• Title/Summary/Keyword: CO2 배출량

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CO2 Emission Considering Condition of Vehicle Acceleration (차량 가속특성에 따른 이산화탄소(CO2) 배출량 비교)

  • Joo, Jin Yun;Oh, Heung Un
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2015
  • PURPOSES : The present study aims to evaluate the added $CO_2$ emissions incurred from accelerating operation when to increase the speed up to the allowed level. METHODS : The methodology used are basically the relationship between emission rates and vehicle speeds or acceleration rate. These rates together are used to calculate the added $CO_2$ emissions incurred from accelerating operation. RESULTS : It was resulted that the all the emission rates are increasing proportionally to vehicle speeds or acceleration rates. Additionally, it was also resulted that allowable speeds increasing, the added emission rates are increasing rapidly. CONCLUSIONS : It may be concluded that if the allowable speed ranges are managed, $CO_2$ emissions during vehicle operation are much reduced. From this reason, it was found that the allowable speed during highway design and operation would be much necessary

Estimation of Biomass Loss and Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Surface Layer Burned by Forest Fire (산불로 인한 지표층 연소량 및 온실가스 배출량 추정)

  • Lee, Byungdoo;Youn, Ho Jung;Koo, Kyosang;Kim, Kyongha
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.2
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    • pp.286-290
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    • 2012
  • Globally, the forest fires are a significant contributor of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In this study, fuel load consumed by forest fire and emission of green house gases were analysed in the surface layer. For this, remaining fuel was collected and weighed with the species (Japanese red pine, deciduous) and the forest fire types (surface fire, crown fire) in the 51 forest fires. 8,361 kg/ha fuel load was consumed in deciduous forest damaged by surface fire, and 8,055 kg/ha, 12,333 kg/ha in Japanese red pine burned by surface fire and crown fire. The combustion ratios were 78, 59, and 90%, respectively. 15,856 kg/ha the green house gases such as $CO_2$, $CH_4$, $CH_4$ in deciduous forest burned by surface fire was emitted and 14,834 kg/ha, 22,709 kg/ha in Japanese red pine burned by surface fire and crown fire.

A Study on the Effect of strength improvement and $CO_2$ reduction by using Eco-concrete in construction site (에코콘크리트 현장 적용에 따른 강도 상승 효과 및 이산화탄소 절감 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Jin;Hwang, Yin-Seong;Lee, Sang-Hyun;We, Joon-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2011
  • Blast furnance slag cement is a cement manufactured with using industrial by-product and it can reduce $CO_2$ by replacing cement when same uit volume concrete is produced. But Blast furnance slag has a short point that early strength of concrete is not good in winter season and it can be used. So, in this study, as long as replacement ratio of Blast furnance slag to original portland cement is under 30%, developed cement, ecoment, improve early strength of concrete and it applied to constructoin site. As a result, it improves 37% in terms of 1-day strength, it reduces 6.7% in terms of $CO_2$ emission when $1m^3$ concrete was produced. The importance and applicability of study wll be expected to increase cosidering global effort and green growth-strategy in country for reducing greenhouse gases.

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Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment for CO2 Emitted from Sailing Ship (선박의 운항에 의해 배출되는 이산화탄소에 대한 포괄적 환경영향평가)

  • Lee, Hee-Su;Park, Jong-Chun;Cho, Yong-Jin;Jeong, Se-Min;Yu, Jeoung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2013
  • The increase of carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) emission is known as one of the major causes of global warming, and it has a strong influence on the global environment. Therefore many researchers and politicians have tried to regulate the $CO_2$ emission. In regards to the matter, the IMPACT (Inclusive Marine Pressure Assesment and Classification Technology) committee under the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (JASNAOE) has developed an inclusive environmental impact assessment index, so-called "Triple I(III)", in order to assess the environmental impact including economic factors due to the artificial development of marine. In this study, III was applied to compare between the environmental impact of $CO_2$ emitted by container vessels during their life-cycle period and economic benefit due to their operating. Furthermore, III was also applied to assess the comprehensive environmental impact for the cases with various capacities of container vessels and different sailing route. From the results, the case for shortening of the sailing route is more effective to get the advantageous assessment results of III than the case for varying the size of vessels.

A Study on the Utilization of potential heat sources for Heat Pumps to District Heating System in Urban (도시 내 지역난방 Heat Pump용 잠재열원 이용에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Kwang Min;Kim, Lae Hyun
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.841-855
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the available potential heat source for heat pump in the district heating supply area in the city. Unused energy potentials were estimated and integrated based on open source based data. In particular, geographical spatial analysis of recoverable heat energy density and heat demand in the heat source area of large retailers and public sauna facilities in the DH network located in the southern part of the metropolitan area (Pyeongtaek-si) was conducted. As a result of the study, the DH network area had a total potential energy of 1,741.7 toe/year for the two heat sources of large retailers and public saunas. It is estimated that 1,006.9 toe/year, which is 57.8% of the total, can be linked to the district heating. The large retailers showed a positive correlation with the floor area and energy use of 0.4937. The recoverable energy intensity was estimated to be $0.0017toe/m^2$ per unit area and $0.0069tCO_2/m^2$ for greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, public saunas were analyzed by comparing the empirical case with the theoretical calculation, and it was estimated that energy conservation estimate of 80% was $0.0315toe/m^2$ per bath area and $0.1183tCO_2/m^2$ for greenhouse gas emissions. The total potential energy amount of this area was positively correlated with the heat demand of apartment house by administrative district, and it was confirmed that it had a relatively high potential energy especially in traffic and commercial center.

Analysis of the Present Status and Characteristics of Environmental Product Declaration of Ready-mixed Concrete (레디믹스트 콘크리트의 환경성적표지 현황 및 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Rak-Hyun;Kim, Gwang-Hyun;Park, Won-Jun;Roh, Seung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2022
  • Recently, in the concrete industry, the development and commercialization of low-carbon products of ready-mixed concrete have emerged as part of the efforts to realize carbon neutrality. This study aims to investigate the current status of environmental product declaration(EPD) of ready-mixed concrete and to analyze the characteristics of carbon emissions by compressive strength, life cycle stage, and region. To this end, the related certification system requiring the calculation of carbon emissions in the concrete industry was analyzed. The target of analyzing the current status of carbon emissions was set as a product of ready-mixed concrete that acquired EPD certification based on the life cycle assessment method. In addition, the trend of carbon emissions according to each characteristic was reviewed by analyzing carbon emissions by the life cycle of ready-mixed concrete products, analyzing carbon emissions by standard, and analyzing carbon emissions by region. As a result, the carbon emissions in the pre-production stage were 99% compared to total carbon emissions., and as it increased from 18MPa to 40MPa, carbon emissions also increased. Even with the same specifications, the carbon emissions in the capital region were higher than in the southern region.

A study on development of generation expansion planning considering CO2 emission constraints and Emission Trading (CO2 배출량 제약과 배출권거래제를 고려한 설비계획 방법론에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yang-Il;Lee, Seung-Hyun;Han, Seok-Man;Chung, Koo-Hyung;Kim, Bal-Ho H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.46-48
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    • 2006
  • WASP which is used to plan generation expansion has disadvantages that can't manage environmental factors and regional supply-demand planning. But with the effectuation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol, it is expected that reducing greenhouse gases affects power system in its long-term generation expansion planning. Therefore national countermeasures is needed. This paper formulates a mathematical model considering CO2 emission constraints and Emission Trading that will be enforced. This model is based on the ORIRES which was made by ESI, Russia and manages generation expansion planning. And this mathematical model is verified by studying a case system.

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A Study to Increase Methane Ratio of Landfill Gas by Capturing Carbon Dioxide (매립지가스의 메탄 비율 증가를 위한 이산화탄소 포집 연구)

  • Bada Kim;Junghyun Park;Sungwoon Choi;Youngchul An;Daeyup Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to increase the thermal efficiency of a landfill gas (LFG) power generation engine by capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from landfill gas (LFG) using monoethanolamine (MEA), which is widely used in the chemical CO2 absorption process. Since the use of LFG as an energy source can be a means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, MEA can be used to reduce CO2 in LFG and increase the concentration of CH4 to improve the efficiency of power generation. In this study, experiments were conducted to measure the solubility of CO2 and CH4 in MEA solution, increase the solubility under different conditions, and analyse the dissolution characteristics. It was found that the CO2 absorption rate increased as the ratio of MEA to reaction gas increased. There is an optimum MEA concentration to maximise CO2 solubility, and even if the concentration is increased above this concentration, the solubility does not improve significantly. This study provided fundamental work to develop a more practical fuel by capturing CO2 from LFG and increasing the concentration of CH4 while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

A Study on Analysis and Assessment of the LCCO2 Emissions for Building Construction by Using the Life Cycle Assessment Methodology (전과정평가 방법론을 이용한 건물의 전과정 탄소 배출량 평가 및 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Su-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.259-260
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    • 2016
  • Recently, world-wide focusing on the interest for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with climate change and global warming, South Korea also has set up a national greenhouse gas reduction target and action plans seeking to achieve them. In particular, in the construction area, to encourage green building certification of the building and carbon labeling acquisition of building products, in order to reduce the environmental impact caused by the industrial activities have been in steady efforts. Therefore, this study estimates the life cycle carbon footprint of building construction materials applied to carbon emissions reduction technology and analyzes the results. Through the CO2 emissions analysis in construction phase and maintenance phase of the building, it provides basic resource for future research expansion and establishes a step-by-step whole life cycle carbon emissions reduction plan in new construction and existing buildings.

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Measures to Secure Safety according to Gas pipe Hydrogen Mixing(Carbon Neutral) (가스배관 수소혼입(탄소중립)에 따른 안전확보 방안)

  • Kwak, Che-Sik;Sin, Dong-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Disaster Information Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.290-291
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문에서는 우리나라 2030년 국가 온실가스 감축목표(NDC*, 291백만톤 감축)달성 및 2050년 탄소중립 목표 달성을 위해 필연적으로 수반되는 천연가스 내 수소 혼입에 따른 안전성확보 방안과 수소혼입에 따른 국민 불안감 해소 및 수용성 제고를 위한 대안을 제시하고, 해외 사례를 연구 하였다. 탄소중립은 온실가스(이산화탄소 등)의 배출량을 최대한 줄이고, 남은 온실가스를 흡수, 제거해서 실질적인 배출량이 "0"이 되는 것을 의미하고, 수소혼입은 도시가스의 주성분인 메탄 연소시 발생하는 CO2를 최소화하기 위해 수소(H2)를 도시가스에 일정비율 혼합하는 것을 말한다. 본 연구에서는 수소 혼입 시 우려되는 수소취성 및 배관내구성 문제와 수소 특성인 작은 입자로 인한 누출 위험성, 고층에서 메탄과 수소가 분리되는 현상 등에 따른 문제를 도출하고 이에 대한 안전관리 방안도 함께 제시하였다. 또한, 도시가스 배관에 수소 혼입시 천연가스 대체를 통한 온실가스 감축 및 기존 배관망 사용을 통한 경제성 분석결과와 국가 온실가스 감축에 어느 정도 기영할 수 있는지도 함께 기술하였다.

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