• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cadastral survey

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Optimized model of Land survey for Digital Cadastre (디지털지적 구축을 위한 국토조사의 최적화 모형)

  • Lee, Joung-Bin;HwangBo, Sang-Won;Kim, Kam-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 2010
  • According to increasing the value of real estate and various land use by urbanization and industrialization, the importance of land use has enhanced regardless of above or below the surface. Therefore the changes into Digital Cadastre using high-technical surveying methods has tried to find a solution in the purpose of providing accurate land information to End-users in real time. However Korean cadastral system was established for a short time through the Land & Forest project and it has been used for cadastral surveying until now. Land devastation by the Korean war and the indiscreet land use by unplanned land development of industrialization has raised failures to construct correct cadastral records. So it has occurred that it becomes one of social problems due to the current unmatched areas between adjacent parcels. Therefore government has tried to make an effort to solve the problems such as reducing unmatched areas and introducing a Case study for Cadastral resurvey. And also it is necessary to adopt a suitable Korean model for Cadastral resurvey. In this study, the current Korean situation of cadastral surveying was investigated and the optimized models for various patterns of Land surveying was offered.

Accuracy Analysis of Aerial Photogrammetry for Digital Cadastral Map (수치지적도화를 위한 항공사진측량의 정확도 분석)

  • Yun, Bu-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.6_3
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    • pp.1191-1197
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    • 2022
  • Recently, many studies have been conducted to utilize the digital aerial photogrammetry method in the field of cadastral surveying. The representative models of digital cameras currently used for aerial photogrammetry are classified into line-type and convex-type cameras, so the representative models were selected and analyzed. The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the accuracy suggested by the cadastral survey enforcement rules was satisfied by comparing the orthogonal and ortho image performance. As a result, there were some representative false points that exceeded the acceptable range, but the results extracted from most of the images were shown to satisfy the acceptable range. Therefore, it can be said that the application of digital aerial photogrammetry to the cadastral field in the technical aspect has sufficient potential.

Detecting Cadastral Discrepancy Method based on MMAS (MMAS 기법에 의한 지적불부합지 탐색기법)

  • Cho, Sung-Hwan;Huh, Yong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2015
  • This paper suggests the MMAS(Map Matching using Additional Surveying) method to improve the cadastral discrepancy search algorithm that currently does not include corrections of mis-represented parcel data. The MMAS is a method to search for cadastral discrepancy after correcting mis-represented parcel data using nearby anchor points confirmed by surveys. The MMAS first transforms the coordinate system of the digital cadastral map by overlaying anchor points obtained in the field surveying process over the corresponding edges of buildings and facility points on the digital topographic map. Then, it searches for cadastral discrepancy by checking if the area differences exceed the tolerance limit. This method improves the current method for searching for cadastral discrepancy by performing the process after correcting extortion of the digital cadastral map. This helps to identify cadastral discrepancies that are not detectable within the distorted digital cadastral map. With our experiment, this method identified more discrepancies compared to the method without the correcting the distortion of the digital cadastral map. We believe this method will be able to help the national cadastral re-survey by identifying potential cadastral discrepancy more accurately.

Developing methodology of 3D Cadaster Feature Model using Cadastre Process Analysis (지적 업무 분석을 기반으로 한 3차원 지적 항목 모델 개발 방법)

  • You, Hee Min;Jeong, Dong Hoon;Lee, Ji Yeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2013
  • In the modern society, as the city grows and constructive technology gradually develops, land usage has been sophisticated and three-dimensionalized. Consequently, issues such as property ownership and legal claim over ground and underground space have been triggered, which disclose the problems of using two-dimensional cadastral management system. Numerous researches on building three-dimensional cadastral are ongoing such as defining the right relationship of land space and providing the registration and management scheme so as to solve the imminent matter. It is the chief aim of this study to increase efficiency by analyzing the vocational practices through adding on necessary sections and properties for current registration to original research work. If three-dimensional cadastral management system is once constructed, highly qualified services for citizens will be available by providing accurate land related information swiftly, which can result in inevitable improvement of efficiency at work. Hence, this thesis will suggest the internationally suitable feature model development method in terms of standardization by probing into the factual profession to derive each attributes and properties that are related to three-dimensional cadastral and affix them to the classified item requisites of initial research studies.

A Case Study for the Resolution of Cadastral Inconsistency

  • Kam Lae, Kim;Won Jun, Choi;Gun Hyuk, Lim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.557-563
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    • 2004
  • Korean cadastral system keeps graphical maps made by the plane table method from 1910's. The fact is that the graphical maps grafted on paper cover about 95% of the whole land (MOGAHA, 1999). The needs are arising to transform the graphical cadastre to a digital one in compliance with modem technologies. Korean government has already digitise the old maps until last year. A nation-wide land information system, Parcel-based Land Information System, was established upon the digitised map database. However, the accuracy of the digitised coordinates hardly meet the citizens' needs because it cannot exceed that of the paper maps. The definite solution will be surveying all the parcels again and making new digital maps. However, commencing a project for resurveying 34 million parcels will require enormous amount of time and manpower. The strategy should be dividing the country into county-wise or grid-wise pieces and surveying one piece by one piece. Municipal governments of counties, cities or urban districts will be the propelling bodies of the project but the costs will hardly be affordable at a time. For the purpose of resolving the financial problem, each municipality can split its own project into smaller pieces by year base. There is accordingly a great possibility to create inconsistency over the divided project areas caused by different techniques applied, different equipments used and/or mismatches between the project borders. It provides some merits at the same time. The people in project completion areas will be satisfied with the enhanced accuracy and feel safe in land transaction and, in turn, soundly improves overall nation-wide economic situation. Therefore, the main issue of the thesis shows how to make the cadastral re-survey project scalable. Guidelines for how to perform the projects will be derived from a experienced case.

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A Study on Public Land Management Practices through Cadastral Utilizing Intellectual Work (지적업무 활용을 통한 국공유지 관리방안 연구)

  • Kim, Doung-Kyu;Byun, Byung-Seol
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.149-168
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    • 2016
  • This study is aimed to suggest effective ways to precisely manage the public land after searching current problems. Through the utilization of the cadastral organization and the resurvey projects, this study researches the methods to build the accurate land data based on the spatial information system as well as the on-going land survey results of the public land. This study focuses on researching whether the public land status and the management systems are operated efficiently with the cadastral organization using a variety of the spatial systems. This study finds the current problems of the land management systems by not only the Internet questionnaires but several dissertations, and suggests the methods to connect the land management systems with the cadastral resurvey projects each other.

A Study on the Cadastral Parcel Data in Geographic Information System (GIS에 있어서 지적필지 Data에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho;Cha, Dek-Kie
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 1993
  • The Cadastre assumed as one of the most important Part of GIS has the highest priority in GIS model and Organization of the Cadasual embraces the modern methods of gaining and collecting geometric type cadastral data concerning on the land and it's ownership. Geneally, the measurement of the topologigraphic map offers great convenience for the architects to device. But the graphic precision of the value from the map is too low for many users, the large scale digital map as well as cadastral map can solve these problems. So it is necessary to get the coordinates of the characteristic points and the graphic information. In this paper, for calculating the point of measured element such as distance, and it's adjustment. This paper dicusses the methodes also, the combination of GIS data and Cadastral data and the geo-reference system, topology, data system, data modeling and so on.

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A Study on 3D Visualization Strategy of Cadastral Spatial Information (지적공간정보의 3차원 가시화 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Jae In;Kim, Tae Jung;Bae, Sang Keun;Jeong, Dong Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.spc4_2
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2014
  • Cadastral spatial information closely related to ownership of people is potentially very valuable information. As 3D cadastre has been actively discussed to reflect realistic living territory and legal relationship in recent years, it is highly expected to be created added value before long using that information. However, in aspect of visualization that performs an important function for decision making by facilitating intuitive thinking about spatial information, systematic solution has not been suggested to visualize the cadastral spatial information on a map with existing 3D spatial information. For that reason, in this paper, visualization method was proposed to integrate the cadastral spatial information with the existing information effectively. Requirements for 3D cadastral spatial information system were drawn based on literature review, and then specific visualization method was established by constructing user scenarios. Research results of this paper are highly expected to be applied to the integration work with the existing 3D information on a spatial information open platform.

A Study on the Application Plan of the Cadastral Resurvey in South Korea Through a Case Analysis of the Japanese Private-Public Boundary (일본 관민경계 사례분석을 통한 우리나라 지적재조사 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Jae-Myeong;LEE, Dong-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2019
  • Since the "Special Law on Cadastral Resurvey" was enforced in 2012, the Cadastral Resurvey Project in South Korea has been promoted in earnest. However, it has been difficult to obtain the following items: a budget for the project, the establishment of land boundaries by increasing/decreasing the area of the parcels of land in the downtown area, the calculation of the adjustment fee, and the analysis of the relationship between the business owner and the landowner in regards to conflicts of opinion. The analysis of Japan's private-public boundary system, which is promoting the Cadastral Resurvey ahead of South Korea, should not attempt to determine complex interests, especially when they are pursuing consensus of the boundary setting portion of the Cadastral Resurvey Project. Therefore, this study shows that there is a need to reduce the number of stakeholders and promote them by using a step-by-step process. The introduction of cost-saving measures for the Cadastral Resurvey through a private-public boundary preliminary investigation is needed. This study suggested the following: link the precision road map construction business using MMS, introduce the preliminary research projects for the Cadastral Resurvey, and gather the important land survey information for the private-public boundary basic survey. In order to establish the utilization base, the researcher proposed linking the downtown area regeneration with the downtown area planning business.

Experimental Comparative Analysis of Terrestrial Lidar Data and Cadastral Data for the Calculation of the Slope Area of Highland Agriculture Region (고랭지 농업지역의 경지면적 산출을 위한 지상라이다 데이터와 지적성과의 실험적 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Ho-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Il;Oh, Min-Kyun;Lee, Kyung-Do
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2016
  • The price of agricultural products has changed from year to year, the m ajor c ause o f price fluctuation is the imbalance of supply and demand. Materials which are mainly used in korean cabbage production volume is the forecast model, using the cadastral result, slope calculation is impossible to achieved. For this reason, this implies the drastic decrease of prices and the prediction of supply and demand of field crops that is cultivated in a highland slope area, this situation is being repeated. Therefore, the target area of this research is the slopes of high land, by using 2D and 3D Lidar data for the analysis of the cultivated area. Experiment was carried out in the same area to compare the data differences. The rate of change in the area of slope is quantitatively increasing presented by the regression model. An alternative methodology that can improve the reliability of the calculated slope area using 2D is through cadastral map.