• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color- histogram

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Object-Based Image Retrieval Using Color Adjacency and Clustering Method (컬러 인접성과 클러스터링 기법을 이용한 객체 기반 영상 검색)

  • Lee Hyung-Jin;Park Ki-Tae;Moon Young-Shik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.12B no.1 s.97
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes an object-based image retrieval scheme using color adjacency and clustering method. Color adjacency features in boundary regions are utilized to extract candidate blocks of interest from image database and a clustering method is used to extract the regions of interest(ROI) from candidate blocks of interest. To measure the similarity between the query and database images, the histogram intersection technique is used. The color pair information used in the proposed method is robust against translation, rotation, and scaling. Consequently, experimental results have shown that the proposed scheme is superior to existing methods in terms of ANMRR.

The Flame Color Analysis of Color Models for Fire Detection (화재검출을 위한 컬러모델의 화염색상 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sul;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.52-57
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    • 2013
  • This paper describes the color comparison analysis of flame in each standard color model in order to propose the optimal color model for image processing based flame detection algorithm. Histogram intersection values were used to analyze the separation characteristics between color of flame and color of non-flame in each standard color model which are RGB, YCbCr, CIE Lab, HSV. Histogram intersection value in each color model and components is evaluated for objective comparison. The analyzed result shows that YCbCr color model is the most suitable for flame detection by average HI value of 0.0575. Among the 12 components of standard color models, each Cb, R, Cr component has respectively HI value of 0.0433, 0.0526, 0.0567 and they have shown the best flame separation characteristics.

A Correction of Color Temperature and Consistency for 3D Stereoscopic Images (3D 입체영상을 위한 색온도와 색 일치 보정)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yeop;Kim, Sang-Hyun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.18B no.3
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2011
  • The color correction is the important process of influencing on the picture quality of the 3D stereoscopic images. Existing colorcorrecting methods handle the processing intensifying a correspondence among a left and right image using a histogram based on any one side. In case of color correction based on a histogram, it is difficult to correct tone of image, because the color temperature is not converted enough. And in this paper, the color temperature correction and color consistency correction is proposed without using histogram. The proposed color correction method by color temperature gives 3 in CIE-${\Delta}E$ for each pixel on the images captured with same illuminants and the conventional gives similar results. For color consistency, the proposed gives 9 in CIE-${\Delta}E$ on the images captured with different illuminants while the conventional gives 18. The proposed method shows better results than the conventional in color consistency processing.

Object Tracking using Color Histogram and CNN Model (컬러 히스토그램과 CNN 모델을 이용한 객체 추적)

  • Park, Sung-Jun;Baek, Joong-Hwan
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose an object tracking algorithm based on color histogram and convolutional neural network model. In order to increase the tracking accuracy, we synthesize generic object tracking using regression network algorithm which is one of the convolutional neural network model-based tracking algorithms and a mean-shift tracking algorithm which is a color histogram-based algorithm. Both algorithms are classified through support vector machine and designed to select an algorithm with higher tracking accuracy. The mean-shift tracking algorithm tends to move the bounding box to a large range when the object tracking fails, thus we improve the accuracy by limiting the movement distance of the bounding box. Also, we improve the performance by initializing the tracking start positions of the two algorithms based on the average brightness and the histogram similarity. As a result, the overall accuracy of the proposed algorithm is 1.6% better than the existing generic object tracking using regression network algorithm.

Color Image Enhancement Using Local Area Histogram Equalization On Segmented Regions Via Watershed Transform

  • Lertpokanont, B.;Chitwong, S.;Cheevasuvit, F.;Dejhan, K.
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.192-194
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    • 2003
  • Since the details in quasi-homogeneous region will be destroyed from the conventional global image enhancement method such as histogram equalization. This defect is caused by the saturation of gray level in equalization process. So the local histogram equalization for each quasi-homogeneous region will be used in order to improve the details in the region itself. To obtain the quasi- homogeneous regions, the original image must be segmented. Here we applied the watershed transform to the interesting image. Since the watershed transform is based on mathematical morphology, therefore, the regions touch can be effectively separated. Hence two adjacent regions which have the similar gray pixels will be split off. The process will be independently applied to three different spectral images. Then three different colors are assigned to each processed image in order to produce a color composite image. By the proposed algorithm, the result image shows the better perception on image details. Therefore, the high efficiency of image classification can be obtained by using this color image.

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Video System for Real-time Criminal Activity Detection (실시간 범죄행위 감지를 위한 영상시스템)

  • Shin, Kwang-seong;Shin, Seong-yoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.357-358
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    • 2021
  • Although many people watch the scene with multiple surveillance cameras, it is difficult to ensure that immediate action can be taken in the event of a crime. Therefore, there is a need for a "crime behavior detection system" that can analyze images in real time from multiple surveillance cameras installed in elevators, call immediate crime alerts, and track crime scenes and times effectively. In this paper, a study was conducted to detect violent scenes occurring in elevators using Scene Change Detection. For effective detection, an x2-color histogram combining color histogram and histogram was applied.

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An Empirical Evaluation of Color Distribution Descriptor for Image Search (이미지 검색을 위한 칼라 분포 기술자의 성능 평가)

  • Lee, Choon-Sang;Lee, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Young-Seop;Rhee, Sang-Burm
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.5 no.2 s.15
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2006
  • As more and more digital images are made by various applications, image retrieval becomes a primary concern in technology of multimedia. This paper presents color based descriptor that uses information of color distribution in color images which is the most basic element for image search and performance of proposed visual feature is evaluated through the simulation. In designing the image search descriptor used color histogram, HSV, Daubechies 9/7 and 2 level wavelet decomposition provide better results than other parameters in terms of computational time and performances. Also histogram quadratic matrix outperforms the sum of absolute difference in similarity measurements, but spends more than 60 computational times.

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A Gray Image to Pseudocoloring Conversion and Enhancement Using FWT and CIT (FWT-CIT를 적용한 그레이 영상의 의사컬러 변환 및 향상)

  • Ryu Kwang-ryol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.1464-1468
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    • 2004
  • The color conversion and color enhancement on gray image is presented in this paper. The pseudocoloring for RCB color components extraction from gray image is used the 2D U(Fast Wavelet Transform) for fille. bank and re-array. The each post processing is used the median filtering for noise reduction and the discrete color histogram equalization for CIT(Color Intensity Transformation). The experiment result has enhanced pseudocoloring image as PSNR 30dB over compared the processing of normal wavelet transform.

Object Modeling with Color Arrangement for Region-Based Tracking

  • Kim, Dae-Hwan;Jung, Seung-Won;Suryanto, Suryanto;Lee, Seung-Jun;Kim, Hyo-Kak;Ko, Sung-Jea
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.399-409
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a new color histogram model for object tracking. The proposed model incorporates the color arrangement of the target that encodes the relative spatial distribution of the colors inside the object. Using the color arrangement, we can determine which color bin is more reliable for tracking. Based on the proposed color histogram model, we derive a mean shift framework using a modified Bhattacharyya distance. In addition, we present a method of updating an object scale and a target model to cope with changes in the target appearance. Unlike conventional mean shift based methods, our algorithm produces satisfactory results even when the object being tracked shares similar colors with the background.

Visual Feature Extraction Technique for Content-Based Image Retrieval

  • Park, Won-Bae;Song, Young-Jun;Kwon, Heak-Bong;Ahn, Jae-Hyeong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.1671-1679
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    • 2004
  • This study has proposed visual-feature extraction methods for each band in wavelet domain with both spatial frequency features and multi resolution features. In addition, it has brought forward similarity measurement method using fuzzy theory and new color feature expression method taking advantage of the frequency of the same color after color quantization for reducing quantization error, a disadvantage of the existing color histogram intersection method. Experiments are performed on a database containing 1,000 color images. The proposed method gives better performance than the conventional method in both objective and subjective performance evaluation.

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