• Title/Summary/Keyword: CO2 배출량

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Developing Predictive Modelling of CO2 Emissions of Construction Equipment Using Artificial Neural Network and Non-linear Regression (인공신경망 및 비선형 회귀분석을 이용한 건설장비의 CO2 배출량 예측 모델 개발)

  • Im, Somin;Noh, Jaeyun;Ro, Sangwoo;Lee, Minwoo;Han, Seungwoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2019.11a
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    • pp.16-17
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    • 2019
  • In order to measure the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from the construction sites, many literature which have been conducted have proposed methodologies for calculating coefficients based on actual data collections for estimating the emission formula. The existing data collected under controlled conditions not on site measurement were too limited to apply in actual sites. The purpose of this study is to conduct analysis based on the data measured in fields and to present predictive models using artificial neural network and nonlinear regression analysis for appropriate predictions and practical applications.

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A Prediction Model of CO2 Emissions for Construction Equipment Using Curve Fitting (Curve Fitting을 이용한 건설장비 CO2 배출량 예측 모델)

  • Noh, Jaeyun;Kim, Yujin;Lee, Jiyeon;Lee, Minwoo;Han, Seungwoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.107-108
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    • 2020
  • The severity of the global climate crisis is increasing due to greenhouse gases caused by human activities. As a result, countries and industries are making efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the biggest cause of global warming. Many studies have been conducted to predict carbon emissions in the construction sector to reduce this, but they have not actually produced a highly usable formula in the field. Therefore, the two variables 'Curve Fitting' were performed based on the data of excavators and trucks measured at the field. As a result, we have obtained a carbon dioxide emission prediction model for construction equipment, and we would like to use it to help establish an eco-friendly process plan.

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An Estimation of Carbon Stocks in Harvested Wood Products in Korean Houses (우리나라 주택분야 내 목제품의 탄소저장량 추정)

  • Choi, Soo Im;Joo, Rin Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.100 no.4
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    • pp.708-714
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    • 2011
  • Wood store carbon that the forest absorbed until burned or decomposed over a long period. Such materials are most used in houses except in paper and pulp, and the use of wood in houses play an important role in reducing green-house gases. Therefore, we estimated the amount of carbon stocks in Korean houses, and analyzed how much contribution such stocks offers to green-house gas reduction. As the result, the carbon stocks amount of the wood products in Korean houses was 28.4 million $tCO_2$, which is 4.6% of the total annual green-house gas emission in Korea (620 million $tCO_2$ e), and 77.4% of forest sinks (LULUCF). Even though few wooden houses which use most wood in housing exist in Korea, the carbon stocks of wood products in houses in 2010 increased to 4.1 times that in 1975 (21.4 million $tCO_2$) because the carbon stocks increased due to apartment construction, which hit its stride from the last 1980's.

A Study on Development of Reliability Assessment of GHG-CAPSS (GHG-CAPSS 신뢰도 평가 방법 개발을 위한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Rim;Kim, Seung Do;Hong, Yu Deok;Lee, Su Bin;Jung, Ju Young
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.203-219
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    • 2011
  • Greenhouse gas(GHG) inventories were reported recently in various fields. It, however, has been rarely to mention about the accuracy and reliability of the GHG inventory results. Some reliable assessment methods were introduced to judge the accuracy of the GHG inventory results. It is, hence, critical to develop an evaluation methodology. This project was designed 1) to develop evaluation methodology for reliability of inventory results by GHG-CAPSS, 2) to check the feasibility of the developed evaluation methodology as a result of applying this methodology to two emission sources: liquid fossil fuel and landfill, and 3) to construct the technical roadmap for future role of GHG-CAPSS. Qualitative and quantitative assessment methodologies were developed to check the reliability and accuracy of the inventory results. Qualitative assessment methodology was designed to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of estimation methods of GHG emissions from emission and sink sources, activity data, emission factor, and quality management schemes of inventory results. On the other hand, quantitative assessment methodology was based on the uncertainty assessment of emission results. According to the results of applying the above evaluation methodologies to two emission sources, those seem to be working properly. However, it is necessary to develop source-specific rating systems because emission and sink sources exhibit source-specific characteristics of GHG emissions and sinks.

Energy Usage and Emissions of Air Pollutants in North Korea (북한 에너지 사용과 대기오염물질 배출 현황)

  • Kim, In-Sun;Lee, Ji-Yi;Kim, Yong-Pyo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2011
  • Data on the energy usage including biomass, emissions of air pollutants ($SO_x$, $NO_x$, CO), and the air quality in North Korea are analyzed. The energy usage in North Korea has decreased in the 1990s and thus, the emission amount of air pollutants. Coal and biomass constitute a major fraction of energy sources since the 1990s. It is identified that the emission amount of air pollutants per unit energy consumption in North Korea is much higher than South Korea for the period data are available (since 1990) implying that the air pollutant emission management system in North Korea is inadequate. In particular, the amount of biomass burning for household cooking and heating is significant with the huge emissions of air pollutants such as CO and organic species both in the gas and aerosol phase. Furthermore, it is found that the existing energy usage and air pollutant emission data are not consistent in biomass burning related data.

Study on HFC-134a Hydrate Formation Rate : according to stirring speed and driving force (HFC-134a 하이드레이트의 형성속도에 관한 연구 : stirring speed, driving force 조건에 따라)

  • Shin, Hyung-Joon;Moon, Dong-Hyun;Seok, Ming-Wang;Lee, Gang-Woo
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.554-554
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    • 2009
  • 지구온난화는 범지구적 환경문제로 매우 빠른 속도로 진행되면서 그 심각성을 더해가고 있다. 특히 해수면 상승이나 대형 태풍, 홍수, 가뭄 등의 이상기후가 빈번하게 발생되며 생태계에도 심각한 타격을 주고 있다. 이러한 지구온난화를 유발하는 물질들에 대해 도쿄의정서(Annex A)에 6대 온실가스($CO_2$ (이산화탄소), 메탄($CH_4$), $N_2O$(아산화질소), PFC(불화탄소), HFC(수소화불화탄소), $SF_6$(육불화황))로 정의 하여 규제대상으로 분류하고 있다. $CO_2$를 제외한 Non-$CO_2$ 온실가스들은 배출량이 $CO_2$에 비해 매우 낮지만 GWP(지구온난화지수)가 매우 커 지구온난화에 미치는 영향이 상당하다. 최근 이산화탄소 이외에 지구온난화 문제를 일으키는 온실가스에 대한 많은 관심으로 대상가스의 처리 또는 재활용을 위한 신기술 및 신공정 개발에 박차를 가하고 있다. 온실가스 중 HFCs는 GWP가 1300으로 미량의 배출로도 심각한 기후변화를 일으킬 수 있는 물질로, 우리나라의 경우 1990년 이후 HFCs 배출량 증가율은 연 평균 4.9% ~ 13.8%이다. 국내외 온실가스 처리기술은 대부분 CO2에 대한 연구개발 및 실증화가 지배적이고, non-CO2에 대한 처리기술 개발수준은 미흡할 뿐만 아니라 본 연구 대상인 HFCs 의 경우에는 처리기술 연구개발이 전무하다. 특히 HFCs는 냉매 또는 발포제로 사용되는데 일반적으로 사용 후 특별한 처리과정 없이 대기중으로 배출된다. 본 연구에서는 non-CO2 가스인 HFC-134a 를 대상으로 혼합가스에서 분리 회수를 위해 하이드레이트 기술을 접목시켜 경제적, 친환경적인 기술개발을 목적으로 한다. kinetic 반응장치와 고압반응기 및 magnetic drive system 을 이용하여 stirring speed와 driving force에 따른 HFC-134a 하이드레이트 형성속도의 상관관계를 제시하고자 한다.

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A Study on Estimation of the Greenhouse Gas Emission from the Road Transportation Infrastructure Using the Geostatistical Analysis -A Case of the Daegu- (공간통계기법을 이용한 도로교통기반의 온실가스 관한 연구 -대구광역시를 대상으로-)

  • Lee, Sang Woo;Lee, Seung Wook;Lee, Seung Yeob;Hong, Won Hwa
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2014
  • This study was intended to reliably predict the traffic green house gas emission in Daegu with the use of spatial statistical technique and calculate the traffic green house gas emission of each administrative district on the basis of the accurately predicted emission. First, with the use of the traffic actually surveyed at a traffic observation point, and traffic green house gas emission was calculated. Secondly, on the basis of the calculation, and with the use of Universal Kriging technique, this researcher set a suitable variogram modeling to accurately and reliably predict the green house gas emission at non-observation point suitable through spatial correlation, and then performed cross validation to prove the validity of the proper variogram modeling and Kriging technique. Thirdly, with the use of the validated kriging technique, traffic green gas emission was visualized, and its distribution features were analyzed to predict and calculate the traffic green house gas emission of each administrative district. As a result, regarding the traffic green house gas emission of each administration, it was found that Bukgu had the highest green house gas emission of $291,878,020kgCO_2eq/yr$.

Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Reduction according to Different Scenarios of Zero Food Waste Residential Buildings (음식물류폐기물 제로화 주거단지 구축 시나리오별 비용 및 환경효과 분석)

  • Oh, Jeong-Ik;Yoon, Eun-Joo;Park, Ire;Kim, Yeong-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.353-363
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    • 2016
  • In this study, traditional treatment scenario of food wastes that collected and transported food waste is recycled in large treatment facilities and suggested treatment scenario of onsite zero discharge system that food waste is treated in housing complex were supposed. The scenarios were compared and analyzed by capital expenditure, oil consumption, $CO_2$ emission quantity, operating expenditure and management expenses. The capital expenditure, oil consumption and $CO_2$ emission quantity of small scale dispersion dealing method is the lowest compared to traditional treatment method. As a results, it is possible to obtain the effect that operating expenditure was reduced by 91% and management expenses was reduced by 40% with suggested treatment method. The treatment method that have low capital expenditure is tend to lower oil consumption and $CO_2$ emission quantity. The small scale dispersion dealing method have the lowest capital expenditure, oil consumption and $CO_2$ emission quantity and the linked method with sewage treatment have the highest expenditure and $CO_2$ emission quantity. Eventually, the optimal model of onsite zero discharge system in housing complex is small scale dispersion dealing method.

An Analysis of High School Students' Conceptions of Conservation of Mass on Carbon Cycle through Carbon Emission Scenario (탄소 배출 시나리오를 통한 고등학생들의 탄소 순환에 대한 질량 보존의 개념 분석)

  • Seo, Jeong-Wook;Kim, Hyoungbum;Potvin, Patrice
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.192-202
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate high school students' conception of conservation of mass through the scenario of carbon emission in terms of carbon cycle. Seventy six high school students of 11th grade were participated in this study. Participants were provided with two scenarios that showed a gradual increase and decrease of atmospheric $CO_2$ amount from the level recorded in 2013 up to 450 ppm and to 340 ppm by 2110, which is the changes of around 15%. We asked participants to explain the reason after having them draw the emissions trajectory of $CO_2$ according to scenario. Most participants thought that carbon emission would continue to increase despite the two scenarios of carbon emission making sense in terms of conservation of mass between emissions and the natural removal of carbon dioxide. This implies that participants came to think of pattern matching that carbon emission would continue to increase as they used correlation graphs of carbon emission: that is, the graphs of the evolution of anthropogenic emissions, of atmospheric $CO_2$, and of global mean temperature, from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution up to date, all of which are shown in high school earth science textbooks.

Calculation of Breakeven Point for LNG-Heavy Oil Transfer of D Thermal Power Plant Considering $CO_2$ Emission Cost ($CO_2$ 배출비용을 감안한 D 발전소의 LNG-중유 연료교제 손익분기점 계산)

  • Jeong, Yeong-Ho;Lee, Sang-Joong;Lee, Gene-Kyu;Yang, Seong-Deog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.65-67
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    • 2008
  • Kyoto Protocol against global warming came into effect in Feb 2005. This paper presents a calculation $CO_2$ emission of D power plant for combusting LNG and heavy oil using the a, b, c coefficients obtained by the performance test. The authors also calculate the breakeven point of the fuel transfer from LNG to Oil considering recent $CO_2$ emission cost.

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