• Title/Summary/Keyword: Co catalyst metal

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Characteristics of methane reforming with carbon dioxide using transition metal catalyts (전이금속 촉매를 이용한 이산화탄소와 메탄의 개질 특성)

  • Jang, Hyun Tae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.644-650
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    • 2021
  • This study characterized the reforming of methane with carbon dioxide, which is a major cause of global warming. The methane decomposition reaction with carbon dioxide was carried out using transition metal catalysts. The reactivity of tin was lower than that of a transition metal, such as nickel and iron. Most of the decomposition reaction occurred in the solid state. The melting point of tin is 505.03 K. Tin reacts in a liquid phase at the reaction temperature and has the advantage of separating carbon produced by the decomposition of methane from the liquid tin catalyst. Therefore, deactivation due to the deposition of carbon in the liquid tin can be prevented. Methane decomposition with carbon dioxide produced carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Ni was used to promote the catalyst performance and enhance the activity of the catalyst and lifetime. In this study, catalysts were synthesized using the excess wet impregnation method. The effect of the reaction temperature, space velocity was measured to calculate the activity of catalysts, such as the activation energy and regeneration of catalysts. The carbon-deposited tin catalyst regeneration temperature was 1023 K. The reactivity was improved using a nickel co-catalyst and a water supply.

Ni Catalyst Properties for Ammonia Reforming: Comparison of Ni Content and Space Velocity (암모니아 개질에 대한 Ni 촉매 특성: Ni 함량과 공간속도 비교)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.464-469
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    • 2021
  • A reforming catalyst for hydrogen production from ammonia is being studied. Non-novel metal based Ni catalysts for use in ammonia reforming processes are being developed. In this study, the ammonia reforming characteristics according to Ni content of the alumina pellet supported catalyst in the mid-temperature region were investigated under different space velocity. 20 Ni and 3,000 h-1 showed the best catalytic activity with ammonia conversion of 63% among all conditions.

An experimental study on methanol decomposition catalysts for long distance-heat transportation (장거리 열수송을 위한 메탄올 분해 촉매에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • 문승현;박성룡;윤형기;윤기준
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.334-342
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    • 1998
  • In this experimental study, methanol was chosen as a system material for a long -distance heat transportation. Not only transition metals but also noble metals were investigated as an active component, and several metal oxides, such as ${\gamma}$-$Al_2$,$O_3$, $SiO_2$, etc. as a support. In general, transition metal catalysts absorbed more heat than noble metal catalysts. The amount of heat absorption and CO selectivity depends on temperature and methanol partial pressure, and 25$0^{\circ}C$ Ni/$SiO_2$ catalyst showed the best result for methanol decomposition reaction.

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Catalytic Oxidation of Methane Using the Manganese Catalysts (망간촉매를 이용한 메탄의 산화반응)

  • Jang, Hyun-Tae;Cha, Wang-Seong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.537-544
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    • 2011
  • This work was conducted to investigate the oxidation characteristics of methane having the highest ignition temperature among the other hydrocarbon gases using transition metal catalysts. The catalyst used for methane oxidation was manganese oxide having a various oxidation number, such as MnO, $MnO_2$, $Mn_2O_3$, $Mn_3O_4$, $Mn_4O_5$. The manganese oxide(MnxOy) catalyst is impregnated on $TiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$ for methane oxidation. To enhanced both of activity and life time of catalysts, Ni and Co was used as a promoter. In this study, various co-catalysts were synthesized by using excess wet impregnation method. The effect of reaction temperature and space velocity was measured to calculate the activity of catalysts such as, activation energy of $T_{50}$, and $T_{90}$. The life time of bi-metallic manganese mixture, such as Mn-Co and Mn-Ni catalysts, were increased more 10 % than manganese oxide catalyst, but activity of those was decreased slightly.

Research on Co- and Mo-Based Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Electrochemical Water Splitting System (전기화학적 물 분해 시스템에서 산소발생반응을 위한 Co와 Mo 기반 촉매의 최근 연구 동향)

  • Junseong Park;Won Suk Jung;Jong Chan Bu
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2023
  • Global warming is getting worse since a dramatic increase in greenhouse gas emissions recently. As a result, the necessity and implementation of carbon neutrality is required more urgently. To do this, among various new and renewable energies, attention in hydrogen arises. Hydrogen as a carbon-free power source is an abundant resource on Earth and is eco-friendly. Eventually, perfectly eco-friendly hydrogen can be obtained through electrolysis of water. However, the catalyst used in the oxygen evolution reaction is rare and expensive, and has a durability issue. Consequently, the development of a non-precious metal catalyst is necessary. In this review paper, we summarize and introduce Co- and Mo- based catalysts among recently announced oxygen evolution catalysts. This will help understand the design of catalyst to increase the activity and durability of non-precious metal catalysts.

Development of Pd/TiO2 Catalysts with La2O3 Addition and Study on the Performance Improvement of H2 Oxidation at Room Temperature (La2O3가 첨가된 Pd/TiO2 촉매의 개발 및 H2 상온산화 반응에서의 성능 향상 연구)

  • Lee, Dong Yoon;Kim, Sung Chul;Lee, Sang Moon;Kim, Sung Su
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.674-678
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a Pd/TiO2 catalyst which oxidized H2 at room temperature without an additional energy source was prepared. And a specific surface area of TiO2 as a support was not proportional to H2 oxidation reaction performance of Pd/TiO2 catalyst. In addition La2O3 was added to Pd/TiO2 catalyst in order to evaluate the performance effect due to the change of catalysts physical properties. A Pd/La2O3-TiO2 was prepared by adding different amounts of La2O3 to TiO2 and CO chemisorption analysis was performed. Compared to the conversion rate (14% at 0.5% H2) of the Pd/TiO2(G) catalyst, the Pd/La2O3-TiO2 catalyst showed 74% which was improved by more than five times. It was found that the larger the metal dispersion of Pd as an active metal is, the more favorable to H2 oxidation reaction is. However, when the added La2O3 amount exceeded 10%, the catalyst performance decreased again. Finally, it was concluded that the physical properties of the Pd/La2O3-TiO2 catalyst have a dominant influence on the catalytic activity until 0.3~0.5% of injected H2 concentrations and the catalyst reaction rate was controlled by substance transfer from 1% or more concentrations of H2.

Steam Reforming of Toluene over Ni/Ru-K/Al2O3 Catalyst (Ni/Ru-K/Al2O3 촉매를 이용한 톨루엔 수증기 개질)

  • Oh, Kun Woong;Park, Seo Yoon;Lee, Jae Goo;Yoon, Sang Jun
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2014
  • The catalytic steam reforming of toluene, a major component of biomass tar, was studied using several catalysts at various temperatures $400-800^{\circ}C$, kind of metal, and metal loading content. Ru and K promoted Ni-base catalyst were prepared, and used for steam reforming of toluene with steam/toluene molar ratio of 25. Concentration of toluene in reactant flow is $30g/Nm^3$ that is usual content of tar from biomass gasifier. The result from experiments showed that $H_2$ content in product gas and toluene conversion increased with temperature. Where in high temperature range, CO and $CO_2$ content in product gas were affected mainly by Boudouard reaction. Ni/Ru-K(3wt%)/$Al_2O_3$ catalyst showed best performance on steam reforming of toluene than used catalysts in this study at whole temperature. Catalysts have been characterized by XRD, TG. XRD analysis displayed that Ni particle size on Ni/Ru-K (3wt%)/$Al_2O_3$ catalyst was 29.4nm. Activation energy of Ni/Ru-K (3wt%)/$Al_2O_3$ catalyst was calculated 36.8kJ/mol by Arrhenius plot.

Redispersion of Sintered PtSn Catalyst by Oxygen Treatment (소결된 백금주석 촉매의 산소 처리에 의한 재분산 연구)

  • Choi, Yi Sun;Kim, Tae hee;Koh, Hyoung Lim
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2022
  • Redispersion of Pt-Sn particles in Pt, PtSn catalyst which have been sintered by high temperature hydrogen reduction was investigated using oxygen treatment with various temperatures. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between the catalytic activity for propane dehydrogenation reaction and the change in the physicochemical properties of the catalyst. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), CO pulse chemisorption, and H2 temperature programmed reduction (H2-TPR) were performed to investigate the state of active metal and interactions between particles of redispersed catalyst. It was confirmed that the dispersion and particle size of platinum, the crystal phase of the catalyst, and the reduction behavior were changed according to the oxygen treatment. As for the catalytic activity in propane dehydrogeantion, sintered PtSn catalyst treated with oxygen at 500 ℃ showed best activity and recovery of initial activity. It was confirm that catalyst after oxygen treatment at 500 ℃ showed high dispersion of Pt and decreased particle size as the results of CO pulse chemisorption and XRD of catalyst, and thus the redispersion of PtSn particles in sintered catalyst was occurred. Catalytic activity was recovered due to redispersion using oxygen treatment, and the activity recovery of the PtSn catalyst was higher than that of Pt catalyst.

Exhaust gas purification characteristics of M-90 fueled SI engine for passenger car (자동차용 M-90 스파크 점화기관의 배기가스 정화특성)

  • 김재휘;홍영표
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 1996
  • With the recent interest in methanol as a SI engine fuel, aldehyde emissions have become a greater concern. A M-90 fueled passenger car was operated in a chassis dynamometer using FTP 75 driving cycle to examine formaldehyde emissions. Formation process of aldehyde and methods to reduce them are discussed in this paper for a SI-engine passenger car operating by M-90. Aldehyde emissions have been found to be 3 to 7 times higher from M-90 than from gasoline, while CO, NOx, THC are as low or lower than gasoline. Noble metal compositions appeared to play a role in formaldehyde and unburned methanol emission performance. For example, catalyst Pd showed better reduction of both formaldehyde and methanol than catalyst Pt. however, emission rates of formaldehyde and methanol for catalyst Pt were relatively similar to catalyst Pt/Rh.

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Preparation and Application of ACFs Derived from the Petroleum Pitch and the Organometallic Compounds

  • Hong, Ik-Pyo;Ha, Baik-Hyon
    • Carbon letters
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2002
  • Activated carbon fibers were prepared from the petroleum isotropic pitch and organometallic compounds. The metalsvwere dispersed uniformly in the ACFs. The specific surface area and pore size distributions of metal containing ACFsvwere measured. The mesopores of ACFs were developed by Co, Ni, and Mn metals addition and the catalytic reactivityvof ACFs'SOx removal was increased by adding Ni and Pd metals. It was found that the mesopores did not work forvthe improvement of catalytic reactivity of ACFs' SOx removal with the blank experiment using the metal removedvACFs.

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