• Title/Summary/Keyword: Color(Hue)

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Improvement of Calibration Method of Thermochromic Liquid Crystal Reflecting Measurement Angle (측정각도를 고려한 액정교정기법의 개선)

  • Yoon, Soon-Hyun;Sim, Jae-Kyung;Woo, Chang-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.188-194
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    • 2000
  • Thermochromic liquid crystal reflect a unique color at even temperature. Therefore, they have been successfully applied to non-intrusive heat transfer research. Hue capturing method is widely used in the quantitative measurement from the TLC image. However it is affected by several measurement conditions. The distances of camera and light source have little influence on the color, but the value of hue is seriously affected by the measurement angle. In this study, the hue capturing method is improved by considering the effect of measurement angle. This improved calibration method can diminish the misreading of temperature caused by curvature of test surface.

Hue-assisted automatic registration of color point clouds

  • Men, Hao;Pochiraju, Kishore
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes a variant of the extended Gaussian image based registration algorithm for point clouds with surface color information. The method correlates the distributions of surface normals for rotational alignment and grid occupancy for translational alignment with hue filters applied during the construction of surface normal histograms and occupancy grids. In this method, the size of the point cloud is reduced with a hue-based down sampling that is independent of the point sample density or local geometry. Experimental results show that use of the hue filters increases the registration speed and improves the registration accuracy. Coarse rigid transformations determined in this step enable fine alignment with dense, unfiltered point clouds or using Iterative Common Point (ICP) alignment techniques.

A Study on Coordination Image of Korean city woman's Face Color (5YR 7/3) and Clothes Colors (한국도시여성의 얼굴색과 의복색과의 배색이미지에 관한 연구)

  • 이정옥
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.168-180
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of present study was to examine how each clothes colors on the basis of 5YR 7/3 face color affect clothes colors images as follows : (1) what general consciousness of clothes colors in, (2) how the impression of the harmony of 5YR 7/3 face color and clothes colors is, (3) when we divide clothes colors according to the property of colors- chromatic color and achromatic color, cool color.neutral color.warm color, in tone, in color colume- if there is the difference of visual evaluation, (4) image analysis of 45 clothes colors with the view of each kind of adjectives. The result of this study is as the following: 1. As a result of the analysis of general consciousness on clothes colors, when subjects chose clothes, they most considered colors and they also considered their face colors. They would choose the color of clothes, which were becoming to their having clothes colors or their face colors when they bought clothes. 2. The impressions of coordination of 5YR 7/3 face color and clothes colors consisted of three dimensions - evaluation, activity and harmony. 3. It was known that as a result of the analysis of visual evalutional differences according to dividing the clothes colors by property of colors, there were such notable differences that they might effect the coordination images of face color and clothes colors differently. 4. After arranging 45 clothes colors on the graphs in 17 adjectives, gethering them thogether in each dimension and as the result of the analysis in the evaluation dimension, estimation of yellow, light green column were low and that of achromatic colors were high. That is, it was known that the evalution dimension was concerned with hue of the color properties. In activity dimension, there were different image according to each adjectives. That is, it was known that the evalution dimension was concerned with hue of the color properties. In activity dimension, there were different image according to each adjectives. That is, it was known that the activity demension was concerned with value and chroma of the color properties. In harmony dimension, achromatic columm was high and yellow, green yellow, vivid green columm were low in harmony. That is, it was known that the harmony demension was concerned with hue of the color properties.

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Healing Function Evaluation of Color Samples from the Healthcare Environmental Color Index - A Cross-cultural Comparison Study on Korean and Romanian users

  • Ardelean, Ioana;Oh, Jiyoung;Park, Heykyung
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.131-141
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    • 2021
  • The present study is following a series of research investigations on design resources coming from collected data referring to users' awareness and preferences. The aim of this research is to test the Healthcare Environmental Color Index as a basis for practitioners in the field of healthcare design. An array of color samples selected from previous research, have been presented to the respondents via an online survey, in order to identify the preferences of the two groups on the relation between environmental color and health. As a result of the first experiment and through the comparison of processed data, the maximum percentage of respondents from each group is validating the relation between environmental color and health. For the second experiment we intend to highlight the patterns of color preferences for each group, and thus to test the color samples healing function. The compared data also showed a higher awareness of Koreans than Romanians on the potential of color applied to healing environment. Last but not least in the third experiment we show the top five color samples preferred by each group. It is significant that the comparison of the results validated once more some of our previous findings related to the healthcare environment, such as: the general preference for the green hue (associated to fatigue relax according to color psychology) and the blue hue (sedation release effect) but also the yellow hue - associated to bright energy. Three out of the top five preferred color samples have been identical to both groups while the other two samples have shown characteristic variations. These results show that similarities are strong and can be used in a glocal design strategy as an accessible tool for any practitioner. Based on the Healthcare Environmental Color Index and users' preferences analysis, a new design culture for healthcare can be established and developed.

Extraction of figures and characters with the aid of color discrimination

  • Sakai, Y.;Kitazawa, M.;Kuo, Y.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.303-306
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    • 1995
  • The present paper deals with extraction of figures and characters from their background using the knowledge of color. At each pixel of the image on the CRT sent from a video camera, RGB values are transformed into the values in another color system, HSI, where "H" denotes hue;"S" denotes saturation;"I" denotes intensity. Representing color in HSI color space is advantageous, since a human feels color mainly in hue with the aid of brightness and purity. Comparing HSI data thus obtained with the masked original image detects noise-free edges included in the orginal image. Then setting a set of HSI thresholds and changing it identifies the portion of image of the same color. This color information is used in recongnizing characters and figures as an auxiliary system of a hierachical figure categorization method for characters and figures recognition.cters and figures recognition.

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Analysis of Color Library for Silk Fabrics Using Commercial Natural Dye Powders -Focusing on Hue/Tone Characteristics- (국내외 시판 천연염료를 활용한 실크 직물의 색채 라이브러리 분석 -색상/톤 특성을 중심으로-)

  • Yang, Young-Ae;Sarmandakh, Badmaanyambuu;Cho, Ju-Yeon;Yi, Eun-Jou
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.804-816
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    • 2009
  • This study was aimed to analyze color characteristics of silk fabrics dyed with a variety of commercial natural dyes focusing on hue/tone system. Using eleven different natural dyes, single and sequential dyeing were performed under a variety of conditions of dye bath concentration, mordanting, and dyeing sequences. Color characteristics of dyed silk fabrics were investigated by Munsell's color notation of H V/C and PCCS (Practical Color Coordination System) tones. As results, most of yellowish natural dyes as principal shades in natural dyeing showed Y or YR for hue families while d, ltg, and g for tone, which agrees with colors frequently used in comtemporary apparel industries. As for single dyeing, some hues like R, RP, G, GY, and BG were found to have their own tones owing to the used natural dyes. For varying hues in natural dyeing, sequential dyeing is useful in that GY, G, and BG rarely appeared in single dyeing were frequently shown in sequential dyeing by combination of some dyes. In the other hands, mordanting may be employed for tone variation in that aluminum seemed to contribute to light and dull tones, copper to dull, and ferrum to garyish and dark ones. These results can be helpful to design colors for fashion fields by natural dyeing.

Vehicle tracking algorithm using the hue transform in HIS color model (HIS 칼라모델에서 색상 변환을 이용한 자동차 추적 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Joo-Shin
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, vehicle tracking algorithm using hue transformation in HIS color model is proposed. the proposed algorithm is installed on the road of the two horizontal virtual data sampling lines. The difference images are detected between the frame and the frame, respectively and also detected in the vehicle by using the hue color distribution to determine identity and lane changes. To examine the effectiveness of proposed algorithm, identification and velocity measurement for driving vehicle are evaluated. this evaluated results is shown by hue data of vehicle passing of two virtual data sample lines, and the velocity measurement for driving vehicle is less than 0.4% comparing with existing vehicle speed meter system.

Estimation of the Light Intensity by Using Bright-Chip LED Sensory System (고휘도 발광 Chip 소자를 이용한 빛의 명암도 분석)

  • Choi, Ju-Hyeon;Kim, Ji-Sun;Jung, Gu-In;Lee, Tae-Hee;Kim, A-Hee;Oh, Han-Byeol;Park, Hee-Jung;Kim, Kyung-Seop;Jun, Jae-Hoon
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.62 no.9
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    • pp.1290-1296
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    • 2013
  • The light intensity which represents the relative amount of brightness and darkness is very important feature to discern the color hue and its relevant information. With this aim, we devise a new optical system and method to analyze the light intensity. Our suggested system including a phototransistor and white-high-brightness chip light-emitting diode intend estimate the contrast value utilizing Image Research Institute(I.R.I.) Hue & Tone samples which includes 120 color sheets arranged by the color hue and tone. As a result, we confirmed that the brightness of the color checker can be accurately estimated by a high-brightness light-emitting-diode optical system.

The Design an Implementation of Content-based Image Retrieval System Using Color Features (칼라 특징을 이용한 내용기반 화상검색시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • 정원일;박정찬;최기호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.33B no.6
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 1996
  • A content-based image retrieval system is designed and implemetned using the color featurees which are histogram intersection and color pairs. The preprocessor for the image retrieval manage linearly the existing HSI(hue, saturation, saturation, intensity). Hue and intensity histogram thresholding for each color attribute is performed to split the chromatic and achromatic regions respectively. Grouping te indexes produced by the histogram intersection is used to save the retrieval times. Each image is divided into the cells of 32$\times$32 pixels, and color pairs are used to represent the query during retrievals. The recall/precision of histogram intersection is 0.621/0.663 and recall/precision of color pairs is 0.438/0.536. And recall/precision of proposed method is 0.765/0.775/. It is shown that the proposed method using histogram intersection and color pairs improves the retrieval rates.

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Adaptive Saturation Enhancement Algorithm on Normalized YCbCr color space (Normalized YCbCr 색 공간에서의 적응적 채도 향상 방법)

  • 옥현욱;최원희;김창용
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.385-388
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a new saturation enhancement algorithm which is processed on the new color space, called Normalized YCbCr(NYCbCr). The algorithm consists of two processing unit. One is color space conversion from YCbCr to NYCbCr, and the other is using adaptive saturation mapping function(ASMF). NYCbCr color space is designed to prevent shortcomings such as luminance and hue shift of YCbCr color space and by saturation enhancement. ASMF is effective to enhance saturation properly for each image and to protect low saturation regions of color images from over-saturation. we verified our method using several color images. Experimental results show that the proposed method enhance the saturation with minimizing Luminance and Hue shift.

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