• Title/Summary/Keyword: Children and Young Adults

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A Study on the Playfulness, Play Beliefs and Rearing Attitude of Mothers with Young Children (유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 놀이성, 놀이신념과 양육태도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the relationships among mothers' playfulness, play beliefs and rearing attitude. The participants were 261 mothers with young children. PSA(Playfulness Scale for Adults), PPBS(Parent Play Beliefs Scale), MBRI(Maternal Behavior Research Instrument) were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by t-test, Pearson's productive correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: First, mothers' rearing attitude varied by mothers' age, employment status, and educational level. Second, there were significant correlations among mothers' playfulness, play beliefs, and rearing attitude. Third, mothers' playfulness and play beliefs were reliable predictors of rearing attitude.

Occurrence of Phthalates in Indoor Dust from Children's Facilities and Apartments in Seoul

  • Kim, Ho-Hyun;Lim, Young-Wook;Yang, Ji-Yeon;Shin, Dong-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.382-391
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    • 2009
  • The aim of the study was to assess the levels in typical central borough of phthalate exposure by monitoring children's facilities (19 kindergartens and 21 elementary schools) and households (17 old apartments and 22 new apartments) via sampling indoor floor dust. A vacuum cleaner specifically prepared for sampling dust was attached to a filter of a vacuum cleaner dust collecting container. During the sample preparation process, containers made of glass were used and analysis was performed using GC-MSD. The mean concentration of DEHP was $412{\mu}g/g$, DnBP was $24{\mu}g/g$, and BBzP was $10{\mu}g/g$ dust. The indoor characteristics including floor, wall materials, years after construction, water leakage history for the past three years, and ventilation were also examined to categorize phthalate esters from the dust samples. From the flooring and wallpaper materials of kindergartens and elementary schools, DEHP in the dust sample appeared at a statistically significant level (p<0.05) when PVC materials were present. DEHP in the indoor dust also increased significantly (p<0.01) during the construction period. The daily intake of DEHP measured from indoor dust was 0.08~$19.7{\mu}g/kg/day$ for children and 0.02~$1.1{\mu}g/kg/day$ for adults (women). The results clearly revealed that phthalate exposure is greater in children than in adults (women) due to the indoor dust.

An Analysis of Reaction Time in the Perception of Korean and English Words Utilizing the E-Prime Program

  • Cha, Kyung-Whan;Youn, Young-Chul;Yu, Hyeon;Shim, Jae-Hwang
    • Speech Sciences
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the researchers evaluate the hypothesis that the reaction time (RT) in the brain is largely dependent on age and gender. The researchers tested English and Korean words using two types: reading as visual stimuli, and listening as auditory stimuli. The E-Prime program installed in functional magnetic resonance imaging (f-MRI) was used. There are 136 Korean subjects in three groups: 30 children (5th and 6th grade elementary school students), 76 young adults (college students), and 30 adults (35-53 years old). In the listening test, the variation for the two languages was different among the three age groups, regardless of gender, whereas the data did not show meaningful differences in the reading test. The findings will provide some meaningful information regarding perception and acquisition of a foreign language.

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In vitro Study on the Antimicrobial Activity of Human Tears with Respect to Age

  • Zahoor, Muhammad;Bahadar, Haji;Ayaz, Muhammad;Khan, Ajmal;Shah, Muhammad Jalat
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2018
  • Lysozyme is present in tears and has the ability to inhibit bacterial growth. In addition, it acts as a physiological scavenger for harmful substances. In the present study, sixteen tear samples from people of different ages were evaluated for their antibacterial spectrum against selected bacterial strains (Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica Typhi). A radial diffusion assay was used to evaluate the antibacterial potential of tear samples. To correlate the antibacterial activities of these tear samples, the concentration of lysozyme in the tear samples was also determined. Ampicillin was used as a standard drug. The zone of inhibition (mm) was used to measure the antibacterial property of the tears. All samples showed good antibacterial activities. The tear samples of children showed antibacterial activities in the range of 4.40~5.00 mm inhibition zones against the selected bacterial strains. The tear samples from the young and adults showed good antibacterial potential with a zone of inhibition in the range of 3.20~4.00 and 4.00~5.50 mm, respectively. The tear samples from the old age group showed inhibition zones from 1.50~5 mm. The adult tear samples showed the maximum inhibition against the selected bacterial strains among all groups. The lysozyme concentration was 1.7 mg/mL, 1.95 mg/mL, 2.13 mg/mL, and 1.76 mg/mL for children, young, adults, and elderly, respectively. In conclusion, the tears from adults have the high inhibition potential. In addition, this data also showed that the lysozyme contents in the tear sample increased with age until 40~42 years.

Two Cases of Infantile Intra-abdominal Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor

  • Kim, Soo-Hong;Cho, Yong Hoon;Kim, Hae Young
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.116-120
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    • 2014
  • Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor (IMT) is rare mesenchymal solid tumor that consists of proliferating myofibroblasts with an inflammatory infiltrate background. It has a very low prevalence in infants and occurs mainly in children and young adults. IMT are mainly located in the thoracic cavity, but intra-abdominal lesions are rare. IMT can exhibit locally aggressive neoplastic processes and metastases similar to malignancies, so, have clinical importance. Herein, we describe two infantile intra-abdominal IMT cases presenting with incidentally found palpable abdominal mass. A 4-month-old male infant had IMT at the ileal mesentery and a 5-month-old male infant had IMT at liver. Both cases were successfully treated by complete surgical resection without complication or recurrence. Considering the biological behavior of the intermediate type of neoplasm in IMT, we expect good survivals when achieving appropriate surgical resection without adjuvant therapy in infantile intra-abdominal IMT.

Computer Controlled Local Anesthesia Delivery: Literature Review (컴퓨터를 이용한 속도 조절형 치과 국소마취 기구: 문헌고찰)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Lee, Jun-Hyung;Lee, Kang-Hee;Kim, Kee-Deog;Jung, Bock-Young;Pang, Nan-Sim;Park, Wonse
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2013
  • Background: Today, there are computer controlled local anesthesia devices used clinically. The main principle is to control injection speed by computer aided system, and it relieves pain. However, there are few objective data considering this subject. In this literature review, we researched studies about computer controlled anesthetic delivery. We compared pain control effect of computer controlled to conventional local anesthetic syringe system. Methods: A bibliographic search in PubMed was performed and we reviewed original articles. Results: There were 18 publications that compared pain control effect of computer controlled to conventional system. There were 8 articles reported of children, similar pain control effect was found in 7 of them. One study showed superior pain control effect of computer controlled anesthetic delivery. For adults, 10 studies showed superior pain control effect in computer aided system. Conclusions: Computer controlled anesthetic delivery has similar or superior pain control effect compared to conventional local anesthetic syringe system. For both children and adults, computer controlled anesthetic delivery could be clinically useful, still it may be more effective for adults.

Children's Literature in Teaching English As a Foreign Language: A Study of Literary Text Application (아동문학과 영어교육-텍스트 활용 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hae-Ri;Kweon, Soo-Ok
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.189-215
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    • 2008
  • This study proposes using children's literature as a means of teaching and learning English as a foreign language and suggests practical strategies on the basis of transactional theory of reading suggested by Rosenblatt (1994, 1995). This study suggests three novels written for children or young adults: On My Honor (1986) by Marion Dane Bauer, The Giver (1993) by Lois Lowry and Hatchet (1987) by Gary Paulsen. These texts were selected because of their diverse topics, easy and comprehensible language, engaging stories, and authentic and rich expressions, making them effective materials for foreign language learners. This paper is organized as follows: First, it reviews research on teaching literature in English education and response-oriented language teaching to provide theoretical background of literature-based language teaching and learning. Second, it provides the background of the texts selected for the study. Third, it develops diverse, practical strategies for instructors who intend to use children's literature in EFL teaching. We expect to guide EFL instructors in adopting children's literature in their English class by connecting theory and practice and by providing diverse methods and strategies, and sample responses by EFL university students.

Recommendation for use of the newly introduced pneumococcal protein conjugate vaccines in Korea

  • Choi, Eun-Hwa;Kim, Kyung-Hyo;Kim, Yae-Jean;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Park, Su-Eun;Lee, Hoan-Jong;Eun, Byung-Wook;Jo, Dae-Sun;Choi, Kyong-Min;Hong, Young-Jin
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2011
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae remains a leading cause of invasive infections including bacteremia and meningitis, as well as mucosal infections such as otitis media and pneumonia among children and adults. The 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) was licensed for use among infants and young children in many countries including Korea. The routine use of PCV7 has resulted in a decreased incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) by the vaccine serotypes among the vaccinees and substantial declines in IPD among unvaccinated populations such as older children and adults as well. In addition, there are increasing evidences to suggest that routine immunization with PCV7 is changing the epidemiology of pneumococcal diseases such as serotype distribution of IPD, nasopharyngeal colonization, and antibiotic resistance patterns. In contrast, there is an increase in the number of IPDs caused by nonvaccine serotypes, though it is much smaller than overall declines of vaccine serotype diseases. Several vaccines containing additional serotypes have been developed and tested clinically in order to expand the range of serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Recently two new pneumococcal protein conjugate vaccines, 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV10) and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13), have been approved for use in several countries including Korea. This report summarizes the recommendations approved by the Committee on Infectious Diseases, the Korean Pediatric Society.

The Developmental Patterns of Attachment and Autonomy as Related to Young Adults' Marital Satisfaction (기혼자녀의 부모에 대한 애착 및 자율성 발달유형과 결혼만족도)

  • 유은희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.139-158
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between adult children's perceived interaction pattern with their parents and their marital satisfaction. The subjects are a total of 646 male and female who been married for 3 years or less, living in Seoul, and whose fathers or mothers are still alive. The questionaire, including of attachment, autonomy, marital satisfaction scales, are distributed to collect the data. The main results are as follows: 1. Intimate-Dependent type is 31% each in relation to fathers and mothers. Distant-Independent type is 30% in relation to fathers, 27% in relation to mothers. Balanced type is 21% in relation to fathers, 23% in relation to mothers. Undeveloped type is 18% in relation to fathers, 19% in relation to mothers. 2. there is interaction effect between parental sex and adult children's sex as related to attachment levels, autonomy levels. 3. There is statistically significant difference among attachment-autonomy patterns as related to adult children's marital satisfaction. 4. Attachment and autonomy in relation to fathers and attachment in relation to mothers affect sons' marital satisfaction positively. Attachment in relation to fathers and mothers affect positively to daughters' marital satisfaction.

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A Study of Review Journals for Children's Materials (어린이자료 전문서평지 개발 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Lan-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.341-359
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    • 2011
  • The review journal is becoming important to select appropriate resources as the increase of publication of children's materials. The study aims to suggest the focal points and basic frameworks of review journals of children's materials to be used as select tools. The study employs case studies. Four foreign review journals and a Korean library journal are analyzed. The study found nine guidelines for basic framework to develop review journals of children's materials.