• Title/Summary/Keyword: CV duration

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Effect of High Temperature, Daylength, and Reduced Solar Radiation on Potato Growth and Yield (고온, 일장 및 저일사 조건이 감자 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yean-Uk;Lee, Byun-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.74-87
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    • 2016
  • Potato phenology, growth, and yield are projected to be highly affected by global warming in the future. The objective of this study was to examine the responses of potato growth and yield to environmental elements like temperature, solar radiation, and daylength. Planting date experiments under open field condition were conducted using three cultivars differing in maturity group (Irish Cobbler and Superior as early; Atlantic as mid-late maturing) at eight different planting dates. In addition, elevated temperature experiment was conducted in four plastic houses controlled to target temperatures of ambient temperature (AT), $AT+1.5^{\circ}C$, $AT+3^{\circ}C$, and $AT+5^{\circ}C$ using cv. Superior. Tuber initiation onset was found to be hastened curve-linearly with increasing temperature, showing optimum temperature around $22-24^{\circ}C$, while delayed by longer photoperiod and lower solar radiation in Superior and Atlantic. In the planting date experiments where the average temperature is near optimal and solar radiation, rainfall, pest, and disease are not limiting factor for tuber yield, the most important determinant was growth duration, which is limited by the beginning of rainy season in summer and frost in the late fall. Yield tended to increase along with delayed tuber initiation. Within the optimum temperature range ($17^{\circ}-22^{\circ}C$), larger diurnal range of temperature increased the tuber yield. In an elevated temperature treatment of $AT+5.0^{\circ}C$, plants failed to form tubers as affected by high temperature, low irradiance, and long daylength. Tuber number at early growth stage was reduced by higher temperature, resulting in the decrease of assimilates allocated to tuber and the reduction of average tuber weight. Stem growth was enhanced by elevated temperature at the expense of tuber growth. Consequently, tuber yield decreased with elevated temperature above ambient and drop to almost nil at $AT+5.0^{\circ}C$.

A Study on the External Treatment of Dysmenorrhea using the Method of applying Herb-medicine at the acupoints (월경통(月經痛)의 약물혈위첩부치료법(藥物穴位貼敷治療法)에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Lim, Eun-Mee
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2 s.30
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    • pp.134-148
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    • 1995
  • Dysmenorrhea is probably the most common of all Gynecologic disorders. In the oriental medicine the etiology of Dysmenorrhea is very various, but its mechanism is just that the block of the flow makes the pain. So its treatment is removing the pain by promoting menstrual flow, promoting the flow of qi and by warming channel and activating blood flow. In the various treatments of dysmenorrhea, the method of applying drug at the acupoints which could be combined with feeding herb-medicine by oral was studied. The results obtained here were as follows; 1. In the treatments of dysmenorrhea, the method of applying drug at the acupoints was mainly applied to the type dued to stagnancy of qi and blood stasis, menorrhalgia dued to to cold and dampness, and primary dysmenorrhea. 2. The acupoint used in this treatment was Shin-gwol$(CV_8)$, the umbilicus. 3. The drugs used in this treatment were almost same as oral herb-medicine mainly to activate the blood flow and remove the blood stasis and to promote the flow of qi by warming the channel and remove the pain. 4. The duration of the treatment is, from 3 days before menstration till its period or a few days after it., usually concentrated on fore-postmenstration. 5. The effect of this treatment was reported as excellent. It is more effective to the type of stagnancy of qi and blood stasis, cold and dampness than dued to deficiency of both qi and blood, and dued to the impaired liver-kidney essence. 6. The method of applying drug at the acupoint was as an external treatment, easy, economical, and had no pain and side effect. 7. In the treatments of dysmenorrhea, the method of applying drug at the acupoint could be used as emergency treatment and symptomatic treatment in fore-postmenstration.

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