• Title/Summary/Keyword: Bussiness Architecture

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Business Architecture Design of a Highway Asset Management System (도로자산관리시스템의 업무아키텍처 설계)

  • Nah, Hei-Suk;Lim, Jong-Tae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.931-942
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    • 2011
  • As the social infrastructure becomes deteriorated, its maintenance cost has been increased rapidly. There are growing needs to manage facilities systematically to reduce this kind of maintenance budget, and furthermore to avoid safety accidents in Korea. Asset management is widely used in New Zealand, the United States, Great Britain to manage their social facilities. In these countries, standardized information model and its system are developed and in service for asset management. There are several researches on asset management of social infrastructure in Korea, and the KTAM-40 work procedure is one of the main results for these researches. In this paper, the IIMM of New Zealand and the KTAM-40 of Korea, were surveyed to develop a business architecture of the highway asset management system. A new business architecture for the highway asset management system is proposed based on the KTAM-40 work procedure: First, the organization and its role for the highway asset management are defined. Second, business functions of the highway asset management are classified. Third, the highway asset management functions and the flow of information are defined. In the last section, differences between the newly designed architecture and the other systems' architecture is reviewed.

Development of Spatial Database Management System for Land Management Information System(LMIS) (토지관리정보체계를 위한 공간자료관리 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 홍성학;김태현;조영동;장병진
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.107-124
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is to develop system and to establish methodology for managing spatial Database in Land Management Information System(LMIS). Spatial Database which is used by a various public department such as parcel survey and registry, land use planning and Land value appraisal in local government, is composed of parcel map, topographic map and zoning map. Spatial data has been constructed and managed by various department and then hard to maintain accuracy and coinsistency. So, it is important to establish the basic data management concept that source data(ex : parcel map, topographic map, zoning map, etc.) should be managed by responsible department. at the same time, application data for bussiness (ex : individual parcel price map) must be recomposed from base map by it's own objects. This is, Spatial data management system (SDMS) should be designed, developed according to this concept for managing consistency among data, reducing construction and management cost of database. Our SDMS was developed based on Open LMIS middleware architecture using OpenGIS CORBA specification for standard interface, RUP(Rational Unified Process) for development methodology, UML(Unified Modeling Language) for system design and VisiBroker, C++, CAD system for system implementation.

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