• Title/Summary/Keyword: Children and Young Adults

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The Guideline of Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Developed by ADHD Translational Research Center (주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 진단 및 치료: ADHD 중개연구센터 가이드라인)

  • Lee, Sumin;Choi, Jae-Won;Kim, Kyoung-Min;Kim, Jun Won;Kim, Sooyeon;Kang, Taewoong;Kim, Johanna Inhyang;Lee, Young Sik;Kim, Bongseog;Han, Doug Hyun;Cheong, Jae Hoon;Lee, Soyoung Irene;Hyun, Gi Jung;Kim, Bung-Nyun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.236-266
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    • 2016
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood psychiatric conditions. In 2007, the Korean Academy of child and Adolescent Psychiatry developed Korean ADHD practice parameter. Advances in the scientific evidence of ADHD caused practice parameter to be modified and updated. The present guidelines developed by ADHD translational research center summarize current literature for the treatment of ADHD in children and adults. This parameter includes the clinical evaluation for ADHD, comorbid conditions associated with ADHD, clinical feature and course, research on the etiology of the disorder, and psychopharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for ADHD.

Changes of Eating Habits of the Residents of Taean, Korea after the Herbei Oil Spill Accident Based on Focus Group Interviews (허베이스피릿호 원유유출 사고 이후 태안주민의 식생활 변화 - 포커스 그룹 면담 결과 -)

  • Park, Ji-Hyun;Kwon, Sung-Ok;Jeong, Woo-Cheol;Huh, Jong-Il;Oh, Se-Young
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.466-472
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    • 2011
  • Hazardous chemicals, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals, are known as being harmful to human health were included in oils released by the Herbei Spirit Oil Spill accident in December 2007. To investigate changes of eating habits by the exposure to harmful substances, we conducted 5 focus group interviews for residents at Taean coast areas, who had experienced the oil spill accident. Participants included 46 women (mean age: $57.2{\pm}10.9$) who were mainly responsible for preparing family meals. Focus group discussions were audio-taped, transcribed and categorized by themes. Participants expressed more frequent illness symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, visual loss, and skin diseases after the accident. They mentioned that their worries about economic hardship and worsened health status since the accident induced mental problems, such as depression about their children. Regarding eating habits, participants reported less intakes of fishes and meats and relatively more intakes of vegetables and kimchi due to the lack of household incomes after the accident. Although the participants had been used to collecting or catching fish or shellfish for their consumption previously, they mainly purchased these foods from local markets after the accident. Changes of eating habits induced by the accident included drinking boiled water and having steamed or fried seafood rather than raw seafood. Changes of food intakes occurred less frequently in older adults due to their longterm fixed eating habits, although they felt uncomfortable for having raw fish. The findings of this study clearly present that the exposure of hazardous substances by the oil spill accident had a significant impact on changes in eating habits besides economic, physical, and mental problems among the residents in Taean. Continuous health and nutrition monitoring and support are needed.

Risk assessment for Soil Contamination Warning Standard and Soil Background Concentration (토양오염 우려기준과 토양 자연배경농도에 대한 위해성평가)

  • Shin, Dong;Park, Seong-Jae;Jo, Young Tae;Bong, Jae-eun;Park, Jeong-Hun
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2021
  • There is domestic Soil Contamination Warning Standard (SCWS) as remediation standard concentration of contaminated soils. No risk should be observed at soil concentration less than SCWS. Therefore, SCWS was evaluated to confirm the risk assessment. Background Concentration of Soil (BGC) and target remediation concentration were also assessed. The results show that Excess Cancer Risk (ECR) of SCWS was the highest in the groundwater intake pathway (Adult: 6.27E-04, Child: 2.81E-04). Total Cancer Risk (TCR) was 7.76E-04 and 4.30E-04 for adult and child, exceeding reference value (10-6). Hazard Quotient (Non-Carcinogenic Risk, HQ) was the highest in the indoor air inhalation pathway (Adult: 3.64E+03, Child: 8.74E+02). Hazard Index (Total Non-Carcinogenic Risk, HI) exceeded reference value 1. ECR of the BGC was the highest in the groundwater intake pathway (Adult: 1.71E-04, Child: 7.67E-05). TCR was 2.12E-04 for adults and 1.17E-04 for children, exceeding the reference value (10-6). HQ was the highest in groundwater intake pathway (Adult: 4.10E-01, Child: 1.84E-01). HI was lower than reference value 1 (Adult: 4.78E-01, Child: 2.50E-01). The heavy metal affecting ECR was Arsenic (As). The remediation-concentration of As was 7.14 mg/kg which is higher than BGC (6.83 mg/kg). TCR of As should be less than reference value (10-6), but it was higher for all of SCWS, BGC and target remediation concentration. Therefore, it is suggested that risk assessment factors should be re-evaluated to fit domestic environmental settings and SCWS should be induced to satisfy the risk assessment.


  • Kim, Kyung-Ho;Ryu, Young-Kyu
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.24 no.3 s.46
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    • pp.673-693
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    • 1994
  • Most adults, unlike growing children, have some periodontal problems which can influence the outcome of the orthodontic treatment. In cases where periodontal disease progression resulted in marked reduction of periodontium, orthodontic treatment could result in the worsening of the periodontal conditions, and therefore orthodontic treatment planning in such adult patients requires special considerations for the periodontal problems. This study investigates the effects of horizontal orthodontic tooth movement on the changes in the mesial, distal and furcation areas of the disease affected periodontium of adult dogs with advanced bone loss. Six adult dogs with healthy periodontium were selected, and mandibular 2nd premolars were extracted. In the mandibular 3rd premolars, angular bony defects in the mesial and distal sides, and horizontal bony defects in the furcation areas were created. Those that received the flap operation and plaque control were designated as the control, those that had horizontal tooth movement without plaque control after the flap operation as Experimental group I, those that had horizontal tooth movement under plaque control without the flap operation as Experimental group II, and those that had horizontal tooth movement under plaque control after the flap operation as Experimental group III. The control group was sacrificed 2 months postoperatively, and the experimental groups were sacrificed 5 months after the initiation of tooth movement. Specimens were histologically analyzed under light microscope. The results were as follows; 1. After the horizontal tooth movements, Experimental group I and II showed angular bony defects in the mesial sides of the roots and the distal side of the furcation areas, which correspond to the pressure sides. 2. After the horizontal tooth movements, Experimental group I and II showed decreased level of alveolar bone crest in the distal sides of the roots, which correspond to the tension sides. 3. Long junctional epithelium in the control group has not been replaced by periodontal connective tissue after the horizontal tooth movements. 4. Limited formation of new bone was observed in the angular bony defects in the mesial and distal aspects of the roots in the control group. 5. Inflammatory cell infiltration in the connective tissue was most severe in the Experimental group I, followed by Experimental group II, III, and the control group in that order. These results seem to indicate that plaque control was the most influencing factor in the alteration of the periodontal tissue after the horizontal tooth movements in the periodontal tissue with alveolar bone defects.

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The Revised Korean Practice Parameter for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (II) - Diagnosis and Assessment - (주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 한국형 치료 권고안 개정안(II) - 진단 및 평가 -)

  • Lee, Moon-Soo;Park, Su-Bin;Kim, Gyung-Mee;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Park, Sangwon;Kim, Yunsin;Lee, Young Sik;Kweon, Yong-sil;Shin, Dongwon
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2017
  • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a highly prevalent, impairing, and comorbid disorder that persists into adulthood. ADHD should be diagnosed in the same manner as other common adult mental health disorders. The three most important components in the comprehensive evaluation of patients with ADHD are the clinical interview, medical examination, and completion and scoring of behavior rating scales. The diagnostic evaluation of ADHD should include questions about the symptoms, family history, prior evaluation and treatment of ADHD, as well as other problems including alcohol and drug use. Screening interviews or rating scales, as well as interviews, should be used. When it is feasible, clinicians may wish to supplement these components of the evaluation with the objective assessments of the ADHD symptoms, such as through psychological tests. These tests are not essential to reaching a diagnosis, however, or to treatment planning, but may yield further information about the presence and severity of cognitive impairments that could be associated with some cases of ADHD. As comorbidity is the rule rather than the exception, clinicians should carefully screen for comorbid disorders as part of a comprehensive assessment of ADHD. To receive a diagnosis of ADHD, the person must be experiencing significant distress or impairment in his or her daily functioning, and must not meet the criteria for other mental disorders which might better account for the observed symptoms, such as mental retardation, autism or other pervasive developmental disorders, mood disorders and anxiety disorders. This report aims to suggest practice guidelines for the assessment and diagnosis of children, adolescents and adults with ADHD in Korea.

Rhabdomyosarcoma Involving Maxillary Sinus and Orbit (상악동과 안와를 침범한 횡문근육종 1례)

  • Oh Yong-Suk;Kang Jin-Hyoung;Han Ji-Youn;Hong Young-Sun;Kim Hoon-Kyo;Lee Kyung-Shik;Kim Dong-Jip;Kim Min-Sik;Cho Seung-Ho;Suh Byung-Do;Yoon Sei-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 1994
  • Soft tissue sarcoma of the head and neck is not frequent neoplasm, accounting for less than 1% of all malignant neoplasm in the region. The histological varieties include osteogenic sarcoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, tenosynovial sarcoma, angiosarcoma and chondrosarcoma. Rhabdomyosarcomas of the head and neck usually occur in children under the age of 10 years (over 70%) and rarely develop in adults over the age of 20 years. The prevalent sites of involvement include the orbit, nasal cavity, external ear, paranasal sinus and soft tissue of mouth and the primary location of tumor is considered to be one of the important prognostic factors. Before the 1960s, when surgical resection was the only method of treatment, the 5-year survival rate was less than 20%, but recently it has been greatly improved by the multimodality treatment, combining surgery with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Here we treated a rhabdomyosarcoma woman with three cycles of high dose chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy. After the, completion of preoperative treatments, successful result of more than partial response was achieved. Three months later total maxillectomy and radical neck dissection was performed. There was no evidence of tumor infiltration in the resected tumor and regional lymphnodes but metastasized tumor cells in cervical lymphnodes were detected. Tumor cell infiltration was also found on the bone marrow biopsy to evaluate the pancytopenia which occurred during postoperative recovery. Two months later she died of secondary bone marrow failure. We think that this multimodality treatment combining pre-operative chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery might play an important role in curative resection and eyeball preservation in patients with rhabdomyosarcoma involving the eyeball.

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A Study of Cooperation between Local Libraries and Local Organizations: Focusing on Multicultural Services (공공도서관과 지역사회기관의 협력에 관한 연구 - 다문화 서비스를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Yeojoo
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.299-324
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the processes and the needs of public library services for multicultural populations based on cooperation between public libraries and local organizations. In-depth interviews with public librarians and officers of local organizations were conducted for this case study. Result shows that cooperation was inevitable because there was not enough library personnel compared to the amount of services they have to provide, and the librarians did not have proper skills to serve the diverse populations. Public libraries were cooperating with many local organizations including the Multicultural Family Support Center. Gatekeepers of ethnic communities were playing important roles in promoting and inviting participants for library programs. Many children and young adults with immigration background gained positive views on reading and libraries after participating library programs based on cooperation between public libraries and local organizations, which was recognized as the best achievement of cooperation by many interviewees. Despite many good results of cooperation, how to get to the majority of diverse populations who are not library users yet is still a question mark. Interviewees for this study all agreed that current library service has limitations and insisted a whole new method to invite immigrants and their families to public libraries should be created.

Verifying the Reliability and Validity of the Yonsei Lifestyle Profile for Adolescents (청소년을 위한 연세 라이프스타일 프로파일(Yonsei Lifestyle Profile)의 신뢰도 및 타당도 연구)

  • Kim, Ah-Ram;Lim, Young-Myoung;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2024
  • Objective : This study aimed to assess the applicability of the Yonsei Lifestyle Profile (YLP), initially developed for adults, for adolescents and verify its reliability and validity. Methods : This study evaluated the reliability and validity of the YLP among 436 middle and high school students in South Korea. The internal consistency of this scale was analyzed using Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown's coefficient. Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson's correlation coefficient with the Korean Youth Physical Activity Questionnaire, the Korean version of the Children and Adolescents Participation Scale, and the Nutrition Quotient for Adolescents. Results : The overall internal consistency of the YLP items demonstrated high reliability, with a Cronbach's α of .811 and Spearman-Brown's coefficient of .779. Significant positive correlations were observed for physical activity (r=.555, p<.01), activity participation (r=.177, p<.01), and dietary habits (r=.633, p<.05), indicating consistent correlations with the related scales. Conclusion : This study analyzed the YLP targeting adolescents and confirmed its high reliability and significant validity in the areas of physical activity, activity participation, and dietary habits. These findings suggest that the YLP can be utilized as a reliable tool for evaluating healthy lifestyles among adolescents.

The Effect of Non-Invasive Sobu(H8) Point Stimulus by 'DONG CHU CHIM' on HRV (동추침(東樞鍼)에 의한 비침습적 소부혈(少府穴) 자극이 심박변이도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Dae-Sun;Han, Chang-Hyun;Park, Soo-Jin;Kwon, Young-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.13 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2007
  • Background : Recently a discussion about Qi including a study about the effect or the theory of acupuncture is getting prevailing in various angles. In most of studies about acupuncture stimulus, 'Filiform acupuncture'(毫鍼) is used. A study about Nine kinds of acupuncture(九鍼), except 'Filiform acupuncture'(毫鍼) has not been reported yet, and there is no study about using a special acupuncture made for controling Qi either. Objectives : 'DONG CHU CHIM' can be used for patients who are scared of a pain because it is a medical Qikong tool and non-invasive stimulus one. To assess a effect of Qikong operation using 'DONG CHU CHIM' objectively, we stimulated non-invasive to Sobu point of 30 normal adults using 'DONG CHU CHIM' and examined the result in the basis of high confirmed and repetitive HRV which is a functional assessment method of the autonomic nervous system. Method : This study has been proceeded in three periods. Total was 35min : 10min for the former and latter period of acupuncture stimulus, l5min for the acupuncture stimulus period. For each period, we measured 5min of 3 times(Stage I, II, III). Result : Comparing the changes of HRV during pre-stimulation and post-stimulation, HRT was significantly reduced, LOGTP, LOGVLF, LOGLF, LF/HF were significantly increased and SDNN, LOGHF were generally increased but did not show any significant changes. So we think that the stimulus of 'DONG CHU CHIM' affects on the sympathetic system and parasympathetic system, it activates the autonomic nervous system, and it makes the inequality of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve to be equal status. Conclusions : We can conclude that the non-invasive stimulus of 'DONG CHU CHIM' can affect significantly to the autonomic nervous system. So it can be used in clinic as a tool of Qikong operation, and it can be also used to weak patients or children because it doesn't give a lot of pain like 'Filiform acupuncture'(毫鍼) compared to invasive stimulus. By the basis of this study, more studies about the effect of 'DONG CHE CHIM' should be done in the future.

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Case of Combined Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis and Acute Invasive Meningococcal Disease (A군 연구균 감염 후 급성 사구체 신염과 동반된 침습성 수막구균감염증 1례)

  • Jeon, Hosang;Hahn, Wonho;Park, Dongkyun;Cha, Sungho
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.126-130
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    • 2004
  • Neisseria meningitidis is a leading cause of meningitis and septicemia in children and young adults. Meningococcemia, the most severe form of infection, represents a part of the various spectrum of the illness, and its clinical manifestations varied from mild fever and occult bacteriemia to fulminant catastrophic events(e.g., sepsis, shock, and death) within a few hours after onset of symptoms. Complement deficiencies, either congenital or acqired, increase the risk for invasive meningococcal disease. Since C3 plays a critical role in the complement cascade, congenital C3 deficiency or conditions that decrease C3(e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus, cirrhosis, nephritis, C3 nephritic factor) increase the risk for invasive disease due to pyogenic bacteria including N. meningitidis. We had experienced a case of meningococcemia and meningococcal meningitis presenting with mild fever, petechiae, and purpura. The patient was a 7-year old male. He had mild fever, vomiting, headache, nuchal rigidity, petechiae and purpura on both lower extremities, which spreaded to the whole body. His blood culture grew Neisseria meningitidis. The diagnosis of meningococcal meningitis was confirmed by examination of cerebrospinal fluid. The clinical symptoms of the illness were improved after treatment of antibiotics(cefotaxime) for 12 days. However the patient had developed generalized edema, microscopic hematuria & proteinuria on the third day after admission. High ASO titer and low serum C3 level were also noted. The microscopic hematuria returned to normal about 2 months after discharge. The C3 level returned to normal range about 3~4 months after discharge. we report a case of combined acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis and acute invasive meningococcal disease with reference review.

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