as Closed Jews in maps. From the sixteenth century they appear in the far northeastern part of Asia and they are named as Amagog or Ung and Mongul. In the mid-seventeenth century, they are located in Eastern Siberia by French cartographers. But with the expansion of geographic knowledge, Gog and Magog disappeared completely in the eighteenth century. In general, God and Magog were represented on the basis of traditional lore rather than on the Bible, and they became one means of mapping others of European community.

A Study of User Interface Design Method on Ubiquitous Computing Environments for the Aged (유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경에서 노인을 위한 유저 인터페이스 디자인방법 연구)

  • Lee, Joong-Yeub
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2009
  • Recently, human life and the low birth rate and aging population has increased exponentially. Entry into an aged society in the present case and the different policy alternatives, and is a reality. Resolution of one of these older active community participation and production activities to foster a rich life, infants need to be able to build a ubiquitous environment can be damaging. Latest IT technology in the development of intelligent life on all human life even more convenient by combining the computer and try to build a productive environment is. You simply connect your computer to the elderly rather than older users to use, efficient and productive way to improve efforts to follow. Emerging as an alternative to the more efficient interfaces for ubiquitous computing, user interface design criteria, albeit a little uncomfortable by suggesting improvements of the elderly and their participation in production activities helped to improve the quality of life. Ubiquitous environment, as well as means to improve the living environment of older people live independent lives, as given us is that you can get the premise of this study was in progress.Thus, by analyzing the characteristics of the elderly for the elderly by offering more efficient way to interface design for a new era of ubiquitous pushing back the boundaries of the elderly have been instruments to achieve social vitality.

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Distribution Characteristics of the Medical Services in Korea (한국 의료서비스의 분포 특징 분석)

  • Lee Keumsook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.2 s.107
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    • pp.242-251
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    • 2005
  • This study investigates the distribution characteristics of medical services in Korea. For the purpose this paper examines the spatial discordance between the provisions of the medical services and the need for them, and analyzes the spatial distribution patterns of medical service in both inter- and intra-regional levels. Disclosed is a severe regional disparity problem in the provision of medical facilities at both inter-regional and intra-regional levels. In recent years people's interest gets increased more in the social well-being of the community, and the resulting strong request makes it desirable to restructure the healthcare service system. This study has thus attempted to draw out the distribution function of the medical facilities, based on the examination of the real data. A particular attention has been paid to whether there exists any hierarchical structure in their size distribution. Quite remarkably, no appreciable hierarchical structure has been observed in the scale of the medical facilities in Korea, in sharp contrast to of the three-level hierarchical structure assumed in the three-level referral system adopted widely. Remarkably, it is revealed that medical facilities in Korea are described by scale-invariant distribution functions. Instead, scale-invariant power-law behavior has been found in the size distribution, which is expected to be rather generic and applicable to other countries as well.

Visitor Exposure and Risk Assessment of Insecticide Fenitrothion Applied to Tree in Public Living Space (생활권 수목에 살포된 살충제 Fenitrothion의 이용자 노출 및 위해성 평가)

  • Kwon, Gun-Hyung;Moon, Joon-Kwan;Jung, Yun-Mi;Lee, Min-Seop;Lee, Jin-Heung;Lee, Geun-Seop;Kwon, Young-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.107 no.2
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2018
  • Pesticides are widely sprayed by the growers in street trees and planting areas which include urban forests, community forests and city parks to control pests. Spraying pesticides not only affect the people who sprayed but also affect the unspecified citizens who's are exposed to pesticides sprayed trees by contact or inhalation. A few studies have been conducted to measure the amount of pesticides in forest area but no studies have been conducted to measure the pesticide amount in tree in public living space. So, in our study, we investigated the amount of pesticides in cotton gloves, in leaf residue, and respiratory exposure for a certain period of time after applying Fenitrothion EC to Korean boxweed tree (Buxus Koreana) to know the safety time of pesticides after spraying. We found that, up to 4d, there was no significant difference of the amount of Fenitrothion on leaves. But the amount of pesticides on gloves was significantly higher on 1h ($510.1{\mu}g$) and 24h ($405.4{\mu}g$) than 48h ($45.0{\mu}g$) after spraying. The amount of pesticides on inhalation was also significantly higher in 1 h ($0.2{\mu}g$) and 24 h ($0.1{\mu}g$) than 48 h after spraying. After 48h, we did not find pesticides amount in inhalation. Thus, we was considered necessary to pay attention to 48h after spraying of pesticide Fenitrothion.