• Title/Summary/Keyword: CAD software

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A Persistent Naming of Shells

  • Marcheix, David
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2006
  • Nowadays, many commercial CAD systems support history-based, constraint-based and feature-based modeling. Unfortunately, most systems fail during the re-evaluation phase when various kind of topological changes occur. This issue is known as "persistent naming" which refers to the problem of identifying entities in an initial parametric model and matching them in the re-evaluated model. Most works in this domain focus on the persistent naming of atomic entities such as vertices, edges or faces. But very few of them consider the persistent naming of aggregates like shells (any set of faces). We propose in this paper a complete framework for identifying and matching any kind of entities based on their underlying topology, and particularly shells. The identifying method is based on the invariant structure of each class of form features (a hierarchical structure of shells) and on its topological evolution (an historical structure of faces). The matching method compares the initial and the re-evaluated topological histories, and computes two measures of topological similarity between any couple of entities occurring in both models. The naming and matching method has been implemented and integrated in a prototype of commercial CAD Software (Topsolid).

A Study on the Geometric Body Design for a 3"-PFA-lined Plug Valve using CAD Softwares (CAD 소프트웨어를 활용한 3인치 PFA 라이닝 플러그 밸브 본체의 형상설계)

  • Kang, Shin-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, the geometric design for the body of a 3"-PFA-lined plug valve is concerned, and body model which has less deformed PFA-resin after infection molding process is proposed. A CAE software is used to simulate the deformation due to heat in cooling. To reduce the deformation, some small shapes are added to PFA-resin surfaces related on wall of the valve housing. And thermal stress simulation with FEM methodology is followed after that. Also, the 3D-CAD package is used during the design processes. In this study, I tried to present the possibility to use the FEM analysis in the solid modeling process. So, the design engineer will be able to use analysis package effectively on his job within the limited range.

Development of Automatic Geometry Design Program for 3-Dimensional Mechanical Element (3차원 기계요소를 위한 자동형상 설계프로그램 개발)

  • 김민주;전언찬
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.126-134
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    • 2003
  • In this study we do for the thing to develop automatic geometry design program of a mechanical element that we have used in CAD/CAM system. The program, which produces automatically three-dimensional surface and a solid model that have been used in CAD/CAM system, widely create automated two and three-dimensional model to by inputting several necessaries for a design, fur the design element. It is emphasized if you are just a beginner having only basic knowledge of the mechanical engineering, you might be able to design easily a three-dimensional model. The software to be used to develop automatic geometry design program is visualLISP to be a developer program of AutoCAD.

Development of CAD Software for Automatic Design of Disk-Typed Cams-Part I : Iterative Contact Method (디스크형 캠의 자동설계용 CAD S/W 개발-Part I :설계 및 해석 알고리즘 개발)

  • Son, Ju-Ri;Sin, Jung-Ho
    • 한국기계연구소 소보
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    • s.19
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 1989
  • Generally Cam-Follower systems consist of two elements: Cam is for rotating motion and follower for reciprocating motion. Depending on the shape of cam and type of follower, the motion of cam-follower system is determined. Thus design process and analysis process must be well defined. The design process means to find the coordinates of cam shape which can be defined the given motion of follower and the analysis process means to determine the motion curve of follower corresponding to the given cam based on the dimensions of a cam-follower system. This paper consists of two parts: One is development of a numerical method for design and analysis of cam-follower systems, the other is for development of a CAD program and its application. As the first part of the paper, an iterative contact method is proposed. This method can calculate the contact points between cam and roller and determine their contact angles iteratively. The second part of the paper presents the structure of a CAD program and its availability to the industrial applications.

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An Automatic Design of Pants Pattern Making using Dialogue Function of Computer (1) (컴퓨터의 대화기능을 이용한 바지원형의 자동설계 (1))

  • Koo Insook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.15 no.4 s.40
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this research was to develop an automatic design with dialogue function in computer for pants pattern making. AutoCAD including AutoLISP was the programable software package, so AutoCAD were used basically for this research. The conclusions were like these; 1. Dialogue functions of computer allowed the designer to choose emotional elements. 2. The coordinate points needed in drafting for women's pants pattern making were suggest-ed by numerical fomula. So, if the input data of body sizes needed were used, pants patterns for person were automatically obtained as the output. 3. The several curvature parts were presented by using exponent function and the arc drawing of AutoCAD and the degree of bends were to be selected by choosing the simple parameter of algebraic function and arc AutoCAD command. 4. The program permited pattern manipulation and pattern grading of five standard sizes were presented. Also its flow chart by AutoLISP with dialogue function were presented.

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An Algorithm of CAD Data Extraction for the Computer Controlled Marking System (컴퓨터 제어 마킹을 위한 CAD 데이터 추출 알고리즘)

  • Jeon, Seong-Gu;Kim, Il-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2003.11c
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    • pp.906-909
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes an algorithm of CAD data extraction for the computer controlled making system. In general logo is directly designed at the marking controller, but that is not an effective method because of the very limited working area. In this paper, for the data extraction we used a general PC and Auto CAD for logo design, and developed the software with GUI(Graphic User Interface) method. Then the data is transferred to the marking controller for marking on the object. With experimental result we showed the proposed algorithm to be very effective in the computer controlled marking system.

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A Study on the Development of Program and Using CAD for Flower, Leaf and Fruit Characteristics of Deciduous Woody Landscape Plants in Korea (낙엽조경수목의 꽃,잎,열매,줄기 특성 정보체계 구축 및 CAD이용에 관한 연구)

  • 서병기;심경구;심재성;정해준
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.65-85
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    • 1994
  • This study was carried out to develope DBMS program and use CAD for flower, leaf and fruit characteristics of deciduous woody landscape plants in Suwon, Korea from January 1, 1992 to March 20,1993. The results were as follows : 1. The flower, leaf and fruit characteristics of 211 species which were anthesis, flowering period, flower color, leaf spreading, leaf color before fall leaf coloring, fall leaf color, fruiting, fruit period, fruit color and trunk color were investigated through field survey. 2. DBMS program for flower, leaf, fruit and trunk characteristics of deciduous woody landscape plants was developed with data through field survey. And the DBMS program might contribute to the decision of appropriate times for planting design for flowers, fall foliage color, fruit color and hark color. 3.During this procedure, CAD software was used to demonstrate the deblossom before leaf spreading and leaf spreading in flowering, fall foliage color, fruit color after leaf falling, and hark color for planting design as well as seasonal color change of deciduous woody landscape plants.

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A Comparison of Simulation Characteristics of VacCAD and VacTran as Vacuum Simulator

  • Hyung-Taek Kim
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we compared the VacCAD and VacTran, commercial vacuum simulators, to investigate the simulation applicability and efficiency as vacuum simulation software. It was verified on reliability and simplicity of simulation modelling, and characteristics of the pump combinations, pumping down curves, and employed vacuum materials. First, usability of simulation schematics was estimated through the modeling tools and the overall simulation characteristics of each simulator were compared to evaluate the applicability in practice. Simulation reliability of each simulator was also probed by comparing the pumping performance characteristics of commercial high vacuum system models. In addition, the degree of tolerances on both simulators was also evaluated through pumping down analysis considering outgassing effect due to chamber material variations. The higher effectiveness and expediency of VacCAD than VacTran has been presented, and it was also expected that the utilization of VacTan in vacuum applications to be increased due to the higher availability of modelling variations.

CBAbench: An AutoCAD-based Dynamic Geometric Constraint System

  • Gong, Xiong;Wang, Bo-Xing;Chen, Li-Ping
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, an integration framework of Geometric Constraint Solving Engine and AutoCAD is presented, and a dynamic geometric constraint system is introduced. According to inherent orientation features of geometric entities and various Object Snap results of AutoCAD, the' proposed system can automatically construct an under-constrained geometric constraint model during interactive drawing. And then the directed constraint graph in a geometric constraint model is realtime modified in order to produce an optimal constraint solving sequence. Due to the open object-oriented characteristics of AutoCAD, a set of user-defined entities including basic geometric elements and graphics constraint relations are defined through derivation. And the custom-made Object Reactor and Command Reactor are also constructed. Several powerful characteristics are achieved based on these user-defined entities and reactors, including synchronously processing geometric constraint information while saving and opening DWG files, visual constraint relations, and full adaptability to Undo/Redo operations. These characteristics of the proposed system can help the designers more easily manage geometric entities and constraint relations between them.

Study on The Strip Layout Design of LCD Shield Case Using 3D CAD/CAM (3차원 CAD/CAM을 활용한 액정용 실드 케이스의 스트립 레이아웃 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Kye-Kwang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.979-983
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    • 2007
  • In this thesis, a strip layout drawing of LCD S/C (shield case) was prepared. In the press die, strip layout drawing is a major factor that decides the mass production of a product. The 3D CAD/CAM system was applied for the easy correction of the interference factor with other parts to be mounted. The material use ratio was enhanced to 60.17% by optimizing the blank layout and strip layout in double width array. Furthermore, the flatness of the product was made to fit the requirements by adding the bidding process intensively on the notching part where the occurrence of the change in shape is expected owing to the thin material. For the 3D CAD/CAM software, Unigraphics NX3.0 was used. The strip layout drawing was prepared in 12 processes.

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