• Title/Summary/Keyword: CO2 배출량

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An Experimental Study on Reduction of $CO_2$ Exhausted Emission by using Fuel-cut Function of Vehicles (고속도로 주행 시 연료차단 기능을 활용한 $CO_2$ 배출량 감축에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Ko, Kwang-Ho;Jeong, Seung-Hyun;Yoo, In-Kyoon;Lee, Soo-Hyung;Kim, Je-Won
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2010
  • The fuel is not injected when the driver doesn't push acceleration pedal of a vehicle with engine speed higher than about 1,500rpm above mid vehicle speed range. This is called "fuel-cut function" and almost every modern vehicle is equipped with this function. This is activated on downhill part of a highway most often. Therefore the vehicle-exhausted $CO_2$ can be zero in this downhill part if the driver could recognize this part of highway. We compared the vehicle-exhausted $CO_2$ emission when using fuel-cut function with the $CO_2$ mass when without using this function in this study. We found that the $CO_2$ emission reduced with fuel-cut function and measured the reduction rate of vehicle-exhausted $CO_2$ mass with this test results. The exhausted $CO_2$ mass of a passenger car(2,000cc engine volume) is reduced by 4% with this function used. This $CO_2$ reduction effect can be achieved if the downhill part of a highway is painted with a specific color. And this road painting can be included in the highway road rehabilitation policy.

Assessment of GHG Emission Reduction Potential in Extension of Nuclear and Renewable Energy Electricity Generation (원자력과 신재생에너지 발전설비 확대에 따른 온실가스 저감 잠재량에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Soo-Young;Park, Sang-Won;Song, Ho-Jun;Park, Jin-Won
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.191-202
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    • 2009
  • South Korea, ranks 10th largest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world, will probably be under the obligation to reduce GHG emission from 2013. It is very important to reduce the electrical energy consumption since 30% of GHG emission in South Korea is made during electricity generation. In this study, based on "the 1st national energy master plan", the GHG emission reduction potential and the feasibility of the scenario in the electricity generation have been analyzed using LEAP(Long-range Energy Alternative Planning system). The scenario of the mater plan contains the 41% expansion of nuclear power plant facilities and the 11% diffusion of renewable energy until 2030. In result, total $CO_2$ emission reduction rate is 28.8% in 2030. Also $CO_2$ emission of unit electricity generation of bituminous coal power plant is $0.85kgCO_2/kWh$ and its LNG power plant is $0.51kgCO_2/kWh$ in BAU scenario. Therefore when existing facilities is exchanged for nuclear or renewable energy power plant, substitute of bituminous power plant is more effective than LNG power.

Evaluation on the Additional CO2 by Mobile Air Conditioning Systems of Korean Light-duty Vehicles (국내 소형자동차의 에어컨 가동에 따른 CO2 배출량 평가)

  • Park, Junhong;Lee, Jongtae;Kim, Sunmoon;Kim, Jeongsoo;Kang, Gunwoo
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.259-270
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    • 2012
  • Mobile air conditioning(MAC) systems of light-duty vehicles consume the most energy among auxiliary parts. Vehicle $CO_2$ reduction policies in Korea, US EPA and EU include the strategies to reduce additional $CO_2$ by MAC operation with providing incentive for the high-efficient MAC technologies. It is under development how to estimate MAC $CO_2$ and to differentiate advanced or high-efficient MAC system in US EPA and EU. The additional energy by MAC operation would beaffected by not only driving patterns but also environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. In this study, we estimated MAC $CO_2$ of Korean light-duty vehicles with various driving cycles and environmental conditions. Test results were corrected to reference conditions for varied temperature and humidity during tests to get the comparable data for test vehicles. The test results showed that high-efficient MAC technologies have potential to reduce MAC $CO_2$ approximately by 50%. Considering the rate of MAC $CO_2$ to vehicle $CO_2$, it is expected that the introduction of high-efficient MAC technologies would considerably reduce vehicle $CO_2$ emission in MAC operation.

Effect of Compression Ratio Change on Emission Characteristics of HCNG Engine (압축비 변화가 수소-천연가스 엔진의 배기특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sung Won;Lim, Gi Hun;Park, Cheol Woong;Choi, Young;Kim, Chang Gi
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2013
  • This study focused on a heavy-duty natural gas engine fuelled with HCNG (CNG: 70 vol%, hydrogen: 30 vol%) and CNG. To study the emission characteristics of an HCNG engine with high compression ratio, the exhaust gas of CNG and HCNG fuel were analyzed in relation to the change in the compression ratio at the half load condition. The results showed that the thermal efficiency improved with an increase in the compression ratio. Consequently, $CO_2$ emission decreased. CO emission increased with inefficient oxidation due to the low exhaust gas temperature. $NO_x$ emission with high compression ratio was increased at the same excess air ratio condition. However, $NO_x$ emission was not affected by a compression ratio exceeding ${\lambda}$ = 1.9 because of the same MBT timing.

The analysis of Change on Property and CO2 Emission Factor of Domestic Transportation Fuel from 2012 to 2015 (2012 ~ 2015년 국내 수송용 연료의 물성 및 CO2 배출계수의 변화추이 분석연구)

  • Kang, Hyungkyu;Doe, Jinwoo;Lim, Wanguy;Hwang, Inha;Ha, Jonghan;Na, Byungki
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.855-863
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    • 2016
  • Most greenhouse gases were arisen from the generation and use of energy, more than about 95 % of greenhouse gas from the traffic section was resulted by the transportation fuels. Also, when using the $CO_2$ emission factor suggested at IPCC G/L, there was the weakness which did not reflect the own property of fuel by country. And most industrialized countries have applied with the $CO_2$ emission factor of Tier 2 or Tier 3 to make the national greenhouse report to submit to UN according to the Kyoto Protocol. In this study, the transportation fuels using in domestic like unleaded gasoline, diesel, etc were analysed to identify the physical/chemical properties and these data were used to calculate the $CO_2$ emission factor of each fuels. And the study analysed the time series analysis to compare the property of fuels according to the change of time.

Study of the Assessment Baseline of Carbon Dioxide Emissions based on the Analysis of Building Energy Efficiency Rating System (건축물 에너지효율등급 인증현황분석을 통한 CO2 배출량 평가 베이스라인 연구)

  • Jung, Ho Gun;Shin, Sung Woo;Lee, Byeongho
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to establish the assessment baseline of $CO_2$ emissions from building operations in the view of GHG reduction policy in Korea. The assessment baseline of $CO_2$ emissions shall be used in GHG policy and Carbon Credits in building sectors, but the assessment baseline has not been studied enough or established yet. Also, $CO_2$ emissions from building operations will be variable according to the building occupancy. Therefore the baseline will be different and this study aimed at the establishment of the assessment baseline for residential apartments and office buildings firstly. After reviews of BEER and international standards for building $CO_2$ emissions such as ISO and UNEP-SBCI documents, the analysis of BEER certification data has been pursued for 292 residential apartment complexes and 65 office buildings in South Korea during 2004~2012. As analysis results, the assessment baseline was set to 23.03 $kg{\cdot}CO_2/m^2{\cdot}yr$ or 1.95 $t{\cdot}CO_2/unit{\cdot}yr$ for residential apartment complexes, and 95.91 $kg{\cdot}CO_2/m^2{\cdot}yr$ for office buildings according to the BEER certification basis. Additional assessment baselines were calculated according to year basis, region basis, public and private basis, and GHG policy basis. Finally, the established baseline for residential apartment complexes has been applied for the pilot project in M district, Seoul, and showed 24.97% reduction rate according to the BEER certification basis.

Estimation of CO2 reduction in poorer plants to meet the KYOTO protocol on climate change (기후변화헙약 시행에 따른 발전 분야의 $CO_2$ 감축량 예측)

  • 장길홍;정석용;김해경;황재동;우광제
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.206-207
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    • 2000
  • 지구환경문제 중 지구온난화는 에너지 사용과 상관 관계가 있기 때문에 국가간에 이해 관계가 완전히 해결되지 못한 상태이나, 1997년 쿄토 의정서가 체결됨으로써 우리나라에도 구체적 시행시기 및 감축의무에 대한 압력이 가중되고 있다. 지구 온난화에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 $CO_2$에 대한 규제는 이미 유럽에서 자동차 규제, 탄소세 도입, 화력발전소 건설 규제 등의 형태로 나타나고 있다. 우리나라 전체 이산화탄소 배출량 중 에너지분야에서 배출되는 이산화탄소는 약 25% 정도인 것으로 알려져 있다. (중략)

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Mixture-Proportioning Model for Low-CO2 Concrete Considering the Type and Addition Level of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (혼화재 종류 및 치환율을 고려한 저탄소 콘크리트 배합설계 모델)

  • Jung, Yeon-Back;Yang, Keun-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.427-434
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is to establish an rational mixture-proportioning procedure for low-$CO_2$ concrete using supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) achieving the targeted $CO_2$ reduction ratio as well as the conventional requirements such as initial slump, air content, and 28-day compressive strength of concrete. To evaluate the effect of SCM level on the $CO_2$ emission and compressive strength of concrete, a total of 12537 data sets were compiled from the available literature and ready-mixed concrete plants. The amount of $CO_2$ emission of concrete was assessed under the system boundary from cradle to concrete production stage at a ready-mixed concrete plant. Based on regression analysis using the established database, simple equations were proposed to determine the mixture proportions of concrete such as the type and level of SCMs, water-to-binder ratio, and fine aggregate-to-total aggregate ratio. Furthermore, the $CO_2$ emissions for a given concrete mixture can be straightforwardly calculated using the proposed equations. Overall, the developed mixture-proportioning procedure is practically useful for determining the initial mixture proportions of low-$CO_2$ concrete in the ready-mixed concrete field.