• Title/Summary/Keyword: Collision Response

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Sensitivity of SNF transport cask response to uncertainty in properties of wood inside the impact limiter under drop accident conditions

  • Lee, Eun-ho;Ra, ChiWoong;Roh, Hyungyu;Lee, Sang-Jeong;Park, No-Choel
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.10
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    • pp.3766-3777
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    • 2022
  • It is essential to ensure the safety of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) transport cask in drop situation that is included in transport accident scenarios. The safety of the drop situation is affected by the impact absorption performance of impact limiters. Therefore, when designing an impact limiter, the uncertainty in the material properties that affect the impact absorption performance must be considered. In this study, the material properties of the wood inside the impact limiter were selected as the variables for a parametric study. The sensitivity analysis of the drop response of the SNF transport cask with impact limiter was performed. The minimum wood strength required to prevent a direct collision between the cask and floor was derived from the analysis results. In addition, the plastic strain response was analyzed and strain-based evaluation was performed. Based on this result, the critical values of wood properties that change the impact dynamic characteristics were investigated. Finally, the optimal material properties of wood were obtained to secure the structural safety of the SNF transport cask. The results of this study can contribute to the development of SNF transport cask, thereby ensuring safety in transport accident conditions.

Small-Scaled Laboratory Experiments for Dynamic Stability Monitoring of Large Circular Steel Pipe Cofferdam of Marine Bridge Foundation (해상교량기초용 대형원형강관 가물막이의 동적 안정성 모니터링을 위한 실내모형실험)

  • Park, Min-Chul;Lee, Jong-Sub;Kim, Dongho;Yu, Jung-Doung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.12
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2019
  • This study presents dynamic responses of circular pipe models as a part of fundamental studies on dynamic stability monitoring of the large circular steel pipe cofferdam with the ship collision. Small-scaled laboratory experiments are performed with a single and bolted circular steel pipes with a diameter, thickness, and height of 30, 0.4, 90 cm, respectively. The bolted circular steel pipe is configured with three segments of 30 cm in height. Circular steel pipe models are embedded in a soil tank, all 1 m in length, width, and height. The thickness of soil in the soil tank is set at 23 cm. The ship collision is simulated with a hammer impacting. The dynamic responses are investigated with different water levels of 25, 40, 55, and 70 cm. Experimental results show that a signal energy decreases with increasing water level. More sensitive reduction in the energy appears for the bolted circular steel pipe. A predominant frequency decreases with increasing water level for both single and bolted steel pipes. The minor reduction in the frequency appears for the bolted circular steel pipe under the water level of 70 cm. This study suggests that the signal energy and frequency response is useful for the dynamic stability monitoring of the large circular steel pipe cofferdam.

Laboratory Experiments for Evaluating Dynamic Response of Small-scaled Circular Steel Pipe (실내 실험을 통한 소형 모형 원형 강관의 동적 반응 평가)

  • Song, Jung Uk;Lee, Jong-Sub;Park, Min-Chul;Byun, Yong-Hoon;Yu, Jung-Doung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2018
  • For a marine bridge foundation construction, a large-circular-steel-pipe has been proposed for supporting vertical load and preventing water infiltration. However, a ship collision can adversely affect the structural stability. This paper presents a fundamental study on dynamic responses of the large-circular-steel-pipe by an impact load. In laboratory experiments, small-scaled steel pipe is installed in a soil tank. The soil height and water level are set to 23 cm and 25~70 cm, respectively. The upper part of the steel pipe is impacted using a hammer to simulate the ship collision. The dynamic responses are measured using accelerometers and strain gauges. Experimental results show that the strain decreases as the measured location is lowered. The higher frequency components appear in the impact load condition compared to the microtremor condition. However, the higher frequency components measured at the strain gauge located below the water level do not appear. For the accelerometer signal, the maximum frequency under the impact load is higher than that of the microtremor. The maximum frequency decreases as water level increases but it is larger than the maximum frequency of the microtremor. This study shows that strain gauge and accelerometer can be useful for evaluating the dynamic responses of large-circular-steel-pipes.

Multi channel reservation scheme for underwater sensor network (수중 센서 네트워크에서 다중 채널 예약방법)

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Kim, Sun-Myeng
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.336-339
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    • 2011
  • In the RTLS(Real Time Location Based System), in case of existing a number of moving target, extremely complecated data flow is can be occurred. In the network where single gateway exists, various data which was collected from sensor node is transmitted along the simple route as time goes by. In case of multi-gateway configuration, the collected data is transmitted through diverse routes rather than simple route. This kind of data causes jams on nodes and this brings down the performance of the network. Different from existing studies, in this thesis, MAC (Media Access Control) protocol which minimizes data collision between nodes and guarantees QoS(Quality of Service) is suggested, in order to communicate efficiently in multi-gateway underwater sensor network environment. In the suggested protocol, source node which wants to transmit data makes a channel reservation to a number of destination node using a RTS packet. Source node reserves a channel without collision, by scheduling CTS response time using expected delay information from neighbor nodes. Once the reservation is made, source node transmit data packet without collision. This protocol analyzes/estimates the performance compared to a method provided from existing studies via simulation. As a results of the analysis, it was comfirmed that the suggested method has better performance, such as efficiency and delay.

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해상풍속측정용 마스트의 충격해석에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Gang-Su;Kim, Man-Eung;Son, Chung-Ryeol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.108-108
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    • 2009
  • The main object of this research is to minimize the shock effects which frequently result in fatal damage in wind met mast on impact of barge. The collision between wind met mast and barge is generally a complex problem and it is often not practical to perform rigorous finite element analyses to include all effects and sequences during the collision. LS-dyna generally purpose explicit finite element code, which is a product of ANSYS software, is used to model and analyze the non-linear response of the met mast due to barge collision. A significant part of the collision energy is dissipated as strain energy and except for global deformation modes, the contribution from elastic straining can normally be neglected. On applying impact force of a barge to wind met mast, the maximum acceleration, internal energy and plastic strain were calculated for each load cases using the finite element method and then compare it, varying to the velocity of barge, with one varying to the thickness of rubber fender conditions. Hence, we restrict the present research mainly to the wind met mast and also parametric study has been carried out with various velocities of barge, thickness of wind met mast, thickness and Mooney-Rivlin coefficient of rubber fender with experimental data. The equation of motion of the wind met mast is derived under the assumption that it was ignored vertical movement effect of barge on sea water. Such an analyzing method which was developed so far, make it possible to determine the proper size and material properties of rubber fender and the optimal moving conditions of barge, and finally, application method can be suggested in designing process of rubber fender considering barge impact.

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  • Choi, Sung-Min;Oh, Seung-Tak;Park, Sang-Il;Kim, Sung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09c
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2010
  • The Incheon Bridge, which was opened to the traffic in October 2009, is an 18.4 km long sea-crossing bridge connecting the Incheon International Airport with the expressway networks around the Seoul metropolitan area by way of Songdo District of Incheon City. This bridge is an integration of several special featured bridges and the major part of the bridge consists of cable-stayed spans. This marine cable-stayed bridge has a main span of 800 m wide to cross the vessel navigation channel in and out of the Incheon Port. In waterways where ship collision is anticipated, bridges shall be designed to resist ship impact forces, and/or, adequately protected by ship impact protection (SIP) systems. For the Incheon Bridge, large diameter circular dolphins as SIP were made at 44 locations of the both side of the main span around the piers of the cable-stayed bridge span. This world's largest dolphin-type SIP system protects the bridge against the collision with 100,000 DWT tanker navigating the channel with speed of 10 knots. Diameter of the dolphin is up to 25 m. Vessel collision risk was assessed by probability based analysis with AASHTO Method-II. The annual frequency of bridge collapse through the risk analysis for 71,370 cases of the impact scenario was less than $0.5{\times}10^{-4}$ and satisfies design requirements. The dolphin is the circular sheet pile structure filled with crushed rock and closed at the top with a robust concrete cap. The structural design was performed with numerical analyses of which constitutional model was verified by the physical model experiment using the geo-centrifugal testing equipment. 3D non-linear finite element models were used to analyze the structural response and energy-dissipating capability of dolphins which were deeply embedded in the seabed. The dolphin structure secures external stability and internal stability for ordinary loads such as wave and current pressure. Considering failure mechanism, stability assessment was performed for the strength limit state and service limit state of the dolphins. The friction angle of the crushed stone as a filling material was reduced to $38^{\circ}$ considering the possibility of contracting behavior as the impact.

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A Study on the Improvement of Salvage Procedures through the Collision Accident of Ships (충돌사고 사례분석을 통한 구난시스템 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Chang-Hyun;Nam, Taek-Kun;Jeong, Jung-Sik
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.851-856
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    • 2012
  • There has been increasing the possibility of occurring the marine accident and become bigger the extent of damage with the growing number and high speed of ships. Also, there were tremendous loss of lives and properties in accidents of Hebei spirit in 2007 and Cheon Ahan war ship in 2010 with the insufficient salvage response and the lack of emergency response systems. When a ship has suffered an incident, the best way of preventing damage or pollution from its progressive deterioration would be to providing a place of refuge and to repair the damage rapidly. Therefore, it was examined the recent collision accident broken out near the Nam-Hae, and then suggested that it was necessary to be improved of the domestic salvage systems. It requires the procedures of providing a place of refuge, and the towing support system which make the damaged ship moved to the safe area, and joining of the ISU.

Effect of earthquake induced-pounding on the response of four adjacent buildings in series

  • Elwardany, Hytham;Mosa, Beshoy;Khedr, M. Diaa Eldin;Seleemah, Ayman
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.83 no.2
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2022
  • Structural pounding due to strong seismic excitations can result in severe damage or even collapse of colliding structures. Many researchers focused on studying the mutual pounding between two adjacent structures while very few researches were concerned with the pounding of a series of structures. This paper aims to study the pounding effect on a series of four buildings having different natural frequencies. The paper also investigates the effect of different arrangements of the four buildings on their pounding response. For this, a mathematical model was constructed using Matlab code where, pounding was modeled using a contact force-based approach. A Non-Linear viscoelastic (Hertzdamp) contact element was used and activated only during the approach period of collision. The mathematical model was validated by comparing its prediction versus experimental results on three adjacent buildings. Then the model was used to study the pounding between four adjacent structures arranged in different sequences according to their natural frequencies. The results revealed that increasing the gap distance generally led to decrease the peak responses of the towers. Such response is somehow different from that predicted earlier by the authors for the case of three adjacent buildings. Moreover, the arrangement of towers has a significant effect on their pounding response. Significant difference between the natural frequencies of adjacent structures increases the pounding forces especially when the more flexible buildings are located at the outer edge of the series. The study points out the need for further researches on buildings in series to gain a better understanding of such complex phenomena.

Coupled foot-shoe-ground interaction model to assess landing impact transfer characteristics to ground condition

  • Kim, S.H.;Cho, J.R.;Choi, J.H.;Ryu, S.H.;Jeong, W.B.
    • Interaction and multiscale mechanics
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 2012
  • This paper investigates the effects of sports ground materials on the transfer characteristics of the landing impact force using a coupled foot-shoe-ground interaction model. The impact force resulting from the collision between the sports shoe and the ground is partially dissipated, but the remaining portion transfers to the human body via the lower extremity. However, since the landing impact force is strongly influenced by the sports ground material we consider four different sports grounds, asphalt, urethane, clay and wood. We use a fully coupled 3-D foot-shoe-ground interaction model and we construct the multi-layered composite ground models. Through the numerical simulation, the landing impact characteristics such as the ground reaction force (GRF), the acceleration transfer and the frequency response characteristics are investigated for four different sports grounds. It was found that the risk of injury, associated with the landing impact, was reduced as the ground material changes from asphalt to wood, from the fact that both the peak vertical acceleration and the central frequency monotonically decrease from asphalt to wood. As well, it was found that most of the impact acceleration and frequency was dissipated at the heel, then not much changed from the ankle to the knee.

Compliant Ultrasound Proximity Sensor for the Safe Operation of Human Friendly Robots Integrated with Tactile Sensing Capability

  • Cho, Il-Joo;Lee, Hyung-Kew;Chang, Sun-Il;Yoon, Euisik
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 2017
  • The robot proximity and tactile sensors can be categorized into two groups: grip sensors and safety sensors. They have different performance requirements. The safety sensor should have long proximity range and fast response in order to secure enough response time before colliding with ambient objects. As for the tactile sensing function, the safety sensor need to be fast and compliant to mitigate the impact from a collision. In order to meet these requirements, we proposed and demonstrated a compliant integrated safety sensor suitable to human-friendly robots. An ultrasonic proximity sensor and a piezoelectric tactile sensor made of PVDF films have been integrated in a compliant PDMS structure. The implemented sensor demonstrated the maximum proximity range of 35 cm. The directional tolerance for 30 cm detection range was about ${\pm}15^{\circ}$ from the normal axis. The integrated PVDF tactile sensor was able to detect various impacts of up to 20 N in a controlled experimental setup.