• 제목/요약/키워드: Case Comparative Analysis

검색결과 1,170건 처리시간 0.033초

산양삼 연근별 생육특성과 진세노사이드 함량 간의 상관관계 연구 (Study on the Correlation between the Ginsenoside Contents and Growth Characteristics of Wild-simulated Ginseng with Different Year-Roots (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer))

  • 김기윤;엄유리;어현지;박홍우;전권석;김현준
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.255-262
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구는 7년, 13년근 산양삼의 생육특성과 진세노사이드(G) 함량 간의 상관관계를 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 6개소의 산양삼의 생육특성을 조사한 결과, 뇌두길이, 뿌리길이, 생중량, 단면적, 표면적, 부피에 있어 13년근 산양삼이 7년근 산양삼에 비하여 유의적으로 높은 것을 확인하였다. 진세노사이드 11종에 대한 함량은 G-Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2 함량이 13년근 산양삼이 7년근 산양삼 보다 유의적으로 높은 수치를 확인하였다. 또한 산양삼과 인삼(재배삼) 진세노사이드 함량을 비교한 결과, 13년 산양삼에서 G-Rb1, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1이 4년, 5년근 인삼(재배삼)에 비해 유의적으로 함량이 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 산양삼 연근별 생육특성과 진세노사이드 함량 간의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, G-Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, Rf, Rg1, Rg2 함량은 뇌두길이, 생중량, 단면적, 표면적, 부피와 유의정인 정의 상관관계를 보였으며, G-Rb1, Re, Rf, Rg2는 줄기직경과 부의 상관관계를 확인하였다. 본 연구는 산양삼의 7년근과 13년근을 대상으로 생육특성과 진세노사이드 함량 상관관계를 구명함으로써 연근에 따른 품질규격 정립에 유용한 정보를 제공 할 것으로 판단된다.

기후변화 대응을 위한 발전소 온배수 활용 양식업 경제성 분석 (A Study on Comparative Analysis of Socio-economic Impact Assessment Methods on Climate Change and Necessity of Application for Water Management)

  • 이상신;김상문;엄기증
    • 한국재난관리표준학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2011
  • 갈수록 심해지고 있는 전 세계적인 기후변화 문제를 해결하고 탄소배출 규제 강화에 선제적으로 대응하기 위해 정부는 2010년 '저탄소 녹색성장 기본법'을 제정하고 녹색기술과 녹색산업을 국가 신성장 동력으로 삼고 있다. 이에따라 산업시스템 전반에 걸쳐 미활용되는 폐열 사용에 대한 필요성이 부각되고 있으며, 발전소를 비롯한 대규모 산업단지에서 발생하는 폐열 및 온배수를 활용하여 열대작물재배, 넙치 등 농어업분야 재활용에 대한 연구와 적용이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 발전소 온배수 형태로 버려지는 폐열을 활용한 국내외 활용사례를 살펴보고 강원도 영월 LNG복합발전소의 온배수를 활용한 철갑상어 양식에 대한 경제성 평가를 실시하였다. 경제성 분석에서는 투자 리스크와 재정부담을 최소화하기 위해서 규모를 작게 시작해서 점진적으로 확대하는 3단계에 걸친 시범사업계획의 경제성을 분석하였다. 사업운영기간은 10년(2012~2021)으로 가정하고 현지조사로 확보한 기초통계량에 근거하여 단계별 외부 차입금 규모를 80%와 40%로 구분함으로써, 차입금 규모에 따른 운영 기간 내(10년) NPV(순 현재가) 및 경제성(B/C)을 추정하였다. 분석결과 외부차입금이 총 투자금액의 80%를 차지하는 경우에는 B/C가 1.79인데 반해 차입규모가 40%인 경우에는 1.81로 향상되는 것으로 추정되어 외부차입금 규모를 축소하는 것이 보다 큰 경제성을 확보하는데 중요한 요인이 됨을 알 수 있다. 본 연구결과로 발전소 폐열을 활용한 철갑상어 양식의 경제성 확보가 가능한 것으로 나타남에 따라 이를 통한 고부가가치 지역발전 사업 아이템 도출이 가능할 것이며, 더불어 지자체의 기후변화대응 역량강화에도 크게 기여할 것으로 사료된다.

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태권도 뉴스기사의 연도별 주제어 비교분석: 토픽모델링 적용 (Comparative Analysis of the Keywords in Taekwondo News Articles by Year: Applying Topic Modeling Method)

  • 전민수;임효성
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제19권11호
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    • pp.575-583
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    • 2021
  • 이 연구는 토픽모델링을 적용하여 뉴스기사에 따른 태권도 동향을 연도별로 분석하는 것에 목적이 있다. 언론보도를 통한 태권도 동향을 살펴보기 위해 한국언론재단의 빅카인즈를 통해 뉴스기사와 태권도 전문 언론에 대한 기사를 수집하였다. 검색기간은 2000년 이전, 2001년~2010년, 2011년~2020년 3개의 구간으로 구분하여 검색하여 총 12,124개를 연구자료로 선정하였다. 토픽분석을 위해 전처리 과정을 거쳤으며, LDA 알고리즘을 활용하여 토픽분석을 수행하였다. 이때 모든분석은 python 3을 적용하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 연도별에 따른 언론기사 주제를 분석한 결과 2000년이전 1위는 '세계'. 2위는 '남북', 3위는 '올림픽'으로 나타났으며, 2001년~2010년 1위는 '세계', 2위는 '협회', 3위는 '세계태권도연맹'으로 조사되었다. 2011년~2020년 1위는 '세계', 2위는 '시범', 3위는 '국기원'으로 나타났다. 둘째, 2000년이전 뉴스기사를 토픽모델링으로 분석한 결과 토픽은 2가지로 구분되었다. 구체적으로 Topic 1은 '남·북 체육교류', Topic 2는 '올림픽 시범종목 채택'으로 선정되었다. 셋째, 2001년~2010년 뉴스기사를 토픽모델링으로 분석한 결과 토픽은 3가지로 선정되었다. Topic 1은 '태권도 시범공연 및 비리', Topic 2는 '무주태권도공원 조성', Topic 3은 '세계태권도축제'로 선정되었다. 넷째, 2011년~2020년 뉴스기사를 토픽모델링으로 분석한 결과 토픽은 3가지로 선정되었다. Topic 1은 '2018 평창동계올림픽 성공 개최', Topic 2는 '남북 태권도 합동시범공연 ', Topic 3은 '2017 무주세계태권도선수권대회'로 선정되었다.

충남 예산군 예당저수지 수변 농경지의 어류와 양서류 분포특성 (Distribution of Fish and Amphibian in Rice Fields Near the Yedang Reservoir in Korea)

  • 김수경;박현숙;박시룡
    • 한국환경생태학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.48-57
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    • 2016
  • 예당저수지의 수변 농경지의 어류와 양서류 분포 특성을 파악하고자 실시되었다. 이를 위해 비수변 농경지를 대조군 지역으로 설정하고 수변 농경지의 어류와 양서류의 개체수 및 생물량 비교, 어류와 양서류 분포에 영향을 주는 환경요소 분석, 시기별 개체수 변동 특성을 연구하였다. 전체 조사 대상지역에서 포획된 어류종수는 8과 13종이며, 양서류 종수는 5종이었다. 수변 농경지에서는 미꾸리과 어류, 붕어, 잉어 등의 13종의 어종이 포획되었고, 비수변 농경지에서는 미꾸리과 어류, 붕어 등의 3종의 어종이 포획되었다. 양서류는 황소개구리, 참개구리, 청개구리, 한국산개구리, 옴개구리 총 5종의 유생이 포획되었는데, 비수변 농경지에서는 5종의 양서류 유생이 포획되었고, 수변 농경지에서는 2종의 양서류 유생이 포획되었다. 수변 농경지와 비수변 농경지의 어류와 양서류 분포 특성을 분석한 결과, 수변 농경지에는 잉어과 어류가 많이 포획되었으며, 비수변 농경지에는 미꾸리과 어류가 많이 포획되었다. 어류의 분포에 영향을 주는 환경요소 분석결과, 잉어과 어류는 겨울철에 담수되고, 예당저수지와의 거리가 가까운 농경지에서 주로 출현할 가능성이 높으며, 미꾸리과 어류는 산간 저수지로부터 용수가 공급되고, 논과 배수로가 잘 연결되어 있는 농경지를 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 양서류의 경우, 비수변 농경지에서 수변 농경지보다 양서류의 유생이 많이 포획되었다. 수변 농경지에서는 황소개구리가 우점하였고, 비수변 농경지에서는 참개구리가 우점하였다. 황소개구리 유생의 분포에 영향을 주는 주요 환경요소는 겨울철에 담수되고 예당저수지에 가까운 농경지에서 출현할 가능성이 높았고, 참개구리의 경우는 산까지의 거리가 가깝고 예당저수지까지의 거리가 멀수록 출현할 가능성이 높았다.

사고로 남편을 잃은 여성의 경험 (A Study on Woman's Experience of Being Bereaved of Her Husband by an Accident)

  • 박성학;최미혜;정연강
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.294-312
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    • 1996
  • Relatively young widows, who are left with young children by a sudden death of their husbands, will be faced with not only psychological troubles such as individual anxiety and frustration but also the dual burden of playing both father and mother roles in a family, Also, family members have difficulty in adapting themselves to new circumstances of the family system, the training and raising of family members, and management of the family economy. In this study, the realistic resources on the experience of middle-aged women who are bereaved of their husbands by accidents were explored. The purpose of this study is to help widows adapt to life in society and live a more positive life by setting a new goals and recovering from a lost and twisted life. 11 women, who have experienced the loss their husbands and live in the Seoul metropolitan area were studied. The research took 116 days from December 15, 1995 to April 8, 1996. The method of research was direct interviews. While having interviews with them, the contents were recorded with their consent. The ground theory was that used by Strauss & Corbin(1990) in the analysis of the data. 81 concepts were analyzed and they were subdirided into 22 subordinate categories through the course of the analysis. These were then classified into 9 general categories. In the course of being categorized, 'absurdity' was showed as a core category. The subordinate categories 'surprise', 'gloom', 'grudge', 'helplessness', 'emptiness', and 'loss' were united in the core category 'absurdity'. Ominous presentiment, belated notice, death, surprise, gloom, grudge, helplessness, emptiness, loss, the situation of the children, lack of support from neighbors, support from neighbors, mulling over ways to live, choosing a job, strengthening, reinforcement, burden, sadness, smoldering, yearning, overcoming these 22 subordinate categories were re-composed into 9 general ones the husband's death, absurdity, presence of children, existence of support, self-support ability, preparation of countermeasures, self-reinforcement, toilsomeness, and overcoming. 'Absurdity' widows experience was shown in the results of 'toilsomeness' and 'overcoming' through reaction, confrontation, and adaptation. According to the analysis the central phenomenon was absurdity, the causal condition of the death of a husband, the presence of children and the existence of support, and the meditated situation of self-support. To solve absurdity, the preparation of countermeasures and self-reinforcements were shown resulting in toilsomeness and overcoming. Through the contrast in the data, the following statements were deduced: (1) If the death of the husband is expected, the more a widow will feel absurdity. (2) The more children she has and the younger she is, the more a widow will feel absurdity. (3) The lower support she is given, the more a widow will feel absurdity. (4) The larger self-ability she has, the more actively she will prepare countermeasures. (5) The smaller self-ability she has, the more passively she will prepare countermeasures. (6) The larger self-ability she has, the weaker self-reinforcement she will preform. (7) The smaller self-ability she has, the stronger self-reinforcement she will perform. (8) The more actively she prepares countermeasures for absurdity, the better she will overcome. (9) The more passively she prepares counter measure for absurdity, the worse she will overcome. (10) The stronger self-reinforcement for absurdity she performs, the better she will overcome. (11) The weaker self-reinforcement for absurdity she performs, the worse she will overcome. Through the results in this study, the following suggested: 1) A study whose object is all family members, and a comparative study on the case of a husband who has lost his wife should be done. These studies can be expected to develop a more refined theory. 2) Because of the collapse of the extended family system and the changes of family culture in Korea, a widow's status and position are apt to be ambiguous between her husband's home and her parent's. Therefore a new study on family culture should be made. 3) A continuous study on growing social Self Help Groups should be requested for the widows of this study to re-establish and recover from their twisted and scattered lives.

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성장환경의 차이에 따른 아름다운 경관 인지의 비교연구 -도시와 농촌 국민학생을 대상으로- (A Comparative Study on the Perception of A Beautiful Landscape According to the Differences of Living Environment)

  • 성현찬;임승빈
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.64-78
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    • 1992
  • In this study, elementary school students of both urban and rural areas as its subjects were asked to draw 'A beautiful landscape' by employing the perspective representation technique, i. e., the Perception Map, and to write down the elements comprising 'A beautiful landscape' in the questionnaire sheets. By doing so, an attempt was made 1) to analyze whether there are differences in perceiving 'A beautiful landscape' according to the differences of the environment in which they were brought up ; and, if there are differences. 2) to identify them ; and based on that , 3) to present basic data for evaluation on landscape, on its preference analysis and for Park Planning. The summary of this study is as follows ; 1) The main elements, elementary school students think, comprising 'A beautiful landscape' are 25 ones such as Sky(7), Sea(2), Water(2), Topography(5), Plants(5), Animals(3), School(1), Rural village(1). The natural elements showing a difference are ; Water fall in urban areas and School landscape in rural areas ; the artificial elements are ; City groups(Structures, Facilities, Necessities, Transportation means and Space) in urban areas and School groups in rural areas. Especially, in case of rural area children, they regard 'Trees' as an essential element to be 'A beautiful landscape' comparing to those in urban areas. 2) According to the analysis result on the correlation between the elements comprising a beautiful rural landscape and a beautiful ruban landscape, the correlation between boys and girls is high, showing the same trend with any difference. In comparison of urban areas with rural areas, there is no difference between natural elements, but in artificial elements(7 groups without family) the correlation is quite low, showing that all comprising elements are not the same between rural schools and cities, between schools within the same areas, and between schools of different areas. 3) In identifying the names of elements comprising 'A beautiful landscape', Back-Du Mountain and Sorak Mountain are shown the highest frequency in the category of mountains. In the names of trees and flowers, the elementary school children are thought to consider the kinds of trees and flowers they can see always at hand, i. e., those in their school ground where they spend most of their day time. 4) In the analysis of the numbers of comprising elements according to the responses in the questionnaire sheets and in the Perception Map, 'less than 10' is the most frequently counted number of comprising elements by individual students regardless of rural and urban differences. When the total frequency is divided by the number of students, the mean score is 6-7 without any differences between rural and urban areas, implying that there are no differences in the expression ability between urban and rural schools. 5) According to the result of classyfying and analysizing the landscape appeared on the Perception Map by similar elements and by similar scenes, 'A beautiful landscape' thought by elementary school children is defined not as a standardized form but as 11 types such as the landscape of fields, the landscape of a sea, the landscape of a rural village, a type where elements are assembled, the landscape of cities, the landscape of a school, the landscape coming out of a imagination, and other landscape. Both rural and urban children all consider the landscape of mountains and field and the landscape where several elements are assembled as a commonly beautiful one. Among the landscapes showing rural and urban differences, it can be analyzed that urban children regard the landscapes of cities, imagination, and waterfalls as something characteristic, while rural children regard the landscape of schools and rural villages as something characteristic.

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Landsat 7 ETM+ 영상과 ASTER GDEM 자료를 이용한 제주도 지역의 지형보정 효과 분석 (Assessment of Topographic Normalization in Jeju Island with Landsat 7 ETM+ and ASTER GDEM Data)

  • 현창욱;박형동
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.393-407
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 광학 원격탐사 영상의 획득 시 태양의 고도 및 방위가 대상 지역의 지형기복과 결합하여 나타나는 영향 및 다수의 시기에 걸쳐 획득한 영상을 비교분석하는 경우 영상 촬영시기의 차이로 인한 태양의 위치변화와 지형기복이 결합하여 나타나는 영향에 대한 보정을 시도하였다. 한라산과 다수의 분석구가 분포하는 제주도를 대상으로 Landsat 7 ETM+ 영상과 ASTER GDEM 지형자료를 사용하여 국지적조도의 모델링 시 커널의 크기를 $3{\times}3$, $5{\times}5$, $7{\times}7$, $9{\times}9$ 화소로 변화시키며 Lambertian 보정기법인 cosine 보정법과 비 Lambertian 보정기법인 c-보정법을 적용하고 보정기법 및 커널 크기에 대한 지형보정 효과를 분석하였다. 개별 영상의 육상지역에 대하여 보정을 수행한 결과 커널의 크기 $7{\times}7$을 적용한 c-보정법을 사용하였을 때에 보정효과가 가장 우수한 것으로 평가되었고, 대상지역을 ISODATA 무감독분류법을 이용하여 선택된 산림지역에 한정하여 지형보정을 수행한 경우에는 커널의 크기 $9{\times}9$를 적용한 c-보정법을 사용하였을 때에 가장 우수한 결과가 도출되었으며 다양한 지표피복이 혼합된 대상지역 대한 보정보다 효과가 큰 것으로 평가되었다. 다시기 영상의 경우 세 시기에 획득된 영상에 대하여 각각 지형보정을 수행한 후 상대적 방사도 보정을 적용하였을 때 지형보정을 수행하지 않은 경우와 비교하여 적외선 파장영역에서는 보다 균질한 반사도로 방사보정이 이루어졌으며 가시광 파장영역에서는 원영상의 반사도 패턴이 잘 보존된 결과가 도출되었다. 이상의 결과로부터 주변 지형으로부터 반사되는 에너지와 불완전한 대기보정으로 인한 잔류 대기영향을 고려하는 c-보정법을 적용하는 경우 cosine 보정법보다 우수한 지형보정 효과가 나타나며 수치표고모델에 내재된 수평과 수직방향 오차 및 위성영상과의 정합오차의 영향을 감소시기키 위하여 국지적 조도의 모델링 시 커널의 크기를 증가시키는 경우 지형보정의 효과가 증대되는 것으로 판단된다.

이산화탄소의 단주기적 농도변화 특성 (Short-term Variability of Carbon Dioxide within and across the Korean Peninsula: Case Study during 1995-1997)

  • 송기범;윤용훈;김기현
    • 한국지구과학회지
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.623-634
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    • 2000
  • 본 연구에서는 전남 무안지역을 중심으로 1995년 8월부터 1997년 12월의 총 884일 기간 동안 관측된 CO$_2$ 농도자료와 국외 주요 배경대기관측지점에서 관측된 농도자료를 토대로, CO$_2$의 단주기적 변화경향성에 대한 지역적 차이를 비교 해석하였다. 동기간 동안 무안지역에서 관측된 이산화탄소의 전체적인 일평균 농도는 374.5${\pm}$6.6ppm으로, 그리고 계절별로는 378${\pm}$5.2 (봄: N= 181), 372${\pm}$10.2 (여름: N=210), 372${\pm}$7.2 (가을: N=243), 376${\pm}$5.4ppm (겨울: N=206)의 평균치로 나타났다. 무안지역을 중심으로 관측된 일주기 경향성을 포인트 배로우(Point Barrow)를 위시한 주요 외국 관측점들과의 결과와 비교하였을 때, 단순히 일주기 중심의 경향성 (주야간대의 농도차이)에 덧붙여, 계절적 요인의 작용으로 인한 일주기의 계절별 변화요인 (진동폭 변화, 최고농도의 형성 시점 등)이 지역별로 다양하게 나타난다는 점을 확인하였다. 특히 무안지역은 주야간대의 주기를 중심으로 볼 때, 여타 지역과는 정반대로 주저야고의 경향이 뚜렷하였다. 그리고 일주기를 다시 계절적으로 비교하였을 때, 일일 내내 비교적 고농도가 지속되거나 (봄, 겨울철), 상대적으로 낮은 농도가 24시간동안 지속되는 경향 (여름, 가을철)으로 뚜렷하게 구분되었다. 이는 겨울철 연료의 과배출, 중국대륙으로부터 오염물질의 유입여부 등 연구지역 주변환경의 계절별 오염양상, 공기순환, 기상변화, 식생의 변화 등이 복합적으로 작용하여 나타나는 결과로 보인다. 이러한 결과들을 토대로 볼 때, 여타 요인들에 비해 무안지역은 인위적 오염원의 영향이 강하게 작용하는 것으로 사료된다. 따라서 무안지역을 중심으로 한 농도변화의 경향성에 대한 해석은 여타 외국의 주요 관측점에 대한 결과와 달리, 한반도를 포괄하는 광역적인 차원의 배경농도를 대표하는 것이 아니라, 무안지역을 중심으로 보다 국부적인 차원에서 진행되는 농도변화를 반영하는 경향이 큰 것으로 추정된다. 그렇지만 이러한 경향이 한반도에 광역적으로 나타나는 현상일 가능성도 배제할 수 없다. 이에 대한 판단은 안면도를 중심으로 후속적으로 진행된 연구결과들에 대한 면밀한 검토가 수반되어야 할 것으로 보인다.

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초등학생의 보건관리 만족도와 태도에 관한 연구 - 양호교사 유무를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Health Care Satisfaction and Attitude of Elementary School Students - by the presence or absence of nurse teacher -)

  • 박동권;박영수
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to serve as a basis for school health care of better quality, by making a comparative analysis of the health care satisfaction and attitude of elementary school students in consideration of their general characteristics and the presence or absence of nurse teacher. The subjects in this study were 919 selected six graders in 16 elementary schools in the city of Tongduchun, Koyang and Euijungbu, Yangju-kun and Yeunchun-kun. A survey was conducted with questionnaire designed for measurement of health care satisfaction and attitude. As a result of analyzing the data collected from June 1 through 15, 2000, the conclusions were as follows. 1) As for the general characteristics of the students investigated, the subjects included 513 boys(55.8%) and 406 girls(44.2%). The schools where 390(42.4%) students attended were located in municipal area, and the schools where 529(57.6%) students attended were located in kun area. 608(66.2%) students had a nurse teacher at their schools, while 311(33.8%) students had no nurse teacher. 498(54.2%) had an experience to use the health room this year, but 421(45.8%) had no such an experience. Their mean school life satisfaction was scored $3.42{\pm}.71$, above the average. And their health condition was rated $3.81{\pm}.87$, which implied they tended to be in good health. 2) The mean satisfaction at the health room operation was scored $3.33{\pm}.71$, above the medium level. What they were most satisfied with($4.02{\pm}1.08$) was, among the health room facilities, that there were beds. But they expressed the least satisfaction($2.83{\pm}1.17$) at the location of health room. The presence or absence of nurse teacher made a significant difference to their satisfactionat health room operation, because the students in schools with nurse teacher showed greater satisfaction($3.42{\pm}.72$) than the others in schools with no nurse teacher did($3.15{\pm}.66$). 3) Concerning their attitude to use the health room in case of disease or accident occurrence, a lot of students in schools with a nurse teacher, who had ever suffered from indigestion, headache or traumatic injury, used the health room. In schools with no nurse teacher, there was a tendency to talk to their class teachers(p<.001). The recognition of the necessity for health counseling was generally on a medium level. The counselor whom they wanted to discuss health problem with was family or friend in the largest cases. Few students discussed with class teachers in case there was a nurse teacher in school. Instead, some of them discussed with friend, family or nurse teacher, and there was a significant difference between them(p<.001). 4) The mean satisfaction at health, sanitation and environmental management was rated $3.20{\pm}.90$, above the average. The classroom lighting gave them the best satisfaction with $3.67{\pm}1.07$, but the satisfaction at toilet cleanness and disinfection was not good with $2.83{\pm}1.19$. By the presence or absence of nurse teacher, those who had a nurse teacher expressed better satisfaction at water supply facilities including hot water than the others who had no nurse teacher did(p<.001). But no significant difference was observed in the other items. 5) The health education satisfaction was rated $3.19{\pm}.99$, which was on a medium level. By item, the mean satisfaction level was $3.36{\pm}1.19$ at nurse teacher's explanation about treatment, $3.13{\pm}1.15$ at the frequency of health education, and $3.08{\pm}1.16$ at the explanation on the cause of disease. By the presence or absence of nurse teacher, the students with nurse teacher showed significantly better satisfaction at every factor0(p<.001). 6) Regarding health education attitude, their recognition of the need for school health education was scored $3.89{\pm}.96$. Those who had a nurse teacher felt it more necessary($3.96{\pm}.92$), yet the others who had no nurse teacher felt its necessity a little less($3.74{\pm}1.01$). The most preferred thing for them to learn in health education was first aid, followed by sex education, obesity prevention, safety accident prevention in school and outdoors, smoking-related health, good use of leisure time, and environmental pollution cause in the order named. According to the presence or absence of nurse teacher, there was a significant difference in sex education(p<.01), but no significant disparities were found in the other factors. The most preferred person who would offer health education was a lecturer from the outside(45.8%) and nurse teacher(45.4%). Their preference for class teacher as a person in charge of health education was just 8.8%. But the presence or absence of nurse teacher didn't produce any differences to their preference for a person in charge of health education.

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한국 청소년의 식사의 질 평가에 적절한 식품군의 조성 -Kant의 최소량에 기초하여- (Composition of Food Groups Appropriate for Evaluation of Diet Quality of Korean Adolescents -Based on Kant's Minimum Amount-)

  • 엄지숙;박민영;정영진
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제39권6호
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    • pp.560-571
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to determine composition of food groups appropriate for the evaluation of the quality of total diet or food guide, using the data from the 1998 National Health and Nutrition Survey. Twenty-four-hour-dietary recalls of total 1,110 Korean adolescents aged 13 - 19 years (male 543, female 567) were analyzed for food group consumed (Dietary Diversity Score, DDS), intake patterns of food group, mean index of nutritional quality (mINQ) and nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR). Considering Korean food pattern different from the Americans, this study is to check if Korean 5 food groups with both of oil & sugar group and vegetable & fruit group, and a minimum amount of 30 g in grain group and 15 g in meat group modified from Kant's minimum amount, 15 g in grain and 30 g in meat, could also be appropriate for the diet evaluation of Korean adolescents. Combination of food group and minimum food intake per each food group used in the first trial were categorized into 6 kinds of types: 1) American 5 food groups with Kant's minimum amount as control or 2) American 5 food groups with modified Kant's minimum amount 3) Korean 5 food groups excluded by sugar with the modified amount 4) Korean 5 food groups with modified amount 5) American food groups added oil group with the modified amount 6) American food groups added oil & sugar group with the modified amount. In case of oil group or oil and sugar group, 5 g was quoted for the minimum amount. Correlation between DDS and indices of other diet quality in each type of food group composition were analyzed and the best food group composition was traced by comparing the correlation coefficients of DDS and mINQ or MARs at ${\alpha}\;<\;0.01$. There was no meaningful difference in weight length index of the subjects of eating or not-eating oil or oil & sugar, while the values of mINQ showed higher in the subjects eating oil but no difference in the subjects eating oil & sugar, compared to the group not-eating, respectively. In comparison of type 1 and type 2, correlation between DDS and indices of other diet quality showed higher in type 1 using Kant's amount. And comparing the type of a combined group of fruit & vegetable (type 3 and 4) and the type of separated group of fruit and vegetable (type 5 and 6). six groups of separated vegetable and fruit showed the higher correlation of DDSs and indices of diet quality. In case of being classified into six groups with oil, DDS showed correlation of r = 0.293 with INQ. While, being classified into six groups with oil & sugar instead of oil only, DDS showed correlation of r = 0.249 with INQ. Accordingly the type 5 with oil is regarded as the better food group type than the type 6 with oil & sugar. Since better result was shown in the composition of six groups with Kant's minimum amount, the comparative analysis on both of type1 with oil and oil & sugar was finally performed. Then oil added type 1 showed higher correlation of DDS and indices of diet quality. These result indicated that it would be more appropriate to use six food groups with separate vegetable and fruit including oil group (oil-added type 1) rather than oil & sugar group for evaluation of dietary quality of Korean adolescents using DDS.