• Title/Summary/Keyword: CA 저장

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Effect of controlled atmosphere conditions on the quality and internal disorder of early season 'Fuji' apples during storage (Controlled atmosphere 저장 시스템을 이용한 기체조성 변화가 조생 '후지' 사과의 저장 중 품질 및 내부장해 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Chun, Ho Hyun;Park, Seok Ho;Choi, Dong Soo;Choi, Seung Ryul;Kim, Jin Se;Lee, Jin Su
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the change in the quality of early season Fuji apples that were subjected to eight different storage conditions using the developed controlled atmosphere (CA) storage system. Early season Fuji apples grown at Mungyeong, in the South Korea, were harvested in September 2014 for storage studies. Flesh firmness, titratable acidity, total soluble solid content, weight loss, and internal browning disorder were used as quality indicators for the stored apples. Flesh firmness and weight loss were better than that of the control after 70 days of storage. However, there was no significant difference in the titratable acidity or total soluble solid content among the apple samples from eight chambers after storage. The internal browning disorder of apple samples in CA chambers occurred when exposed to 1% $CO_2+2%$ $O_2$ and 1% $CO_2+0.5%$ $O_2$, resulting in a higher incidence rate of 2 and 8% after 70 days of storage than that in the control. In addition, the CA storage conditions at 3, 4 and 5% $CO_2+2%$ $O_2$ increased the rate of internal browning disorder by 26%. Therefore, CA storage can be used to maintain the quality of the apple if the optimal gas concentrations in the CA are applied to the storage strategy.

Quality Changes of 'Yeobong' Strawberry with CA Storage Conditions (CA저장조건에 따른 '여봉' 딸기의 품질변화)

  • Kim, Ji-Gang;Hong, Seong-Sik;Jeong, Seok-Tae;Kim, Young-Bae;Jang, Hyun-Sae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.871-876
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    • 1998
  • 'Yeobong' strawberries were stored at $2^{\circ}C$ under controlled atmosphere (CA) containing the combinations of $O_2{\;}(3.8%)$ and $CO_2{\;}(10,{\;}15,{\;}20%)$ and air as control. Atmospheres of $3%{\;}O_2+15%{\;}CO_2$ and $8%{\;}O_2+15%{\;}CO_2$ reduced respiration and ethylene production rates. Fruits kept under CA conditions of 10% and 15% $CO_2$ were harder than those stored under 20% $CO_2$ and air. The CA conditions of 10% or 15% $CO_2$ maintained approximately 80% of vitamin C for 24 days. Redness were increased and then decreased, but the changing trends were not clear among the storage conditions. Anthocyanin contents in $3%{\;}O_2+15%{\;}CO_2$ and $8%{\;}O_2+15%{\;}CO_2$ were slightly increased for 16 days and then decreased thereafter, while anthocyanin content in air was rapidly increased for 8 days. After 16 days of storage, off-flavor were perceived in all CA storage. And strawberries stored in 20% $CO_2$ conditions were unacceptable after 20 days. The 20% $CO_2$ significantly affected off-flavor of strawberries, but there was no significant difference between 10% $CO_2$ and 15% $CO_2$ conditions. Ethanol which is in relation to off-flavor was higher with elevated $CO_2$ levels. Although CA conditions under $3%{\;}O_2+15%{\;}CO_2$ was effective in delaying the quality changes, there was high ethanol content compared to $8%{\;}O_2+15%{\;}CO_2$ condition. Strawberry kept under $8%{\;}O_2+15%{\;}CO_2$ was maintained the shelf-life for 24 days and the condition prolonged more $4{\sim}8$ days and 12 days than the other CA conditions and air, resectively.

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Freshness of Satsuma Mandarin Packed in Anti-fogged MA Film with Acid Treated Zeolite (산 처리된 제올라이트와 결로 방지제를 함유한 MA 필름으로 포장한 감귤의 신선도)

  • Park, Hyung-Woo;Ryu, Na-Hee
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the effect of functional MA films (FMA) incorporated with zeolite powder treated with 1 N HCL solution and anti-fogging agent on the freshness extension of Satsuma mandarin. Preference, weight loss, total ascorbic acid, sugar content, titratable acidity and gas composition in package of Satsuma mandarin were evaluated during storage at $15^{\circ}C$. After 120 days of storage, the weight loss of mandarin packed with LLDPE film (control, L) was 1%, FMA film (CA) was 1.6%. Total ascorbic acid content of Satsuma manderin in control was 19.97 mg%, those of CA was 24.25 mg%. The titratable acidity of Satsuma manderin in CA was higher than that of control, while soluble solids content of CA was lower than that of control after 120 days. Ethylene gas content of control was 89.5 ppm and those of CA was 73.6 ppm after 120 days. Quality of Satsuma mandarin packed with CA was better than that of control. It was verified that shelf-life of Satsuma mandarin in control was 100 days and those of CA film was 130 days. Quality of Satsuma mandarin was few different between treated with anti-fogging agent and non-treated, but commodity of film treated with anti-fogging agent was considered better than that of non-treated.

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Effect of Edible Coatings on Softening of the Stored Immature Plums (식용코팅이 미숙 자두의 연화에 미치는 효과)

  • Song, Tae-Hee;Kim, Chul-Jai
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.317-323
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    • 1999
  • Immature plums(Prunus salicina L.) were coated with edible coatings, calcium-added methyl cellulose(CaMC) and hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose-15(CaHPMC-15). Weight loss and respiration rate of immature plums coated with CaMC and CaHPMC-15 were lower only at the earlier storage period. The titratable acidity of plums was decreased and pH was increased during storage, Soluble pectin, pectinesterase, and polygalacturonase activity as the marker of softening were commonly increased with storage time, but those increases were lower in CaMC and CaHPMC-15-coated plums. Mechanical firmness became significantly soft during storage, while the coated plums were remained harder. As a result of sensory evaluation, softening of plum tissue was found during storage, but the coated plums had the harder texture. These data suggest that the application of CaMC or CaHPMC-15 coatings into immature plums can reduce the postharvest softening during storage.

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The short-term storage characteristics of cut kimchi cabbages treated with Ca2+ (Ca2+처리 절단배추의 소포장 단기 저장 특성)

  • Kim, Sang-Seop;Seong, Gi-Un;Hwang, Hee-Young;Jeong, Moon-Cheol;Chung, Shin-Kyo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.157-162
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    • 2014
  • To enhance the commercialization of fresh cut kimchi cabbage, the short-term storage effect of cut kimchi cabbage treated with $Ca^{2+}$ was studied. Cut kimchi cabbages ($3{\times}3$ cm) were treated with 2% calcium chloride (Ca), ascorbic acid (As), citric acid (Ct), and calcium chloride and citric acid (Ca/Ct), were put inside LDPE bags, and stored at $5^{\circ}C$ for 6 weeks. The weights reduced about 0.13~0.72%, and the ratio was the lowest in the Ca/Ct treatment. The reduction ratios of soluble soilds were 18.85~35.00%, and were the lowest in the Ca/Ct treatment. The titratable acidity decreased in all the treatments. The L values decreased, but a and b values of Hunter colorimeter increased in all the treatments. The preference for Ca/Ct treatment was the highest among all the treatments in the sensory evaluation. The marketing shelf-life of cut kimchi cabbage can be prolonged by the combination treatment of $Ca^{2+}$ and citric acid.

Effect of CA Storage Conditions on the Internal Breakdown of Fuji Apple Fruits under CA Storage (Fuji 사과의 CA저장중 저장조건이 과육갈변에 미치는 영향)

  • 이주백;최종욱
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.227-235
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    • 1997
  • The internal breakdown of Fuji apple during CA storage classified as watercore breakdown, low temperature breakdown and CO2 injury. This study was undertaken to investigate the watercore breakdown injury factors of Korean Fuji apple during CA storage. The development of internal breakdown was more increased with the larger size, the later harvest time and the hither CO2 gas level. But in internal breakdown fruit of the titratable acidity and soluble solid decreased significantly, the pH of fruit juice and the production of carbon dioxide was greatly increased. The best gas levels of CA storage was 2% oxygen and 3% carbon dioxide. Thus, the predictable parameters of internal breakdown of fruit were increase in pH on decrease titratable acidity within 2 months of CA storage, increase carbon dioxide. So, it was found that the best CA sotrage for internal breakdown control of fruit during CA storage was delayed CA storage methods after low temperature storage immediate harvest of apple and than took a step. The delayed CA storage after low temperature storage for 2 months was more effective in the prevention of development of internal breakdown than immediate CA storage after harvest.

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Influence of Storage Atmosphere on Quality Preservation of 'Tsugaru' Apples (저장기체조성이 Tsugaru 사과의 품질유지에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Hun-Sik;Lee, Hyun-Dong;Kim, Sung-Youl;Lee, Hun-Chul;Jeong, Hye-Seung;Choi, Jong-Uck
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.668-673
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    • 2000
  • The influence of storage atmosphere on ethylene production, quality attributes and storage injury of 'Tsugaru' apples was investigated. Apples were stored in 1% $O_2+1%\;CO_2,\;1%\;O_2+3%\;CO_2,\;3%\;O_2+1%\;CO_2,\;3%\;O_2+3%\;CO_2$ and air at $0^{\circ}C$ for 5 months. Ethylene production was more suppressed by 1% $O_2$ than 3% $O_2$ atmospheres regardless $CO_2$ levels. The loss of flesh firmness and the decrease of titratable acidity were not significantly different among the storage atmospheres until 3 months of storage but more retarded by 1% $O_2$ than 3% $O_2$ atmospheres thereafter. Soluble solid content was unaffected by the storage atmosphere, but the content tended to be increased until 2 months of storage and then not varied. Ethanol content increased up to a peak level followed by a gradual loss during storage in CA but increased continuously in air. In the sensory evaluation after storage for 5 months, hardness, tartness and overall acceptability of apples stored in 1% $O_2$ atmospheres were significantly higher than those stored in the others. There was no fruit injury or off-flavor production resulting from the 1% $O_2$ atmospheres. The incidence of bitter pit was reduced as storage $O_2$ level decreased. The results show that the optimum conditions of CA storage for 'Tsugaru' apples are $0^{\circ}C$ and 1% $O_2+1{\sim}3%\;CO_2$.

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Quality and Physiological Characteristics of Pinus densiflora Seeds Under Different Storage Periods and Temperatures (장기 저장과 저장 온도에 따른 소나무 종자 품질과 생리적 특성)

  • Gu, Da-Eun;Ku, Ja-Jung;Han, Sim-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.3
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    • pp.418-427
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    • 2022
  • Our aim was to evaluate the quality of pine seeds after long-term storage and to analyze the correlation between germination and physiological characteristics. Therefore, we investigated the germination and physiological characteristics of seeds stored for different periods and storage temperatures. Pine seeds lost little viability and vigor after 12 years of storage at 4℃; it is even possible to prolong the storage period at -18℃. The deterioration process operating through long-term storage was characterized by a loss of seed vigor before a loss in seed viability. Electrical conductivity of the seed leachate was significantly higher in seeds that completely lost their viability, and was also found to be significantly correlated with the germination percentage, T50, mean germination time, and germination speed. Among the minerals leaked to the leachate, K had the highest concentration, followed by Na, Ca, Cu, Mg, and Fe, while Mn and Zn were not detected. Concentrations of K, Ca, Cu, Mg, and Fe in the leachate differed significantly by treatment, and in the cases of K, Ca, Cu, Na, and Mg, we observed large differences in the leachate between the seeds that were collected in 2003 and those collected in other years.. Germination percentage was significantly negatively correlated to the concentrations of Ca, Cu, K, Mg, and Na. The coefficient of uniformity of germination was significantly negatively correlated to Cu concentration. The other germination characteristics were not significantly correlated with the mineral concentration. Therefore, the mineral concentrations of pine seed leachate were not reliable indicators of seed deterioration when the differences in quality between seed lots were small. However, electrical conductivity could be an indicator of seed viability and vigor of pine seeds under long-term storage.

Effects of Calcium Chloride Treatment and Modified Atmosphere Packaging on the Quality Change of 'Fuji' Apple (염화칼슘 처리와 MAP 저장이 '후지' 사과의 품질변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyung-Woo;Lee, Seon-Ah;Kim, Yoon-Ho;Kim, Yu-Mi;Cha, Hwan-Soo;Park, Jong-Dae
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.457-461
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    • 2007
  • We investigated the effects of both $CaCl_2$ treatment and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) (compared with non-packaging on 'Fuji' apples from the Young-Joo region of Korea. Apples were dined into 5% (w/v) $CaCl_2$ solution for 15 min and then packaged with or without LDPE film (thickness: 0.025 mm) before cold storage at $0^{\circ}C$. Weight loss of applies in film packaging was lower than that of non-packaging applies, and the apple firmness resulting from $CaCl_2$ treatment and MAP was better than that of apples receiving control treatment. Also, $CaCl_2$ treatment and MAP resulted in improvements in titratable acidity, soluble solid content (SSC), and decay rate compared to control treatments. However, no significant differences in vitamin C content were found amongst apples receiving various treatment. the results suggest that a combination of postharvest calcium dipping and plastic film packaging may effectively preserve 'Fuji' apples, and that the combined treatment are better than either individual treatment.

Ca-Alginate에 고정화된 Calcium Carbonate를 완충제로 사용한 Bifidobacterium longum의 배양 증대와 저장 안정성

  • Lee, Gi-Yong;Yu, Won-Gyu;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Heo, Tae-Ryeon
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.203-206
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    • 2000
  • Calcium carbonate $(CaCO_3)$ bead immobilized with alginate were developed as buffer system to enhance the cultivation efficiency of bifidobacteria. When Bifidobacteriuim longum KCTC 3128 and HLC 3742 were independently cultivated in 2.5-liter fermenter buffered the $CaCO_3$ bead, NaOH, $Na_2CO_3$, and $NH_4OH$. The proliferation of bifidobacteria and their storage stability were higher in culture broth buffered $CaCO_3$ beads than in culture broth buffered with NaOH, $Na_2CO_3$, and $NH_4OH$. Therefore, $CaCO_3$ bead may be useful as a buffer to enhance of the cultivation efficiency and viability of bifidobacteria.

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