• Title/Summary/Keyword: Clothing material

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Development of the Design of Korean Policewomen's Uniforms (한국(韓國) 여성(女性) 경찰복(警察服) 디자인 개발(開發))

  • Park, Jin-Young;Yang, Sook-Hi
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research focuses mainly on the establishment of: the image of the police that can be adopted to meet the demands of reality through the development of the design of policewomen's uniform in the times that require reestablishment of the image of the police; the image of the police that is appropriate for the organic structure of the society; and the image of the police that cooperate with the citizens. For background research I have considered the police and their uniforms from a theoretical point of view and have examined the process by which Korean policewomen's uniforms have changed. Actual research was carried out policewomen of Seoul Regional Police Station, was conducted and the results were utilized to figure out what the problem was. This research suggests an improvement measure by making four suits of summer and spring-and-autumn work-uniforms, and six suits of spring-andautumn and winter full-dress uniform. First the colors of work-uniforms and full-dress uniforms are not blue, which incites a feeling of coldness and stiffness, but are colors that are feminine and emit warmth---red, ivory, khaki, black, and beige. second pure, natural fiber is difficult to wash and is not an appropriate material for policewomen's uniforms when considering its cost and etc., fabrics that are a mix of synthetic fiber and natural fiber were chosen. Because mixed fabrics are cheaper and their ability to maintain shape is superior to that of natural fiber, mixed fabric is an appropriate material for policewomen's uniforms. third the feminine image of policewomen was considered; therefore, masculine image, which is rigid and strong, was avoided and the image was expressed in a serene and beautiful way. Also slim line was added to the current uniforms to emphasize feminine beauty. The conclusion of this study is that police officers in the 21st century want to be seen as the citizens cane and benevolent volunteers that live together with the citizens, not as suppressive and powerful people.

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Conservation Treatment and Material Analysis of Lacquered Head-wear Excavated in Ulsan Dated to Goryeo Dynasty (울산 출토 고려시대 칠사관모의 보존처리 및 재질분석)

  • Park, Hae Jin;Kwon, Young Suk
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2013
  • Chil-sa head-wear excavated in Buksandong of Ulsan is precious relic with historical, cultural, social and artistic values because it shows head-wear shape at the period of Goryeo dynasty with the invaluable worth in the field of Korean traditional costumes. Also, this excavated head-wear provides the empirical information about Goryeo dynasty which has relatively insufficient remains. The purposes of this study are to recover and maintain the original states of the artifacts from various environmental factors and then to preserve the materials from rapid decomposition. As a result, the original shape of the head-wear from Goryeo dynasty can be conserved and through the material and structure analysis it is found out that the head-wear's surface structure is composed of silk(紗) and the ground structure is made by bamboo(竹絲).

Environment Corresponding Package by Quantitative Mixing System with Functional Inorganic Material and Polyolefin Resin (기능성 무기물과 폴리올레핀계 수지의 정량적 혼합시스템에 의한 환경대응형 포장소재 개발)

  • Kim, Hi-Sam;Lim, Hyun-Ju;Park, Young-Mi
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2009
  • A lot of research has been made over the recent decade to develop testing packages with antimicrobial properties to improve food safety. In this study, a new method, experimental device and technology for environmental corresponding packages of polypropylene (PP) film has been developed to provide effective temperature buffering during the transport/long-term storage of grains or foodstuffs from the supplier to the market. This quantitatively optimized mixing system enabled to produce PP films with the 700$\sim$1,400d (width;1.5$\sim$3mm, thickness;0.01$\sim$0.5mm). In the whole mixing systems, the finely-granulated inorganic illite and PP virgin chip for master batch (M/B) chip was calculated by digital measurement methods, and then the M/B chip for PP film was adapted through a air jet and PP grinding method. The prepared PP film was characterized with tensile strength and elongation, far infrared radiation (FIR) emissivity, antimicrobial activity and deodorization properties. The results revealed that the two differently grain-sized illite could be show homogeneously dispersed on PP chip surface, and as the increasing of illite content, the FIR emissivity and the anion emission rate of film was increasingly improved. In both of 325 and 1,500 mesh-sized illite contained PP chip, of course the antimicrobial activity was good. But the ultimate deodorization rate for ammonia gas of PP film were found to be approximately the same.

Rusty Images Applied Fashion Design - For Digital Textile Printing Method - (녹 이미지를 응용한 의상디자인 - 디지털 텍스타일 프린팅 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Ji-Ill;Lee, Youn-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1003-1016
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to reorganize any rusty image including natural modeling characteristic presented from the natural phenomenon to certain patterns in order to create the fashion design that are valued in the expansion of independently expressional area and modeling art. As a method for research, the author analyzed the concept and characteristic for rust with a base of theoretical background by the documental research and realistic consideration, analyzed its modeling characteristic through domestic and overseas pictures, and e-documents as data, inspected the modeling activities of various categories that various images were adapted related to rust, looked into the concept of Digital Textile Printing and its producing procedure as an expressional method, and analyzed the examples of modern dress and its ornament making use of Digital Textile Printing. The conclusions of this study are as below. First, the rust occurred due to the natural phenomenon is the bond with different material like metal, each unique modeling characteristic occurs and harmony of various patterns has abundant aesthetic value. Second, the author could endowed sensible characteristic and speciality with works and could produce creative fashion design that painting, abstractive pattern and harmony of unique sense of colors are significant by using the image of rust, Third, to emphasize natural feeling of rust, the author could develop creative design that simple silhouette and impressive pattern look significant by reorganizing and applying rust according to repetition, increment, rhythm, contract, emphasis and harmony. Fourth, Digital Textile Printing method is used to induce visual effect by the expression of feels of rust, and the author could express the natural patterns, delicate expression for the feels of a material and unique design of emotion.

Analysis on the design characteristics of blouse for silver generation in domestic and foreign (실버 세대를 위한 국내·외 블라우스에 나타난 디자인 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Da Eun;Lee, Kyoung Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.32-44
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    • 2015
  • Increasing of Korean old women's rate is demographic characteristics attributed an aging society, silver generation would lead to silver fashion market with steady competitiveness and interest in fashion. So the study attempts to use foundation material for silver's fashion design by analyzing design characteristics and processing development of design representative women's top. Selecting brand for collecting photo using study represents a mid- and premium-priced with reference Brand Yearbook. After selecting brand on domestic and foreign I have collected picture from Internet shopping mall and web-site of fashion brand, from October 2013 to July 2014, but I selected 840 pictures based on front poses for easy decision. In order to search design characteristics according to sort of silver blouse design on domestic and foreign. I have examined shape, color, pattern, fabric sensation, inside composition line and decoration with reference standard of analysis in preceding research. Data analysis method was conducted on analysis of frequency and cross analysis using SPSS statistical package 21.0. The conclusion of design characteristic according to type of blouse design for silver, H-silhouette in shirt blouse seems to fit in body transformation and expose silhouette with correcting the body flaw. Using soft material in T-shirt blouse they are able to conceal a body defect and express beautiful silhouette. By using detail in pullover shirt blouse and tunic blouse for point of design, it express glamour and luxurious. Most of blouse are printed various pattern, it would looks more gorgeous using pattern.

The Characteristics of the Fabrics Excavated from the Tomb of Dongrae Jung, Kimhwak's Wife (김확 부인 동래정씨(東萊鄭氏) 묘 출토직물 연구)

  • Cho, Hyo-Sook;Lee, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.8
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    • pp.132-151
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    • 2009
  • All of 132 kinds of fabrics are used in excavated costume from the Dongrae Jung's Tomb. Classified by its materials, it is divided into small groups as follows: 58 pieces of silk tabby 43.9%, 2 of filament silk tabby 1.5%, 14 of thin filament silk tabby 10.6%, 19 of spun yarn silk 14.4%, 4 of twill without a pattern 3.0%, 8 of patterned silk tabby 6.1%, 23 of satin damask 17.4%, 1 of damask with supplementary gold thread 0.8%, 2 of mixture fabric with silk and cotton 1.5%, and 1 of ramie fabric 0.8%. Classified by ways of weaving: 96 pieces of plain weave 73%, 23 of satin weave 17%, 8 of patterned silk tabby consisting of plain weave material and twill weave pattern-6%, 4 of twill weave 3%, and 1 of compound weave 1 %. In point of patterns, the most often used ones are plant patterns such as lotus patterns, peony patterns, plum blossom patterns, flowers representing seasons patterns, and small flower patterns. For animal patterns, it has phoenix patterns designed together with flowers representing seasons patterns. And for natural scenery patterns, it shows cloud patterns with treasures patterns together. For object patterns, it also shows treasures patterns mixed with cloud or lotus together. For geometrical patterns, it has rhomboid patterns and 卍 character patterns; some show only rhomboid patterns and others show material patterns of 卍 character patterns blended together with fruit, lotus, etc.

The Study concerning the Process of Textile Planning for Domestic Textile Converter (국내 소재 컨버터의 소재 기획 프로세스에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Hyosook;Rhee, YoungJu
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper was to figure out the status quo of development of textiles in fashion industry by analyzing through in-depth interview with domestic women's wear converters on the process of textile planning. Professionals in top3 domestic women's wear converters were selected and interviewed in-depth on actual work process of textile development. The result of the research is as follows. First, the interviewed converters were having transactions with entire domestic target market of women's clothing and also exporting to China. Second, production of textile was mostly domestic, with some from China. Third, the number of textile development was 20 - 50 items per season accordingly to size of converter, and the number was larger if taking into account the sourcing development, the special finished fabric development and the print design development. Fourth, for methods to gather information, converters got ideas through overseas exhibitions, overseas color swatch books, fashion-related web sites and market research. Fifth, when setting up direction of textiles, it was investigated that they had motif from in-trend material or on previous season's best-selling material. Sixth, textile planning map did not start from early in season but prefers in-progress board map. Seventh, ways for many method types for textile planning were found depending on sales type of converter and textile production price.

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A study on the perception and design preference of new Hanbok one-piece dress (신한복 원피스에 대한 인식과 디자인 선호도에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, Seungyeun;An, Myungsook;Cha, SuJoung
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.129-142
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to identify the perception of New-Hanbok one-piece dresses that female consumers have purchased and to analyze the design preference based on design types and brands. Analysis was conducted on New-Hanbok brand websites, and additional research was carried out through a survey of 402 women in their 20s and older. The survey consisted of 36 questions, which were divided into categories including pattern, color, material, and recognition of the one-piece dress. The research results are as follows. First, the preferred design form of the New-Hanbok one-piece dress was long length, medium fit, princess line, round git, rectangular git, regular width git, V neckline, regular width dongjeong, front closing with a wide overlap of the chest are a, narrow goreum, a skirt part with moderate crease spacing and number of pleats, A-line skirt silhouette, long and narrow sleeves, diagonal shoulder line, and a cuff at the end of each sleeve. Second, the preferred colors of the New-Hanbok one-piece dress were bright, neutral, or light and were predominately monochromatic Third, the preferred fabric conveyed a contemporary atmosphere through its print pattern. The most favored fabric material was cotton. Through this study, more systematic design development research should be carried out focusing on the current situation and identifying problems, thereby improving traditional culture.

Evaluation of the Shielding Effect of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) on Low-dose Blending Radiation Energy (폴리 염화 비닐(PVC)의 저선량 융합 방사선에너지에 대한 차폐 효과 평가)

  • Kim, Seon-Chil;Cho, Sung-Hyoun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2019
  • PVC was chosen as a plastic product that can cope with lead, a radiation shielding material that is widely used in medical institutions. In addition to radiation shielding clothing, we want to evaluate whether it can be used as a medical device component and industrial shielding material in low dose areas. Commercial PVC has a density of 3.68 g/㎠ and can be positively expected sufficient shielding effect in certain radiation areas such as material flexibility and economy efficiency, and can be transformed into various forms and used as a lightweight shielding wall. The shielding performance was tested by adjusting the thickness of 5 sheets of 3mm PVC in the range of medical radiation used for clinical examination in medical institutions. Shielding performance against effective energy was evaluated based on tube radiation voltage of medical radiation. The thicker the PVC, the lower the tube voltage and the lower the effective energy, the greater the shielding effect. The shielding effect was 70% at 12mm thickness and 80kVp tube voltage. Therefore, the shielding effect of PVC material has a high dependence of thickness. In the future, continuous research is needed to make thin and light eco-friendly products while improving shielding performance.

A Study on the Expansion Methodology of Creative Fashion Design (크리에이티브 패션 디자인의 전개 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kong Mi-Sun;Chae Keum-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.2 s.92
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2005
  • The creative fashion design is the technique which ran be obtained through the structural analysis of the relationship between principle, element-combination and idea-expression. In the research, as the results of theoretical survey of design structure and idea-expression, the structural and subjective designs are classified and defined: a. the structural design is analyzed with the existing examples based on the combinational Idea-expression of the O.C.L method, and b. the subjective design is also analyzed connecting the real examples to Cordon method, Synetic method, Association method, and expansive idea-expression-method obtained by the Experiences of Geometrical Combinations. The research can be summarized as follows: 1. The creative fashion design which emphasizes the geometrical structure utilizes the modification method whirh combines the shapes and constructs extraordinary structural beauty coming from the complex structural principle, that is, emphasis and balance. 2. The creative fashion design which emphasizes specific subjects utilizes the modification method which mimics representative and plastic resemblances and constructs symbolic structural beauty coming from the simple structural principle, that is, material elements.