• Title/Summary/Keyword: CO2 배출량

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[ $CO_2$ ] Sequestration in Geological Structures in the Maritime Area: A Preliminary Review (이산화탄소 해저 지질 구조 격리: 기술 현황과 제도 예비검토)

  • Hong, Gi-Hoon;Park, Chan-Ho;Kim, Han-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2005
  • Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide($CO_2$) which arises mainly as wastes from the fossil fuel burning processes, are causing global warming. The effects of global warming become increasingly felt all over the world including sea level rise and extreme weather. The more direct consequences of the elevated atmospheric $CO_2$ on the ocean is the acidification of the surface ocean which brings a far reaching adverse impact on the life at sea and probably on the whole ecosystem of the planet. Improvement in energy efficiency and use of alternative energy sources are being made to reduce $CO_2$ emissions. However, a rapid transition to alternatives seems unachievable within a few decades due to the constraints on the associated technology and socio-economic factors in the world, since fossil fuels make up approximately 85% of the world's commercial energy demands. It has now been recognized that capture and geological sequestration of $CO_2$ could significantly reduce its emissions from fossil fuel utilization and therefore provides the means to rapidly achieve large reductions in $CO_2$ emissions(excerpts from London Convention, LC/SG 28, 2005). In Korea, well-developed sedimentary basins are spread over the vast continental shelf and slope regions, whereas, the land is densely populated and limited in area. Consequently, the offshore area is preferred to the land for the sites for geological sequestration. The utilization of the offshore area, however, may be subject to international agreements including London Convention. In this paper, the recent trends in technologies and regulations for $CO_2$ capture and geological sequestration are described to encourage its applications in Korea.

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Estimation and Mapping of Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies in Korea: Analysis of Regional Differences and Characteristics (전국 논에서 발생하는 메탄 배출량의 산정 및 지도화: 지역 격차 및 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Sung-Won;Kim, Joon;Kang, Minseok;Lee, Seung Hoon;Kang, Namgoo;Shim, Kyo-Moon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.88-100
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    • 2018
  • Methane emissions from rice paddies are the largest source of greenhouse gases in the agricultural sector, but there are significant regional differences depending on the surrounding conditions and cultivation practices. To visualize these differences and to analyze their causes and characteristics, the methane emissions from each administrative district in South Korea were calculated according to the IPCC guidelines using the data from the 2010 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Census, and then the results were mapped by using the ArcGIS. The nationwide average of methane emissions per unit area was $380{\pm}74kg\;CH_4\;ha^{-1}\;yr^{-1}$. The western region showed a trend toward higher values than the eastern region. One of the major causes resulting in such regional differences was the $SF_o$ (scaling factor associated with the application of organic matter), where the number of cultivation days played an important role to either offset or deepen the differences. Comparison of our results against the actual methane emissions data observed by eddy covariance flux measurement in the three KoFlux rice paddy sites in Gimje, Haenam and Cheorwon showed some differences but encouraging results with a difference of 10 % or less depending on the sites and years. Using the updated GWP (global warming potential) value of 28, the national total methane emission in 2010 was estimated to be $8,742,000tons\;CO_2eq$ - 13% lower than that of the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report (i.e., $10,048,000tons\;CO_2eq$). The administrative districts-based map of methane emissions developed in this study can help identify the regional differences, and the analysis of their key controlling factors will provide important scientific basis for the practical policy makings for methane mitigation.

Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction Potentials in a University using Bottom-up Model (상향식 모형을 이용한 대학의 온실가스 감축 잠재량 평가)

  • Yoo, Jung-Hwa;Park, Nyun-Bae;Jo, Mi-hyun;Jeon, Eui-Chan
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.183-193
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the S University's energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions situation and potential reduction amount were analyzed using a long-term energy analysis model, LEAP. In accordance with the VISION 2020 and university's own improvement plans, S University plans to complete a second campus through expansion constructions by 2020 and by allocating the needed land. Accordingly, increases in energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions seem inevitable. Hence, in this study, the calculations of potential reduction amount by 2020 were attempted through the use of LEAP model by categorizing the energy used based on usage types and by proposing usage typebased reduction methods. There were a total of 4 scenarios: a standard scenario that predicted the energy usage without any additional energy reduction activity; energy reduction scenario using LED light replacement; energy reduction scenario using high efficiency building equipment; and a scenario that combines these two energy reduction scenarios. As scenario-based results, it was ascertained that, through the scenario that had two other energy reduction scenarios combined, the 2020 greenhouse gas emissions amount would be 14,916 tons of $CO_2eq$, an increase of 43.7% compared to the 2010 greenhouse gas emissions amount. Put differently, it was possible to derive a result of about 23.7% reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions amount for S University's greenhouse gas emissions amount through energy reduction activities. In terms of energy reduction methods, changing into ultra-high efficiency building equipment would deliver the most amount of reduction.

A Study on the Efficiency Analysis for the Domestic Container Terminals Considering Carbon Dioxide Emissions (이산화탄소 배출량을 고려한 국내 컨테이너터미널 효율성 분석)

  • Min-Seop Sim;Yul-Seong Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.68-69
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    • 2023
  • Recently, decarbonization has been emphasized worldwide to cope with climate change, and carbon neutrality by 2050 has emerged as a global agenda. The domestic port authorities have been participating in the global agenda in line with the government regulations. Since 2010, when decarbonization has been regarded as an important assignment in ports, container terminal efficiency considering undesirable outputs such as Carbon dioxide has been analyzed. However, most previous studies measured carbon dioxide emissions according to the Tier 1 and it is a first time to analyze container terminal efficiency based on the Tier 3 presented in the IPCC guidelines. 17 domestic container terminal operators were considered as decision making units and DEA-SBM Model was used. Subsequently, Undesirable outputs model was conducted to calculate the environmental efficiency.

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A Study on the Environmental Efficiency of the Container Terminals in South Korea Considering Carbon Dioxide Emissions (이산화탄소 배출량을 고려한 국내 컨테이너터미널 환경 효율성 분석)

  • Min-Seop Sim;Yul-Seong Kim
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2024
  • Recently, there has been a global emphasis on decarbonization in order to address climate change and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. In line with government regulations, domestic port authorities have also started participating in this global agenda. Since 2010, when decarbonization became an important task in ports, there have been studies analyzing the environmental efficiency of container terminals, taking into account undesirable outputs. However, most of these previous studies only measured carbon dioxide emissions based on Tier 1, whereas this study is the first to analyze the environmental efficiency of South Korea's container terminals based on Tier 3, as presented in the IPCC guidelines. The study considered 17 container terminal operators in South Korea as decision-making units and used the DEA-SBM Model. Subsequently, an Undesirable Outputs Model was conducted to calculate the environmental efficiency.

A Study on the Amount of the Energy Consumption and $CO_2$ Emission at the Construction Stage in the Apartment Housing using the Input-Output Analysis (산업연관분석을 이용한 공동주택 건설단계의 에너지소비량 및 이산화탄소배출량 산정연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Hee;Kwon, Bo-Min;Choi, Young-Oh;Lee, Kang-Hee
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.275-280
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    • 2006
  • The protection of the environment is one of today's key demanding international activities and interests. All of aspects including industry, economy and society should be changed into environmental friendly industries. The building is not exception in this trend. What is not generally realized is that building, in the lifecycle of construction, use and demolition, account for large construction, not considered with environment impact and conservation in the lifecycle. Expecially, the construction materials and components used in the construction stage has much embodied energy. And much $CO_2$ emit on the production of the construction material and component. The energy use and $CO_2$ emission would continuously diminish the limited natural resources and impact the environment such as ozon layer destruction. In this paper, it studied the estimation of the amount of energy use and $CO_2$ emission in the building construction stage, it would provide the estimation process and applied with the multifamily housing.

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Performance Assessment of Building Envelopes I: Double Skin Facade (외피 친환경 성능평가 I: 이중외피)

  • Kim, Deuk-Woo;Park, Cheol-Soo
    • 한국태양에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2009
  • Many countries have been interested in sustainable development of buildings for environmental preservation. Thus it is significant to assess building envelopes in terms of $CO_2$ emissions owing to Kyoto Protocol. In this paper, a Double Skin Facade(DSF) installed in a general office building was assessed by $CO_2$ emissions(one of the performance-based assessment). To predict $CO_2$ emissions caused by the building energy consumption, the dynamic simulation program(Energy Plus) and $CO_2$ emission factor was used. Because DSF has various airflow regimes, pre-simulation runs were conducted to decide proximate optimal airflow regimes depending on seasonal variation. It is shown that the DSF can achieve 17.1-36.5% of annual energy savings.

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Fixation of $CO_2$ in Ammonia Process by Potassium Carbonate Solution Absorption (암모니아 공정에서 탄산칼륨용액 흡수에 의한 $CO_2$ 고정화)

  • 이정섭;송준석;윤형선;서성규
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.485-486
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    • 2003
  • 산업사회의 발전과 문화생활의 향상에 따라 에너지 사용은 계속 증가해 왔으며, 이에 따른 환경문제 또한 꾸준히 제기되고 있다 산업구조상 화석연료를 주 에너지원으로 사용하고 있는 우리나라의 경우 온실 가스중 $CO_2$가 87.7%를 차지한다. 또한 이 $CO_2$가 대기 중에서 10.0%가 초과되면 인체에 심각한 신진대사의 이상, 중앙신경계의 장애가 발생할 수 도 있다(환경부, 2000). 에너지 경제연구원은 "2010년까지 2000년 수준으로 $CO_2$ 배출량을 줄이면서 국내 총생산은 17.5% 감소할 전망"이라고 분석했다(에너지 관리공단, 2003). (중략)

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Strategic Planning of Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Infrastructure Considering the Uncertainty in the Operating Cost and Carbon Tax (불확실한 운영비용과 탄소세를 고려한 CCS 기반시설의 전략적 계획)

  • Han, Jee-Hoon;Lee, In-Beum
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2012
  • A carbon capture and storage (CCS) plays a very important role to reduce $CO_2$ dramatically in $CO_2$ emission sources which are distributed throughout various areas. Numerous research works have been undertaken to analyze the techno-economic feasibility of planning the CCS infrastructure. However, uncertainties such as $CO_2$ emissions, $CO_2$ reduction costs, and carbon taxes may exist in various impact factors of the CCS infrastructure. However, few research works have adopted these uncertainties in designing the CCS infrastructure. In this study, a two-stage stochastic programming model is developed for planning the CCS infrastructure under uncertain operating costs and carbon taxes. It can help determine where and how much $CO_2$ to capture, store or transport for the purpose of minimizing the total annual $CO_2$ reduction cost in handling the uncertainties while meeting the $CO_2$ mitigation target. The capability of the proposed model to provide correct decisions despite changing the operating costs and carbon taxes is tested by applying it to a real case study based on Korea. The results will help to determine planning of a CCS infrastructure under uncertain environments.

A Study on the Characteristics Measurement of Main Engine Exhaust Emission in Training Ship HANBADA (실습선 한바다호 주기관 배기가스 배출물질 특성 고찰에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Jung-Sik;Lee, Sang-Deuk;Kim, Seong-Yun;Lee, Kyoung-Woo;Chun, Kang-Woo;Nam, Youn-Woo;Jung, Kyun-Sik;Park, Sang-Kyun;Choi, Jae-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.658-665
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    • 2013
  • In this study, we measured particulate matter(PM) which emerged as the hot issue from the International Maritime Organization(IMO) and the exhaust emission using HANBADA, the training ship of Korea Maritime University. In particular, the PM was obtained with TEM grid. PM structure was observed by electron microscopy. And exhaust gases such as NOx, $CO_2$, and CO were measured using the combustion gas analyzer(PG-250A, HORIBA). The results of this study are as follows. 1) When the ship departed from the port, the maximum difference in PM emissions were up to 30 % due to the Bunker Change. 2) Under the steady navigation, emission of PM was $1.34mg/m^3$ when Bunker-A is changing L.R.F.O(3 %). And, at the fixed L.R.F.O (3 %), emission of PM was $1.19mg/m^3$. When the main engine RPM increased up to 20 % with fixed L.R.F.O(3 %), emission of PM was $1.40mg/m^3$. When we changed to low quality oil(L.R.F.O(3 %)), CO concentration from main engine increased about 16 %. On the other hand, when the main engine RPM is rising up to 20 %, CO concentration is increased more than 152 percent. These results imply that the changes of RPM is a dominant factor in exhaust emission although fuel oil type is an important factor. 3) The diameter of PM obtained with TEM grid is about $4{\sim}10{\mu}m$ and its structure shows porous aggregate.