• Title/Summary/Keyword: Characteristics of Material images

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Flexural Characteristics of Coir Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites

  • Li Zhi-Jian;Wang Li-Jing;Wang Xungai
    • Fibers and Polymers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.286-294
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    • 2006
  • This study has examined the flexural properties of natural and chemically modified coir fiber reinforced cementitious composites (CFRCC). Coir fibers of two different average lengths were used, and the longer coir fibers were also treated with a 1% NaOH solution for comparison. The fibers were combined with cementitious materials and chemical agents (dispersant, defoamer or wetting agent) to form CFRCC. The flexural properties of the composites, including elastic stress, flexural strength, toughness and toughness index, were measured. The effects of fiber treatments, addition of chemical agents and accelerated ageing of composites on the composites' flexural properties were examined. The results showed that the CFRCC samples were 5-12 % lighter than the conventional mortar, and that the addition of coir fibers improved the flexural strength of the CFRCC materials. Toughness and toughness index, which were associated with the work of fracture, were increased more than ten times. For the alkalized long coir fiber composites, a higher immediate and long-term toughness index was achieved. SEM microstructure images revealed improved physicochemical bonding in the treated CFRCC.

Determination of displacement distributions in welded steel tension elements using digital image techniques

  • Sozen, Sahin
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1103-1117
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    • 2015
  • It is known that material properties, connection quality and manufacturing methods are among the important factors directly affecting the behavior of steel connections and hence steel structures. The possible performance differences between a fabricated connection and its computer model may cause critical design problems for steel structures. Achieving a reliable design depends, however, on how accurately the material properties and relevant constitutive models are considered to characterize the behavior of structures. Conventionally, the stress and strain fields in structural steel connections are calculated using the finite elements method with assumed material properties and constitutive models. Because the conventional strain gages allow the measurement of deformation only at one point and direction for specific time duration, it is not possible to determine the general characteristics of stress-strain distributions in connections after the laboratory performance tests. In this study, a new method is introduced to measure displacement distribution of simple steel welded connections under tension tests. The method is based on analyzing digital images of connection specimens taken periodically during the laboratory tension test. By using this method, displacement distribution of steel connections can be calculated with an acceptable precision for the tested connections. Calculated displacements based on the digital image correlation method are compared with those calculated using the finite elements method.

Analysis of the Reading Materials in Elementary School Science Textbooks Developed under the 7th and the 2007 Revised National Science Curricula (7차와 2007 개정 과학교육과정에 따른 초등학교 과학 교과서의 읽기자료 분석)

  • Kang, Sukjin;Koh, Hanjoong
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.479-490
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we investigated the characteristics of the reading materials in the elementary school science textbooks in order to obtain implications for the effective use of them. The reading materials in the elementary school science textbooks developed under the 7th and the 2007 revised National Science Curricula were analyzed. The criteria for classifying the reading materials were the type of theme, purpose, students' activity, the type of presentation, the type of images, the role of images, and readability. The results indicated that the reading materials in the 2007 revised science textbooks are more systematic than those in the 7th science textbooks in terms of their length and their distribution among energy, matter, life, and earth areas. It was also found that various types of reading materials are presented in the 2007 revised science textbooks covering new themes such as frontier science, job opportunity and career, and environment. In addition, the reading materials in the 2007 revised science textbooks introduce more visual images and the readability of them are also better than their counterpart. However, several limitations were still found to exist in the reading materials of the 2007 revised textbooks; most of them are non-inquiry and explanatory; most of the visual images are illustration and/or pictures. Educational implications are discussed.

A Study on the Mode of Address and Meaning Creation of Underlight in Broadcasting Lighting (방송조명에서 언더라이트의 표현 양식과 의미 창출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Park, Gooman
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.749-759
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    • 2016
  • As image contents in broadcasting have been created in HDTVs and monitors have been commercialized, facial expression of objects in broadcasting lighting has become a very significant task. Figure modeling of objects in HDTVs requires smoother and cleaner video images owing to the expansion of precision of image expression by light. Lighting methods that enlighten characters in the digital generation have come to require a new change. Character modeling methods used on expression features of underlight are receiving attention for aesthetic expression of figures in HD images. Accordingly, the influence of underlight light source intensity, distance, and size on character modeling characteristics was experimentally measured and comparatively analyzed. The experiment results show that good results can be obtained only when the intensity is 17%∼25.5% in contrast to total brightness, distance is beyond 40cm, and the size is at least 20cm, to exhibit the optimum effect of underlight. This data will become material with high usage to gain smoother and cleaner images of characters in future high-quality images.

Noise Modeling for CR Images of High-strength Materials (고강도매질 CR 영상의 잡음 모델링)

  • Hwang, Jung-Won;Hwang, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents an appropriate approach for modeling noise in Computed Radiography(CR) images of high strength materials. The approach is specifically designed for types of noise with the statistical and nonlinear properties. CR images Ere degraded even before they are encoded by computer process. Various types of noise often contribute to contaminate radiography image, although they are detected on digitalization. Quantum noise, which is Poisson distributed, is a shot noise, but the photon distribution on Image Plate(IP) of CR system is not always Poisson process. The statistical properties are relative and case-dependant due to its material characteristics. The usual assumption of a distribution of Poisson, binomial and Gaussian statistics are considered. Nonlinear effect is also represented in the process of statistical noise model. It leads to estimate the noise variance in regions from high to low intensity, specifying analytical model. The analysis approach is tested on a database of steel tube step-wedge CR images. The results are available for the comparative parameter studies which measure noise coherence, distribution, signal/noise ratios(SNR) and nonlinear interpolation.

Material Decomposition through Weighted Image Subtraction in Dual-energy Spectral Mammography with an Energy-resolved Photon-counting Detector using Monte Carlo Simulation (몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 이용한 광자계수검출기 기반 이중에너지 스펙트럼 유방촬영에서 가중 영상 감산법을 통한 물질분리)

  • Eom, Jisoo;Kang, Sooncheol;Lee, Seungwan
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.443-451
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    • 2017
  • Mammography is commonly used for screening early breast cancer. However, mammographic images, which depend on the physical properties of breast components, are limited to provide information about whether a lesion is malignant or benign. Although a dual-energy subtraction technique decomposes a certain material from a mixture, it increases radiation dose and degrades the accuracy of material decomposition. In this study, we simulated a breast phantom using attenuation characteristics, and we proposed a technique to enable the accurate material decomposition by applying weighting factors for the dual-energy mammography based on a photon-counting detector using a Monte Carlo simulation tool. We also evaluated the contrast and noise of simulated breast images for validating the proposed technique. As a result, the contrast for a malignant tumor in the dual-energy weighted subtraction technique was 0.98 and 1.06 times similar than those in the general mammography and dual-energy subtraction techniques, respectively. However the contrast between malignant and benign tumors dramatically increased 13.54 times due to the low contrast of a benign tumor. Therefore, the proposed technique can increase the material decomposition accuracy for malignant tumor and improve the diagnostic accuracy of mammography.

Expression Types and Aesthetic Characteristics of Fashion in Coca-Cola Bottle (코카콜라 병에 표현된 패션의 표현 유형과 미적 특성)

  • Kim, Jang-Hyeon;Kim, Young-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.371-385
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    • 2013
  • This study considers types of expression and examines aesthetic characteristics through analyzing designs (such as the Coca-Cola contour bottle as fashion) which has actively progressed in the collaboration of fashion designers and fashion brands. The conclusions of this study are as follows. The types of fashion expression on the Coca-Cola contour bottle are a presentation of diverse fashion images through a digital print expression that allow people-friendly images to be three-dimensional (or by adding a formative element) and the use of accessories or clothes. The symbolism characteristic were first indicated for the aesthetic characteristics on the Coca-Cola contour bottle. Symbolism is indicated through the identification of an implicit meaning towards a specific object. The symbolism of fashion was highlighted by designing the Coca-Cola's contour bottle with a typical material and pattern pursued by fashion designers and fashion brands. Second, the characteristic of playfulness was presented to expresses the instinctive desire in human nature for pleasure. The expression of visual playfulness is emphasized through the combination of item and image or by changing and re-analyzing a form through refuting stereotypes. Third, the characteristic of femininity was shown to express beauty in external image or a woman's delicate and soft inner propensity. Femininity was created by presenting a sensual femininity that recognized the voluminous curve silhouette of the Coca-Cola bottle such as a sexy female body or through the combination of a women's inner beauty with the sensory image of the object.

The "Chinese Style" of Chinese New Generation Fashion Designers in Shanghai Fashion Week (상해 패션 위크 중국 신진 패션 디자이너의 "중국풍")

  • Yin, Meina;Ha, Jisoo
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.545-558
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    • 2021
  • This research analyzed the Chinese style design embodied in the collections of the new generation of fashion designers shown during the Shanghai Fashion Week to improve the understanding of Chinese style and the modernization of Chinese design. The research questions were 1) studying the development of the Chinese fashion industry chronologically and investing young designers' current situation, 2) investigating young designers' awareness of Chinese style and analyzing Chinese style design in collections. A literature and case study were conducted as the research method. The literature study focused on the books about the Chinese fashion industry and history, newspaper, articles, and so on. The case study was conducted among 63 Chinese style collections in 2016-2020 SFW by investigating fashion magazine reviews, articles, and so on. The findings are as follows: 1) Young Chinese fashion designers' awareness of Chinese style has three characteristics; the nonmaterial tendency from decreasing stereotyped images, combination of traditional culture and local youth culture, and commercialization with trends. 2) Chinese elements, including natural, character, and cultural elements were predominantly used in the concept, pattern, and shape. Nonmaterial characteristics were identified in concept, cultural combination characteristics in concept, shape, color, material, and pattern, and trend commercialization in shape, color, and pattern. In conclusion, Chinese young fashion designers had strong national consciousness and new awareness of Chinese style fashion in decreasing the stereotyped images of China. Thus, they used more varied expressions. Meanwhile, they faced difficulties in expressing nonmaterial Chinese elements by balancing them with Chinese style and globalization.

A Study on the Characteristics of Aesthetics in the Yohji Yamamoto Brand -Focusing on the 2019F/W-2024S/S Paris Series- (Yohji Yamamoto 브랜드에 나타난 복식 디자인 특성 연구 - 2019 F/W-2024 S/S 파리 컬렉션을 중점으로 -)

  • Yang Shuo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the works of Yohji Yamamoto, one of the most influential fashion designers in 21st century Japan. The research focuses on the Yohji Yamamoto Women Ready To Wear collections showcased at Paris Fashion Week (2019F/W-2024S/S). The research methodology includes case analysis and summarization of images. The study analyzes the Yohji Yamamoto brand development and design style. A total of 399 runway images from 2019F/W-2024S/S were downloaded from VOGUE and analyzed based on four aspects: silhouette, color, material, and item. The analysis of these aspects reveals the aesthetic characteristics of Yohji Yamamoto: Zen-like, simplicity, naturalness, and elegance. The findings indicate that these aesthetic ideas are the core elements of Yohji Yamamoto's unique aesthetic and play a significant role in shaping the brand's style.

Aesthetic Characteristics of Red Carpet Dresses at the China Film Festival (중국 영화제에 나타난 레드 카펫 드레스의 미적 특성)

  • Li, Weijia;Kim, Janghyeon;Kim, Youngsam
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 2020
  • This study considers aesthetic characteristics by examining red carpet dress in China film festival. The research methods were quantitative and qualitative analysis of red carpet dress images collected from 2015 to 2019 on websites according to four criteria following previous research on red carpet dresses. The results of the study are as follows. First, the analysis of red carpet dress silhouettes showed that A-line silhouettes, slim silhouettes, and mermaid silhouettes appeared. Second, in terms of colors, one color, black, represented a higher proportion of the dress colors than the combination of different colors. Third, soft texture occupied the highest proportion of material textures, and combinations of materials with different textures were also used. In the case of patterns, the proportion of dresses without patterns was high, and natural patterns were found in the largest proportion. Beads and sequins accounted for most of the dress details, and the analysis showed that various detail types such as embroidery, slits, ruffles, and belts were used in the red carpet dresses. The aesthetic characteristics of the red carpet dresses worn at the China film festival were analyzed as sensual, elegant, decorative, and simple.