• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color-based tracking

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Object Recognition and Tracking using Histogram Through Successive Frames (연속적인 비디오 프레임에서의 히스토그램을 이용한 객체 인식 및 추적)

  • Park, Ho-Sik;Bae, Cheol-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3C
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    • pp.274-278
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the research which concerns the object class recognition has been done. Although an object tracking based on most of histograms employs a colored model to improve robustness, the system is not reliable enough yet. In this paper, we presents a method to express and track an object by using the histograms which are composed with visual features through successive frames. The experimental results shows that this method is reliable to track a car within 80m distance from camera.

Adaptive Model-based Multi-object Tracking Robust to Illumination Changes and Overlapping (조명변화와 곁침에 강건한 적응적 모델 기반 다중객체 추적)

  • Lee Kyoung-Mi;Lee Youn-Mi
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a method to track persons robustly in illumination changes and partial occlusions in color video frames acquired from a fixed camera. To solve a problem of changing appearance by illumination change, a time-independent intrinsic image is used to remove noises in an frame and is adaptively updated frame-by-frame. We use a hierarchical human model including body color information in order to track persons in occlusion. The tracked human model is recorded into a persons' list for some duration after the corresponding person's exit and is recovered from the list after her reentering. The proposed method was experimented in several indoor and outdoor scenario. This demonstrated the potential effectiveness of an adaptive model-base method that corrected distorted person's color information by lighting changes, and succeeded tracking of persons which was overlapped in a frame.

Object Tracking Using Particle Filters in Moving Camera (움직임 카메라 환경에서 파티클 필터를 이용한 객체 추적)

  • Ko, Byoung-Chul;Nam, Jae-Yeal;Kwak, Joon-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.5A
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    • pp.375-387
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a new real-time object tracking algorithm using particle filters with color and texture features in moving CCD camera images. If the user selects an initial object, this region is declared as a target particle and an initial state is modeled. Then, N particles are generated based on random distribution and CS-LBP (Centre Symmetric Local Binary Patterns) for texture model and weighted color distribution is modeled from each particle. For observation likelihoods estimation, Bhattacharyya distance between particles and their feature models are calculated and this observation likelihoods are used for weights of individual particles. After weights estimation, a new particle which has the maximum weight is selected and new particles are re-sampled using the maximum particle. For performance comparison, we tested a few combinations of features and particle filters. The proposed algorithm showed best object tracking performance when we used color and texture model simultaneously for likelihood estimation.

Invariant-Feature Based Object Tracking Using Discrete Dynamic Swarm Optimization

  • Kang, Kyuchang;Bae, Changseok;Moon, Jinyoung;Park, Jongyoul;Chung, Yuk Ying;Sha, Feng;Zhao, Ximeng
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2017
  • With the remarkable growth in rich media in recent years, people are increasingly exposed to visual information from the environment. Visual information continues to play a vital role in rich media because people's real interests lie in dynamic information. This paper proposes a novel discrete dynamic swarm optimization (DDSO) algorithm for video object tracking using invariant features. The proposed approach is designed to track objects more robustly than other traditional algorithms in terms of illumination changes, background noise, and occlusions. DDSO is integrated with a matching procedure to eliminate inappropriate feature points geographically. The proposed novel fitness function can aid in excluding the influence of some noisy mismatched feature points. The test results showed that our approach can overcome changes in illumination, background noise, and occlusions more effectively than other traditional methods, including color-tracking and invariant feature-tracking methods.

Quality Enhancement of 3D Volumetric Contents Based on 6DoF for 5G Telepresence Service

  • Byung-Seo Park;Woosuk Kim;Jin-Kyum Kim;Dong-Wook Kim;Young-Ho Seo
    • Journal of Web Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.729-750
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    • 2022
  • In general, the importance of 6DoF (degree of freedom) 3D (dimension) volumetric contents technology is emerging in 5G (generation) telepresence service, Web-based (WebGL) graphics, computer vision, robotics, and next-generation augmented reality. Since it is possible to acquire RGB images and depth images in real-time through depth sensors that use various depth acquisition methods such as time of flight (ToF) and lidar, many changes have been made in object detection, tracking, and recognition research. In this paper, we propose a method to improve the quality of 3D models for 5G telepresence by processing images acquired through depth and RGB cameras on a multi-view camera system. In this paper, the quality is improved in two major ways. The first concerns the shape of the 3D model. A method of removing noise outside the object by applying a mask obtained from a color image and a combined filtering operation to obtain the difference in depth information between pixels inside the object were proposed. Second, we propose an illumination compensation method for images acquired through a multi-view camera system for photo-realistic 3D model generation. It is assumed that the three-dimensional volumetric shooting is done indoors, and the location and intensity of illumination according to time are constant. Since the multi-view camera uses a total of 8 pairs and converges toward the center of space, the intensity and angle of light incident on each camera are different even if the illumination is constant. Therefore, all cameras take a color correction chart and use a color optimization function to obtain a color conversion matrix that defines the relationship between the eight acquired images. Using this, the image input from all cameras is corrected based on the color correction chart. It was confirmed that the quality of the 3D model could be improved by effectively removing noise due to the proposed method when acquiring images of a 3D volumetric object using eight cameras. It has been experimentally proven that the color difference between images is reduced.

Mobile Object Tracking Algorithm Using Particle Filter (Particle filter를 이용한 이동 물체 추적 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Se-Jin;Joo, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.586-591
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we propose the mobile object tracking algorithm based on the feature vector using particle filter. To do this, first, we detect the movement area of mobile object by using RGB color model and extract the feature vectors of the input image by using the KLT-algorithm. And then, we get the first feature vectors by matching extracted feature vectors to the detected movement area. Second, we detect new movement area of the mobile objects by using RGB and HSI color model, and get the new feature vectors by applying the new feature vectors to the snake algorithm. And then, we find the second feature vectors by applying the second feature vectors to new movement area. So, we design the mobile object tracking algorithm by applying the second feature vectors to particle filter. Finally, we validate the applicability of the proposed method through the experience in a complex environment.

Moving Object Tracking Using Co-occurrence Features of Objects (이동 물체의 상호 발생 특징정보를 이용한 동영상에서의 이동물체 추적)

  • Kim, Seongdong;Seongah Chin;Moonwon Choo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose an object tracking system which can be convinced of moving area shaped on objects through color sequential images, decided moving directions of foot messengers or vehicles of image sequences. In static camera, we suggests a new evaluating method extracting co-occurrence matrix with feature vectors of RGB after analyzing and blocking difference images, which is accessed to field of camera view for motion. They are energy, entropy, contrast, maximum probability, inverse difference moment, and correlation of RGB color vectors. we describe how to analyze and compute corresponding relations of objects between adjacent frames. In the clustering, we apply an algorithm of FCM(fuzzy c means) to analyze matching and clustering problems of adjacent frames of the featured vectors, energy and entropy, gotten from previous phase. In the matching phase, we also propose a method to know correspondence relation that can track motion each objects by clustering with similar area, compute object centers and cluster around them in case of same objects based on membership function of motion area of adjacent frames.

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Face Region Tracking Improvement and Hardware Implementation for AF(Auto Focusing) Using Face to ROI (얼굴을 관심 영역으로 사용하는 자동 초점을 위한 얼굴 영역 추적 향상 방법 및 하드웨어 구현)

  • Jeong, Hyo-Won;Ha, Joo-Young;Han, Hag-Yong;Yang, Hoon-Gee;Kang, Bong-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we proposed a method about improving face tracking efficiency of face detection for AF system using the faces to the ROI. The conventional face detection system detecting faces based skin color uses the ratio of skin pixels of the present frame to detected face regions of the past frame to track the faces. The tracking method is superior in the stability of the regions but it is inferior in the face tracking efficiency. We proposed a face tracking method using the area of the overlapping region in the detected face regions of the past frame and the present frame to improve the tracking efficiency. The proposed face tracking efficiency demonstration was performed by making a film of face detection with face tracking in real-time and using the moving traces of the detected faces.

A Robust Deep Learning based Human Tracking Framework in Crowded Environments (혼잡 환경에서 강인한 딥러닝 기반 인간 추적 프레임워크)

  • Oh, Kyungseok;Kim, Sunghyun;Kim, Jinseop;Lee, Seunghwan
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.336-344
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    • 2021
  • This paper presents a robust deep learning-based human tracking framework in crowded environments. For practical human tracking applications, a target must be robustly tracked even in undetected or overcrowded situations. The proposed framework consists of two parts: robust deep learning-based human detection and tracking while recognizing the aforementioned situations. In the former part, target candidates are detected using Detectron2, which is one of the powerful deep learning tools, and their weights are computed and assigned. Subsequently, a candidate with the highest weight is extracted and is utilized to track the target human using a Kalman filter. If the bounding boxes of the extracted candidate and another candidate are overlapped, it is regarded as a crowded situation. In this situation, the center information of the extracted candidate is compensated using the state estimated prior to the crowded situation. When candidates are not detected from Detectron2, it means that the target is completely occluded and the next state of the target is estimated using the Kalman prediction step only. In two experiments, people wearing the same color clothes and having a similar height roam around the given place by overlapping one another. The average error of the proposed framework was measured and compared with one of the conventional approaches. In the error result, the proposed framework showed its robustness in the crowded environments.

The Modified Block Matching Algorithm for a Hand Tracking of an HCI system (HCI 시스템의 손 추적을 위한 수정 블록 정합 알고리즘)

  • Kim Jin-Ok
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2003
  • A GUI (graphical user interface) has been a dominant platform for HCI (human computer interaction). A GUI - based interaction has made computers simpler and easier to use. The GUI - based interaction, however, does not easily support the range of interaction necessary to meet users' needs that are natural. intuitive, and adaptive. In this paper, the modified BMA (block matching algorithm) is proposed to track a hand in a sequence of an image and to recognize it in each video frame in order to replace a mouse with a pointing device for a virtual reality. The HCI system with 30 frames per second is realized in this paper. The modified BMA is proposed to estimate a position of the hand and segmentation with an orientation of motion and a color distribution of the hand region for real - time processing. The experimental result shows that the modified BMA with the YCbCr (luminance Y, component blue, component red) color coordinate guarantees the real - time processing and the recognition rate. The hand tracking by the modified BMA can be applied to a virtual reclity or a game or an HCI system for the disable.

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